← Drenched Bluff
Mt. Bristle
Waterfall Cave →

Mt. Bristle (Japanese: トゲトゲやま Mt. Spiny) is a dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky. It is unlocked after completing Drenched Bluff. It has 9 floors. At the end of the dungeon is Mt. Bristle Peak (Japanese: トゲトゲやま ちょうじょう), where the player and their partner battle Drowzee to save Azurill.

Mt. Bristle トゲトゲやま
Mt. Spiny
Basic info
Floors: 10*
Rest stops: No
Traps: No
Monster Houses: No
Main type: Poison, Normal, Flying
Boss: Drowzee
Recruiting: Yes
Items: 48
Money: Allowed
Starting level: Current
Team members: 4
Please upload a world map highlighting this dungeon's location.


The jobs here are ranked E-C by default, depending on the floor.

The size of floors varies, with floor 1 and 8 being on the smaller side and floor 6 being large. The average amount of rooms slowly rises as the player goes through the dungeon, with usually 1-2 Wonder Tiles, 3-5 enemies, as well as 1-4 items on earlier floors and 2-5 on later ones.

The IQ Booster activates on 6th and 8th floor. The turn limit is 1000 on each floor. There is a guaranteed Big Apple in this dungeon.

Pokémon encountered

Mt. Bristle

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
Machop (Pokémon) Machop 1-9 6-7 8.2%
Geodude (Pokémon) Geodude 1-9 6-7 8.2%
Doduo (Pokémon) Doduo 1-9 7-8 6.4%
Spinarak (Pokémon) Spinarak 1-9 7-8 6.4%
Starly (Pokémon) Starly 1-9 8-9 8.2%
Nidorina (Pokémon) Nidorina 4-9 5-6 0.5%
Nidorino (Pokémon) Nidorino 4-9 5-6 0.5%

Mt. Bristle Peak

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
Drowzee (Pokémon) Drowzee Peak 12 Unrecruitable Boss
Drowzee can only be found here once.


Item Floors
2-40TD/70S Poké 1-9F
5 Geo Pebble 1-9F
T 4-5 Iron Thorn 1-9F
DS 4-5 Stick 1-9F
Apple 1-4, 6-9F
TS Blue Gummi 1-9F
TS Grass Gummi 1-9F
TS Orange Gummi 1-9F
TS White Gummi 1-9F
D Clear Gummi 1-9F
D Pink Gummi 1-9F
D Red Gummi 1-9F
D Yellow Gummi 1-9F
Oran Berry 1-9F
S Oren Berry 1-9F
Pecha Berry 1-9F
Rawst Berry 5-9FTS, 1-9DF
Cheri Berry 1-9F
Blast Seed 1-9F
S Dough Seed 1-9F
S Dropeye Seed 1-9F
Heal Seed 1-9F
S Reviser Seed 1-9F
Reviver Seed 1-9F
TS Sleep Seed 1-9F
S Slip Seed 1-9F
TS Stun Seed 1-9F
S Via Seed 1-9F
TS Warp Seed 1-9F
DS X-Eye Seed 1-9F
Max Elixir 1-9F
S Mix Elixir 1-9F
DS All-Hit Orb 1-9F
TS Blowback Orb 1-9F
Decoy Orb 1-9FD, 1-4SF
Drought Orb 1-9F
Escape Orb 1-9F
T Evasion Orb 1-9F
D Foe-Fear Orb 1-9F
DS Foe-Seal Orb 1-9F
TS Hurl Orb 1-9F
Luminous Orb 1-9FD, 1-4SF
Rollcall Orb 1-9F
Slumber Orb 1-9FD, 1-4SF
TS Spurn Orb 1-9F
D Stayaway Orb 1-9F
TS Switcher Orb 1-9F
Totter Orb 1-9FD, 1-4SF
Transfer Orb 1-9FD, 1-4SF
TS Warp Orb 1-9F
Fixed spawn
Big Apple 5F


Psychic Unknown
Insomnia and Forewarn
Held item:
Drowzee Lv.12
HP: 100
Normal Physical
Psychic Status
Normal Status
Psychic Special


Game Entrance Peak

In other languages

Mt. Bristle

Language Title
French Mt Hérissé
German Stachelberg
Italian Monte Crespo
Korean 삐죽삐죽 산 Ppijukppijuk San
Spanish Monte Árido

Mt. Bristle Peak

Language Title
French Mt Hérissé pic
German Stachelberggipfel
Italian Vetta Crespa
Korean 삐죽삐죽 산 최상층 Ppijukppijuk San Choesangcheung
Spanish Pico Árido

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Dungeons exclusive to Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky
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Demo only:
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This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively.