The Butler, Rallying is Chapter 149 of the Kuroshitsuji manga.
In a pub, Othello orders two pints of ale and a kidney pie right before Grelle Sutcliff joins him. She asks him what they are doing in a pub and scolds him because of his choice of clothing, only to be reminded by Othello that her clothes are not exactly inconspicuous either.
They sit down and chat while they eat and drink. Grelle wants Othello to tell her why they left Phantomhive Manor so soon as it was their chance to capture Undertaker. Othello tells her that if she had fought against both Sebastian and Undertaker, she would have been held accountable for the resulting damage and been severely punished. Furthermore, Grelle did not have any chance against Undertaker as he is the legendary Grim Reaper, "136649" who tried to leave the Dispatch seventy years ago and destroyed half of the headquarters in the process.
Othello reveals to Grelle that he and Undertaker joined the Dispatch at the same time and that, back then, Undertaker was an exemplary Grim Reaper; nobody would have ever thought that, one day, he would become a mad scientist and experiment with life and death. And as Undertaker's Bizarre Dolls are now only faulty in one aspect, their non-independently functioning circulatory systems, Othello says it is best to strike Undertaker down now before he can fix this final problem and shatter the definition of a "soul" as the world knows it.
Grelle and Othello then leave the pub, and Othello sends a messenger pigeon to send for reinforcements.
Shortly afterward, at Phantomhive Manor, "Ciel" looks out of a window and reaches out for the moon before collapsing. Before he hits the ground, Undertaker catches him and says that he reached his limit today. "Ciel" tells him he would want to be with his brother right now and that it is quite frustrating that he cannot because of his body. He wonders if Ciel felt the same back when they were children and he was always house-bound because of his asthma. Then, "Ciel" falls asleep, and Undertaker notes how happy he looks right now.
Characters in Order of Appearance[]