Appearing in "Trapped in... the Castle of Count Nefaria!"
Featured Characters:
- Avengers
- ⏴ Iron Man (Tony Stark) ⏵
- ⏴ Thor (Odinson) ⏵
- ⏴ Giant-Man (Henry Pym) ⏵
- ⏴ Wasp (Janet Van Dyne) ⏵ (Apparent death)
- ⏴ Captain America (Steve Rogers) ⏵
Supporting Characters:
- The Maggia (First appearance)
- Nefaria Family (First appearance)
- Count Nefaria ⏵ (First appearance)
- Numerous unnamed others (First appearance)
- Nefaria Family (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- NYPD (Mentioned)
- Daily Globe (Named only)
- United States Military
- Ant-Man's Ants
- Fantastic Four
Races and Species:
- Prime Marvel Universe
- Milky Way
- Sol System
- Earth
- North America
- United States of America
- New York
- Hudson River
- New Jersey
- New Jersey Palisades
- Count Nefaria's Castle (First appearance) (Relocated from Sicily)
- New Jersey Palisades
- Virginia
- Washington, D.C.
- United States of America
- Europe
- Atlantic Ocean
- Moon, Earth Orbit (Mentioned)
- North America
- Asgard (Mentioned)
- Heavens (Invoked)
- Earth
- Sol System
- Milky Way
- Iron Man Armor MK II
- Mjolnir
- Electro-rays (First appearance)
- Sensitized Electro-disc (First appearance)
- Giant-Man's Suit
- Wasp's Suit and Bio-Synthetic Wings
- Captain America's Uniform and Shield
- Time Transcender Beams (First appearance)
- Fantastic Four Uniforms
Synopsis for "Trapped in... the Castle of Count Nefaria!"
The Avengers prevent the Maggia from committing another crime. Count Nefaria decides he needs to put the Avengers out of action. As no one knows he is the leader of the Maggia, he holds a party in his castle and invites the Avengers. While they sleep after the party Nefaria makes copies of each of the Avengers who he commands to declare war on the United States. When the real Avengers leave the party they are attacked by the Army. They discover what has happened and pursue and battle Nefaria, getting evidence from him that proves their innocence. However, in the battle, the Wasp is critically injured.
- Thor was last seen in Journey Into Mystery #113, where he attempts to reveal his identity as Don Blake to Jane Foster and battles the Grey Gargoyle.
- Iron Man was last Seen battling the Mandarin (again) in Tales of Suspense #62.
- Captain America was last seen also in Tales of Suspense #62, preventing a jail break.
- Giant Man and Wasp were last seen in Tales to Astonish #64 where they battle Attuma.
- This is the first appearance of Count Nefaria and the Maggia.
- The Teen Brigade returns after being last seen in Avengers #10.
- The Fantastic Four make a brief cameo in this issue. This appearance possibly takes place between their battle against Gregory Gideon in Fantastic Four #34 and their battle against the Dragon Man in Fantastic Four #35.
- All the members of the Avengers are seen (chronologically) in Avengers #14.
- Count Nefaria is next seen in Tales of Suspense #67 under the guise of the "Dream Maker" where he uses a device to haunt Iron Man's dreams.