Destiny Tower (Explorers of Sky)
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Destiny Tower (Japanese: うんめいのとう Destiny Tower) is a dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. It is the ultimate dungeon of Explorers of Sky, replacing Zero Isle South in this role. This dungeon can be unlocked after graduation, by randomly drinking beverages at the Spinda's Café juice bar.
The dungeon makes a reappearance in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, where Arceus will connect with the player after the completion of Arceus's Connection Orb mission.
Destiny Tower is similar to Zero Isle South in many of its aspects, such as floors having similar enemies, using the same tilesets until last floors, or the average amount of items and enemies that spawn on each floor being nearly the same. As such, the rules that apply in Zero Isle South apply here as well: the player has to enter with only one Pokémon temporarily reduced to Lv. 1 with appropriate stats, IQ and moveset, they cannot bring any items or money at the beginning of the dungeon and have to store them or they will be lost forever, and no Pokémon inside can be recruited.
However, there are extra challenges applied on top of these that make Destiny Tower even more unforgiving: the player cannot be rescued if knocked out, the traps stay invisible until stepped on by the player (on top of the additions of Random and Grudge Traps), TMs can be found only in Kecleon Shops, IQ skills are disabled, and - perhaps most importantly - there are no Reviver Seeds in the dungeon.
As in Zero Isle South, the enemies will gradually grow in levels, and will be Lv. 30 by the end of the dungeon. They will have the same IQ points: 26 on floors 1 through 39, 150 on floors 40 through 69, 330 on floors 70 through 79 and 331 on floors 80 through 98. Monster Houses also won't spawn until floor 6. The amount of starting enemies is similar, but not quite the same as in Zero Isle South:
- 2-3 on floors 1 through 4
- 2-4 on floors 5 through 50
- 3-5 on floors 51 through 77, as well as floors 80, 82, 86, 88, 92, 94 and 98
- 3-6 on floors 79, 83, 85, 89, 91, 95 and 97
- 4-7 on floors 78, 84, 90 and 96
- 4-8 on floors 81, 87 and 93
Unique to Destiny Tower is disabled spawn. On floor 99, no Pokémon will be present, and none will ever spawn unless forced (such as via Monster House), effectively making it a victory lap most of the time.
The amount of items is also very similar as in Zero Isle South:
- 5-8 on floors 1 through 3
- 4-7 on floors 4 through 9
- 3-6 on floors 10 through 20 and 50 through 69
- 2-5 on floors 21 through 49 and 70 through 99
There's also 2-5 items buried in the walls if the player is able to get through walls, though they're all Poké. The items have 8% to spawn sticky, slightly more likely than in Zero Isle South.
The only aspect in which Destiny Tower is more forgiving than Zero Isle South, is that all of its floors are medium-sized and thus less complex even late into the dungeon. Most of them will have 3-9 rooms; floors 18, 25, 40, 50, 63, 79, 87, 92 and 95 will have 3-7 rooms instead and floors 1, 10, 16, 31, 46, 55, 70 will have 3-8 rooms instead.
Each floor is ranked for purpose of Treasure Boxes; compared to Zero Isle South, each floor aside from the first one is one rank higher, meaning they can be anywhere from ★3 to ★9. There is heavy darkness in the dungeon. There is water on floors 3, 5, 7, 11, 12, 15, 19, 22 and 24 - much less than in Zero Isle South. The turn limit is the same - 2000.
The player can find HMs in the shops, making Destiny Tower the only dungeon other than Final Maze to contain them.
There is random weather at floors 15, 21, 24, 28, 32, 38, 43, 48, 52, 57, 61, 67, 81 and 89, the same as in Zero Isle South.
At the top is Destiny Tower Pinnacle (Japanese: うんめいのとう さいじょうかい), where the player will find a statue of Arceus (its only appearance in the game) and comment on its status as the creator of the Pokémon universe. The player will also receive the Space Globe, which doubles the base power of all of its holder's moves, with no side effects.
