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Hitman Wiki


The Coconut is a melee weapon introduced in HITMAN™.


"A coconut."
― In-game Description



Non-Lethal Melee Knocks targets unconscious in close combat.
Non-Lethal Throw Knocks targets unconscious at range.


"A coconut."
― In-game Description



Non-Lethal Melee Knocks targets unconscious in close combat.
Non-Lethal Throw Knocks targets unconscious at range.


"A coconut."
― In-game Description



Non-Lethal Melee Knocks targets unconscious in close combat.
Non-Lethal Throw Knocks targets unconscious at range.



  • Some palm trees have coconuts atop them, which can be shot down, possibly to fall onto a target and knocking them unconscious.
  • Sometimes Coconuts falling from trees will break as soon as they hit the ground, rendering them unobtainable.


Level-Exclusive Weapons
Firearms Bartoli 12G - Bartoli 75R - Bartoli 75S - Bartoli Hunting Shotgun - DAK DTI - DAK X2 - DAK X2 Covert - Druzhina 34 (Mumbai) - Druzhina 34 ICA - Fusil G1-4 - Fusil G1-4/C - Fusil G2 - Fusil X2000 - Hackl 9R - Hackl 9S - Hackl 9S Covert - HWK21 Pale - HX-7 - HX-7 Covert - HX-10 - ICA SMG Raptor - ICA SMG White Raptor Covert - Jaeger 7 Copperhead - Jaeger 7 Rude Ruby - Jaeger 7 Snow Fox - Shashka A33 - Shashka A33 Covert - Sieger 300 Ice - Sieger 300 Redeemer - Tactical Bartoli 12G
Melee 1945 Grand Paladin - Amputation Knife - Android Arm - Atlantide - Aztec Necklace - Bag of Sugar - Barber Razor - Baseball - Baseball Bat - Battle Axe - Beak Staff - Bird's Egg - Bloodstained Cocaine Brick - Branding Iron - Branson MD-2 Microphone - Brick - Bust - Bust (Sgail) - Cabernet Sauvignon - Cannonball - Chennai Cricket Ball - Cigar Box - Circumcision Knife - Cleaver - Cocaine Brick - Cocaine Souvenir - Coconut - Collector's Baseball Bat - Colored Smoke - Cowboy Bust - Devil Bust - Didgeridoo - Driftwood Log - Fire Axe - Fire Poker - Folding Knife - Frying Pan - Garden Fork - Gold Idol - Goldbar - Golf Club - Grape Knife - Grapevine - Hammer - Hatchet - Holiday Fire Axe - Holiday Fire Poker - Icicle - Imperial Filigree Egg - Iron - Katana - Kettlebell - Khatvanga - Kitchen Knife - Lead Pipe - Letter Opener - Lever - Machete - Malbec - Mannequin Arm - Maori Paddle - Meat Fork - Model of the Sceptre - Mysterious Gift - Newspaper - Old Axe - Package - Paddle - Pearl - Pneumatic Wrench - Police Baton - Pool Ball - Rake - Saber - Scalpel - Scissors - Scrap Sword - Seashell - Shears - Soda Can - Spooky Bat - Spray Can - Starfish - Stethoscope - Toy Tank - Umbrella - Viking Axe - Vodka Bottle - Wet Floor Sign - Whiskey Bottle - Xmas Star
Containers Leather Briefcase - Military Briefcase
Distractions Apple - Apricot - Cheeseburger - Commemorative Token - Doubloon - Radio - Small Pumpkin - Soap - Squeaky Toy - Wristwatch Alarm - Yellow Easter Egg
Tools Car Battery - Crowbar - Datacore - Fuse Cell - Hand Flare - Holiday Crowbar - Rusty Crowbar - Rusty Old Nail - Rusty Screwdriver - Screwdriver - Shovel - Torch - Wooden Torch - Wrench
Poisons Botulinum Toxin - Cannabis Joint - Chloroform Flask - Emetic Rat Poison - Expired Can of Spaghetti Sauce - Fugu Fish Poison - Green Easter Egg - Hemorrhagic Virus Syringes - Insecticide - Lethal Poison Pill Jar - Lethal Poisonous Frog - Poisonous (Emetic) Mushroom - Poisonous Flower (Emetic) - Poisonous Flower (Lethal) - Red Easter Egg - Serum - Virus Prototype
Explosives Bag of Gunpowder - Car Bomb - Explosive Snowglobe - Fire Extinguisher - Kronstadt Octane Booster - Letterbomb Parcel - Makeshift Explosive - Propane Flask - Remote Explosive
Scrapped Icon Action Figure