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Verdanturf Town (Japanese: シダケタウンShidake Town) is a small, quaint town nestled between the mountains and the plains in central-western Hoenn. It is well known for its very clean air.
Verdanturf Town
シダケタウン Shidake Town
"The windswept highlands with the sweet fragrance of grass."
Verdanturf Town in {{{variable2}}}.
Map description
Thanks to the prevailing wind pattern, this town is always kept clear of falling volcanic ash.
There are two ways out of Verdanturf: to the east is Route 117 towards Mauville City; and to the north is the Rusturf Tunnel, which was being constructed to link Rustboro and Verdanturf. However, the construction disturbed the local Whismur who lived in the tunnel, and so it was canceled. Wanda's boyfriend tried to dig the tunnel himself but was unable to do it. After the player gets the Dynamo Badge, they can use Rock Smash to complete the tunnel and open a path to Route 116.
Battle Tent Verdanturf Site
"Feast Your Eyes on Battles!"
Wanda's house
Wanda and most of her family live on the south side of the town. Wally is sent to live here to improve his health, but is only seen at Wanda's house after the player battles Wally in Mauville City. After the player obtains the Balance Badge, Wally will no longer be at Wanda's house.
Friendship rater
In the house situated to the left of Wanda's house, there is a woman who rates the friendship of Pokémon.
Shroomish girl
In Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, there is a little girl between the houses of Wanda and the friendship rater who has lost her Shroomish. She mentions it went missing somewhere near the sign. If the player reads the sign after talking to the girl, the Shroomish will come out from behind the sign and return to the girl. As a reward for finding it, the little girl will give the player the Intriguing Stone.
Move Tutor
In Pokémon Emerald, inside the Pokémon Center there is a kid who will teach a compatible Pokémon Fury Cutter one time only.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
After defeating Stefano, May battled Timmy in the final round. Timmy proved to be a talented Coordinator and a tough opponent for May, as he had some good combinations up his sleeve, which led May to lose a large number of points. However, her Skitty managed to master Blizzard and use it against Dusclops, knocking it out. The Contest Judges then called Battle Off and May was declared the winner. Afterwards, Mr. Contesta rewarded May with the coveted Verdanturf Ribbon, her second Contest Ribbon overall.
In It All Ends Now VIII, the Verdanturf Contest Hall, destroyed during the weather crisis caused by Groudon and Kyogre, was revealed to have been rebuilt as a Battle Tent, though it still maintained the function of hosting Pokémon Contests.
In Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, a girl in the Poké Mart sings a short song when talked to, which goes: "Ball, Ball, Nest Ball. ♪ Ball, Ball, Luxury Ball. ♪" Afterwards, she says that she learned the song from "a strange person in red clothes" when she visited the Kalos region once. This is likely a reference to the Team Flare Grunt who sings a similar song before being battled at the Poké Ball Factory in X and Y.