Pokémon encountered
Each time player enters floors 3 through 6, 17 through 21 and 74 through 77, as well as floors 24, 27, 28, 30, 51, 52, 53, 60 and 63, only 14 of the following species that can be found on the given floor will be chosen. The unpicked Pokémon's spawn rate will be added to whichever picked Pokémon is next in the National Dex order, going back to the beginning if needed.
Pokémon | Floors | Levels | Recruit Rate | |
Cleffa | 1-2 | 1-2 | Unrecruitable | |
Bulbasaur | 1-3 | 1-3 | Unrecruitable | |
Pidgey | 1-3 | 1-3 | Unrecruitable | |
Bellsprout | 1-3 | 1-3 | Unrecruitable | |
Shellder | 1-3 | 1-3 | Unrecruitable | |
Chikorita | 1-3 | 1-3 | Unrecruitable | |
Cyndaquil | 1-3 | 1-3 | Unrecruitable | |
Treecko | 1-3 | 1-3 | Unrecruitable | |
Torchic | 1-3 | 1-3 | Unrecruitable | |
Barboach | 1-3 | 1-3 | Unrecruitable | |
Caterpie | 2-4 | 2-4 | Unrecruitable | |
Mudkip | 2-4 | 2-4 | Unrecruitable | |
Spoink | 2-4 | 2-4 | Unrecruitable | |
Exeggcute | 3-5 | 3-5 | Unrecruitable | |
Chinchou | 3-5 | 3-5 | Unrecruitable | |
Loudred | 3-5 | 3-5 | Unrecruitable | |
Whiscash | 3-5 | 3-5 | Unrecruitable | |
Glameow | 3-6 | 3-6 | Unrecruitable | |
Seadra | 4-6 | 4-6 | Unrecruitable | |
Totodile | 4-6 | 4-6 | Unrecruitable | |
Gulpin | 4-6 | 4-6 | Unrecruitable | |
Chingling | 4-6 | 4-6 | Unrecruitable | |
Stantler | 4-7 | 4-7 | Unrecruitable | |
Bidoof | 4-7 | 4-7 | Unrecruitable | |
Burmy Plant Cloak |
4-7 | 4-7 | Unrecruitable | |
Nidoran♀ | 5-7 | 5-7 | Unrecruitable | |
Rattata | 5-8 | 5-8 | Unrecruitable | |
Linoone | 5-8 | 5-8 | Unrecruitable | |
Lotad | 5-8 | 5-8 | Unrecruitable | |
Larvitar | 6-8 | 6-8 | Unrecruitable | |
Starmie | 6-9 | 6-8 | Unrecruitable | |
Togepi | 6-10 | 6-9 | Unrecruitable | |
Clefairy | 7-9 | 7-8 | Unrecruitable | |
Marowak | 7-9 | 7-8 | Unrecruitable | |
Diglett | 7-11 | 7-9 | Unrecruitable | |
Aron | 8-9 | 8 | Unrecruitable | |
Machoke | 8-10 | 8-9 | Unrecruitable | |
Weepinbell | 8-10 | 8-9 | Unrecruitable | |
Ninjask | 8-10 | 8-9 | Unrecruitable | |
Hoppip | 9-10 | 8-9 | Unrecruitable | |
Wobbuffet | 9-11 | 8-9 | Unrecruitable | |
Spearow | 9-12, 41-45 | 8-10, 22-23 | Unrecruitable | |
Gloom | 10-14 | 9-11 | Unrecruitable | |
Electivire | 10-15 | 9-11 | Unrecruitable | |
Ralts | 11-13 | 9-10 | Unrecruitable | |
Nosepass | 11-13 | 9-10 | Unrecruitable | |
Tentacruel | 11-14 | 9-11 | Unrecruitable | |
Eevee | 11-14 | 9-11 | Unrecruitable | |
Vaporeon | 11-14 | 9-11 | Unrecruitable | |
Azumarill | 11-14 | 9-11 | Unrecruitable | |
Dustox | 12-14, 27-30 | 10-11, 16-17 | Unrecruitable | |
Baltoy | 12-15 | 10-11 | Unrecruitable | |
Meditite | 13-14 | 10-11 | Unrecruitable | |
Volbeat | 13-16 | 10-12 | Unrecruitable | |
