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Luigi's Mansion

The Aviation Exhibit is a location in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon.


The Aviation Exhibit is a room in Treacherous Mansion, where it is accessed via the top left most door in the West Corridor. As per its name, the Aviation Exhibit features various displays related to planes and other aircraft, including a giant balloon in the center of the room, a plane model to the right, and tables with hot air balloon displays near the south.

In Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon[]

In E-2 Double Trouble, Luigi can optionally visit here to fight a Strong Hider and two Strong Greenies, after which he can acquire a gem by pulling on the sandbags attached to the balloon in the center of the room to pull the grate in the floor up.

In E-5 Paranormal Chaos, the giant balloon in the center of the room was made invisible by the mission's Boo. By revealing it with the Dark-Light Device, Luigi can then capture the Boo.

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