Mario Kart Racing Wiki

Los Angeles Laps is a city track that first appeared in the Los Angeles Tour for Mario Kart Tour. Unlike most other city courses, the third variant of this course came before the second, with the third being introduced in the 2021 Los Angeles Tour and the second premiering in the 2022 Los Angeles Tour. This course returns as part of Wave 5 of the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pass DLC, as the first track of the Cherry Cup.

The course is, for the most part, based on the city Los Angeles in California, United States; though it does include landmarks outside of the city, such as the Santa Monica Pier and the Inglewood Oil Field.


Mario Kart Tour[]

All three versions have reverse versions where their directions are inverted, trick versions where they gain extra ramps, and reverse-trick versions with both changes.

Los Angeles Laps 1[]

This layout starts on the Santa Monica pier, south of the central four-way intersection. The racers start facing away from the city. After a left turn with some shops past the lifeguard tower (Graffiti pictures with various enemies from the Super Mario franchise can be seen.), they will leave the the pier and drive along Venice Beach. The racers encounter Venice Beach Skatepark during the first half of the beach section. After the beach section, they will head into the city. This is followed by a left turn, whereupon the racers will encounter the Finish Line.

The trick variant adds a glide ramp on the jump off the Santa Mónica Pier and a Thwomp on top of the Venice Beach Skatepark. In the reverse-trick version, the racers use a glide ramp to return to the pier. Additionally, in all four versions, the water recedes on the second lap.

Los Angeles Laps 2[]

The racers start this route far from the Santa Monica Pier, facing south. Followed by a left turn, they head down the first route, albeit in reverse, until they reach a fork in the road. To follow Los Angeles Laps 2, the racers must make a left. This leads into the Inglewood Oil Field, where pump jacks appear as obstacles. After a left turn, more pump jacks appear along with the Inglewood Oil Field's water tower. The racers then make their way to the start/finish line down a road that leads them through sharp right turn followed by a left.

The trick and reverse-trick versions add stationary trucks with dash panel ramps on the road. The former also has two big Piranha Plants in the Inglewood Oil Field and one on the final turn, and in the latter, the racers follow one specific route through the oil field.

This is technically the third variant released, with the second variant to be released being labelled with a 3.

Los Angeles Laps 3[]

This layout starts off on a street perpendicular to the Santa Monica pier, right at an intersection, though this time, the racers start facing east. The racers make a left curve through the Tongva Park and then make a left, passing under a bridge during a slight right curve. This is followed by a winding road section where the racers go through the Los Angeles Convention Centre. Afterwards, they must take a Glide Ramp to go over Dodger Stadium. This is followed by two left turns which lead to a curvy road down the Two Rodeo Drive, followed by sharp left to get back to the Finish Line.

The reverse-trick version has a second glide ramp placed after the stadium so racers can glide up to and drive on the convention centre.

This is technically the second variant released; the third variant to be released was labelled with the number 2.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe[]

Los Angeles Laps is featured in the Booster Course Pass of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe as the first course of the Cherry Cup. It has received significant visual upgrades, and now takes place during the day instead of sunset. The mini-map for the course has also been flipped by 180 degrees. As you'd expect, the multiple variants from the Tour iteration have been combined to form a single 3-lap course, although unlike most other city courses, this course has become a section-based course in similar vain to Mount Wario and 3DS Rainbow Road.

The racers start on the Santa Monica Pier, facing away from the city. After this, they follow Los Angeles Laps 1 until the intersection between 1 and 3, whereupon they turn right to continue down the third layout. There is an added Half-pipe at Venice Beach Skatepark, which sends racers into Anti-gravity. As the racers pass under the bridge, which was given the Mario Kart logo, the second section begins.

The second section follows the route of Los Angeles Laps 3 until the racers reach the intersection between 1 and 3 again, whereupon they switch to Los Angeles Laps 2 (a segment of which follows Los Angeles Laps 1 in reverse between said intersection and a fork with one road leading to the Inglewood Oil Field).

The third and final section will begin when the racers drive through a gate that leads to the Oil Field, with the toll booth gate at the southern entrance repurposed into a section gate. The route switches to Los Angeles Laps 2 until they reach the intersection between 1 and 3, whereupon the racers deviate to complete Los Angeles Laps 1 and therefore, is the end of the race.

