Route 10 (Japanese: 10番道路 Route 10) is a route in western Kalos, connecting Geosenge Town and Cyllage City. The route is also known as Menhir Trail (Japanese: メンヒルロード Menhir Road).

Route 10
Route 10
Map description
Countless stones line this mysterious path in such numbers and arrays that it seems overwhelming.
Required for navigation
Connecting locations
Geosenge Town
Route 10
Cyllage City
Kalos Route 10
Location of Route 10 in Kalos.
Pokémon world routes
Route 9       Route 11

Route description

Route 10 is a route between Geosenge Town and Cyllage City. It is lined with mysterious stones (based on the Carnac stones), which are actually the graves of Pokémon who were sacrificed 3,000 years ago in order for their life forces to energize the ultimate weapon that was used by AZ to end the war. The stones, as noted by researchers such as Colress, usually put out energy. However, when the ultimate weapon is fully activated, that reverses and they begin to absorb energy from Pokémon.

While the ultimate weapon is present in Geosenge Town, Route 10 is completely closed to access. One Team Flare member blocking the area says that the player should not be exposed to the sights taking place there, presumably with the stones in the area. After the ultimate weapon is destroyed, it is revealed that Tierno and others were fighting Team Flare in the area.


Item Location Games
Iapapa Berry Iapapa Berry In front of the Berry tree at the first bend in the road north from Cyllage City (regenerates after 7 days)  X  Y 
Revive Revive On the southwestern-most menhir among the northeastern bed of yellow flowers north of the Cyllage City entrance (requires Strength) (hidden)  X  Y 
TM Electric VI TM73 (Thunder Wave) Past two Strength puzzles north of the Cyllage City entrance (requires Strength)  X  Y 
Mind Plate Mind Plate In the southeast corner of the southern rock-bordered field of large menhirs  X  Y 
X Accuracy X Accuracy In the northwest corner of the southern rock-bordered field of large menhirs  X  Y 
Paralyze Heal Paralyze Heal One space south of the northeast corner of the southern rock-bordered field of large menhirs (hidden)  X  Y 
Burn Heal Burn Heal In the southeast corner of the middle rock-bordered field of large menhirs (hidden)  X  Y 
Thunder Stone Thunder Stone In the northwest corner of the middle rock-bordered field of large menhirs  X  Y 

Natural objects

Item Location Games
Rawst Berry Rawst Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a green Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Lum Berry Lum Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a green Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Aguav Berry Aguav Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a green Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Rindo Berry Rindo Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a green Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Kebia Berry Kebia Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a green Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Tanga Berry Tanga Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a green Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Babiri Berry Babiri Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a green Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a purple Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Wiki Berry Wiki Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a purple Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Payapa Berry Payapa Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a purple Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Kasib Berry Kasib Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a purple Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Colbur Berry Colbur Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a purple Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Mental Herb Mental Herb Randomly found by using Petal Blizzard or Razor Leaf on grass during a battle  X  Y 
Power Herb Power Herb Randomly found by using Petal Blizzard or Razor Leaf on grass during a battle  X  Y 
White Herb White Herb Randomly found by using Petal Blizzard or Razor Leaf on grass during a battle  X  Y 


Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Eevee Eevee
Grass Grass
19-21 5%
Snubbull Snubbull
Grass Grass
21 10%
Houndour Houndour
Grass Grass
21 10%
Electrike Electrike
Grass Grass
21 10%
Sigilyph Sigilyph
Grass Grass
19-21 20%
Emolga Emolga
Grass Grass
19-20 5%
Golett Golett
Grass Grass
19-21 30%
Hawlucha Hawlucha
Grass Grass
19-20 20%
Yellow flowers
Eevee Eevee
Yellow flowers Yellow flowers
19-20 20%
Snubbull Snubbull
Yellow flowers Yellow flowers
19-21 30%
Houndour Houndour
Yellow flowers Yellow flowers
19-20 20%
Electrike Electrike
Yellow flowers Yellow flowers
19-20 20%
Sigilyph Sigilyph
Yellow flowers Yellow flowers
21 10%
Emolga Emolga
Yellow flowers Yellow flowers
19-20 5%
Golett Golett
Yellow flowers Yellow flowers
21 10%
Hawlucha Hawlucha
Yellow flowers Yellow flowers
21 5%
Horde Encounter
Yanma Yanma
Horde Encounter Horde Encounter
10 35%
Houndour Houndour
Horde Encounter Horde Encounter
11 5%
Nosepass Nosepass
Horde Encounter Horde Encounter
10 60%
Electrike Electrike
Horde Encounter Horde Encounter
11 5%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.


