Trick Vanish, also known as the Coffin of Unusual Talent, is a Sacred Gear wielded by Misteeta Sabnock of Sairaorg Bael's Peerage.
Trick Vanish usually takes the form of a staff. When activated, Trick Vanish forms a mass of light which surrounds the opponent, after which intricate purple markings appear on the opponent's body.
Trick Vanish allows the user to completely seal an opponent's ability for a short period of time.[1] It has also been suggested that the aftershock of losing their ability can cause mental damage and duress to the opponent.[1]
Unfortunately, this takes a large toll on the user's mind and body, quickly depleting them of their stamina.[1]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Light Novel Volume 10, Life 3