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Bessie Bass's Battleship is the fourth level of World 3 in Yoshi's Island DS. It is the game's third castle and a Yellow Yoshi takes control in this level. This level takes place on a large pirate ship on a dark and stormy night filled with many enemies, the level itself is divided into two sections these being above decks and below decks, most of the key collectibles in the level are found below decks in addition to the two Keys needed to access doors on the ship. The boss of this level is the ship's owner Bessie Bass, a Big Bertha enlarged by Kamek's magic who possess the abilities of both Boss Basses and Big Berthas.


Starting off the level on the center mast, hop upward to the mast's top and grab the two Coins on the sides above the poles as the one on the right is a Red Coin, also, grab the Smiley Flower above the flag, from here, jump to the left mast and grab the Coins on the right of the top mast as one of them is a Red Coin and then hop to the right mast, each ledge along the mast contains rows of three Coins on the left and right and the left Coin on the lower right side is a Red Coin and the right Coin on the upper left side is yet another Red Coin, be sure to grab these (the ship is filled with Pirate Guys and Bill Blasters which fire Bullet Bills and to make matters worse, Goonies are also flying the skies and may drop Pirate Guys down as you walk underneath them), move to the ship's left and toss an egg at the Winged Cloud on the ship's "neck" as it contains another Smiley Flower, the right side of the ship doesn't have much apart from a couple ledges (both sides of the ship have Boss Basses and Tube Guys swimming in the waters but as long as you're up on the platforms, these guys shouldn't be much trouble). Hop back on the ship and jump into the rightmost Pipe.

In this room, fill up your egg supply using the Egg Block and toss an egg along the Coin line to get the Coins, two Red Coins and a Smiley Flower here if you miss, quickly hop into the water and to the ledge (but be quick about it as a hungry Lunge Fish is lurking in the water waiting for a snack), from here, hop to the ledges and grab whatever you missed, from here, jump back into the Pipe to return above decks and hop into the leftmost Pipe.

In this next area, you will drop to a lower flooring, watch out for the Gooey Goons in this area and grab the Coins here, this room contains two Red Coins so be sure to grab them, once you're done, hit the Winged Cloud to create a path in this room which allows you to reach the Pipe, if you're using Baby Mario, don't forget to hit the M Blocks in this room to get some Coins and Stars, from here, hit the Egg Block for some eggs and exit through the Pipe, next enter the second Pipe.

Upon entering this room, move to the left and hop to the upper platforms as the floors are filled with walking Koopa Troopas, there are also Paratroopas flying in between the platform gaps. At the end, of the path, there are two block ledges with Crabbles walking along them, there is also a Winged Cloud containing Stars here, be sure to grab the Coins around it as one of the Coins below the Winged Cloud is a Red Coin, another Red Coin can be found next to the second block ledge, drop to the left of it to obtain it and if your using Baby DK, use a DK Dash Attack to clear the cracked blocks away and grab the Baby Coin (this room is interconnected to the previous one). From here, advance to the right and enter the door (before doing this, you can also swallow one of the Koopa Troopas and spit it's shell out to plow through the rest of the Koopa Troopas (and Crabbles if they're in the shell's way) along the way netting some good 1-Ups as you go, the shell will end up landing along the Spikes hitting a Winged Cloud with yet another 1-Up as it slides).

In this next room, advance to the left and swallow the Koopa Troopa coming down the stairs to the left and spit it along the path and as it goes, it will hit the Koopa Troopa atop the stairs and slide down the small path shredding all the Pirate Guys in the way, as the shell gets closer to the bottom, you will start earning 1-Ups for each Pirate Guy hit until you get the Smiley Flower which also give you a 1-Up (a good tip would be to get this Smiley Flower last as you will end up getting two 1-Ups from it (one from the Shell and the second from it being the final Smiley Flower collected)), once done, advance to the right and push the Box to the left to use it as a stepping stone to reach the upper ledge (if you accidentally destroy it, exit through the door then reenter and it should respawn or use a Koopa Troopa as a steppingstone). In this area, beat the Pirate Guys and collect the Coins above as two of them are Red Coins, push the Vase here off the ledge to reveal a Key, grab it and progress downward push the Box off the edge to the right and from here, drop down the ledge and continue pushing the Box to the left and use it to hop to the upper ledge beat the Koopa Troopas here and grab the stashes of Coins here as two of the Coins are Red Coins, there is also a Winged Cloud here hit it (preferably with one of the Koopa Shells) to get the Stars it contains, drop down through the gap below and exit through the Flippers and exit through the door to the right.

In the next room, use the Spring Balls to hop to the higher ledges and grab the Coins (you can also hit the Winged Cloud here but it won't do much at the moment as the stairs it creates are blocked off by Flippers), for now, exit through the door at the highest ledge.

