—BatrocA thousand pardons Mademoiselle!
Appearing in "Night of Sin"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Avengers (Mentioned)
- Bill
- Bernie Rosenthal
- Nancy Rosenthal (Mentioned)
- Tom Hanks (Mentioned) (Topical Reference)
- Grateful Dead (Mentioned) (Topical Reference)
- ⏴ Sersi ⏵
- Bloodstone's remains
Races and Species:
- Captain America's Uniform
- Big (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "Night of Sin"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "The Bloodstone Hunt: Prologue"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Ulysses Bloodstone (Only in flashback)
Races and Species:
- New York City
- American Museum of Natural History
- Silverman Funeral Home (First appearance)
Synopsis for "The Bloodstone Hunt: Prologue"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
The teen-aged Captain America must stop the terror of Mother Night and the new Sisters of Sin! And in the prologue to the six-part "Bloodstone Hunt" saga, Diamondback must stop both Baron Zemo and Batroc's Brigade from stealing the skeleton of Ulysses Bloodstone!
- This story is the beginning of the Bloodstone Hunt storyline.
- This issue debuts a new cover logo with Diamondback in the background. Beginning next issue, she will partner with Captain America for some time.
- This issue contains a letters page, American Graffiti. Letters are published from: Don Lambert,, Jr. and Scott Tipton.
- The colorist credited for the first story in this issue, "J. Schmoe", is a lark.
See Also
Links and References
- Captain America Vol 1 357 at Comic Book DB
- The Grand Comics Database: Captain America Vol 1 357 [1]