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Club 27 is the seventh mission in HITMAN™, and the fourth to take place in the present-day. Agent 47 is tasked with the assassination of Jordan Cross and Ken Morgan.


Eliminate Jordan Cross
Eliminate Ken Morgan




Locate the exit

Club 27[]

Diana Burnwood (VO): "Good morning, 47. Your destination is the Himmapan luxury hotel resort on the Chao Phraya river, just outside Bangkok.

Your main target is Jordan Cross, the lead singer of The Class; a renowned indie rock outfit recording their highly anticipated sophomore album. But this millennial poster boy harbors a dark secret.

One year ago, promising young actress, Hannah Highmoore, fell to her death from Cross' penthouse loft in Dumbo, New York. According to the police, Ms. Highmoore's death was a tragic accident but her parents remain unconvinced. They firmly believe that Cross murdered Hannah and only escaped justice due to the power and influence of his father: billionaire media mogul Thomas Cross.

A secondary target, Ken Morgan, corporate fixer and attorney to the Cross family, is also staying at the hotel. Cunning and unscrupulous, Morgan was a key agent in the cover-up of Hannah Highmoore's murder and Jordan Cross' subsequent acquittal.

The Highmoores understandably want retribution. And while the system may be powerless, ICA is anything but.

I will leave you to prepare."

― Mission Briefing


See The Shadow Client cinematic.
{{{Outro Cont}}}
― Outro


Agent 47 has been contracted to eliminate Jordan Cross, the lead singer of popular rock band The Class, and the son of multimillionaire media mogul Thomas Cross.

A year ago, Jordan accidentally murdered his then-girlfriend Hannah Highmoore during an argument. Jordan evaded prosecution thanks to the influence of his father, and a legal defense by the Cross family's unscrupulous lawyer, Ken Morgan. Seeking retribution for their daughter, the Highmoore family have asked the ICA to eliminate both Jordan and Ken Morgan. 47 must infiltrate the Himmapan Hotel, where The Class is recording its new album, to take out both targets.

A week after the mission, Thomas Cross is abducted and murdered by an unknown group of assailants while attending his son's funeral, and his bank accounts are emptied. Meeting 47 at an airport lounge, Diana suspects that someone - a Shadow Client - has been arranging 47's recent missions in order to manipulate events to their own end, and is asked by the ICA to investigate further.

Mission Stories[]

Tik Tuk

Tik Tuk Tile
Ken Morgan wants to buy a local souvenir. How fortunate.

According to the hotel gardener, Ken Morgan wants to purchase his ageing tuk tuk as a souvenir. Unfortunately for him, he can't get the engine working. Well, you're good as fixing things, 47. I suggest you give the gardener a helping hand. This could be excellent bait.

On the House

On The House Tile
Someone trashed Ken Morgan's suite. Could be useful.

According to the hotel manager's memo, drunken members of Jordan Cross' sound crew broke into the Queen Suite last night and trashed the place. Housekeeping is fast at work, which is why Ken Morgan and his bodyguard are not yet settled in. Sounds promising. According to the manager, a member of staff is supposed to escore Morgan to his suite, once the cleaning staff is done. That someone could be you, 47. I know how you love to grovel.

Man Machine

Man Machine Tile
A replacement drummer. Could be your fifteen minutes of fame, 47.

Interesting. The Class' regularly drummer unexpectantly quit the band, and the record label has flown in a replacement, upcoming indie drummer Abel de Silva, who is currently waiting in the restaurant lounge. Better yet, Jordan Cross has not previously met Mr. de Silva, and the two of you do share a resemblance, 47.


Intervention Tile
So. Dexy Barat carries a mysterious audio recording featuring her client Jordan Cross. Hm.

The plot thickens. Apparently, Jordan Cross has been obsessing over a mysterious audio recording featuring the voice of Hannah Highmoore. However, his manager Dexy Barat has confiscated the recording for her client's "own good". Well, I suggest you get a hold of that recording, 47. Sounds like the perfect bait, and if my hunch is right, a chance to confront Cross with his own crimes. You should start by searching Miss Barat's private quarters: Room 404, inside the Emperor's Suite.

Are 'Friends' Electric

Are 'Friends Electric Tile
A defective microphone. Sounds like an accident waiting to happen.

Producer Wes Liston has ordered a vintage Branson MD-2 vocal mic. This rare model was removed from the market in the 1960s, after causing a number of electric shock fatalities. Apparently, a production defect makes the MD-2 short-circuit at high voltages. Sounds promising. I suggest you track down the crewman who picked up the microphone. According to his colleagues, this Julian is romantically involved with Jackie Carrington, a former sitcom star who stays in Room 207.


Bugman Tile
A chance to clear out the recording studio. Interesting.

According to the schedule, the exterminator plans to inspect the Emperor's Suite. On his request, the hotel manager will clear out the recording studio and bring everyone into the atrium for the duration of the inspection. I suggest you locate the exterminator, 47. He appears to be fumigating on the ground floor.

It's My Party

It's My Party Tile
A surprise party for Jordan Cross. You should join in the celebration, 47.