Armaldo | 13-16 | 10-12 | Unrecruitable | |
Hypno | 14-17 | 11-12 | Unrecruitable | |
Natu | 14-17 | 11-12 | Unrecruitable | |
Lanturn | 14-18 | 11-13 | Unrecruitable | |
Exeggutor | 15-16 | 11-12 | Unrecruitable | |
Stunky | 15-19 | 11-13 | Unrecruitable | |
Bronzor | 15-20 | 11-14 | Unrecruitable | |
Porygon-Z | 15-20 | 11-14 | Unrecruitable | |
Scyther | 16-19 | 12-13 | Unrecruitable | |
Hoothoot | 16-19 | 12-13 | Unrecruitable | |
Slakoth | 17-20 | 12-14 | Unrecruitable | |
Plusle | 17-20 | 12-14 | Unrecruitable | |
Minun | 17-20 | 12-14 | Unrecruitable | |
Buneary | 17-20 | 12-14 | Unrecruitable | |
Quagsire | 17-20 | 12-14 | Unrecruitable | |
Sudowoodo | 17-20 | 12-14 | Unrecruitable | |
Beedrill | 17-21 | 12-14 | Unrecruitable | |
Arbok | 17-21 | 12-14 | Unrecruitable | |
Grimer | 17-21, 30-35, 80-85 | 12-14, 17-19, 27-28 | Unrecruitable | |
Graveler | 18-21 | 13-14 | Unrecruitable | |
Sentret | 19-21 | 13-14 | Unrecruitable | |
Swinub | 19-22 | 13-15 | Unrecruitable | |
Swalot | 19-22 | 13-15 | Unrecruitable | |
Oddish | 19-24 | 13-15 | Unrecruitable | |
Sunflora | 20-24 | 14-15 | Unrecruitable | |
Abomasnow | 20-24 | 14-15 | Unrecruitable | |
Castform | 21-24, 38-44, 57-62, 75-83, 89-94 |
14-15, 20-23, 25-30 | Unrecruitable | |
Drifloon | 21-25 | 14-16 | Unrecruitable | |
Kirlia | 21-25 | 14-16 | Unrecruitable | |
Shroomish | 21-25 | 14-16 | Unrecruitable | |
Beldum | 21-25 | 14-16 | Unrecruitable | |
Venonat | 22-25 | 15-16 | Unrecruitable | |
Ledyba | 22-25 | 15-16 | Unrecruitable | |
Farfetch'd | 23-28 | 15-16 | Unrecruitable | |
Growlithe | 24-28 | 15-16 | Unrecruitable | |
Poliwag | 24-28 | 15-16 | Unrecruitable | |
Trapinch | 24-28 | 15-16 | Unrecruitable | |
Gorebyss | 24-28 | 15-16 | Unrecruitable | |
Voltorb | 25-28 | 16 | Unrecruitable | |
Yanma | 26-30 | 16-17 | Unrecruitable | |
Mime Jr. | 26-30 | 16-17 | Unrecruitable | |
Meganium | 26-32 | 16-18 | Unrecruitable | |
Spinarak | 26-32 | 16-18 | Unrecruitable | |
Raichu | 27-30 | 16-17 | Unrecruitable | |
Teddiursa | 27-30 | 16-17 | Unrecruitable | |
Beautifly | 27-30 | 16-17 | Unrecruitable | |
Monferno | 27-33 | 16-18 | Unrecruitable | |
Dugtrio | 29-32, 70-79 | 17-18, 26-27 | Unrecruitable | |
Grotle | 29-33 | 17-18 | Unrecruitable | |
Rhyperior | 29-33 | 17-18 | Unrecruitable | |
Electrike | 30-34 | 17-19 | Unrecruitable | |
Electabuzz | 30-36 | 17-19 | Unrecruitable | |
Ampharos | 31-33 | 18 | Unrecruitable | |
Nidoran♂ | 31-35 | 18-19 | Unrecruitable | |
Gligar | 31-35 | 18-19 | Unrecruitable | |
Misdreavus | 31-36 | 18-19 | Unrecruitable | |
Psyduck | 33-37 | 18-20 | Unrecruitable | |
Pinsir | 33-39 | 18-21 | Unrecruitable | |
