The Burn Heal (Japanese: やけどなおし Burn Heal) is a type of medicine introduced in Generation I. It cures a Pokémon from a burn.

Burn Heal
Burn Heal
Burn Heal
Pokémon Global Link artwork
Introduced in Generation I
Generation I Items
Generation II Items
Generation III Items
Generation IV Medicine
Generation V Medicine
Generation VI Medicine
Generation VII Medicine
Generation VIII Medicine
Generation IX Medicine
Power 30

In the core series games


Games Cost Sell price
$250 $125
SMUSUMPE $300 $150
SwSh $200 $100
SV $200 $50


When used from the Bag on a Pokémon, it cures a Pokémon from a burn.

Wonder Launcher

The Burn Heal appears as a Wonder Launcher item. It costs 4 points to use.


Games Description
Stad Medicine for curing a Pokémon that is suffering from a burn.
GSC Heals burned Pokémon.
RSEColo Heals Pokémon of a burn.
FRLG A spray-type medicine. It heals one Pokémon of a burn.
XD Heals a burned Pokémon.
A spray-type medicine. It heals a single Pokémon that is suffering from a burn.
A spray-type medicine for treating burns. It can be used once to heal a Pokémon suffering from a burn.
A spray-type medicine for treating burns. It can be used to heal a single Pokémon suffering from a burn.
SV A spray-type medicine for treating burns. It can be used to cure a Pokémon suffering from a burn.


Games Finite methods Repeatable methods
Viridian, Pewter, Cerulean, Lavender Poké Marts; Celadon Department Store
GSC Burned TowerGS, Goldenrod Department Store Ecruteak, Viridian, Pewter, Vermilion, Lavender Poké Marts; Celadon Department Store, Goldenrod Department Store
RSE Jagged Pass Verdanturf, Lavaridge Poké Marts; Lilycove Department Store
FRLG Route 9 Pewter, Cerulean, Lavender Poké Marts; Celadon Department Store
Hidden recurring item (Underground Path (Kanto Routes 5–6), Underground Path (Kanto Routes 7–8))
Colo In the player's Bag at the start of the game Phenac, Pyrite Poké Marts; Outskirt Stand
XD Relic Cave, Realgam Tower (Battle CD 19 completion prize) Phenac, Agate, Gateon Poké Marts
Pickup (Lv. 1-60)
DPPt Routes 206 and 210DP, Wayward CaveDP, Pokémon MansionDP, Fuego IronworksDP, Stark MountainDP All Poké Marts (after obtaining 1 Badge), Celestic Town shop, Veilstone Department Store
HGSS Goldenrod Department Store All Poké Marts (after obtaining 1 Badge), Celadon Department Store, Goldenrod Department Store
PW Refreshing Field, Rugged Road
BW Route 4 (×2) All Poké Marts (after obtaining 1 Badge), Shopping Mall Nine
B2W2 Virbank City All Poké Marts (after obtaining 1 Badge), Shopping Mall Nine
XY Routes 10 and 13, Poké Ball Factory, Couriway Town All Poké Marts (after obtaining 1 Badge)
ORAS All Poké Marts (after obtaining 1 Badge), Lilycove Department Store
SMUSUM Route 12, Ten Carat Hill, Wela Volcano Park All Poké Marts, Thrifty Megamart
PE All Poké Marts, Celadon Department Store
SwSh Route 3, Motostoke All Poké Marts
SwShIA Armor Station Poké Mart
SwShCT Crown Tundra Station Poké Mart
BDSP Routes 206 and 210, Wayward Cave, Pokémon Mansion, Fuego Ironworks, Stark Mountain All Poké Marts (after obtaining 1 Badge), Celestic Town shop, Veilstone Department Store, Ramanas Park shop
SV Area Zero, Casseroya Lake, Schedar Squad's Base, East Province (Area Three), South Province (Area One), South Province (Area Four), South Province (Area Five), South Province (Area Six) All Poké Marts
SVTM Fellhorn Gorge, Infernal Pass, Kitakami Road, Kitakami Wilds, Mossfell Confluence, Oni Mountain, Paradise Barrens, Reveler's Road, Timeless Woods, Wistful Fields Peachy's
Sparkling overworld item (Infernal Pass, Oni Mountain, Paradise Barrens)
SVID Vending machines (Terarium)



Artwork from
Scarlet and Violet

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Conquest

In Pokémon Conquest, the Burn Heal can be used to cure a Pokémon from a burn.

A Burn Heal can be purchased from any Shop for 300-210 gold, and sold for 150-195 gold.


Games Description
Conq. Cures burning.

In animation

A Burn Heal in Pokémon Horizons: The Series

Pokémon Horizons: The Series

A Burn Heal appeared in HZ081, when Friede gave one to Dot to heal her Quaxwell during their battle against Lucius's Gouging Fire.


In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 灼傷藥 Cheuksēungyeuhk
Mandarin 灼傷藥 / 灼伤药 Zhuóshāngyào
French Anti-Br��le
German Feuerheiler
Italian Antiscottatura
Korean 화상치료제 Hwasang Chiryoje
Brazilian Portuguese Cura para Queimaduras
Spanish Antiquemar

Related articles

This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.