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Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-decadeThis article is about an alternate reality in Kamen Rider Decade.
Shinkenger Backdrop

The backdrop for the World of Shinkenger.

The World of Shinkenger (シンケンジャーの世界, Shinkenjā no Sekai) is one of the New Worlds, though it is set within the continuity of Samurai Sentai ShinkengerIcon-crosswiki. The backdrop features two KurokoIcon-crosswiki opening up a curtain to reveal artistic representations of the five main OrigamiIcon-crosswiki. Within this world, Tsukasa takes the role of a Kuroko of the Shiba HouseIcon-crosswiki. However, he is forced to intervene due to the appearance of ChinomanakoIcon-crosswiki, an AyakashiIcon-crosswiki who obtains Daiki Kaito's Diendriver and transforms into a Kamen Rider himself, a distortion that threatens the existence this world.

This world was preceded by the World of Diend, and followed by the World of Black RX.


For more information on the history of the ShinkengersIcon-crosswiki and their fight against the GedoushuIcon-crosswiki, see :Category:Shinkengers#Team HistoryIcon-crosswiki.

Daiki Kaito (Kamen Rider Diend) was the first to enter the World of Shinkenger. Returning to his sushi cart after the birthday party of Kotoha Hanaori (Shinken Yellow)Icon-crosswiki, Genta Umemori (Shinken Gold)Icon-crosswiki found Daiki stealing the Ika Origami. When Genta asked who he was, the young man replied that he was "...just a Kamen Rider passing through". [[Act 20: The Ebi Origami's TransformationIcon-crosswiki|[']]]

Arriving in the new world with a strange card in hand, Tsukasa found himself in the costume of a kuroko before running into Daiki who just stole a squid-like artifact. Daiki mentioned that this world was not like the other A.R. Worlds before running off prior to the appearance of mysterious red fish-like monstersIcon-crosswiki. Tsukasa was about to transform before several other Kuroko shown up along with five young men and women who transformed into the ShinkengersIcon-crosswiki to fight drive them back into the Sanzu RiverIcon-crosswiki. Yusuke and Natsumi returned to the Hikari Studio after losing sight of Tsukasa, with Natsumi worried about not being in an A.R. World. Tsukasa, however, was at the Shiba ClanIcon-crosswiki household, listening in on a discussion between Takeru Shiba (Shinken Red)Icon-crosswiki and his caretaker, Hikoma KusakabeIcon-crosswiki, over the latter's need to go to the hospital. Elsewhere, sushiman Genta Umemori catches up to Daiki, ready to fight him for stealing the Ika Origami. Both transformed, and Diend summoned both Kamen Riders Scissors and Raia to fight Shinken Gold. Unbeknownst to them, Shitari of the BonesIcon-crosswiki sends the Ayakashi ChinomanakoIcon-crosswiki to investigate Diend out of dread of his appearance. Chinomanako arrived just as Shinken Gold took out the summoned riders and stole the Diendriver from Daiki, knocking out Shinken Gold in the process. Chased by the Ayakashi, Daiki made his way to Tsukasa who laughed at the irony before using Den-O's power as Decade to fight Chinomanako. The Ayakashi escaped at the last minute, and was suddenly compelled to use the Diendriver, inserting the Diend Kamen Ride Card and shooting it above him. Transformed into a monstrous version of Kamen Rider Diend, Chinomanako summoned a mass of Nanashi to attack the mortal realm to Narutaki's horror of the newly born abomination. [The Arrival of the Samurai Sentai]

The Shinkengers battled a group of Nanashi Company with no accompanying Ayakashi. Because the attack seemed so random, Takeru was concerned and had the Shinkengers search the area. Tsukasa lifted his veil as the Shinkengers left the scene. They eventually faced an AyakashiIcon-crosswiki, defeating it in its first life. The group used Tenku-ShinkenohIcon-crosswiki to fight the giant Ayakashi with Shinken Gold arriving in DaikaiohIcon-crosswiki to quickly destroy the Ayakashi as Natsumi witnessed the battle. After the fight, Takeru encountered Narutaki who warned him that his world was endangered by the presence of a person known as Decade. He later crossed paths with the strange kuroko who revealed his true identity. [[Act 21: The Father and Son BearsIcon-crosswiki|[']]]

