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Quote1 What's your big beef with men? Nobody invited you to the senior prom or somethin'? Quote2

Appearing in "No Man's Land"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Thundra (Only on screen as a static image or video record)

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "No Man's Land"

Now on Femizona Island, Superia checks on the progress of turning Captain America and Paladin into women. Gathering all the super powered women together, Superia explains she learned that in the future, most of North America will be called Femizona and women will be the rulers, led by Thundra. Superia believes she is an ancestor to Thundra, and will cause the event that leads to this future. Not liking the way this future sounds, Asp and Black Mamba find Cap and Paladin and help free them from Superia's Feminization Treatment. Donning Black Mamba and Asp's costumes respectively to disguise themselves as women, Cap and Paladin infiltrate command center and confront Superia. After a brief fight, Superia reveals her plan to sterilize all the women on Earth except for the 10,572 women on Femizonia Island, and that she's already launched her Sterility Seed rockets.

Appearing in "The Skeleton Key"

Featured Characters:


Races and Species:


Synopsis for "The Skeleton Key"

  • Synopsis not yet written

See Also

Links and References