Mareep | 34-37 | 19-20 | Unrecruitable | |
Magnezone | 34-38 | 19-20 | Unrecruitable | |
Doduo | 35-39 | 19-21 | Unrecruitable | |
Drifblim | 35-40 | 19-21 | Unrecruitable | |
Poliwrath | 36-40 | 19-21 | Unrecruitable | |
Snorlax | 36-40 | 19-21 | Unrecruitable | |
Manectric | 36-40 | 19-21 | Unrecruitable | |
Cacnea | 37-41 | 20-22 | Unrecruitable | |
Murkrow | 39-42 | 21-22 | Unrecruitable | |
Heracross | 39-42 | 21-22 | Unrecruitable | |
Breloom | 39-43 | 21-22 | Unrecruitable | |
Weavile | 39-44 | 21-23 | Unrecruitable | |
Tauros | 40-43 | 21-22 | Unrecruitable | |
Skorupi | 40-45 | 21-23 | Unrecruitable | |
Cacturne | 41-45 | 22-23 | Unrecruitable | |
Granbull | 41-46 | 22-23 | Unrecruitable | |
Gyarados | 41-48 | 22-24 | Unrecruitable | |
Ariados | 42-46 | 22-23 | Unrecruitable | |
Skiploom | 42-46 | 22-23 | Unrecruitable | |
Dunsparce | 43-46 | 22-23 | Unrecruitable | |
Nincada | 44-49 | 23-24 | Unrecruitable | |
Skuntank | 45-52 | 23-24 | Unrecruitable | |
Probopass | 45-52 | 23-24 | Unrecruitable | |
Muk | 45-55 | 23-25 | Unrecruitable | |
Golbat | 46-50 | 23-24 | Unrecruitable | |
Nidorina | 47-50 | 24 | Unrecruitable | |
Nidorino | 47-50 | 24 | Unrecruitable | |
Bagon | 47-50 | 24 | Unrecruitable | |
Magmar | 47-52, 74-80 | 24, 26-27 | Unrecruitable | |
Tangela | 48-52 | 24 | Unrecruitable | |
Illumise | 49-54 | 24 | Unrecruitable | |
Surskit | 50-53 | 24 | Unrecruitable | |
Mawile | 50-54 | 24 | Unrecruitable | |
Spinda | 50-54 | 24 | Unrecruitable | |
Arcanine | 50-55 | 24-25 | Unrecruitable | |
Fearow | 51-54 | 24 | Unrecruitable | |
Forretress | 51-55 | 24-25 | Unrecruitable | |
Shuckle | 51-55 | 24-25 | Unrecruitable | |
Electrode | 51-56 | 24-25 | Unrecruitable | |
Hitmonlee | 51-56 | 24-25 | Unrecruitable | |
Hitmonchan | 51-56 | 24-25 | Unrecruitable | |
Elekid | 53-59 | 24-25 | Unrecruitable | |
Numel | 53-59 | 24-25 | Unrecruitable | |
Lopunny | 53-60 | 24-25 | Unrecruitable | |
Drapion | 55-60 | 25 | Unrecruitable | |
Mightyena | 56-60 | 25 | Unrecruitable | |
Magcargo | 56-61 | 25 | Unrecruitable | |
Ditto | 56-64 | 25 | Unrecruitable | |
Rampardos | 57-62 | 25 | Unrecruitable | |
Rapidash | 57-64 | 25 | Unrecruitable | |
Torkoal | 57-64 | 25 | Unrecruitable | |
Rhyhorn | 58-64 | 25 | Unrecruitable | |
Swablu | 58-64 | 25 | Unrecruitable | |
Kricketune | 59-63 | 25 | Unrecruitable | |
Snorunt | 60-65 | 25-26 | Unrecruitable | |
Piloswine | 60-67 | 25-26 | Unrecruitable | |
Vileplume | 60-69 | 25-26 | Unrecruitable | |
Furret | 61-63 | 25 | Unrecruitable | |
Lairon | 61-68 | 25-26 | Unrecruitable | |
Metang | 62-66 | 25-26 | Unrecruitable | |
Pineco | 63-67 | 25-26 | Unrecruitable | |
Shieldon | 63-68 | 25-26 | Unrecruitable | |
Wormadam Plant Cloak |
63-68 | 25-26 | Unrecruitable | |
Spheal | 65-66 | 26 | Unrecruitable | |
Aerodactyl | 65-69 | 26 | Unrecruitable | |
Shelgon | 65-69 | 26 | Unrecruitable | |
Pupitar | 65-70 | 26 | Unrecruitable | |
Zangoose | 65-70 | 26 | Unrecruitable | |
Purugly | 65-70 | 26 | Unrecruitable | |
Sealeo | 67-68 | 26 | Unrecruitable | |
Skarmory | 67-71 | 26 | Unrecruitable | |
Walrein | 69-70 | 26 | Unrecruitable | |
Luxio | 69-73 | 26 | Unrecruitable | |
Bastiodon | 69-73 | 26 | Unrecruitable | |
Venomoth | 70-74 | 26 | Unrecruitable | |
Girafarig | 70-75 | 26 | Unrecruitable | |
Masquerain | 70-75 | 26 | Unrecruitable | |
Slaking | 70-75 | 26 | Unrecruitable | |
Mothim | 71-75 | 26 | Unrecruitable | |
Magby | 71-77 | 26 | Unrecruitable | |
Koffing | 71-79 | 26-27 | Unrecruitable | |
Golem | 73-79 | 26-27 | Unrecruitable | |
Rhydon | 73-79 | 26-27 | Unrecruitable | |
Nidoqueen | 74-76 | 26 | Unrecruitable | |
Parasect | 74-78 | 26 | Unrecruitable | |
Duskull | 74-78 | 26 | Unrecruitable | |
Mamoswine | 74-79 | 26-27 | Unrecruitable | |
Ursaring | 75-80 | 26-27 | Unrecruitable | |
Claydol | 75-80 | 26-27 | Unrecruitable | |
Prinplup | 76-80 | 26-27 | Unrecruitable | |
Floatzel | 76-80 | 26-27 | Unrecruitable | |
Nidoking | 77-79 | 26-27 | Unrecruitable | |
Porygon2 | 79-84 | 27-28 | Unrecruitable | |
Hariyama | 80-84 | 27-28 | Unrecruitable | |
Camerupt | 80-85 | 27-28 | Unrecruitable | |
Lucario | 80-85 | 27-28 | Unrecruitable | |
Magmortar | 80-85 | 27-28 | Unrecruitable | |
Mismagius | 80-86 | 27-28 | Unrecruitable | |
Garchomp | 81-86 | 27-28 | Unrecruitable | |
Shuppet | 83-87 | 28-29 | Unrecruitable | |
Scizor | 84-89 | 28-29 | Unrecruitable | |
Lunatone | 84-89 | 28-29 | Unrecruitable | |
Solrock | 84-89 | 28-29 | Unrecruitable | |
Ledian | 86-90 | 28-29 | Unrecruitable | |
Miltank | 86-90 | 28-29 | Unrecruitable | |
Hippowdon | 86-90 | 28-29 | Unrecruitable | |
Dusclops | 86-92 | 28-30 | Unrecruitable | |
Metagross | 89-95 | 29-30 | Unrecruitable | |
Politoed | 90-99 | 29-30 | Unrecruitable | |
Empoleon | 91-97 | 30 | Unrecruitable | |
Altaria | 91-99 | 30 | Unrecruitable | |
Honchkrow | 91-99 | 30 | Unrecruitable | |
Bronzong | 91-99 | 30 | Unrecruitable | |
Tropius | 93-99 | 30 | Unrecruitable | |
Roserade | 93-99 | 30 | Unrecruitable | |
Crawdaunt | 94-99 | 30 | Unrecruitable | |
Kangaskhan | 95-99 | 30 | Unrecruitable | |
Noctowl | 96-99 | 30 | Unrecruitable | |
When the game spawns Poké, it will spawn no more than 100 on floors 1 through 40 and no more than 50 on floors 41 through 99. This is the only dungeon in Explorers of Sky where the maximum amount of money is lower later in the dungeon than at the beginning.