Today is Jordan Cross' birthday, and manager Dexy Barat has prepared a small surprise party for him. The kitchen has baked a special vegan birthday cake to suit his rockstar tastes, and the only thing missing is a cake topper with the number 27. I suggest you speed things along, 47. Could be the break we need.

The Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun Tile
A message from Dexy Barat to Ken Morgan. Could be useful.

Dexy Barat sends a message to the occupant of the Queen Suite, aka Ken Morgan. This must be the reason for Morgan's surprise visit. Sounds promising. Clearly, Barat doesn't want her client Jordan Cross to know about Morgan's presence, so whatever the business the two have, they are likely to do it in secret. I suggest you intercept that message, 47. Could be a chance to catch Morgan off guard.


  • A Local Souvenir
The following information may contain spoilers.

Ken Morgan has expressed interest in buying the hotel gardener's aging tuk-tuk. But first he needs to get the engine working.

  • A Secret Meeting
The following information may contain spoilers.

Ken Morgan is about to meet with Dexy Barat in the basement linen room. This must be the reason for Morgan's mysterious visit.

  • Branson MD-2 Microphone
The following information may contain spoilers.

A vintage Branson MD-2 condenser microphone. This rare model was removed from the market in the 1960s, after causing a number of electric shock fatalities. Apparently, a production defect makes the MD-2 short-circuit at high voltages.

  • Breaking up the Band
The following information may contain spoilers.

The atmosphere is tense between Jordan Cross and guitarist Heidi Santoro. The band's regular drummer, Quentin Moriarty, has quit in anger, and guitarist Heidi Santoro is furious with Cross for pushing him away. She accuses Cross of being too controlling and for becoming more and more like his father, Thomas Cross, whom he has always despised. Sounds like the beginning of the end for The Class.

  • Cake Topper
The following information may contain spoilers.

A sugar cake topper shaped as the number 27. It has been specially made for Jordan Cross' birthday cake.

  • Cracked Glass Panel
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There is a cracked glass panel in the archway above the hotel's main entrance. The repairmen contemplate how to remove the glass in one piece before one of the rowdy crewmen cause an accident.

  • Cross' Drinking Habit
The following information may contain spoilers.

Cross used to drink heavily, especially during the Hannah Highmoore trial, but the omnipresent Dr. Oscar Lafayette set him straight. Now he only drinks alcohlo when he becomes agitated. Today, admittedly, his fuse is rather short.

  • Dexy's True Allegiance
The following information may contain spoilers.

It seems that manager Dexy Barat serves a different master. Jordan's father, billionaire media mogul Thomas Cross, is paying Barat to spy on his wayward son and acquire some kind of leverage. Thomas Cross' reputation not only precedes him, it is also quite accurate.

  • Exterminator's Schedule
The following information may contain spoilers.

The exterminator plans to inspect the Emperor's suite some time today. On his request, the hotel manager will clear out the recording studio and bring everyone into the atrium for the duration of the inspection.

  • Father Issues
The following information may contain spoilers.

Jordan Cross and his father ran afoul years ago. Ever since then, Jordan has been determined to succeed on his own. But the Hannah Highmoore incident once again made him dependent on Thomas Cross' money and influence, and the old patriarch is clearly tightening the leash. Christmas at the Cross estate must be something to behold.

  • Faulty Microphone
The following information may contain spoilers.

Producer Wes Liston has ordered a vintage Branson MD-2 condenser microphone. This rare model was removed from the market in the 1960s, after causing a number of electric shock fatalities. Apparently, a production defect makes the MD-2 short-circuit at high voltages. Wes Liston is nothing if not uncompromising.

  • Guest List
The following information may contain spoilers.

The Himmapan guest list. Tobias Rieper is in room 205. Jordan Cross' suite is unlisted, but his trusty manager Dexy Barat resides in room 404 within the Emperor's Suite. The hotel is sparsely occupied, no doubt due to The Class' recording session. However, I do spot former sitcom star Jackie Carrington, residing in room 207. I believe one of our agents eliminated her fourth husband.

  • Insecticide
The following information may contain spoilers.

A potent insecticide. The fumes will knock people unconscious, but are otherwise relatively harmless.

  • Jordan Cross' Birthday
The following information may contain spoilers.

Today is Jordan Cross' twenty-seventh birthday, and manager Dexy Barat plans a surprise party on the crew floor. A special vegan birthday cake is being prepared by the hotel kitchen staff.

  • Manager Note: On Penthouse Safe
The following information may contain spoilers.

A note from the hotel manager: Ms. Dexy Barat has requested the use of one of our safes. The Emperor's Suite, left guest room. I expect you to reset the password and clear any remaining content. When Sheikh Al-Ghazali stayed here, he found a half eaten sandwich inside. Failing to prevent similar incidents in the future will result in immediate termination!

  • Manager Note: On Queen Suite Emergency
The following information may contain spoilers.

A note from hotel manager: The unthinkable has happened! This morning, members of young Master Cross' sound crew broke into the Queen Suite and sullied it after housekeeping was finished. Mr. Morgan, our esteemed guest and representative of our owner Thomas Cross, has rightfully complained about the shameful state of his chambers. Once housekeeping is done cleaning, I expect a member of staff to escort Mr. Morgan to his Suite, make sure he is satisfied and extend a heartfelt formal apology. Failure to do so will, needless to say, result in everyone's immediate termination!

