Marvel Database



Colonel John Jameson was the son of Joan Jameson and J. Jonah Jameson,[15] once the publisher of the famous newspaper Daily Bugle. After he became one of the youngest applicants to ever be accepted into NASA's astronaut program, John went on a mission to orbit Earth. Unfortunately, the capsule he was piloting, lost the Guidance Packet, causing it to spin out of control. Peter Parker, who was watching the flight in his civilian identity, realized what was happening and put his Spider-Man costume on to jump to John's rescue. He installed a replacement unit, and John was able to land the craft safely. Despite the daring rescue, John's father had his newspaper discredit Spider-Man by accusing him of staging the whole thing to steal the spotlight.[5][15][16]

Jupiter Suit from She-Hulk Vol 1 9 001

Wearing the Jupiter Suit

On another space mission, Jameson contracted an unknown virus that increased his strength to superhuman levels, so, upon his return, Tony Stark designed the Jupiter Suit to help him keep his strength in check. When it appeared that Spider-Man was involved in a bank robbery, Jonah persuaded his son to use his strength to subdue the web-slinger and thus become a public hero. John agreed, but, after two encounters, Spider-Man managed to neutralize the virus in Jameson's body by a high dosage of electricity.[17][16]


John Jameson was then sent on a secret mission to the Moon. While collecting lunar rock samples, he encountered a glittering red gemstone and decided to bring it along. Back on Earth, he talked with a colleague who worked in the quarantine center and arranged to acquire the unique gemstone. He made it into a pendant and began wearing it around his neck. On the first night of a full moon after his return, the lunar luminescence reacted with the pendant and caused him to transform into a wolf-like humanoid creature, later called the Man-Wolf, and lose control over his actions.[18]

John Jonah Jameson III (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 125 001

Jameson's first wolf form

After regaining his senses, John realized he could not remove the pendant since it had somehow grafted itself to his skin, so, for the next few months, John would transform into the Man-Wolf during the three nights of full moon. Soon, however, as the Man-Wolf attacked his own fiancƩe, Kristine Saunders, and grappled with Spider-Man, the costumed crime fighter tore the pendant from Man-Wolf's throat and accidentally hurt his throat, unaware it had attached itself. As Man-Wolf reverted to his human form, Spider-Man threw the pendant into the Hudson River.[18][15]

With time, John made a full recovery, but was once again afflicted by the curse of the Man-Wolf when Michael Morbius recovered the gemstone and exposed Jameson to it. Morbius was hoping to use him as his pawn in a scheme to cure himself of his vampiric affliction, but he was defeated by Spider-Man. Although, Morbius and the Man-Wolf both managed to escape.[19]

Jameson eventually found his way to Georgia, where he became involved in a skirmish between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the original Hate-Monger. S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury then escorted Jameson to NASA headquarters, and they offered to drop charges against him if he agreed to assist on a secret mission: communications breakdown with an orbiting space station. Jameson accepted the deal and was sent to space again. He got to an orbiting space station and learned that the installation had been boarded by three extra-dimensional humanoids named Garth, Lambert, and Gorjoon, who told him they had come from the gemstone's home dimension, so Jameson accompanied them to the portal back to their dimension, on the Moon.[20]

Crash landing on the moon, Jameson, who'd been permanently transformed into the Man-Wolf due to the close proximity to the moon's rays, found the portal to Other Realm and, to his amazement, he discovered that, in this dimension, he kept his human conscious while transformed. As he learned that he had become the successor of Stargod, the former ruler of the Other Realm, Jameson helped free the denizens of that dimension from their would-be conqueror Arisen Tyrk. Jameson then utilized the gem's full power to teleport him back to Earth.[21]

Back home, Jameson found himself transforming into the savage Man-Wolf again and, with the gemstone's power having been expended in fulfilling its purpose, it was slowly turning into a malignant organism, sinking beneath the surface of his skin and poisoning him. To prevent the situation from getting worse, his father had John placed in cryogenic suspension, in hopes of slowing the process, however, an enemy of Jonah's, Spencer Smythe, released John, hoping to hurt Jonah or his son. Man-Wolf disappeared, but, when he returned months later, Spider-Man enlisted the aid of Dr. Curt Connors and the two gave John a radiation treatment that made the gemstone be rejected by his body, successfully freeing him from the curse.[22]