Item | Floors | |
Poké | 1-99F | |
Gaggle Specs | 1-99F | |
Insomniscope | 1-99F | |
No-Aim Scope | 1-99F | |
Lockon Specs | 1-99F | |
Scope Lens | 1-99F | |
Whiff Specs | 1-99F | |
Bounce Band | 1-99F | |
Curve Band | 1-99F | |
Def. Scarf | 1-99F | |
Detect Band | 1-99F | |
Gold Ribbon | 1-99F | |
Heal Ribbon | 1-99F | |
Joy Ribbon | 1-99F | |
Munch Belt | 1-99F | |
No-Slip Cap | 1-99F | |
No-Stick Cap | 1-99F | |
Pass Scarf | 1-99F | |
Patsy Band | 1-99F | |
Pecha Scarf | 1-99F | |
Persim Band | 1-99F | |
Plain Ribbon | 1-99F | |
Power Band | 1-99F | |
Racket Band | 1-99F | |
Special Band | 1-99F | |
Stamina Band | 1-99F | |
Twist Band | 1-99F | |
Warp Scarf | 1-99F | |
Weather Band | 1-99F | |
Zinc Band | 1-99F | |
4-5 Iron Thorn | 21-99F | |
4 Silver Spike | 21-99F | |
4-5 Stick | 21-99F | |
4-5 Gravelerock | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Geo Pebble | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Gravelyrock | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Apple | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Big Apple | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Grimy Food | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Blinker Seed | 1-99F | |
Dough Seed | 1-99F | |
Dropeye Seed | 1-99F | |
Eyedrop Seed | 1-99F | |
Heal Seed | 1-99F | |
Joy Seed | 1-99F | |
Life Seed | 1-99F | |
Pure Seed | 1-99F | |
Quick Seed | 1-99F | |
Sleep Seed | 1-99F | |
Slip Seed | 1-99F | |
Stun Seed | 1-99F | |
Totter Seed | 1-99F | |
Via Seed | 1-99F | |
Vile Seed | 1-99F | |
Violent Seed | 1-99F | |
Warp Seed | 1-99F | |
X-Eye Seed | 1-99F | |
Calcium | 1-99F | |
Ginseng | 1-99F | |
Iron | 1-99F | |
Max Elixir | 1-99F | |
Mix Elixir | 1-99F | |
Protein | 1-99F | |
Zinc | 1-99F | |
Blowback Orb | 1-99F | |
Cleanse Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Decoy Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Drought Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Escape Orb | 1-99F | |
Evasion Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Fill-In Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Hail Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Hurl Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Identify Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Invisify Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Itemizer Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Lob Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Longtoss Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Luminous Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Mobile Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Mug Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
One-Room Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
One-Shot Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Petrify Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Pierce Orb | 1-99F | |
Pounce Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Quick Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Radar Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Rainy Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Rebound Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Rocky Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Rollcall Orb | 50-99F | |