  • Manager Note: On Roof Repairs
The following information may contain spoilers.

A note from the hotel manager: The atrium roof is off limits to hotel guests - especially while undergoing repairs! Failing to comply will result in immediate termination! N.B. This, of course, does not apply to young Master Cross, his entourage and security team.

  • Manager Note: On Room Service
The following information may contain spoilers.

A note from the hotel manager: Last night, Mrs. Jackie Carrington in Room 207 ordered a voluptuous serving of oysters, champagne, honey and whipped cream, while Miss Dexy Barat in Room 404 ordered a Skinny Bitch and a plate of celery sticks. However, I am shocked and ashamed to learn that neither was delivered! Make no mistake; a repetition of such shameful negligence WILL result in everyone's immediate termination!

  • Manager Note: On The Closing of Wing A
The following information may contain spoilers.

A note from the hotel manager: We are honored by the presence of young Master Cross and his entourage, who will occupy the Emperor's Suite for the following weeks. Because of this, Wing A is closed to the public! Only staff and members of Mr. Cross' entourage may enter! Failing to comply will result in immediate termination!

  • Manager Note: On The Emperor's Suite
The following information may contain spoilers.

A note from the hotel manager: The Emperor's Suite and the entire 2nd floor of Wing A is managed by Master Cross' private security. For the duration of their stay, hotel security is NOT allowed access. Failure to comply will result in immediate termination! N.B. Hotel and kitchen staff are allowed IF required.

  • Manager Note: On The Occupant of Room 205
The following information may contain spoilers.

A note from the hotel manager: "Mr. Rieper in 205 has requested total privacy. All staff are strictly prohibited to enter Mr. Rieper's room unless specifically instructed to. Needless to say, failing to comply will result in immediate termination!"

  • Manager Note: On The Occupant of Room 207
The following information may contain spoilers.

A note from the hotel manager: Mrs. Carrington on 207 can be a bit of a handful. Please ensure the bar is suitably stocked with plenty of pinot and the smoking lounge has the ventilation system set to high. Make sure you listen at the door before entering her suite as she often has company of the male persuasion. Finally, she has requested a bottle of sunscreen enriched with vitamin e to help protect her tattoos from the sun. Get two bottles to her room.

  • Master Keycard
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A master keycard issued to key members of staff. It opens any door in the hotel.

  • Message to Ken Morgan
The following information may contain spoilers.

Dexy Barat has asked a member of the sound crew to deliver a message to reception. The envelope is addressed to the occupant of the Queen Suite, aka Ken Morgan and likely contains directions on when and where to meet. Whatever business Barat and Morgan have, they are likely to do so in secret.

  • Penthouse Safe Combination
The following information may contain spoilers.

A card with a safe combination code: 2-4-2. This one belongs to Dexy Barat.

  • Room 205 Keycard
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The keycard for room 205. This is your room, 47.

  • Room 207 Keycard
The following information may contain spoilers.

The keycard for room 207.

  • Speedboat Key
The following information may contain spoilers.

A key for a fast motorboat. Possible exfiltration route. Matches the make of the watercraft located at the rear of the palace [Master Difficulty only].

  • The Ladies Man
The following information may contain spoilers.

One of the sound crew, Julian, has a reputation for being quite the ladies' man. His latest conquest: former sitcom star Jackie Carrington. Apparently, this Julian is at Mrs. Carrington's hotel room, and he carries a package for producer Wes Liston.

  • The Mysterious Recording
The following information may contain spoilers.

Apparently, Jordan Cross listens to a tape at night of himself and woman fighting. One of the security guards recognize the woman's voice as that of Hannah Highmoore, Cross' late girlfriend. Sounds like the clients' hunch was right.

  • The Perfect Mix
The following information may contain spoilers.

Jordan Cross is dissatisfied with Wes Liston's recording mix and keeps cutting his vocal takes short. If the mix was more to his liking, Cross would no doubt perform the entire track, thus spending a longer time in the recording booth.

  • The Pest Problem
The following information may contain spoilers.

The hotel is infected by woodborers, and management has called an exterminator. He has sealed off a number of rooms and is currently fumigating on the ground floor.

  • The Replacement Drummer
The following information may contain spoilers.

The Class' regular drummer has unexpectedly quit the band, and Monumental Records has flown in a replacement: upcoming indie drummer Abel de Silva, who is currently waiting to audition in the restaurant lounge.

  • The Solo Project
The following information may contain spoilers.

Apparently, Jordan Cross plans to go solo. This explains the move towards a more pop-oriented style on the new album. Clearly, manager Dexy Barat is in on it, but his bandmates are not. Perhaps this explains why Cross pushed drummer Quentin Moriarty to quit the band, to further alienate Heidi Santoro. He wants her to take the blame for breaking up the band. Who said artists are soft?

  • Thomas Cross
The following information may contain spoilers.