After Tsukasa revealed himself, Takeru realized that Tsukasa was the "Decade" Narutaki warned him about. Before the two could fight, Narutaki arrived to tell Tsukasa he was to blame for the terror brought unto the world by the Ayakashi Chinomanako, who now had the powers of Diend, and that the only way to save the worlds he entered if he ceased to exist. After Takeru took out the Nanashi and driven off Chinomanako as Shinken Red, Genta attacked Tsukasa believing that he was in league with Daiki until Natsumi took him to the Hikari Studio, where Hikoma Kusakabe was hiding. When the other Shinkengers arrive, Daiki used their fears to cause a fight to break out and escaped with Genta not far behind, leaving Natsumi to break it up before going to a room where all of Tsukasa's photos were kept. When Chinomanako attacked again, Genta ended his chase and contacted the Shinkengers who gone off to fight the Ayakashi alone. Tsukasa, troubled by Narutaki's words, stayed behind with Yusuke trying to convince him to help before he gone off on his own. By then, Hikoma came forward and convinced Tsukasa to continue to find his place, regardless of what Narutaki had said to him. Tsukasa joined the battle just as Chinomanako and his summoned Eagle Undead and Moose Fangire have overpowered the Shinkengers and Kuuga. Decade and Shinken Red fight Chinomanako, who has summoned Kamen Rider Blade to fight with him. The other Shinkengers and Kuuga managed to destroy the Eagle Undead and Moose Fangire as Decade became Complete Form and used the powers of Blade King Form to attack Chinomanako. Using the Blade Final Form Ride Card, he transformed Chinomanako's Blade into the Blade Blade before switching weapons with Shinken Red to use active Rekka DaizantouIcon-crosswiki AttackRide Card to destroy Chinomanako, saving the world. Daiki shown up just in time to snatch the Diendriver back, only to be thwarted by Shinken Gold who forced him to give back the Ika Origami in exchange for the Diendriver, and then everyone left to their separate ways. As Tsukasa and Yusuke were welcomed home by Eijiro and Natsumi, assuring Tsukasa that the photo studio was his home no matter what, they entered a new A.R. World. [Heretic Rider, Go Forth!]