Variants each lap takes from[]

Lap Variant
1 Combination of Los Angeles Laps 1 (Racers start on the south end.) & 3 (Rather than heading back south when they reach the central intersection, the racers turn right and head north.)
2 Combination of Los Angeles Laps 3 (Route before the racers reach the central intersection.) & 1R (The racers continue east past the central intersection.)
3 Combination of Los Angeles Laps 2 (Most of the route.), 1 (The racers turn right when they get back to the central intersection and head south onto the Santa Mónica Pier.) & 3


  • Aside the Venice Beach Skatepark is a large patch of dark sand. Racers can boost through it with a Mushroom.
  • The grass patches can also be cleared off with a Mushroom. (Two more have been added in the Booster Course Pass iteration where Los Angeles Laps 2's starting line was.)
  • Shortly after Dodger Stadium, there is a grass patch in front of the road which bends to the right. It can also be boosted through with a Mushroom.
  • Halfway through the Inglewood Oil Field, there is a Glider Ramp that is surrounded by Off-Road. Use a Mushroom to get to it. In Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, there are also Boost Rings that have item boxes in them.

Staff Ghosts[]

Character Recorder Time Vehicle Combination
Body Tires Glider
MK8 Mario Icon
Nin★Alice 1:57.938
MK8D Red Birdo Icon
Nin★Mitsu 1:25.694


Mario Kart Tour[]

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe[]