Billionaire media morgul Thomas Cross owns network media and gossip papers all over the world. Cross Sr. is known as a ruthless ultra-liberalist and total recluse who lives on a fortified island of the coast of Costa Rica. He is considered a cold, manipulative patriarch and a throughly unpleasant human being.

  • USB Flash Drive
The following information may contain spoilers.

A small USB flash drive found in Dexy Barat's hotel safe. A brand favoured by musicians to store sound recordings. You will need a computer to view the content.


There are 59 challenges in total: 24 "Assassination", 16 "Discovery", 11 "Feats", 2 "Targets", 5 "The Classics" & 1 "Codename 47", worth 140000XP.

Type Key: A=Assassination; D=Discovery; F=Feats; T=Targets; TC=The Classics; HH=Himmapan Horror; C47=Codename 47
Name Type Description Rewards
Take My Breath Away
Take My Breath Away
Assassinate Jordan Cross through the window with a sniper rifle. +4000XP
Burying the Hatchet
Burying the Hatchet
Assassinate Ken Morgan with the axe in the linen room. +4000XP
I'm Ex-static
I'm Ex-static
Assassinate Jordan Cross by electrocuting him. +2000XP
Fade to Black
Fade to Black
Assassinate Jordan Cross while sitting in the chair in his suite. +4000XP
Icing on the Cake
Icing on the Cake
Assassinate Jordan Cross by smothering him in the birthday cake. +4000XP
Oh, Snap!
Oh, Snap!
Assassinate either Jordan Cross or Ken Morgan with a neck snap after gassing the hotel atrium.
Tuk-Tuk and Away
Tuk-Tuk and Away
Assassinate Ken Morgan with the tuk-tuk. +4000XP
You're So Fly
You're So Fly
Assassinate Jordan Cross by pushing him onto the glass roof. +4000XP
Don't Forget to Flush
Don't Forget to Flush
Assassinate Ken Morgan by drowning him. +2000XP
Oops! I Did it Again!
Oops! I Did it Again!
Arrange for Jordan Cross to kill Ken Morgan.
I Believe I Can Fly
I Believe I Can Fly
Assassinate Ken Morgan by pushing him off the balcony. +4000XP
Have Your Cake
Have Your Cake
Assassinate Jordan Cross by poisoning his cake. +2000XP
Look Ma', No Head
Look Ma', No Head
Assassinate Jordan Cross in the recording booth by shooting him in the head. +4000XP
Thunder Kiss '65
Thunder Kiss '65
Assassinate Jordan Cross with the faulty microphone. +4000XP
Smooth Operator
Smooth Operator
Assassinate both Jordan Cross and Ken Morgan while disguised as the Stalker.
Piano Man
Piano Man H3
Assassinate a target with the fiber wire in Bangkok. +1000XP
Heeeere's Johnny*
Heeere's Johnny
  • Assassinate 4 targets with an axe while disguised as Hotel Staff.
  • Do not get spotted.
  • All bodies must be found.
Hold My Hair
Drown H3
Assassinate a target by drowning them in Bangkok. +1000XP
Hello, Who's There?
Hello, Who's There?
Assassinate a target with the exploding phone. +2000XP
Versatile Assassin
Versatile H3
Complete all Versatile challenges in Bangkok:
  • Piano Man
  • Someone Could Hurt Themselves
  • Hold My Hair
  • Straight Shot
  • Tasteless, Traceless
Rubber Duck Sunday
Rubber Duck Sunday
  • Assassinate a target with an explosive device.
  • No bodies found.
  • Do not get spotted.
Straight Shot
Headshot H3
Assassinate a target with a headshot in Bangkok. +1000XP
Tasteless, Traceless
Tasteless H3
Assassinate a target with lethal poison in Bangkok. +1000XP
Someone Could Hurt Themselves
Accident H3
Assassinate a target in an accident in Bangkok. +1000XP
Power Chord
Power Chord
Play the guitar in Heidi's room (the Emperor Suite).
Chef's Table
Chef's Table
Disguise yourself as Kitchen Staff. +1000XP
47 Out
47 Out
Sabotage Jordan Cross' recording session. +1000XP
How May I Serve You?
How May I Serve You?
Disguise yourself as Hotel Staff. +1000XP
Ode to the Bouncer
Ode to the Bouncer
Disguise yourself as Jordan Cross' Bodyguard. +1000XP
Return to Sender
Return to Sender
Deliver the message. +1000XP
Disguise yourself as an Exterminator. +1000XP
Memory Loss
Memory Loss
Get the combination for Dexy Barat's safe. +1000XP
Recording in Progress
Recording in Progress
Disguise yourself as a Recording Crew Member. +1000XP
The Replacement
The Replacement
Disguise yourself as Abel de Silva. +1000XP
Walk on the Wild Side
Walk on the Wild Side
Find Jackie Carrington's suite. +1000XP
Discover Bangkok
Discover Bangkok
Reveal all undiscovered areas in Bangkok. +1000XP
Basement Jack
Basement Jack
Enter the basement unspotted. +1000XP
Chameleon H3
Find and equip all disguises in Bangkok. +4000XP
Ordering In
Ordering In
Call room service from Agent 47's suite.
Put the Lime in the Coconut
Put the Lime in the Coconut
Pick up 6 coconuts.
Mission Story - Are 'Friends' Electric
Are 'Friends Electric Tile
A defective microphone. Sounds like an accident waiting to happen. +1000XP
Mission Story - On the House
On The House Tile
Impersonate a member of the house staff and assist Ken Morgan in moving into his private penthouse suite. +2000XP
Mission Story - The Smoking Gun
The Smoking Gun Challenge
Get Ken Morgan to go to the linen room. +2000XP
Hide and Don't Seek
Hide and Don't Seek
  • Get rid of Dexy Barat.
  • Do not eliminate her.
  • Do not get spotted.
Mission Story - Intervention
Intervention Tile
Infiltrate Jordan Cross' penthouse and expose incriminating evidence against him. +2000XP
Mission Story - Man Machine
Man Machine Tile
A replacement drummer. Could be your fifteen minutes of fame, 47. +1000XP
Mission Story - Tik Tuk
Tik Tuk Challenge
Repair the tuk-tuk. +2000XP
Mission Story - It's My Party
It's My Party Tile
Put the final touches on Jordan Cross' birthday cake and participate in the celebrations. +2000XP
Mission Story - Bugman
Bugman Challenge
Pollute the ventilation system. +2000XP
Looking Into the Distance
Looking Into the Distance
  • Kill the person who appears on the dock across the river from the Himmapan Hotel.
La Cucaracha
La Cucaracha
  • Evacuate the Emperor Suite.
  • Play the keyboard at the back of the recording studio.
The Lawyer
The Lawyer
Assassinate Ken Morgan. +4000XP
The Rockstar
The Rockstar
Assassinate Jordan Cross. +4000XP
Silent Assassin, Suit Only
SASO 2021
  • Complete "Club 27".
  • Only eliminate the targets.
  • No bodies found.
  • Do not get spotted.
  • If you are detected by cameras, erase or destroy the evidence.
  • Do it all in your suit.
Suit Only
  • Assassinate the targets and complete the mission.
  • Do it all in your suit.
Silent Assassin
  • Complete "Club 27".
  • Only kill the targets.
  • No bodies found.
  • Do not get spotted.
  • If you are detected by cameras, erase or destroy the evidence.
The Classics
The Classics H3
Complete all "The Classics" challenges in Club 27:
  • Silent Assassin
  • Silent Assassin, Suit Only
  • Sniper Assassin
  • Suit Only
Sniper Assassin
Sniper Assassin Tile H3
  • Complete "Club 27".
  • Assassinate your targets with a sniper rifle.
  • Only eliminate the targets.
  • Do not get spotted.
  • If you are detected by cameras, erase or destroy the evidence.
Codename 47
Codename 47 WoA
Complete all Codename 47 challenges:
  • The Red Dragon
  • Say Hello to My Little Friend
  • Traditions of the Trade
  • Explosions Run Loose
  • The Setup
Codename 47 Suit
Traditions of the Trade
Traditions of the Trade WoA