Trainer Pokémon
Psychic Robert
Psychic Robert
ケイジ Keiji
Reward: $1,232
Solosis Solosis Lv.22
No item
Tourist Fumiko
Tourist Fumiko
ジュンコ Junko
Reward: $1,520
Skiploom Skiploom Lv.19
No item
Azumarill Azumarill Lv.19
No item
Dunsparce Dunsparce Lv.19
No item
Psychic Sayid
Psychic Sayid
エリック Eric
Reward: $1,176
Meditite Meditite Lv.19
No item
Kirlia Kirlia Lv.21
No item
Tourist Tomoko
Tourist Tomoko
ハルミ Harumi
Reward: $1,520
Drifloon Drifloon Lv.19
No item
Hippopotas Hippopotas Lv.19
No item
Pachirisu Pachirisu Lv.19
No item
After earning the Cliff Badge
Team Flare Grunt
Team Flare Grunt
Reward: $920
Houndour Houndour Lv.21
No item
Golbat Golbat Lv.23
No item
Team Flare Grunt
Team Flare Grunt
Reward: $840
Electrike Electrike Lv.23
No item
Croagunk Croagunk Lv.21
No item
Team Flare Grunt
Team Flare Grunt
Reward: $960
Gulpin Gulpin Lv.24
No item


Games Situation Song name (Japanese) Song name (English) Composition Arrangement
 X  Y  Overworld 8番道路 Route 8 Minako Adachi Minako Adachi
When encountering Team Flare Grunts フレア団登場! Team Flare Appears! Minako Adachi Minako Adachi
When battling Team Flare Grunts 戦闘!フレア団 Battle! (Team Flare) Minako Adachi Minako Adachi
After defeating Team Flare Grunts フレア団に勝利! Victory! (Team Flare) Minako Adachi Minako Adachi

In animation

Route 10 in Pokémon the Series: XY

Pokémon the Series

Pokémon the Series: XY

Route 10 made its first appearance in A Battle by Any Other Name!. Ash and his friends visited a town located along the route, which featured a Poké Puff-making competition that Serena entered. Surrounding the town is a forest made up of mostly Berry trees. Past the town is Calanthe Town, as shown in To Find a Fairy Flower!. There is a plain near the town where Fairy Flowers held by Flabébé is known to grown. Brackish Town is located after Calanthe Town, as shown in The Bonds of Evolution. The town is famous for its chocolate cake. It has a large stadium where Diantha had an exhibition match. Past that town is another town, as shown in Heroes - Friends and Faux Alike!. The town is surrounded by forest, but there is also some rocky hills. In Mega Revelations!, a large canyon is shown to be located within the forest.

In the manga

Route 10 in Pokémon Adventures
The ancient Absorber in Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Adventures

X & Y arc

Route 10 first appeared in Zygarde Appears. After the initial activation of the ultimate weapon had failed to take any lives thanks to X and his friends, Xerosic discovered that the stones lining the area were actually an ancient form of the Absorber used by AZ when he first used the ultimate weapon. With the other Absorber destroyed when Xerneas awakened from its dormant tree form, Xerosic decided to use the stones as a replacement to refuel the ultimate weapon with Pokémon life energy.

In Charizard Transforms, a group of Team Flare Grunts lined up the stones with Pokémon captured from Pokémon Village. The recharging of the ultimate weapon began in Zygarde Agitated, under the supervision of Team Flare Admin Chalmers. Before the life energy absorption of the captive Pokémon could be finished, however, the route was attacked by Viola, Alexa, Clemont, Bonnie, and Yvette, who had learned of Team Flare's plans and arrived to free the Pokémon they had captured and destroy the stones to prevent the ultimate weapon from ever being used again. With the other Gym Leaders taking down their reinforcement forces, the Team Flare members on Route 10 were soon defeated, despite the support of Malva's Delphox.


  • A Backpacker here mentions Colress once telling him about the mysterious energy emitted by the stones on this route.
  • After being defeated, Psychic Robert says that the player's Pokémon's "power levels" are "over 9,000 for sure," making a reference to the memetic phrase from the Dragon Ball Z anime series.

Name origin

Menhir is a Breton word used to describe a standing stone. The standing stones on Route 10 are inspired by the Carnac stones in Carnac and La Trinité-sur-Mer in the French coastal region of Brittany.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 巨石之路 Geuihsehk jī Louh
Mandarin 巨石之路 Jùshí zhī Lù *
巨石路 Jùshí Lù *
French Route Menhir
German Menhir-Weg
Italian Strada del Menhir
Korean 멘히르로드 Menhir Road
Spanish Camino Menhires

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This article is part of Project Routes, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every route in the Pokémon world.