Hitman Wiki
Hitman Wiki

Thomas Cross was a multi-billionaire media mogul and CEO for conglomerate Cross Holdings, in addition to being a secret operative for Providence. He was the father of acclaimed rock musician, Jordan Cross.


Among other things, Thomas Cross was known as a famously reclusive media giant. Before moving into his hidden estate in Costa Rica, he lived exclusively on his Cross Holdings jumbo jet, only coming down to refuel.

It was here where he first met attorney Ken Morgan of Morgan, Yates & Kohn, whose display of legal wizardry during the Chelsea Whitmore trial of 2004 impressed him so much that he made Morgan his personal lawyer. Morgan's skill and Cross' resources helped exonerate Jordan Cross, the elder Cross' estranged son, for the murder of his girlfriend Hannah Highmoore.


After learning about Cross from the Providence archive in New York, Lucas Grey used the Highmoore case to inspire the family to order contract hits on Jordan and Morgan in order to lure out the father from Costa Rica to his son's funeral in the states. There, Thomas Cross was kidnapped by Grey, terrorist Sean Rose, and the Private Militia, and later murdered. Olivia Hall looted Cross' accounts to the tune of roughly $3 billion in order to fund the militia's further operations.

Cross was eventually supplanted as head of Cross Holdings by his COO.


  • He appears as a simulated character during the ICA Facility prologues Guided Training and Freeform Training. He can be overheard talking to a man named Terrance Jones, who offers him a meeting with some important people in London, heavily implying that the real Thomas Cross was scouted by Providence at this party.
  • Thomas Cross is one of the few named Providence members not to be directly killed by Agent 47.
  • Conversations in The Showstopper mention Thomas has connection to the Republican Party, but recently made major donations to the rival Democratic Party. There is an implication that Dalia Margolis had a hand in this political shift, as Democratic Party member Nelle Brent asks for help in undermining the Republicans during an upcoming election.
  • A conversation between Dexy Barat and Mrs. Mookjai during Club 27 reveals that Cross owns a space station. This is further evidenced by the magazine cover with the headline, "Boldy Going..."
  • His physical appearance was likely based on that of English business magnate Richard Branson.
  • Cross' facial model is shared with Marcello Ray from World of Tomorrow and several civilians found in Guided Training and Freeform Training.