Upon exiting through the door, you will end up on the other side of the room which you initially entered from (divided by a wall and some Spikes), climb the stairs and hit the Winged Cloud for some more Stars and tag the Middle Ring, from here, exit through the Pipe, once you return to above decks, advance to the right and enter the third Pipe.

In the next room, advance to the left and tag the Stork Stop to switch out your baby (if you want to) and advance to the left and drop down and move to the right grabbing the Coins along the ledges as they have a Red Coin each (but watch out for the Pirate Guys and Tap-Taps here, from here, drop down to the lower ledge (in the corner below the ledge is another Winged Cloud containing some more Stars) so be sure to hit it), from here, hop across the small gaps but watch out for the Tap-Taps leaping in between), after this, enter the door.

Upon entering the next room, advance to the left and beat the Pirate Guy Stack blocking your path and hit the Winged Cloud above the staircase for some Stars, as you progress along the path, you will encounter even more Pirate Guys and some baby-snatching Bandits, take out these pests and continue onward, drop down the ledges and grab the [[Coin]s on the right side, there is a Red Coin here (as long as you're on this side, the Bandit on the other side can't get you due to the Flippers), move to the left side via the upper ledge and beat the Pirate Guys and Bandits, grab the Coins and Red Coin, and enter the door in the left corner.

In the next area, use the Spring Ball to the right to reach the upper ledge and hit the Winged Cloud for some more Stars, next, hit the Potted Ghost to flip it's pot over to use as a platform for reaching the upper ledges, also be sure to grab the Coins above as two of these are Red Coins, from here, drop down through the left side to grab the Smiley Flower and follow the path through the right, from here, advance to the left and watch out for the Potted Ghosts below that stick their heads out, use the flipped Potted Ghost as a platform to hop up to the upper ledges and fill up your egg supply with the Egg Block and toss an egg at the Potted Ghost to flip it over, from here, use the ghost to reach the upper ledges, and toss an egg at the Winged Cloud behind the Flippers (you passed by this earlier) to make a staircase appear, climb the stairs and grab the Key by the door and then exit the room through the door.

In the next room, you will end up on the other same room you initially from when you entered the third Pipe (the left side of the room which is divided by a wall and some Spikes, ascend the staircase to the left and hop to the upper ledge, spit the Kooopa Shell at the Pirate Guys and Pirate Guy Stacks here to score a 1-Up and exit through the Pipe here, back above decks, use one of the Keys you obtained to enter the locked door.

In this next room, walk down this really long staircase, as you advance downward, Boos and Big Boos will start following you, keep moving to stay ahead of these guys and grab some eggs from the Egg Plant here and use the second Key you got to enter the door at the bottom of the staircase.

In this next area, advance to the left and hop across the water whilst avoiding the Cheep Cheeps hopping out of the first pool and the Flopsy Fish hopping out of the second pool, at the end, there is a Stork Stop, switch any baby of your choosing and enter the Red Door.

BOSS BATTLE: Bessie Bass[]

Upon entering the room, Bessie Bass will emerge from the water below the bridge you're standing on, Kamek will then show up and make Bessie Bass heaps larger and then flood the room, there are only three wooden platforms of safe ground, during the battle, Bessie Bass will quiver around the water, with time, she will emerge from the water and during this time, she will get ready to do either a big jump or a small jump, if she does a small jump, there isn't much you can do but stay out of her way, on contrast, if it's a big jump, be sure to take aim and launch an egg at her open mouth as she descends (if you're running low on eggs, grab the Yoshi Eggs that occasionally rain down from the ceiling or slurp up the Tube Guys that show up in the battle). If you hit her in the right spot, you score a hit (if you're under her mouth as she descends, she won't instantly kill you unlike a regular Boss Bass but she will spit you out after several seconds and if you're going for 100 Points, you may as well restart the fight). Anyway, after the first hit, Bessie will start swimming around again and when she goes for her next high jump be at the ready and toss an egg at her open mouth, after two hits, she speeds up a bit and may do a couple small leaps (with her mouth closed) before going in for a large leap. Hit her in the mouth with an egg one more time to bring down this colossal trout.

Post-Level Story[]

After Bessie Bass's defeat, Yoshi, the babies, and the Stork exit the Battleship only to find a massive flash flood occurring, at that moment, a colossal tidal wave occurs sweeping everybody away separating the team.

Baby Coin Location[]

You will need Baby DK for this Baby Coin (if you're not using him, feel free to switch to him at the Stork Stop in the third Pipe) and then enter the second Pipe, advance to the left and slip down the cube ledge to the left and destroy the cracked stone blocks with either an egg or a DK Dash Attack, this will clear the way for you to grab the Baby DK Coin below the stairs in the neighboring room.

Enemies Encountered[]