John Jameson joined the support staff for the Avengers, soon becoming Captain America's personal pilot, using the call-sign "Skywolf".[3] During this time, he was temporarily transformed into Man-Wolf by Dredmund Druid, who wanted the power of the Stargod.[23] Jameson left Captain America's employ due to his attraction to Cap's then girlfriend, Diamondback.[citation needed]


Becoming aimless for a time, John considered becoming a costumed hero or private adventurer.[24][25] He eventually assumed a position as chief of security for the Ravencroft Institute for the Criminally Insane. He worked closely with the director, Ashley Kafka, and the two eventually began dating. John continued to be a pawn of Spider-Man's enemies as he was possessed by the Carnage Symbiote,[2] brainwashed by Mad Jack,[26] and manipulated by Judas Traveller.[27] Both John and Ashley were fired by a director angry about the escape of the Chameleon and his subsequent wounding by the second Kraven the Hunter.[28] Via hypnotherapy, Kafka helped discover that Jack O'Lantern had caused him to attack his hospitalized father. This therapy also briefly unleashed John's Man-Wolf aspect before Ashley was able to help John suppress his changes once more.[29]

Civil War[]

John helped Captain America while the latter was in hiding. He was also assisting She-Hulk in locating and signing up unregistered superheroes. John has also been registered as the Man-Wolf under the Superhuman Registration Act. During this time, the villain Stegron temporarily transformed him into the Man-Wolf again, as a side-effect of his latest mad scheme, to devolve the entire population of New York City. He attacked Mary Jane and Aunt May in the Avengers Tower, but was subdued by Tony Stark's Guardsmen before he could harm them. Reed Richards subsequently cured him of this form.[30]


John had been dating She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters) and the two had been living together for some time along with She-Hulk's co-worker, Augustus Pugliese. Eventually they eloped in Las Vegas.[31] However, John was forced into becoming the Man-Wolf once more after being injected by a mysterious substance courtesy of Alistaire Smythe.[32] After a brief rampage, John stopped fighting his situation after being rendered unconscious when he was shot in the chest with a silver bullet by Two-Gun Kid who mistook him for a werewolf, and became the Stargod again to save himself. He retained his intelligence while in Man-Wolf form, had the Stargod's powers, and could switch between human and lupine forms at will.[6] She-Hulk and Stargod separated after she discovered that her feelings for John were influenced prior to their marriage by her former Avengers teammate, Starfox,[33] and when she learned that John had married She-Hulk in the hope of convincing her to return to being Jennifer Walters when he knew she did not want that. John also told her that he did not want to remain as Stargod because it rendered him arrogant and savage.[34] Dejected, John stayed as Stargod for a time and sought adventure in Other Realm,[35] before finally returning to Earth.[34]

He resumed his human form and tried to reconcile with Jennifer as she was unable to turn into She-Hulk at this time and he had given up the powers of Stargod. When Jennifer still rejected him, John realized their relationship was truly over and he signed the legal papers annulling their marriage.[34]

Revenge of the Spider-Slayer[]

When it came to John Jameson's next mission into space, Alistaire Smythe, Scorpion, and a new villain named Fly-Girl attacked the launch site with an army of cyborg minions (each one wanting revenge on J. Jonah Jameson) where they sabotaged the launch to hold John Jameson for ransom. John was eventually saved.[36]

Apogee 1[]

Soon after, John Jameson was attacked on the Apogee 1 Space Station by co-workers mind-controlled by Doctor Octopus, who wanted to take control of the station. With the help of Spider-Man and the Human Torch, he was able to save the day and the station safely crashed into the ocean, its employees alive and well.[37]

Symbiote Task Force[]

John Jameson was later recruited by the FBI's Symbiote Task Force as a specialist. Alongside them, he stopped Carnage from unleashing the Elder Gods.[38] After Norman Osborn lost the Carnage Symbiote, John oversaw him at Ravencroft, briefly allowing Spider-Man to visit his addled nemesis.[39]

Agent of Wakanda[]