Sandy Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Scanner Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
See-Trap Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Shocker Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Silence Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Sizebust Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Slow Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Slumber Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Snatch Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Stairs Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Stayaway Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Sunny Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Switcher Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Totter Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Transfer Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Trapbust Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Trapper Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Trawl Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Two-Edge Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
Warp Orb | 1-19F, 21-99F | |
At the end of the dungeon | ||
Space Globe | PinnacleF |
Kecleon Shop
Monster House
Item | Floors | |
Poké | 6-99F | |
Blue Gummi | 6-99F | |
Brown Gummi | 6-99F | |
Grass Gummi | 6-99F | |
Green Gummi | 6-99F | |
Orange Gummi | 6-99F | |
Silver Gummi | 6-99F | |
Sky Gummi | 6-99F | |
White Gummi | 6-99F | |
Black Gummi | 6-99F | |
Clear Gummi | 6-99F | |
Gold Gummi | 6-99F | |
Gray Gummi | 6-99F | |
Pink Gummi | 6-99F | |
Purple Gummi | 6-99F | |
Red Gummi | 6-99F | |
Royal Gummi | 6-99F | |
Yellow Gummi | 6-99F | |
All-Hit Orb | 6-99F | |
All-Mach Orb | 6-99F | |
Blowback Orb | 6-99F | |
Cleanse Orb | 6-99F | |
Decoy Orb | 6-99F | |
Evasion Orb | 6-99F | |
Foe-Fear Orb | 6-99F | |
Foe-Hold Orb | 6-99F | |
Foe-Seal Orb | 6-99F | |
Hurl Orb | 6-99F | |
Invisify Orb | 6-99F | |
Itemizer Orb | 6-99F | |
Luminous Orb | 6-99F | |
Mug Orb | 6-99F | |
One-Shot Orb | 6-99F | |
Petrify Orb | 6-99F | |
Pounce Orb | 6-99F | |
Radar Orb | 6-99F | |
Rebound Orb | 6-99F | |
Scanner Orb | 6-99F | |
See-Trap Orb | 6-99F | |
Silence Orb | 6-99F | |
Slumber Orb | 6-99F | |
Snatch Orb | 6-99F | |
Spurn Orb | 6-99F | |
Switcher Orb | 6-99F | |
Totter Orb | 6-99F | |
Transfer Orb | 6-99F | |
Trapbust Orb | 6-99F | |
Trawl Orb | 6-99F | |
Warp Orb | 6-99F |
Buried items
Item | Floors | |
Poké | 1-99F |
The amount of traps is the same as in Zero Isle South:
- 2-5 on floor 1.
- 3-6 on floor 2
- 3-7 on floor 3
- 4-8 on floors 4 through 50
- 5-10 on later floors
It will spawn extra in a Monster House.
Image | Trap | B1-B2F | B3-B9F | B10F | B11-B19F | B20F | B21-B29F | B30F | B31-B39F | B40-B49F | B50F | B51-B59F | B60-B69F | B70F |
Chestnut Trap | 4.79% | 4.56% | 4.52% | 4.42% | 4.52% | 4.24% | 4.52% | — | ||||||
Explosion Trap | 1.91% | 1.83% | 1.81% | 1.77% | 1.81% | 1.70% | 1.81% | 1.86% | 1.63% | 1.65% | 4.59% | 5.44% | ||
Grimy Trap | 4.79% | 4.56% | 4.53% | 4.43% | 4.53% | 4.23% | 4.52% | 2.79% | 2.45% | 2.47% | 2.76% | 3.26% | ||
