—Captain AmericaThis is no way to treat a lady I know--but lady, you're no lady!
Appearing in "When Women Wage War!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Superia- (First full appearance)
- Femizons
- ⏴ Vapor ⏵
- Dragonfly
- Chimera
- Mindblast
- Gypsy Moth
- Ion
- Snapdragon
- Vertigo
- Screaming Mimi
- Impala
- Dansen Macabre
- Whiplash
- Karisma
- Bombshell
- Steel Wind
- Iron Maiden
- Wrangler
- Titania
- Battleaxe
- Water Witch
- Poundcakes
- Quicksand
- Golddigger
- Nightshade
- Gladiatrix
- Bloodlust
- Anaconda
- Mysteria
- Pink Pearl
- Arclight
- Whiteout
- ⏴ Ice Princess ⏵
- Yellowjacket
- Frenzy
Other Characters:
- S.S. Superia (afloat on the South Atlantic)
- Femizonia Island
- S.S. Superia (cruise ship)
Synopsis for "When Women Wage War!"
Cap and Paladin face off against the super powered women army while Black Mamba and Asp visit Diamondback in the infirmary. Cap and Paladin are soon defeated by sheer numbers and Diamondback, Black Mamba, and Asp witness their capture before Diamondback sees Snapdragon and ducks away. Dansen Macabre binds Cap and Paladin to her will and Dr. Nightshade interrogates them, but Cap manages to reveal nothing. Paladin reveals they're looking for Diamondback and the Avengers may be on their way. Cap and Paladin are taken to Superia, who plans to transform Cap and Paladin into women.
Appearing in "Sneak Attack"
Featured Characters:
- Schutz Heiligruppe
- Hauptmann Deutschland (1st named)
- Time Spirit
- Blitzkrieg
Other characters:
- Berlin, Germany
Synopsis for "Sneak Attack"
- Synopsis not yet written
- There are many Femizons who are never clearly seen, including one that almost looks like the DC character Poison Ivy.