Scouting Persona, also known as the Masquerade of Monsters (怪人達の仮面舞踏会, Kaijin-tachi no Kamen Budōkai). is an Artificial Sacred Gear that was created by Azazel for the members of Sona Sitri's peerage and was specifically given to Reya Kusaka later on.
In Volume 14, Scouting Persona was one of the 5 Artificial Sacred Gears given to the members of the Sitri group and was personally given to Reya. She would later use this on a mission to save the first-year members of the Occult Research Club when they were kidnapped by the Magician Faction of the Khaos Brigade.[1]
Scouting Persona takes the form of multiple masks, each of them having huge, gleeful smiles.
Scouting Persona allows the user to create a multitude of floating masks, which can then be used for surveillance activities like searching for enemies, gathering and relaying information across long distances, and can also be made to act as a shield.[1] [2]
- According to Serafall Leviathan, the abilities of Scouting Persona reflect Reya's personality.[2]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Light Novel Volume 14, Life 4
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Light Novel DX.3, Life 2