*Added in HITMAN™ Patch 1.6.0's Himmapan Horror Challenge Pack.

†Added in HITMAN™ 2.

‡Added in HITMAN™ III Patch 3.170's Codename 47 Challenge Pack.

Cut Challenges[]

Name Type Description Rewards
All Aboard*
All Aboard
Escape in the speedboat. +1000 Mission Mastery
Start in the security hut disguised as Hotel Security. +1000 Mission Mastery
Take Away*
Take Away
Start in the restaurant kitchen disguised as Kitchen Staff. +1000 Mission Mastery
Tuk-Tuk, Who's There?*
Tuk-Tuk, Who's There?
Escape in the tuk-tuk. +1000 Mission Mastery
Down Under*
Down Under
Escape through the tunnel. +1000 Mission Mastery
Hanging With the Crew*
Hanging With the Crew
Start in the 2nd floor hallway disguised as Recording Crew. +1000 Mission Mastery
Hanging Garden*
Hanging Garden
Start in the side garden as a Groundskeeper. +1000 Mission Mastery
Happy Hour*
Happy Hour
Start in the Himmapan bar disguised as a Waiter. +1000 Mission Mastery
The Suite Life*
The Suite Life
Start in Agent 47's suite. +1000 Mission Mastery
Dirty Laundry*
Dirty Laundry
Start in the linen room disguised as Hotel Staff. +1000 Mission Mastery
Assassinate both Jordan Cross and Ken Morgan with a coconut. +4000XP
I Will Cry if I Want To
I Will Cry if I Want To
  • Shoot all 18 elephant statues in the Queen Suite.
  • Complete the contract and exit.
Tuppence a Wish
Tuppence A Wish
Bounce coins off the mirror onto both rocks in the Queen Suite fountain.
Gold Coin HITMAN2021
  • +4000XP
Mission Stories - Bangkok
Club 27 Tile
Complete all [then] 3 Mission Story challenges in Bangkok.
ICA Explosive Phone HITMAN2021
  • +4000XP
No Evidence
No Evidence S2
  • Complete "Club 27" with no bodies found.
  • If you are detected by cameras, erase or destroy the evidence.
I'm Utterly Insane
I'm Utterly Insane
  • Assassinate 2 targets by drowning them while disguised as hotel staff.
  • Do not get spotted.
  • All bodies must be found.
Complete all Himmapan Horror challenges:
  • I'm Utterly Insane
  • Let the Game Begin
  • Heeeere's Johnny
  • A Friend For Dinner
Antique Lethal Syringe HITMAN2021
  • +8000XP
A Friend For Dinner
A Friend For Dinner
  • Assassinate 5 targets with a cleaver while disguised as Hotel Staff.
  • Do not get spotted.
  • All bodies must be found.
Let the Game Begin
Let the Game Begin
  • Assassinate 3 targets by pushing them while disguised as Hotel Staff.
  • Do not get spotted.
  • All bodies must be found.

