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The Extractor is the third mission of The Sarajevo Six campaign, featured in HITMAN™.


Eliminate Walter Menard




Locate the exit

The Extractor[]

Diana Burnwood (VO): "I have the third Sarajevo Six profile online now. Your target is Walter Menard, presently located in the North African city of Marrakesh. He's a veteran of the paramilitary Sigma unit, active during the Yugoslav War of the '90s.
Interestingly, our research has uncovered a series of disappearances and massacres in the area where Sigma was operating. This may have some bearing on the contract, but we do not have full details at present.

Your target has been tasked with handling the evacuation of rogue banker Claus Hugo Strandberg. We believe Strandberg is currently attached as an advisor to General Zaydan in Marrakesh. With protestors in the streets and the city on the brink of a military coup, you should have cover to operate relatively freely.

I'll leave you to prepare. Good luck."
― Mission Briefing

{{{Outro Name}}}[]

{{{Outro Transcript}}}
{{{Outro Cont}}}
― Outro


There are no Opportunities in this mission.


There is no intel in this mission.


Type Key: A=Assassination; D=Discovery; F=Feats; T=Targets;
Name Type Description Reward
Silent Assassin A
  • Assassinate The Extractor.
  • Only kill the target.
  • No bodies found.
  • Do not get spotted.
  • If you are detected by cameras, erase or destroy the evidence.
Mission Mastery +5000
Gone With a Bang A Assassinate The Extractor with the APC turret. Mission Mastery +2500
Looking Through Walls D Look through all the peepholes in the school. Mission Mastery +2500
I’m a Member D Find the Courtyard Club membership card. Mission Mastery +1000
Get the Truck Out Of Here! D Escape in the army truck. Mission Mastery +1000
Rise to the Top D Start on a rooftop. Mission Mastery +1000
Infiltration D Start in the school alley. Mission Mastery +1000
The Scenic Route D Find a child’s painting. Mission Mastery +1000
Exit Strategy D Escape through the street gate. Mission Mastery +1000
Floor It! D [REDACTED] Mission Mastery +1000
Exit, Take Me Away D Escape through the marketplace gate. Mission Mastery +1000
Off to the Market D Start in the market as a food vendor. Mission Mastery +1000
Stepping up Your Game D Start in the consulate basement. Mission Mastery +1000
A View to Die For D Start on the rooftop as a handyman. Mission Mastery +1000
Pipe Down D Start in the shisha café. Mission Mastery +1000
You Have to Start Somewhere D Start in the consulate, disguised as a janitor. Mission Mastery +1000
Old School D Start in the School classroom. Mission Mastery +1000
Prank Call F Assassinate five targets with a telephone. Mission Mastery +2500
Wishing Well F Hide five bodies in the well. Mission Mastery +2500
Master Assassin F Complete the following Feats Challenges in Marrakesh:
  • Piano Man
  • Someone Could Hurt Themselves
  • Hold My Hair
  • Straight Shot
  • Tasteless, Traceless
Mission Mastery +5000
I Re-fuse F

Assassinate five Targets by electrocuting them.

Mission Mastery +2500
Pipe Dreams F

Assassinate a target by poisoning the shisha pipe.

Mission Mastery +1000
Piano Man F

Assassinate a target with the fiber wire in Marrakesh.

Mission Mastery +1000
A Tall, Bald Stranger F

Disguise yourself as a fortune teller.

Mission Mastery +2500
Straight Shot F

Assassinate a target with a headshot in Marrakesh.

Mission Mastery +1000
Public Sneaker F
  • Get rid of the protester.
  • Do not kill him.
Mission Mastery +2500
Hold My Hair F

Assassinate a target by drowning them in Marrakesh.

Mission Mastery +1000
Someone Could Hurt Themselves F

Assassinate a target in an accident in Marrakesh.

Mission Mastery +1000
Chameleon F

Find and equip all disguises in Marrakesh.

Mission Mastery +5000
Begging for It F


Mission Mastery +5000
Your Luck is Running Out F

Throw six coins into the fountain.

Mission Mastery +1000
Tasteless, Traceless F

Assassinate a target with lethal poison in Marrakesh.

