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The Saber is a melee weapon featured in the World of Assassination Trilogy.


"A cavalry saber. Napoleonic era. Effective when used in close combat."
― In-game Description



Lethal Melee Executes targets in close-combat.
Lethal Throw Executes targets at range.


"A cavalry saber. Napoleonic era. Effective when used in close combat."
― In-game Description



Lethal Melee Executes targets in close-combat.
Lethal Throw Executes targets at range.


"A cavalry saber. Napoleonic era. Effective when used in close combat."
― In-game Description



Lethal Melee Executes targets in close-combat.
Lethal Throw Executes targets at range.



  • The length and curve of the blade are due to it being intended for use on horseback, and would allow for the blade to be less likely to get caught when swinging it in a downward strike.


Level-Exclusive Weapons
Firearms Bartoli 12G - Bartoli 75R - Bartoli 75S - Bartoli Hunting Shotgun - DAK DTI - DAK X2 - DAK X2 Covert - Druzhina 34 (Mumbai) - Druzhina 34 ICA - Fusil G1-4 - Fusil G1-4/C - Fusil G2 - Fusil X2000 - Hackl 9R - Hackl 9S - Hackl 9S Covert - HWK21 Pale - HX-7 - HX-7 Covert - HX-10 - ICA SMG Raptor - ICA SMG White Raptor Covert - Jaeger 7 Copperhead - Jaeger 7 Rude Ruby - Jaeger 7 Snow Fox - Shashka A33 - Shashka A33 Covert - Sieger 300 Ice - Sieger 300 Redeemer - Tactical Bartoli 12G
Melee 1945 Grand Paladin - Amputation Knife - Android Arm - Atlantide - Aztec Necklace - Bag of Sugar - Barber Razor - Baseball - Baseball Bat - Battle Axe - Beak Staff - Bird's Egg - Bloodstained Cocaine Brick - Branding Iron - Branson MD-2 Microphone - Brick - Bust - Bust (Sgail) - Cabernet Sauvignon - Cannonball - Chennai Cricket Ball - Cigar Box - Circumcision Knife - Cleaver - Cocaine Brick - Cocaine Souvenir - Coconut - Collector's Baseball Bat - Colored Smoke - Cowboy Bust - Devil Bust - Didgeridoo - Driftwood Log - Fire Axe - Fire Poker - Folding Knife - Frying Pan - Garden Fork - Gold Idol - Goldbar - Golf Club - Grape Knife - Grapevine - Hammer - Hatchet - Holiday Fire Axe - Holiday Fire Poker - Icicle - Imperial Filigree Egg - Iron - Katana - Kettlebell - Khatvanga - Kitchen Knife - Lead Pipe - Letter Opener - Lever - Machete - Malbec - Mannequin Arm - Maori Paddle - Meat Fork - Model of the Sceptre - Mysterious Gift - Newspaper - Old Axe - Package - Paddle - Pearl - Pneumatic Wrench - Police Baton - Pool Ball - Rake - Saber - Scalpel - Scissors - Scrap Sword - Seashell - Shears - Soda Can - Spooky Bat - Spray Can - Starfish - Stethoscope - Toy Tank - Umbrella - Viking Axe - Vodka Bottle - Wet Floor Sign - Whiskey Bottle - Xmas Star
Containers Leather Briefcase - Military Briefcase
Distractions Apple - Apricot - Cheeseburger - Commemorative Token - Doubloon - Radio - Small Pumpkin - Soap - Squeaky Toy - Wristwatch Alarm - Yellow Easter Egg
Tools Car Battery - Crowbar - Datacore - Fuse Cell - Hand Flare - Holiday Crowbar - Rusty Crowbar - Rusty Old Nail - Rusty Screwdriver - Screwdriver - Shovel - Torch - Wooden Torch - Wrench
Poisons Botulinum Toxin - Cannabis Joint - Chloroform Flask - Emetic Rat Poison - Expired Can of Spaghetti Sauce - Fugu Fish Poison - Green Easter Egg - Hemorrhagic Virus Syringes - Insecticide - Lethal Poison Pill Jar - Lethal Poisonous Frog - Poisonous (Emetic) Mushroom - Poisonous Flower (Emetic) - Poisonous Flower (Lethal) - Red Easter Egg - Serum - Virus Prototype
Explosives Bag of Gunpowder - Car Bomb - Explosive Snowglobe - Fire Extinguisher - Kronstadt Octane Booster - Letterbomb Parcel - Makeshift Explosive - Propane Flask - Remote Explosive
Scrapped Icon Action Figure
Freelancer Items
Pistols "El Matador" - "Rude Ruby" - Assassin's HWK21 Covert - Bartoli 75R - Bartoli 75S - Concept 5 - Custom 5mm - Custom 5mm DTI - Hackl 9R - Hackl 9S - Hackl 9S Covert - HWK21 - HWK21 Covert - HWK21 Pale - HWK21 Pale Homemade Silencer - ICA19 - ICA19 Black Lily - ICA19 Chrome - ICA19 Classicballer - ICA DTI Stealth - ICA19 F/A - ICA19 F/A Stealth - ICA19 F/A Stealth "Ducky" Edition - ICA19 Goldballer - ICA19 Shortballer - ICA19 Silverballer - Krugermeier 2-2 - Krugermeier 2-2 Silver - Striker