*Cut in HITMAN™ 2.

†Cut in HITMAN™ III.

‡Added in HITMAN™ 2, cut in HITMAN™ III.


Mastery Level Type Unlock Description
1 Starting Location
Icon-Start Location
Riverside Landing
Bangkok Riverside Landing
47 can arrive at the Himmapan Hotel via the river.
Agency Pickup
Icon-Smuggled Item
47's Suite
Bangkok SI0
The ICA can smuggle a briefcase containing a large item into 47's suite in the south wing.
2 Starting Location
Icon-Start Location
Undercover by the Security Shed
Bangkok Undercover By The Security Hut
47 has infiltrated the Himmapan's security staff and begins the mission near the security shed in the rear courtyard.
Nne Obara's Machete
Nne Obara's Machete HITMAN2021
A bloodied machete that once belonged to Nna Obara. Lethal and suspicious (Mastery Level 5 on HITMAN™ Normal Difficulty).
3 Agency Pickup
Icon-Smuggled Item
Garden Shed
Bangkok SI1
The ICA has placed a large secure case in the garden shed on the south side of the hotel (Mastery Level 2 on HITMAN™ Professional Difficulty).
4 Starting Location
Icon-Start Location
47's Suite
Bangkok 47's Suite
Checking in under the name Tobias Rieper, 47 can begin the mission from his suite in the south wing (Mastery Level 3 on HITMAN™ Professional Difficulty).
5 Shotgun
Enram HV Covert
Enram HV Covert HITMAN2021
A modern silenced bullpup shotgun. Agile and effective at close ranges. Fast fire rate and tight spread (HITMAN™ 2 & HITMAN™ III only).
6 Agency Pickup
Icon-Smuggled Item
Bangkok SI2
The ICA has placed a large secure case in the southern penthouse (Mastery Level 3 on HITMAN™ Professional Difficulty).
7 Starting Location
Icon-Start Location
Undercover at the Himmapan Bar
Bangkok Undercover In The Himmapan Bar
47 has infiltrated the Himmapan Hotel staff and begins the mission as a bartender at the waterfront bar (Mastery Level 4 on HITMAN™ Professional Difficulty).
A modern supressed machine gun. Lightweight, with excellent rate of fire and precision (HITMAN™ 2 & HITMAN™ III only).
8 Hidden Stash
Icon-Smuggled Item
Ground Floor Restaurant Restroom
Bangkok SI3
The ICA can hide a small item inside the toilet cistern in one of the restrooms in the hotel restaurant (Mastery Level 4 on HITMAN™ Professional Difficulty).
9 Starting Location
Icon-Start Location
Undercover in the Restaurant Kitchen
Bangkok Undercover In The Restaurant Kitchen
47 has infiltrated the Himmapan restaurant and begins the mission disguised as a Chef (Mastery Level 5 on HITMAN™ Professional Difficulty).
10 Poison
Modern Emetic Syringe
Modern Emetic Syringe HITMAN2021
A syringe containing a single dose of an emetic poison. Any individual dosed will immediately become nauseated and seek a location to throw up in. Must be administered manually (HITMAN™ 2 & HITMAN™ III only).
11 Agency Pickup
Icon-Smuggled Item
1st Floor South Wing Balcony
Bangkok SI4
The ICA can smuggle a small item inside a planter on the mezzanine office balcony in the southern wing of the hotel (Mastery Level 5 on HITMAN™ Professional Difficulty).
12 Starting Location
Icon-Start Location
Undercover in the Side Garden
Bangkok Undercover In The Side Garden
47 has infiltrated the Himmapan Hotel and begins the mission disguised as a Groundskeeper (Mastery Level 6 on HITMAN™ Professional Difficulty).
Antique Lethal Syringe
Antique Lethal Syringe HITMAN2021
An antique brass syringe. Contains a single dose of lethal poison. Will eliminate any target immediately. Must be administered manually (HITMAN™ III only).
13 Agency Pickup
Icon-Smuggled Item
Storage Room
Bangkok SI5
The ICA has placed a large secure case in the hotel storage room (Mastery Level 6 on HITMAN™ Professional Difficulty).
14 Agency Pickup
Icon-Smuggled Item
South Wing Basement
Bangkok SI6
The ICA has placed a large secure case in the basement beneath the southern wing of the hotel (Mastery Level 7 on HITMAN™ Professional Difficulty).
15 Sniper Rifle
Jaeger 7 "Tiger"
Jaeger 7 "Tiger" HITMAN2021
A modern marksman's rifle with custom detailing. Highly accurate and modular, allowing extensive customization.
16 Starting Location
Icon-Start Location
Undercover in the Linen Room
Bangkok Undercover In The Linen Room
47 has infiltrated the Himmapan's linen room and begins the mission disguised as hotel staff (Mastery Level 7 on HITMAN™ Professional Difficulty).
17 Hidden Stash
Icon-Smuggled Item
Room 102 Bathroom
Bangkok SI7
The ICA can hide a small item inside of a stack of towels in room 102's bathroom (Mastery Level 8 on HITMAN™ Professional Difficulty).
18 Agency Pickup
Icon-Smuggled Item
Recording Studio
Bangkok SI8
The ICA has placed a large secure case among the items delivered to Jordan Cross' recording studio (Mastery Level 8 on HITMAN™ Professional Difficulty).
ICA Explosive Phone
ICA Explosive Phone HITMAN2021
An explosive device designed by the ICA to resemble a generic smartphone. Place visibly to cause the target to pick it up. Call the phone to trigger device. Device explodes when answered (HITMAN™ Normal Difficulty & HITMAN™ III only; Mastery Level 10 on HITMAN™ Normal Difficulty).
19 Starting Location
Icon-Start Location
Undercover in the 2nd Floor Hallway
Bangkok Undercover In The 2nd Floor Hallway
47 has infiltrated the recording crew and begins the mission on the second floor (Mastery Level 9 on HITMAN™ Professional Difficulty).
20 Pistol
Krugermeier 2-2
Krugermeier 2-2 HITMAN2021
A low velocity, small caliber pistol. Originally designed for special-forces use and to make as little noise as possible. Ineffective at medium-to-long ranges.
"Mixtape 47"
"Mixtape 47" HITMAN2021
A distraction device. Plays a selection of music. Remotely triggered. Will attract an individual in hearing range. Expect security staff to investigate if present.