John was later approached at an unknown point by Black Panther, or another messenger, to join the Agents of Wakanda. He assisted Wasp in protecting Morbius when they were attacked by Vampires in space.[40]

Absolute Carnage[]

Jameson was recruited into the Aberant Crimes Division and sent to investigate strange goings-on in Doverton, Colorado. Meeting with former sheriff Eric Morrell, Jameson learned that many of the people and animals that had been bonded to the Carnage symbiote when Cletus Kasady had attacked the town several years prior had had their spines torn out; and that a strange cult called the Cult of Knull had taken over the old Last Chance church. Meeting with the cult's spokesperson Sandra Deel, Jameson resolved to get a warrant but awoke to find Morrell had been abducted. Arriving at the Church, Jameson saw the townspeople had been inducted into the cult and had Morrell bound in the center of the room. Sandra Deel revealed herself as the supervillain Shriek, accompanied by the Doppelganger, and the leader of the cult unveiled himself to be Carnage, bonding Morrell to his symbiote. Jameson transformed into Man-Wolf, but the cultists revealed themselves to also be bonded to the symbiote and infected him with it.[41]

A few days later, Jameson awoke with amnesia to find Doverton in ruins and that Misty Knight had been sent to find him. Regaining his memories of what had happened, Jameson and Misty found that the cultists and populace of Doverton had been slaughtered by Carnage and his accomplices. Unknowingly infected by Carnage's symbiote, Jameson became a sleeper agent.[41] While en-route back to New York, Jameson, who had been infected by Carnage, was activated and subdued Misty, imprisoning her in the depths of the Ravencroft Institute. When the time came, Jameson removed Misty's arm and sent her to be the meal of the newly resurrected Demagoblin, but Misty surprised everyone by remotely activating the new sonic beam function in her arm. This distraction allowed to pick up her arm and escape, but not before Demagoblin ripped the arm off, leaving her without her superpowers once more. Demagoblin and Jameson went after Misty and managed to find her, but Misty was able to make Jameson snap out of Carnage's control and turn on Demagoblin.[42]

Return to Ravencroft[]

Jameson was able to get his old job as head of security back at Ravencroft Institute once it was rebuilt after Mayor Wilson Fisk was able to pull some strings.[43] While at Ravencroft, inmate Mister Hyde developed an unusual obsession with him and grabbed him while in his cell to get him to transform into Man-Wolf. Hyde was quickly subdued by staff member Misty Knight and taken to solitary.[44] When Mayor Fisk hired criminals to operate as Ravencroft staff members, Jameson confronted him, but Fisk was able to blackmail Jameson with video footage of him killing guards as Man-Wolf while under Carnage's control. Jameson then told Misty that due to the trauma of what he did under Carnage's control, he was too afraid to transform into Man-Wolf.[45]

Ravencroft consultant Norman Osborn later freed Hyde and provided him with a shiv to kill Jameson, though Osborn's true goal was to get Jameson to transform into Man-Wolf,[46] which he eventually succeeded. A week later, Fisk appointed Jameson as the new warden of Ravencroft.[47]

Man-Wolf was one of the many superheroes who participated in the defense of New York City during the global vampire attack.[48]


Power Grid[54]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Some Training:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/None:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Learned


Pseudo-Lycanthropy: As Man-Wolf, Jameson displayed the following abilities:

  • Superhuman Strength: Man-Wolf possesses superhuman strength. At prime conditions during the three nights of the full moon, he could lift about 4 tons.[49]
  • Peak Human Speed: Man-Wolf's speed is at the peak of human potential, enabling him to sprint 35 mph.[49]
  • Superhuman Agility
  • Peak Human Stamina: Man-Wolf can physically exert himself for approximately half an hour before tiring.[49]
  • Peak Human Reflexes: Man-Wolf's reflexes were about twice as fast as a normal human.[49]
  • Superhuman Durability: Man-Wolf's musculature is so durable that he was able to survive great falls and concussive blows with minimal injury.[citation needed]
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: He is able to fully recover from gunshot wounds within a month.[citation needed]
  • Superhumanly Acute Senses: Man-Wolf possess the senses of a true wolf. He is able to see partially into the infrared range, enabling him to see in the dark. His hearing also enables him to track his quarry across any terrain.[citation needed]
  • Teeth and Claws: Man-Wolf's claws are hard and sharp enough to rend a variety of substances, such as wood, soft metals, and even cinder block.[49]
  • Self-Sustenance: In his werewolf form, John can survive in harsh environments such is the vacuum of space without air, sleep, food or water. He can also talk normally without using any device.[50]