Icon-decade Kamen Rider Decade
Kamen Riders
Primary: Tsukasa Kadoya - Daiki Kaito - Natsumi Hikari
A.R. Kamen Riders: Wataru Kurenai - Yusuke Onodera - Wataru - Shinji Tatsumi - Kazuma Kendate - Takumi Ogami - Shouichi Ashikawa - Momotaros - Ryotaro Nogami - Sohji - Asumu - Kohtaro Minami (Black RX) - Kohtaro Minami (Black) - Kamen Rider X (A.R. World) - Daisuke Yamamoto - Kazuma Kenzaki - Joji Yuki - Yuriko Misaki
A.R. Evil Kamen Riders: Chinomanako - Mimihiko - Kuchihiko - Kamata - Otoya Kurenai - Hirohiko Sato - Kenji Sakata - Kazuyoshi Aoyagi - Tanaka
Other A.R. World Riders: Ren Haguro - Scissors - Zolda - Femme - Verde - Tiger - Imperer - Odin - Raia - Gai - Sakuya Hishigata - Mutsuki Kuroba - Takahiro Furuya - Kotaro Nogami - Arata - Ibuki - Zanki - Todoroki - Akira - Junichi Kaito - Haruka Miwa - Shin Magaki - X - Ixa - Saga
Prime Universe Kamen Riders: Shoichi Tsugami - Kotaro Nogami - Urataros - Kintaros - Ryutaros - Sieg - Philip - Shotaro Hidari
Drivers: (Neo) Decadriver - (Neo) Diendriver - Kiva-la
Transformation Gear: Rider Cards - K-Touch - Card Holder - Diend Belt
Weapons: Ride Booker - Final Form Rides - Decade Bazooka - Kiva-la Saber
Vehicles: Machine Decader - Machine Diender - Big MachineIcon-crosswiki
Hikari Studio
Natsumi Hikari - Kiva-la - Eijiro Hikari
Other Allies
Ai Yashiro - Kivat-bat the 3rd - Garulu - Basshaa - Dogga - Reiko Momoi - Ai - Mai - Mi - Yuri Tomoda - Toko Yashiro - Deneb - Teddy - Kohana - Naomi - Owner - Toki - Yu - Grandma - Mayu - Natsumi Hikari - Chinatsu - Hikoma KusakabeIcon-crosswiki - KurokoIcon-crosswiki - Kurando TaniIcon-crosswiki - ShinkengersIcon-crosswiki - Masahiko Okamura (A.R. World) - Ritsuko Okamura (A.R. World)
Dr. Shinigami - Jigoku Taishi - Apollogeist - Jyumenki Yum Cimil - Shadow Moon - Kingdark - General Jark - Bishum - Yuki - Shvarian - Televi Bae-Kun
Worlds of Black & Black RX: Scorpion Imagin - Seamoon Fangire - Mantis Fangire - Rhinoceros Mutant - Ox Orphnoch - Worm Orphnoch - Frilled Lizard Orphnoch - Brachypelma Worm Aurantium - Brachypelma Worm Viridis - Tarantes Worm Purpura
World of Decade: Siomaneking - Ganikoumoru - Doras - Garai - Me·Vagis·Ba - Xu·Mevio·Da - Me·Ginoga·De - Go·Gadol·Ba - Leiurus Acutia - Formica Regia - Formica Pedes - Sheerghosts - Raydragoons - Psycorogue - Butterfly Orphnoch - Giraffe Orphnoch - Longhorn Orphnoch - Slug Orphnoch - Wild Boar Orphnoch - Pelican Orphnoch - Stinkbug Orphnoch - Arch Orphnoch - Elephant Undead - Giraffa Undead - Darkroachi - Kappa - Bakeneko - Hitotsumi - Coleoptera Worm Aeneus - Coleoptera Worm Croceus - Coleoptera Worm Argentum - Geophilid Worm - Subst Worm - Cassis Worm Gladius - Albinoleo Imagin - Mole Imagin - Rat Fangire - Sungazer Fangire - Bat Fangire
World of Amazon: Go·Jalaji·Da - Propheta Cruentus - Camponotus Worm Maxilla - Bakeneko - Yobuko
Dai-Shocker Combatmen - Dai-Shocker Scientists - Destron Combatmen
Super Shocker
Narutaki - Wasp Woman - Neo Organism
Zanjioh - Jaguarman - Beaded Lizard Man - Hilchameleon - Xu·Goma·Gu - Go·Jalaji·Da - Volucris Falco - Solospider - Scorpion Orphnoch - Titan Undead - Kodama - Sectio Worm Acuere - Cobra Imagin - Gecko Imagin - Sungazer Fangire
Super Shocker Combatmen
World of Kuuga: Me·Garido·Gi - La·Doldo·Gu - Go·Babel·Da - Go·Bemiu·Gi - Me·Byran·Gi - Go·Jaaza·Gi - Me·Garima·Ba
World of Agito: Me·Vagis·Ba - Xu·Mevio·Da - Me·Ginoga·De
The Lords
Taurus Ballista
Formica Regia - Formica Pedes
Mirror Monsters
The Contract Monsters
World of Ryuki: Darkwing - Volcancer - Destwilder - Gigazelle - Abyssodon (Abysshammer - Abysslasher)
World of Negatives: Dragblacker
Wild Mirror Monsters
World of Ryuki: GuldThunder - Zebraskull Bronze - Megazelle - Negazelle - Omegazelle - Magazelle
World of Den-O: Gelnewt
World of Negatives: Raydragoons
Orphnochs / Lucky Clover
Momose - Shukawa - Genda - Shirogane
Butterfly Orphnoch
The Undead
World of Blade: Kamata - Hajime Shijo
Buffalo Undead - Elephant Undead - Capricorn Undead
World of Diend: Fourteen - Bossroach - Darkroachi
World of the Rider War: Deer Undead - Scarab Undead - Lizard Undead
魔化魍 Makamou
Gyuki - Bakegani
Kappa - Bakeneko - Ooari - Tengu - Ubume
Soh Otogiri
Coleoptera Worm Argentum - Geophilid Worm - Subst Worm
The Imagin
Alligator Imagin - New Mole Imagin
The Fangires
Beetle Fangire - Yuki
World of Kiva: Ryo Itoya - Swallowtail Fangire - Lion Fangire
World of the Rider War: Shark Fangire - Silkmoth Fangire - Horsefly Fangire - Warthog Fangire