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Icon-wThis article is about a villain in Kamen Rider W and Kamen Rider Decade.Icon-decade

Father Roberto Shijima (神父・ロベルト志島, Shinpu Roberuto Shijima) is the main antagonist of Kamen Rider W: Begins Night.


He is a figure within the cult known as "the Order of Silence and Darkness". Shijima can become the Dummy Dopant who can assume any form he wishes. Among these forms is the Death Dopant, using his powers to mimic the real Death Dopant's ability to bring people back from the grave. Using the Death Dopant's form, Father Shijima targets upper class people by assuming the forms of their recently deceased relatives to frighten them and push them to an early grave.

He uses this power on Asami Mutsuki by assuming the identity of her sister Erika, while assuming Sokichi Narumi's form to discourage Shotaro's interference. Once exposed, the Dummy Dopant evades Double as he finds himself in the middle of Decade's fight with Super Shocker, where he takes control of the Mammoth Mecha.

However, the Dummy Dopant meets his end when he is assimilated by the Neonoid as it becomes the inhuman Ultimate·D.

In materials to promote the film, the Dummy Dopant was referred to as the "mysterious Dopant".

Other Appearances[]

The Fateful Sengoku Movie Battle[]

A Death Dopant appears in Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider Gaim & Wizard: The Fateful Sengoku Movie Battle.


Initially, Shijima appeared to be a moral figure, acting as a devoted Christian. In truth though, he was a complete sociopath that preyed upon the pain and suffering of others, shamelessly manipulating their grief for his own means. Furthermore, he committed these heinous acts with sadistic glee, cruelly taunting Shotaro while disguised as Sokichi Narumi/Kamen Rider Skull.

Once Shotaro overcame his fear however, Shijima swiftly cowered in response, opting to retreat rather than continue fighting.


Dummy Dopant
KRW-Dummy Dopant

Dummy Dopant

―Transformation announcement[src]
  • Height: 178.0 cm
  • Weight: 70.0 kg

As the Dummy Dopant (ダミードパント, Damī Dopanto), he can assume any form he wishes with the Dummy Gaia Memory. Among these forms that he shown to be used in the movie is the Death Dopant.


  • Shapeshifting: The Dummy Dopant's main ability where he can assume any form that the user wishes.
  • Voice Mimicry: The Dummy Dopant can mimic the voice of the users chosen form.
  • Power Mimicry: If the Dummy Dopant changes into a non-human form, the Dummy Dopant can copy some powers.
  • Weapon Copying: The Dummy Dopant can summon a copy of a weapon of a form that it turns into.


  • Fighting Style Changing: The Dummy Dopant can utilize any fighting style that the chosen form uses.

Death Dopant
KRW-Death Dopant

Death Dopant

Main article: Death Dopant
  • Height: 225.0 cm
  • Weight: 100.0 kg
He is shown to used the Dummy Dopant powers to assume the form of the Death Dopant (デ��ドパント, Desu Dopanto). As the Death Dopant, he can use his powers to mimic the real Death Dopant's ability to bring people back from the grave. Using the Death Dopant's form, Father Shijima targets upper class people by assuming the forms of their recently deceased relatives to frighten them and push them to an early grave. He uses this power on Asami Mutsuki by assuming the identity of her sister Erika, while assuming Sokichi Narumi's form to discourage Shotaro's interference.




  • Height: 230 cm.[1]
  • Weight: 162 kg.[1]
Ultimate·D (アルティメットD, Arutimetto Dī) is a form the Neonoid assumed after absorbing the Dummy Dopant in Movie War 2010. Described as Super Shocker's most powerful and evil kaijin, the claim proved to be true. Despite it's large and bulky appearance, it moves at a high speed and possesses greater combat abilities than Doras. It also has the ability to shoot explosive energy orbs at opponents.

Behind the Scenes[]

Concept Art[]

Dummy Dopant, Death Dopant and Ultimate·D were designed by Katsuya Terada (寺田 克也, Terada Katsuya).




Icon-w Kamen Rider W
Narumi Detective Office
Shotaro Hidari - Philip - Akiko Narumi - Sokichi Narumi - Tokime
Memory Drivers
Doubledriver - Acceldriver - Lostdriver - Gaia Driver - Gaia Driver Rex
Gaia Memory-related
Gaia Memories - Memory Gadgets - Fang Memory - Xtreme Memory - Trial Memory - Gaia Memory Enhancing Adapter
Metalshaft - Triggermagnum - Engineblade - Skullmagnum - Prismbicker - Eternaledge - Shroudmagnum
Revolgarry - Hardboilder - Gunner A - Diablossa - Skullboilder - Skullgarry - Hardmammother
Other Devices
Gaia Progressor - X-Bicker
Gaia Library - Maximum Drive - Gaia Impact - True Gaia Memory
Futo Irregulars
Santachan - Watcherman- Queen - Elizabeth - Isamu Bito - Lily Shirogane - Frank Shirogane - Akira Aoyama
Futo Police Department (Futo PD)
Ryu Terui - Mikio Jinno - Shun Makura
Museum and the Dopants
Foundation X
The Sonozaki Family: Terror - Claydoll - Taboo/R Nasca - Nasca - Smilodon - Masquerade Dopants
Dopants: Magma Dopant - T-Rex Dopant - Money Dopant - Anomalocaris Dopant - Cockroach Dopant - Sweets Dopant - Virus Dopant - Violence Dopant - Arms Dopant - Bird Dopant - Ice Age Dopant - Triceratops Dopant - Liar Dopant - Puppeteer Dopant - Invisible Dopant - Nightmare Dopant - Beast Dopant - Zone Dopant - Yesterday Dopant - Quetzalcoatlus Dopant - Gene Dopant - Jewel Dopant - Old Dopant - Utopia Dopant - Energy Dopant
Movie-Exclusive Villains: Dummy Dopant - Heat Dopant - Trigger Dopant - Metal Dopant - Luna Dopant - Cyclone Dopant - Bat Dopant - Spider Dopant - Kamen Rider Eternal - Commander Dopant - Eyes Dopant - Ocean Dopant
Novel-Exclusive Villains (The One Who Continues After Z): Zoo Dopant - Zero Dopant - Queen Bee Dopant - Flower Dopant - Elephant Dopant - Dolphin Dopant - Salamander Dopant - Fish Dopant - Bird Dopant - Ape Dopant - Bee Dopants
Manga-Exclusive Villains (Futo Tantei): Road Dopant - Toadstool Dopant - Caracal Dopant - Aurora Dopant - Meganeura Dopant -Brachiosaurus Dopant - Scream Dopant - Alcohol Dopant - Puzzle Dopant - Reactor Dopant - Antlion Dopant - Owl Dopant - Trash Dopant - Crab Dopant - Laugh Dopant - Deep Dopant - Scissors Dopant - Diva Dopant - Death Dopant - Joker Dopant - Hungry Dopant - Quest Dopant - City Dopant
Yukiji Bando - Kazuha Gojo - Hideo Chiba - Mamoru Nikaido - Hikaru Futami - Towa
Katsumi Daido - Maria S. Cranberry - Reika Hanehara - Kyosui Izumi - Gozo Domoto - Ken Ashiwara