John is a skilled pilot, experienced astronaut and has been trained in hand-to-hand combat by the US Air Force.[citation needed]




  • Man-Wolf had no control over his transformations, assuming his lupine form for 12 hours for each of the three nights of the full moon.[citation needed]
  • Not a true supernatural werewolf,[51] Man-Wolf was not subject to the conventional limitations of lycanthropy, such as a weakness for silver.[citation needed]


  • Due to his pseudo-lycanthropy, John is immune to being turned into a vampire.[52]

See Also

Links and References


  1. ā†‘ Amazing Spider-Man #649
  2. ā†‘ 2.0 2.1 Amazing Spider-Man #410
  3. ā†‘ 3.0 3.1 Captain America #358
  4. ā†‘ 4.0 4.1 Captain America #372
  5. ā†‘ 5.0 5.1 Amazing Spider-Man #1
  6. ā†‘ 6.0 6.1 She-Hulk (Vol. 2) #11
  7. ā†‘ Sensational Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #24
  8. ā†‘ Sensational Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #26
  9. ā†‘ She-Hulk (Vol. 2) #8
  10. ā†‘ Marvel Premiere #45
  11. ā†‘ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 Amazing Spider-Man Annual #36
  12. ā†‘ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades Handbook #1
  13. ā†‘ Spectacular Spider-Man #179
  14. ā†‘ Absolute Carnage: Lethal Protectors #2
  15. ā†‘ 15.0 15.1 15.2 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (Vol. 2) #6
  16. ā†‘ 16.0 16.1 She-Hulk #4
  17. ā†‘ Amazing Spider-Man #42
  18. ā†‘ 18.0 18.1 Amazing Spider-Man #125
  19. ā†‘ Giant-Size Super-Heroes Featuring Spider-Man #1
  20. ā†‘ Creatures on the Loose #36ā€“37
  21. ā†‘ Marvel Premiere #45ā€“46
  22. ā†‘ Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #3
  23. ā†‘ Captain America #406ā€“408
  24. ā†‘ Amazing Spider-Man #375
  25. ā†‘ Amazing Spider-Man Annual #27
  26. ā†‘ Spectacular Spider-Man #250
  27. ā†‘ Amazing Spider-Man #403
  28. ā†‘ Spectacular Spider-Man #246
  29. ā†‘ Spectacular Spider-Man #247ā€“249
  30. ā†‘ Sensational Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #25ā€“27
  31. ā†‘ She-Hulk (Vol. 2) #8ā€“9
  32. ā†‘ She-Hulk (Vol. 2) #10
  33. ā†‘ She-Hulk (Vol. 2) #13ā€“14
  34. ā†‘ 34.0 34.1 34.2 She-Hulk (Vol. 2) #20
  35. ā†‘ She-Hulk (Vol. 2) #14
  36. ā†‘ Amazing Spider-Man #652ā€“654
  37. ā†‘ Amazing Spider-Man #680ā€“681
  38. ā†‘ Carnage (Vol. 2)
  39. ā†‘ Amazing Spider-Man #800
  40. ā†‘ Avengers (Vol. 8) #12
  41. ā†‘ 41.0 41.1 Web of Venom: Cult of Carnage #1
  42. ā†‘ Absolute Carnage: Lethal Protectors #1ā€“3
  43. ā†‘ Ruins of Ravencroft: Carnage #1
  44. ā†‘ Ravencroft #1
  45. ā†‘ Ravencroft #2
  46. ā†‘ Ravencroft #3
  47. ā†‘ Ravencroft
  48. ā†‘ Blood Hunters #1
  49. ā†‘ 49.0 49.1 49.2 49.3 49.4 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #6
  50. ā†‘ Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda #4
  51. ā†‘ Amazing Spider-Man #124
  52. ā†‘ Ravencroft #4
  53. ā†‘ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Spider-Man 2005 #1
  54. ā†‘ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol 1 6