Bartoli 75R
Bartoli 75R HITMAN2021
Bartoli 75S
Bartoli 75S HITMAN2021
Fusil G2
Fusil G2 HITMAN2021
Tactical Bartoli 12G
Tactical Bartoli 12G HITMAN2021
Baseball Bat
Baseball Bat HITMAN2021
Cleaver HITMAN2021
Coconut HITMAN2021
Crowbar HITMAN2021
Fire Axe
Fire Axe HITMAN2021
Golf Club
Golf Club HITMAN2021
Hammer HITMAN2021
Hatchet HITMAN2021
Katana HITMAN2021
Kitchen Knife
Kitchen Knife HITMAN2021
Lead Pipe
Lead Pipe HITMAN2021
Letter Opener
Letter Opener HITMAN2021
Police Baton
Police Baton HITMAN2021
Pool Ball
Pool Ball HITMAN2021
Sapper's Axe
Sapper's Axe HITMAN2021
Screwdriver HITMAN2021
Shovel HITMAN2021
Soda Can
DrPopp Soda
Wrench HITMAN2021
Explosives Containers Poisons
Fire Extinguisher
Fire Extinguisher HITMAN2021
Propane Flask
Propane Flask HITMAN2021
Leather Briefcase*
Leather Briefcase HITMAN2021
Emetic Rat Poison
Emetic Rat Poison
Insecticide Sedative HITMAN2021
Lethal Poison Pill Jar
Lethal Poison Pill Jar HITMAN2021
Distractions Miscellaneous Items
Branson MD-2 Microphone
Branson MD-2 Microphone


Escalation Contracts[]

There are currently 4 escalation contracts available in Bangkok (those in italics are also available in HITMAN™ 2 & HITMAN™ III):

Elusive Targets[]

This is a list of the elusive targets who appeared in Bangkok, with all having been reactivated over HITMAN™ 2 or HITMAN™ III.

Other NPCs[]

Mission Map[]

HITMAPS Wordmark

The full interactive map for this mission can be viewed via HITMAPS by clicking the image or clicking here.


The text below contains some of the easter eggs found in this level. For the full list of easter eggs on this & other levels, see here.