SMGs DAK Black Covert - DAK DTI - DAK X2 - DAK X2 Covert - DAK X2 Covert Special - HX-7 - HX-7 Covert - HX-10 - ICA SMG Raptor - ICA SMG Raptor Covert - ICA SMG White Raptor Covert - TAC-SMG - TAC-SMG Covert - TAC-SMG S
Shotguns Bartoli 12G - Bartoli 12G Short H - Bartoli Hunting Shotgun - Enram HV - Enram HV CM - Enram HV Covert - Golden Sawed-Off Bartoli 12G - ICA Tactical Shotgun - ICA Tactical Shotgun Covert - ICA Tactical White Shotgun Covert - Sawed-Off Bartoli 12G - Tactical Bartoli 12G
Assualt Rifles Fusil G1-4 - Fusil G1-4/C - Fusil G2 - RS-15 - Shashka A33 - Shashka A33 Covert - Shashka A33 Gold - Shashka A33 H - Sieger AR552 Tactical - TAC-4 AR Auto - TAC-4 AR Desert - TAC-4 AR Stealth - TAC-4 S/A - TAC-4 S/A Jungle
Sniper Rifles Bartoli Woodsman Hunting Rifle - Druzhina 34 - Druzhina 34 DTI - Druzhina 34 ICA Arctic - Hackl Leviathan Sniper Rifle Covert - ICA Bartoli Woodsman Hunting Rifle Covert - Jaeger 7 Tuatara - Sieger 300 - Sieger 300 Advanced - Sieger 300 Ghost - Sieger 300 Tactical - Sieger 300 Viper
Melees Amputation Knife - Antique Carved Knife - Baseball Bat - Bat Shuriken - Burial Dagger - Claw Hammer - Circumcision Knife - Concealable Baton - Concealable Knife - Eiffel Tower Knife - Fiber Wire - Folding Knife - HF Championship Bat - ICA Combat Axe - Ice Axe - Ice Pick - Janbiya - Katana - Kukri Knife - Mace - Machete - Masamune - Okinawan Tonfa - Police Baton - Quickdraw - Saber - Sapper's Axe - Shuriken - Spooky Bat - Tanto
Gear Antique Emetic Syringe - Antique Lethal Syringe - Antique Sedative Syringe - Breaching Charge Mk III - Chloroform Flask - Concussion Grenade - Disposable Scrambler - Electronic Key Hacker - Electronic Key Hacker Mk III - Emetic Grenade - Emetic Pills - Emetic Poison Vial - Fragmentation Grenade - Flash Grenade Mk III - Handyman Wrench - ICA Explosive Phone - ICA Flash Phone - ICA Impact Explosive - ICA Micro Remote Explosive - ICA Outstanding Service Coin - ICA Proximity Concussion Device Mk III - ICA Proximity Explosive - ICA Proximity Taser - ICA Proximity Micro Explosive - ICA Proximity Micro Taser - ICA Remote Audio Distraction Mk III - ICA Remote Flash Device - ICA Remote Micro Audio Distraction - ICA Remote Micro Taser - ICA Remote Taser - ICA Titanium Crowbar - ICA Tripwire Mine - Kalmer 2 - Tranquilizer - Lethal Pills - Lethal Poison Vial - Lockpick Mk III - Modern Emetic Syringe - Modern Lethal Syringe - Modern Sedative Syringe - Oil Canister - Proximity Semtex Demo Block Mk III - Proximity Explosive Duck - Remote Concussion Collectors Rubber Duck - Remote Concussion Rubber Duck - Remote Emetic Gas Device - Remote EMP Charge - Remote Explosive - Remote Explosive Classic Rubber Duck - Remote Explosive Devil Rubber Duck - Remote Semtex Demo Block Mk III - Sedative Pills - Sedative Poison Vial - Sieker 1 - The Pale Duck - Water Canister
Mastery Weapons The Ancestral Assault Rifle - The Ancestral Knife - The Ancestral Pistol - The Ancestral Shotgun - The Ancestral Sniper Rifle - The Ornamental Assault Rifle - The Ornamental Katana - The Ornamental Pistol - The Ornamental SMG - The Ornamental Shotgun - The Ornamental Sniper Rifle
DLCs "Good Quark VOL. 3" VHS Tape - ICA19 Black Trinity - ICA19 Red Trinity - ICA19 White Trinity - Kronstadt Explosive Pen (Gen 2) - Kronstadt IOI-1998X Surround Earphones - Kronstadt Mini Flash Robo XOI-2900 - The Club Boom 12" Vinyl Sampler - The Concrete Assault Rifle - The Concrete Bat - The Concrete Bunny Pistol - The Concrete Shotgun - The Concrete Sniper Rifle - The Disruptor Cane - The Disruptor Kettlebell - The Disruptor Resistance Band - The Makeshift Katana - The Makeshift Scrap Assault Rifle - The Makeshift Scrap Shotgun - The Red Light Flash Grenade - The Scrap Gun - The Scrap SMG - The Scrappy Sniper Rifle - The Shark SMG - The Splitter Kukri Knife - The Splitter SMG
Others Burner Phones - Collector's Coin - Collector's Crowbar - Collector's Kalmer Sedative Edition - Collector's Lockpick - Collector's Sieker Emetic Edition - Intercepted Package - Merces - Red Wine Bottle