  • This course was originally supposed to come in Wave 4 of the Booster Course Pass as the last course of the Boomerang Cup (as evidenced by it being labeled in the files as "Cnsw_48"), but it got pushed back to Wave 5 for as of yet unknown reasons.
  • Los Angeles Laps is one of two City Courses to have the layouts bearing the wrong number, the other being Berlin Byways. With Berlin Byways, the course's first two routes (going by the order of release) had their numbers swapped. (The first route is labelled as 2 and the second as 1). With Los Angeles Laps, while the course's first layout bears the number 1 as one would expect, the last two layouts had their numbers swapped, with the second layout released being labelled 3 and the third one being labelled as 2.
  • This city track is the only city track that does not use regular laps at all in the Booster Course Pass. It also has the most amount of starting lines, with three, not counting the extra Mario Kart gates in its Booster Course Pass incarnation.
  • Unlike Amsterdam Drift and Singapore Speedway, the vocals saying "bah" of the music for this course has been removed in the rearrangement for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and replaced with a saxophone.
Current track:
Los Angeles Laps 1
Los Angeles Laps 2
Los Angeles Laps 3
Previous track:
Squeaky Clean Sprint
1st reappearance:
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Next track:
GBA Sunset Wilds
Mario Kart Tour courses
SNES Courses SNES Mario Circuit 1 • SNES Rainbow Road • SNES Mario Circuit 2 • SNES Choco Island 2 • SNES Ghost Valley 1 • SNES Mario Circuit 3 • SNES Vanilla Lake 1 • SNES Donut Plains 1 • SNES Choco Island 1 • SNES Koopa Troopa Beach 2 • SNES Donut Plains 2 • SNES Vanilla Lake 2 • SNES Ghost Valley 2 • SNES Donut Plains 3 • SNES Bowser Castle 3
N64 Courses N64 Koopa Troopa Beach • N64 Kalimari Desert • N64 Frappe Snowland • N64 Royal Raceway • N64 Choco Mountain • N64 Yoshi Valley • N64 Luigi Raceway • N64 Mario Raceway
GBA Courses GBA Bowser's Castle 1 • GBA Bowser's Castle 2 • GBA Sunset Wilds • GBA Cheep Cheep Island • GBA Sky Garden • GBA Bowser's Castle 3 • GBA Boo Lake • GBA Riverside Park • GBA Snow Land • GBA Yoshi Desert • GBA Bowser's Castle 4 • GBA Peach Circuit • GBA Luigi Circuit • GBA Lakeside Park
GCN Courses GCN Dino Dino Jungle • GCN Yoshi Circuit • GCN Baby Park • GCN Daisy Cruiser • GCN DK Mountain • GCN Mushroom Bridge • GCN Waluigi Stadium
DS Courses DS Luigi's Mansion • DS Waluigi Pinball • DS DK Pass • DS Airship Fortress • DS Peach Gardens • DS Shroom Ridge • DS Mario Circuit
Wii Courses Wii Maple Treeway • Wii DK Summit • Wii Mushroom Gorge • Wii Coconut Mall • Wii Koopa Cape • Wii Rainbow Road • Wii Dry Dry Ruins • Wii Daisy Circuit • Wii Moonview Highway
3DS Courses 3DS Toad Circuit • 3DS Cheep Cheep Lagoon • 3DS Rock Rock Mountain • 3DS Daisy Hills • 3DS Shy Guy Bazaar • 3DS Mario Circuit • 3DS Neo Bowser City • 3DS Rainbow Road • 3DS Rosalina's Ice World • 3DS Wario Shipyard • 3DS Bowser's Castle • 3DS Piranha Plant Slide
City Courses New York Minute (1, 2, 3, 4) • Tokyo Blur (1, 2, 3, 4) • Paris Promenade (1, 2, 3) • London Loop (1, 2, 3) • Vancouver Velocity(1,2,3) • Los Angeles Laps(1, 2, 3) • Berlin Byways(1, 2, 3) • Sydney Sprint(1, 2, 3) • Singapore Speedway(1, 2, 3) • Amsterdam Drift(1, 2, 3) • Bangkok Rush(1, 2, 3) • Athens Dash(1, 2, 3) • Rome Avanti(1, 2, 3) • Madrid Drive(1, 2, 3)
Nitro Courses Merry Mountain • Ninja Hideaway • Sky-High Sundae • Piranha Plant Cove(1, 2, 3) • Yoshi's Island • Piranha Plant Pipeline • Squeaky Clean Sprint
Sequel Courses N64 Kalimari Desert 2
RMX Courses RMX Mario Circuit 1 • RMX Choco Island 1 • RMX Rainbow Road 1 • RMX Rainbow Road 2 • RMX Choco Island 2 • RMX Vanilla Lake 1 • RMX Ghost Valley 1 • RMX Bowser's Castle 1 • RMX Donut Plains 1 • RMX Vanilla Lake 2
Battle Courses GCN Cookie Land • GBA Battle Course 1 • DS Twilight House • New York Minute B • Paris Promenade B
Mario Kart 8 (Deluxe) courses
New cups Mushroom Cup Mario Kart Stadium • Water Park • Sweet Sweet Canyon • Thwomp Ruins
Flower Cup Mario Circuit • Toad Harbor • Twisted Mansion • Shy Guy Falls
Star Cup Sunshine Airport • Dolphin Shoals • Electrodrome • Mount Wario
Special Cup Cloudtop Cruise • Bone-Dry Dunes • Bowser's Castle • Rainbow Road
Retro cups Shell Cup Wii Moo Moo Meadows • GBA Mario Circuit • DS Cheep Cheep Beach • N64 Toad's Turnpike
Banana Cup GCN Dry Dry Desert • SNES Donut Plains 3 • N64 Royal Raceway • 3DS DK Jungle
Leaf Cup DS Wario Stadium • GCN Sherbet Land • 3DS Music Park • N64 Yoshi Valley
Lightning Cup DS Tick-Tock Clock • 3DS Piranha Plant Slide • Wii Grumble Volcano • N64 Rainbow Road
DLC cups + Egg Cup GCN Yoshi Circuit • Excitebike Arena • Dragon Driftway • Mute City
Triforce Cup Wii Wario's Gold Mine • SNES Rainbow Road • Ice Ice Outpost • Hyrule Circuit
Crossing Cup GCN Baby Park • GBA Cheese Land • Wild Woods • Animal Crossing
Bell Cup 3DS Neo Bowser City • GBA Ribbon Road • Super Bell Subway • Big Blue
Booster Course Pass cups + * * Golden Dash Cup Tour Paris Promenade • 3DS Toad Circuit • N64 Choco Mountain • Wii Coconut Mall
Lucky Cat Cup Tour Tokyo Blur • DS Shroom Ridge • GBA Sky Garden • Ninja Hideaway
Turnip Cup Tour New York Minute • SNES Mario Circuit 3 • N64 Kalimari Desert • DS Waluigi Pinball
Propeller Cup Tour Sydney Sprint • GBA Snow Land • Wii Mushroom Gorge • Sky-High Sundae
Rock Cup Tour London Loop • GBA Boo Lake • 3DS Rock Rock Mountain • Wii Maple Treeway
Moon Cup Tour Berlin Byways • DS Peach Gardens • Merry Mountain • 3DS Rainbow Road
Fruit Cup Tour Amsterdam Drift • GBA Riverside Park • Wii DK Summit • Yoshi's Island
Boomerang Cup Tour Bangkok Rush • DS Mario Circuit • GCN Waluigi Stadium • Tour Singapore Speedway
Feather Cup Tour Athens Dash • GCN Daisy Cruiser • Wii Moonview Highway • Squeaky Clean Sprint
Cherry Cup Tour Los Angeles Laps • GBA Sunset Wilds • Wii Koopa Cape • Tour Vancouver Velocity
Acorn Cup Tour Rome Avanti • GCN DK Mountain • Wii Daisy Circuit • Piranha Plant Cove
Spiny Cup Tour Madrid Drive • 3DS Rosalina's Ice World • SNES Bowser Castle 3 • Wii Rainbow Road
Battle Courses Mario Circuit * • Toad Harbor * • Wii Moo Moo Meadows * • GCN Dry Dry Desert * • SNES Donut Plains 3 * • N64 Toad's Turnpike * • GCN Sherbet Land * • N64 Yoshi Valley *
Battle Stadium * * • Sweet Sweet Kingdom * * • Dragon Palace * * • Lunar Colony * * • 3DS Wuhu Town * * • GCN Luigi's Mansion * * • SNES Battle Course 1 * * • Urchin Underpass * *
+ - denotes DLC. • * - denotes exclusivity to Mario Kart 8. • * * - denotes exclusivity to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.