  • There are a total of 296 civilians in this mission.
  • Ken Morgan's personal bodyguard, Otis Kalapan, is wearing the CICADA outfit during the mission briefing but it changes back to his original bodyguard outfit (black suit, white shirt and black tie) during the game.
  • The mission name "Club 27" is a reference to the infamous 27 Club, which includes Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse, among many other famous musicians who died at age 27 (the mission takes place on Cross' 27th birthday). The surname "Cross" may have even been borrowed from Charles R. Cross, a notable author on the subject of Hendrix, Cobain and the 27 Club.
  • The title of several challenges in Club 27 refers to or has identical names with numerous pieces of music. The music references could've been put there due to Jordan Cross being part of a music band himself. (* indicates more than one song with the exact same name by different artists, but are not as well known compared to the artists' mentioned here).
    • "Look Ma, No Head" could be a reference to The Cramps's album "Look Mom No Head!"
    • "Thunder Kiss '65" a reference to White Zombie's Thunder Kiss '65
    • "Oh, Snap!"* a reference to Fergie's London Bridge (Oh Snap)
    • "Nutcracker" a reference to P. Tchaikovsky's Pas de Deux (The Nutcracker)
    • "You're So Fly" a reference to BTOB's 닌감동이야 (You're So Fly)
    • "Icing on The Cake" a reference to Grace Ives' Icing on The Cake
    • "Burying The Hatchet" a reference to Crass's Burying The Hatchet
    • "Fade to Black" a reference to Metallica's Fade To Black
    • "Smooth Operator" a reference to Sade's Smooth Operator
    • "I Believe I Can Fly" a reference to R. Kelly's I Believe I Can Fly
    • "Have Your Cake" a reference to either Brenda Taylor's You Can't Have Your Cake and Eat it Too and/or Chris Stranding's Have Your Cake and Eat it
    • "Take My Breath Away" to Berlin's Take My Breath Away
    • "Oops! I Did it Again!" a reference to Britney Spears' Oops!... I Did It Again
    • "Memory Loss"* a reference to Deltron 3000's Memory Loss
    • "Walk on the Wild Side"* a reference to Lou Reed's Walk on the Wild Side
    • "Return to Sender"* a reference to Elvis Presley's Return to Sender
    • "Ode to The Bouncer" a reference to Studio Killers' Ode to the Bouncer
    • "X-Terminator" a reference to Public Enemy's Terminator X To The Edge Of Panic
    • "Power Chord" a reference to Jay Lumen's Power Chords
    • "The Replacement" a reference to the band The Replacements
    • "Chef's Table"* a reference to Dylan Golden's Chef's Table
    • "All Aboard"* a reference to Romeo Santos's All Aboard
    • "In-Secure"* a reference to the song(s) of the name Insecure
    • "Take Away"* a reference to Missy Elliott's Take Away
    • "Tuk-Tuk, Who's There" a reference to Euge Groove's Knock Knock! Who's There?
    • "Down Under"* a reference to Men At Work's Down Under
    • "Hanging Garden" a reference to The Cure's The Hanging Garden
    • "Happy Hour"* a reference to The Housemartins' Happy Hour
    • "Dirty Laundry"* a reference to Don Henley's Dirty Laundry
    • "Basement Jack" a reference to the horror film Basement Jack & its soundtrack of the same name
    • "On The House" a reference to Kolohe Kai's On The House
    • "Intervention"* a reference to Madonna's Intervention
    • "Man Machine" a reference to Kraftwerk's &/or Robbie William's Man Machine
    • "It's My Party"* a reference to Lesley Gore's It's My Party
    • "Tik Tuk" a reference to Kesha's Tik Tok
    • "Are 'Friends' Electric?" a reference to Tubeway Army's Are 'Friends' Electric?
    • "Hide and Don't Seek" a reference to Imogen Heap's Hide and Seek
    • "Bugman" a reference to Blur's Bugman
    • "Put the Lime in the Coconut" a reference to Harry Nillson's (Put The Lime In The) Coconut
    • "Looking Into the Distance" a reference to either Benn Jordan's Looking Into The Past, or Michael Silverman's Looking Into The Distance, or both;
    • "I Will Cry if I Want To" a reference to Lesley Gore's album I'll Cry If I Want To
    • "Hello, Who's There?" a reference to July's Hello, Who's There?
    • "La Cucaracha" a reference to the traditional Spanish folk song La Cucaracha
    • "Tuppence a Wish" a reference to Julie Andrews' Feed The Birds (Tuppence a Bag)
    • "The Rockstar" a reference to the musical comedy drama film Rock Star & its soundtrack of the same name
    • "The Lawyer" a reference to David Lindley's Talk to the Lawyer
    • "A Friend For Dinner" a play on Steve Harley's A Friend for Life.
  • The title of the challenges under The Himmapan Horror refers to classic horror films: "I'm Utterly Insane" is a quote from American Psycho, "Let The Game Begin" is the signature quote of Billy the Puppet in the SAW franchise, "Redrum" is murder spelled backwards, a reference to The Shining, as well as "Here's Johnny", which is also a quote from the main character of The Shining.
  • Completing "I Will Cry if I Want To" causes the eyes of golden elephant statues at the entrance of Hotel Himmapan to leak blood, giving the appearance of crying.
  • Completing La Cucaracha (Spanish for "the cockroach") will spawn a giant cockroach in the distance, which can also be observed from the entrance of the hotel.
  • Despite the constant threat of termination and micromanagement, the hotel still receives mostly negative comments from non-band guests. Common guest complaints include calcium stains on surfaces, half eaten sandwiches in safes, being gassed with a sedative in the atrium and loud band members.
  • There was a fourth Elusive Target planned for Club 27 called The Doomsayer, but due to Square Enix severing ties with IO Interactive in 2017 and the funding subsequently lost, it was re-purposed as a fully-fledged mission in the Patient Zero campaign, as part of the GOTY Edition of HITMAN™, entitled The Source; however, it was altered.
  • This mission contains the singular Freelancer-exclusive exit: climbing over a balcony and strolling across the beach by the southern patio (next to the Groundskeeper starting location).