Grudge Trap | — | 2.26% | 2.21% | 4.52% | 4.24% | 4.52% | 4.65% | 6.12% | 6.17% | 6.88% | 9.15% | |||
Gust Trap | 2.39% | 2.29% | 2.26% | 2.27% | 2.21% | 2.26% | 2.12% | 2.26% | 2.32% | — | ||||
Mud Trap | 2.39% | 2.28% | 2.26% | 4.42% | 4.52% | 12.71% | 13.57% | 13.95% | 16.33% | 16.46% | 18.35% | 21.74% | ||
Poison Trap | — | 4.56% | 4.53% | 4.52% | 4.43% | 4.53% | 4.24% | 4.52% | 4.65% | 4.09% | 4.12% | 2.29% | 2.72% | |
Pokémon Trap | 4.79% | 4.56% | 4.53% | 4.43% | 4.52% | 4.23% | 4.52% | 4.65% | 4.08% | 4.11% | 2.29% | — | ||
PP-Zero Trap | 4.78% | 4.57% | 4.53% | 4.43% | 4.53% | 4.23% | 4.53% | 4.65% | 4.09% | 4.11% | 9.18% | 6.52% | ||
Random Trap | 19.14% | 18.26% | 18.10% | 17.70% | 18.10% | 16.95% | 18.10% | 18.61% | 16.33% | 16.46% | 18.35% | 21.74% | ||
Seal Trap | 2.39% | 2.29% | 2.26% | 2.21% | 2.26% | 6.35% | 6.79% | 9.30% | 8.16% | 8.23% | 6.88% | 10.86% | ||
Selfdestruct Trap | 1.44% | 1.37% | 1.35% | 1.36% | 1.32% | 1.35% | 1.27% | 1.36% | 1.40% | 1.22% | 1.23% | — | ||
Slow Trap | 3.83% | 3.65% | 4.53% | 4.43% | 4.53% | 4.24% | 4.52% | 4.65% | 4.08% | 3.29% | 2.75% | 3.27% | ||
Slumber Trap | 2.39% | 2.28% | 2.26% | 2.21% | 2.26% | 2.12% | 2.27% | 3.72% | 3.27% | 3.29% | 3.67% | 4.34% | ||
Spin Trap | 4.31% | 4.11% | 4.07% | 3.98% | 4.07% | 3.81% | 4.07% | 4.19% | 3.67% | 3.71% | 2.30% | 2.72% | ||
Sticky Trap | 2.39% | 2.29% | 9.05% | 8.85% | 9.05% | 8.48% | 2.27% | 2.33% | 8.16% | 8.23% | 9.17% | 5.43% | ||
Summon Trap | 4.78% | 4.57% | 4.52% | 4.42% | 4.52% | 4.24% | 4.53% | 4.65% | 4.08% | 4.12% | 3.66% | 3.81% | ||
Trip Trap | 2.39% | 2.29% | 2.26% | 2.21% | 2.27% | 2.12% | 2.27% | 2.32% | 4.08% | 4.12% | — | |||
Warp Trap | 4.79% | 4.56% | 4.53% | 2.26% | 2.22% | 2.27% | 2.12% | 2.26% | 2.33% | 2.04% | 2.05% | — | ||
Wonder Tile | 26.31% | 25.12% | 18.10% | 17.70% | 13.58% | 6.36% | 6.79% | 6.98% | 6.12% | 6.18% | 6.88% | — |
Image | Trap | B71-B72F, B75-B78F | B73F | B74F | B79F | B80-B99F |
Explosion Trap | 5.47% | 5.44% | 5.38% | 5.53% | 5.40% | |
Grudge Trap | 10.93% | 10.87% | 10.75% | 11.05% | 10.81% | |
Mud Trap | 21.86% | 21.74% | 21.51% | 22.10% | 21.62% | |
Poison Trap | 2.73% | 2.72% | 2.69% | 2.76% | 2.71% | |
PP-Zero Trap | 6.55% | 7.06% | 8.06% | 5.52% | 5.41% | |
Random Trap | 21.86% | 21.74% | 21.51% | 22.10% | 21.62% | |
Seal Trap | 10.93% | 10.87% | 10.75% | 11.05% | 10.81% | |
Slow Trap | 3.28% | 3.26% | 3.23% | 3.32% | 5.40% | |
Slumber Trap | 4.37% | 4.34% | 4.30% | 4.42% | 4.33% | |
Spin Trap | 2.73% | 2.72% | 2.68% | 2.76% | 2.70% | |
Sticky Trap | 5.46% | 5.43% | 5.37% | 5.52% | 5.41% | |
Summon Trap | 3.83% | 3.81% | 3.77% | 3.87% | 3.78% |
Other encounters
Image | Encounter | B1-B5F | B6F, B8-B13F | B7F | B14F, B29F, B46F, B64F, B86F | B23F, B38F, B55F, B75F, B95F | Other floors |
Kecleon Shop | 11% | 50% | 11% | 50% | 11% | ||
Monster House | 0% | 5% | 50% | 6% |
Tileset #2 | Tileset #3 | Tileset #4 | Tileset #5 |
Tileset #6 | Tileset #7 | Tileset #8 | Tileset #9 |
Tileset #10 | Pinnacle | ||
In other languages
Destiny Tower Pinnacle
See also
This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively. |