Mission Mastery +1000
The Extractor T

Assassinate The Extractor.

Mission Mastery +2500


Mastery Level Type Unlock Description
2 Agency Pickup Consulate Parking Garage The ICA can smuggle a large secure case into the storage room in the basement parking lot beneath the consulate in Marrakesh.
3 Starting Location Undercover in the Courtyard Club 47 has infiltrated the Courtyard Club in the shisha cafe and begins the mission disguised as a waiter.
4 Agency Pickup Mechanic Shop The ICA can conceal a small item inside a mechanic's toolbox.
5 Agency Pickup Combat Knife A military knife made of stainless steel. Designed for close-quarters engagement.
6 Starting Location Undercover at the Snail Stand 47 has infiltrated the bazaar and he begins the mission cooking snails, disguised as a local food vendor.
7 Agency Pickup West Bazaar Rooftops The ICA has placed a large secure case on one of the rooftops close to a good vantage point overlooking the bazaar and consulate in Marrakesh.
8 Starting Location Undercover in Zaydan's Compound 47 has infiltrated General Zaydan's forces and begins the mission inside the compound, disguised as a soldier.
9 Agency Pickup Shisha Cafe Restroom The ICA can hide a small item inside the toilet cistern in the shisha cafe's Courtyard Club restroom.
10 Weapon ICA19 F/A A tactical pistol. Custom slide. Capable of automatic fire. (Full auto)
10 Gear Emetic Poison Vial A vial of poison. Contains a single dose of an emetic poion. WHen consumed, an individual will immediately become nauseated and seek a location to throw up in. Can be administered via food or drink.
11 Starting Location Undercover on the West Bazaar Rooftop 47 has infiltrated a local electronics company and has found a sniper vantage point overlooking the bazaar and consulate. He begins the mission here.
12 Agency Pickup Old Headmaster's Terrace The ICA has placed a large secure case on the house terrace of an aspiring and preoccupied novelist. This location is now available during planning.
13 Starting Location Lamp Store Rooftop 47 has chosen a vantage point overlooking the city and begins the mission on a lamp store's rooftop.
14 Agency Pickup Consulate Top Floor The ICA can smuggle a small item in one of the consulate's cleaning carts.
15 Gear Remote Explosive Duck A medium explosive device designed to resemble a rubber duck. Detonated remotely. Exercise caution when placing. Will attract casual attention if spotted.
16 Starting Location Undercover in the Consulate 47 has infiltrated the consulate and begins the mission on the top floor, disguised as a janitor.
17 Agency Pickup Carpet Shop The ICA can conceal a small item inside a stack of carpets in the carpet shop in the Marrakesh market.
18 Starting Location School Alley 47 has infiltrated the rear of the military compound in Marrakesh and begins mission near the the school's south-facing windows.
19 Agency Pickup School Gate The ICA can smuggle a large secure case to the back entrance of the old school.
20 Weapon TAC-4 AR Stealth A modern bullpup assault rifle. Fully automatic. Has a powerful suppressor attached. (Suppressor)
20 Gear Proximity CX Demo Block A block of Composition 10 plastic explosive. Shaped for use in demolitions or improvised explosive snares. Integrated proximity trigger. Exercise caution when placing.



Bartoli 12G Bartoli 75R Fusil G1-4 Fusil G2 HX-10

Melee Weapons

Battle Axe Brick Brick Crowbar Fire Axe
Folding Knife Hammer Letter Opener Pool Ball Saber
Soda Can Scissors Screwdriver Toy Tank Wrench


Fire Extinguisher Propane Flask Remote Explosive
Distractions Poisons
Coin Emetic Rat Poison Lethal Poison Vial

Target Lockdown[]

To be added.


  • The Extractor, as well as all other missions that featured members of the Sarajevo Six, are among the few pieces of content from HITMAN™ that did not feature in HITMAN™ 2's HITMAN™ Legacy Pack downloadable content.
    • This includes the Playstation 4 version of HITMAN™ 2.
  • The Sarajevo Six returned in HITMAN™ III on all platforms with the 3.160 game update as a paid DLC.