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Heeeeeeeeere's Wario! is the fifth level of World 3 in Yoshi's Island DS, a Purple Yoshi takes control in this level. This level takes place in a blue, water cavern with many Coins populated by Pirate Guys and Fangs and introduces Baby Wario and his abilities of using his magnet to attract metal objects and Coins. Upon the level's completion, Stork Stops appear in this level and Baby Wario joins the team for the rest of World 3.


After being swept away by the huge tidal wave at the end of the previous level, Yoshi winds up in a damp cave separated from the other babies and the Stork, as he travels through the cave, he hears immensely loud crying and looks up to see a baby trapped in a bubble, Yoshi releases the baby who turns out to be Baby Wario who Kamek and the Toadies left stranded in the cave after an immense temper tantrum, despite his attitude and his bad hygiene, Yoshi can't bear to leave him behind so Baby Wario joins the team.

Upon traversing the cave, Yoshi and Baby Wario find Baby Mario, Baby Peach, Baby DK, and the Stork safe. With everyone reunited, they all exit the cave and resume the adventure.


Starting off the level, advance to the right and launch an egg at the Smiley Flower above, from here, swallow any Fangs that come in your way and use Baby Wario's Magnet to move the Magnetic Block towards your direction which opens the passageway allowing you to progress, from here, beat the Fangs and Pirate Guys in your way and use the magnet to move the next Magnet Block in your direction, you can also use the magnet to grab the Coins and Red Coin in the inaccessible niche behind the Magnet Block's location, from here, push the Magnet Block below the ledge and use it as a stepping stone to reach the upper ledge, from here, use the magnet to grab the closed off Coins and Red Coin here and use the magnet to move the Magnet Block here to the left to use it as a stepping stone to reach the next ledge, from here, advance to the left and beat the Pirate Guy here and push the Magnet Block in the way to reach the upper ledge, from here, fill up your egg supply with the Egg Block here and hit the Winged Cloud for some Stars and hop up to the upper ledge, hit the upper Winged Cloud with an egg and then hit the Smiley Flower it reveals with another egg, use the Koopa Troopa here to plow through the Pirate Guys up ahead and pull Magnet Block here to the right with your magnet and use it as a platform to reach the upper ledge, once you're on the ledge, grab all the Coins in the mass on the left as two of them are Red Coins, from here, return to the right and exit this niche through the Flippers, drop down the platforms and then advance to the left, hit the Winged Cloud blocked off by the dirt with an egg to score a 1-Up, after this, move to the right and tag the Middle Ring, once this is done, push the Magnet Block here to the left underneath the Spring Ball and plow the dirt holding up the Spring Ball with an egg so the Spring Ball lands on the Magnet Block and from here, move the Magnet Block to the right and use the Spring Ball to reach the upper ledge with several Coins, a Red Coin, and a Smiley Flower. From here, exit the niche through the Flippers and hit the Winged Cloud here for some Stars and drop down the ledges and beat the Koopa Troopa here and Fangs that come your way (if you took the lower paths, watch out for the Boss Bass in the water as well), from here, advance to the right and hop up the ledges and pull the Magnet Block tucked away in the ledge with your magnet and move it to the left, once done, pull it to the left and use the Magnet Block as a stepping stone to hop to the ledges above (alternatively, you can also stomp on an enemy such as a Pirate Guy, Koopa Troopa, or Fang (with proper timing) to bounce to the ledge). Once done, hop up the ledges until you reach the top and beat the Koopa Troopas here and grab the Yellow Yoshi Eggs and Red Yoshi Eggs from the respective blocks and grab the Coins amidst all the stashes here (there are a total of five Red Coins here, three in the first stash and two in the second), once done, drop down onto the ship and beat the Pirate Guys and Koopa Troopas here and toss an egg at the Winged Cloud above for some Stars, once done, exit through the right.

Upon entering the next area, climb the ship's mast and tag the Middle Ring here, from here, drop down and hit the Egg Block to fill your supply snd get ready to hop off the ship and onto the Flatbed Ferry, use the magnet to grab the Coins as three of them are Red Coins, also be sure to hit the Winged Clouds (and hidden Winged Clouds) in the niches above as they contain a Smiley Flower, Stars, and Coins respectively, if you fail to get everything on your first try, drop onto the platforms below (which are above the water) and hop across them and then use the Flatbed Ferry to reach the ship again (there is a Boss Bass in the water which makes attempts to hit you however it's threat level is much lower as it can't jump high enough to actually eat you), anyway, jump to the next ship and beat the Pirate Guys here, fill up your egg supply with the Egg Block and then climb up the next mast and collect the Coins along it, one of the two Coins at the mast's top is a Red Coin so be sure to collect this, there are also two hidden Winged Clouds here one of which contains Stars and the other containing a 1-Up, move the next Magnet Block out of the pathway and smash the soft stone blocking the path and use the Flatbed Ferry to reach the upper ledge, here, destroy the stack of soft stones with eggs and move the Magnet Block below the Large Spring Ball, smash the dirt holding up the soft stone with an egg and allow the Large Spring Ball to fall on the Magnet Block, from here, move the Magnet Block to the left (by either pushing it or using your magnet (but make sure it doesn't end up in the small ditch to the right as you won't be able to get it out if you do)), from here, use the Large Spring Ball to reach the upper ledge where two Coins and two Red Coins can be collected (and also hit the Winged Cloud here, there is also a Baby Coin here but you'll have to come back for this one as Baby Wario is the incorrect baby.

Once done, exit through the Flippers and hit the Winged Cloud for some Stars, from here, follow the tunnel to a dead end with some Coins and a Red Coin, be sure to avoid any Fangs that come your way as you turn back, drop down the ledges and you'll be back at the end of the pirate ship, advance to the right through the upper tunnel and hop on the Flatbed Ferry collecting the Coins as you go, there are three Red Coins here so be sure to collect them, from here, hop to the platforms above the end-section and toss an egg at the Smiley Flower on the cavern's roof (you can also take the lower tunnel path and use the lower Flatbed Ferry, there are more Coins here but none of them are Red Coins, it is also not too high above the water meaning the swimming Boss Basses could hit you as the jump (but luckily, they don't high enough so they cannot eat you) this Flatbed Ferry has the same destination as the other one). Once done, and once you've got everything, jump through the GOAL! Ring to finish the level.

Baby Coin Location[]

After completing the level, return to the section with the triple-stacked soft stones, destroy them with an egg and move the Magnet Block below the Large Spring Ball, destroy the dirt holding up the Large Spring Ball so it lands on the Magnet Block and move it to the left, from here, hop to the upper ledge where the Baby Coin is, there is a Stork Stop right next to it, switch to Baby DK to net yourself an easy Baby Coin.

Enemies Encountered[]


  • The level's title is a pun on Jack Nicholson's famous quote from the 1980 horror film, The Shining.
  • Upon unlocking this level for the first time, a White Yoshi (next to a sign marked with a star icon) is seen on the world's map when the selector is on the level's avatar (possibly to indicate that all the babies have gone missing following the events of the previous level), upon the level's completion, the traditional Purple Yoshi (next to the sign marked with a "5") is seen just like the other worlds.