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Icon-blacksunThis article is about an ally/monster in Kamen Rider Black Sun.

The Flea Kaijin (ノミ怪人, Nomi Kaijin), referred to by his namesake Nomi (ノミ), is a former member of the Gorgom Party.


Nomi primarily worked in a lab located in a village off the map, using the Creation King's extracts to create new Kaijins at the behest of Bilgenia. When his superior had captured the parents of Aoi Izumi, he had Nomi turn the father into the Crab Kaijin to go after his own daughter for the Kingstone. Nomi was also complicit in Bilgenia's scheme to turn Aoi herself into the Mantis Kaijin against her will, all the while forcing her own mother to watch the process. Appalled by Bilgenia's cold - blooded actions, Nomi saved Nick from being imprisoned, with the two witnessing Kotaro Minami's first transformation into Kamen Rider Black Sun afterwards.

He later joined Kujira and Koumori as a band of renegade Kaijins who had chosen not to ally with Gorgom anymore. The three took care of Kotaro when he was heavily injured after a fight with the Creation King. Nick would ask Nomi and the others to turn him into a Kaijin, but his offers were usually shot down, due to the young boy's naivety.

Nomi's band would have to face Nobuhiko Akizuki, once the latter decided to turn against humanity and steal the Kingstone from Kotaro. Although Kotaro was beaten half to death by Shadowmoon, the three managed to escape with one half of the Kingstone and Black Sun's body. Nomi was present when Kotaro regained his strength and left to stop Nobuhiko's plans.

After the demise of Nobuhiko and the new Creation King, Nomi stayed with Aoi's troops, teaching her recruits how to make weapons to fight against their oppressors.


Initially, Nomi was shown to be a weak-willed person who was simply just pushed around by Bilgenia to remodel people into Kaijin for Dounami to sell off to the rich and powerful to line his pockets. Despite the many occasions where he would operate on unwilling victims without anesthesia, Nomi was simply just doing his job. Despite this, he was generally disgusted and appalled with Bilgenia's bloodthirsty and sadistic behavior, running out of his operation room to puke in disgust when the former would laugh at Hideo Kawamoto being put through an excruciatingly painful round of electroshock therapy, or hiding under a seat as the Ostracoderm Kaijin would cruelly murder Rino Kawamoto by shoving a scalpel into her jugular in front of her daughter during her painful transformation into the Mantis Kaijin. Even while taking orders from Bilgenia, Nomi was kind and hospitable to others, politely greeting Nick. After Bilgenia was kicked out by both Nobuhiko Akizuki and Shinichi Dounami, Nomi would use his newfound freedom from his formerly twisted captor and turn his village into a hideout for Kotaro Minami and his allies.

After being freed from Bilgenia (and by extension, Donami,) Nomi would start showing a kinder side of himself that he previously wasn't able to, developing from an unwilling lackey of the Gorgom Party to a loyal and devoted ally to Aoi Izumi's faction of Kaijin who oppose Gorgom.

Powers and Abilities[]

KRBS-Flea Kaijin

Flea Kaijin


Through his willpower, Nomi transforms into a humanoid Flea Kaijin with a flea head and fin-like arms. However, like most Kaijin, he is outmatched by the superior Century Kings and does not completely transform. Unlike Kujira and Koumori, Nomi is one of the weaker kaijin and does not possess any outstanding abilities, although his enhanced durability while transformed would allow him to handle being thrown back by Shadowmoon's telekinesis.


  • Genius Intellect: Nomi possesses a sizeable amount of knowledge in biochemistry and surgery, being able to use the Creation King's extracts to cultivate the lesser versions of the Kingstones needed to turn people into Kaijin. He was somehow also able to keep the patients alive and conscious the entire time during the belt device installation process without using anesthesia.

Behind the Scenes[]


Nomi is portrayed by Daisuke Kuroda (黒田 大輔, Kuroda Daisuke).


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External Links[]

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Icon-blacksun Kamen Rider Black Sun
Kamen Riders
Main Riders: Kotaro Minami - Nobuhiko Akizuki
Debatable Riders: Aoi Izumi
Transformation Belts
Century King Sun Driver - Century King Moon Driver - Aoi's Driver
Battle Hopper - Road Sector
Century King Black Blade - Century King Shadow Blade
Kingstone - Heat Heaven - Satansaber
Aoi Izumi - Shunsuke Komatsu - Nick - Koumori - Kujira - Nomi - Sachi Komatsu - Shigeo Komatsu
Yukari Shinjo - Oliver Johnson
Gorgom Party
Three Priests: Darom - Baraom - Bishum
Other: Creation King - Bilgenia
Spider Kaijin - Anemone Kaijin
Other Villains
Shinichi Donami - Michinosuke Donami - Isao Nimura - Wataru Igaki - Kazuya Kurokawa - Hideo Kawamoto