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High School DxD Wiki
High School DxD Wiki
That’s fine. I don’t have any interest in living long. Just, I feel regret being born in this age. A world without God. —I wanted to try defeating God.

– Vali to Azazel, Light Novel Volume 4, Grigori. 1

Vali Lucifer (ヴァーリ・ルシファー, Vāri Rushifā) is the remaining descendant of the original Lucifer and the leader of the Vali Team that was previously affiliated with the Khaos Brigade, now a part of Team DxD. He is the wielder of the Longinus; Divine Dividing, being the possessor of the Vanishing Dragon, Albion. As such, he is the direct rival of Issei Hyoudou and Ddraig.


Vali is a handsome young man with light silver hair (dark silver in seasons 2-3) and hazel eyes (light blue in seasons 2-3). He is often seen wearing a dark green V-neck shirt with a high-collared black leather jacket over it. He also wears burgundy jeans with a silver chain drooping down over them and black leather chaps with three bands encircling his right calf, and black shoes with black buckles. As with other Devils, Vali has black bat-like wings on his back. However, unlike other Devils, he possesses a total of eight. Vali also bears a great resemblance to his grandfather, Rizevim Livan Lucifer. Vali's height is 168 cm (5 feet 6 inches) and body weight is [60 kg].


While initially appearing to be a cold, arrogant, overconfident and ruthless person, Vali has a calm, noble, and caring side in him as he cares deeply for his comrades. Wielding the Longinus "Divine Dividing" and his demonic powers, he refuses to use any other weapon besides the two, owing to a strong yet somewhat stubborn confidence in his capabilities.

He is known to be a prideful young man and a battle maniac, being obsessed in finding strong opponents, and having said that he would gladly welcome death if there was no one strong enough for him to fight. While Vali does take some pride in being the descendant of the original Lucifer, but not in the same arrogantly fanatic extent as the other Old Satan descendants. This is most likely due to his childhood where his father, whose fanatical pride as Lucifer's grandson, was one of the two factors that led him to abuse his own son due to having greater potential than himself which led him to understand humility, the experiences of his childhood make him more realistic unlike the other Old Satan descendants like Shalba, Creuserey and Katerea who were too blinded by anachronistic pride of their lineage and their delusional ambition to acknowledge their limits and the power of others, thus explaining his refusal to help the Old Satan Faction. Unlike his ancestor and the other Old Satan descendants, Vali has absolutely no interest in world domination due to his humility and realistic worldview.

Vali shows a proper attitude towards beings that deserve respect.

Vali does possess a more vulnerable side, a side that he almost never shows. This side of him comes from the extreme abuse and persecution that Vali suffered at his father's hand. During the battle between Issei and Rizevim, he was captivated by his rival's fighting for his family the same time Vali felt lonely. While Vali never says it, Azazel has noted that Vali actually wanted to be raised in a happy family like Issei's, as well as being a normal person with no special lineage. This was shown in Volume 21 when Aži Dahāka pointed out that Vali's deepest desire is a family.

His painful childhood caused by his father and Rizevim also led him to learn and understand compassion, a trait that other descendants of the original Satans did not have. Vali has repeatedly done selfless acts of kindness such as saving Asia from being disintegrated by exposure to the Dimensional Gap as well as helping Rias to stop Issei's life threatening rampage when he went berserk from activating Juggernaut Drive though he openly demonstrated a neutral demeanor when doing so. The greatest sign of his compassion is that Vali cared immensely for his mother who was the only person in his tragic childhood to have shown him kindness, leading him to withstand his father's horrible abuse for the sake of protecting her. Vali's strong resolve to protect his mother also extends to his younger half-siblings. During his death match with Aži Dahāka, the safety and protection of his mother and half siblings became the driving force and determination that spurred Vali to attain victory against the Evil Dragon.

Due to the indirect fulfillment of his vengeance with his father and grandfather's respective deaths, Vali became more open in interacting with people, having accepted Goro's invitation to join them on a fishing trip at the beach simply for leisure and at Vidar's request, he moved into Kuoh Town to safeguard it from the Alliance of Hell, a significant change from his originally cold and battle obsessed nature which Issei noted in True Volume 2.

Aside from battles, Vali is also utterly obsessed with noodles, in particular, ramen. He would go out of his way to visit famous ramen shops to eat ramen and even do culinary research on ramen. His devotion to his ramen research is such that he would travel between the Human world, Underworld and other mythological locations to procure special ingredients for his own ramen recipe. He is also extremely proud of his ramen research as he was completely shocked that his personally invented ramen recipe was criticized by Odin, Michael, Sirzechs and Azazel during the Pavilion Kingdom exhibition.

Unlike his rival Issei, Vali is said to have an extreme lack of interest in the opposite sex, having no interest in romance since he was a child.[1] When pressed by Odin, Vali reveals that he has a slight fetish for women's butts (contrasting with Issei's everlasting fetish for women's breasts, although it's more downplayed and he would still prefer fighting), resulting in Odin calling him (and in turn, Albion) the Butt Dragon Emperor (ケツ龍皇 Ketsuryūkō).[2]


He was born as the son of Razevan Lucifer, the son of Rizevim, conceived from his sexual fling with a human woman, making him a half-breed. Once it was revealed that Vali bore one of the Longinus, Divine Dividing, in addition to the power inherited from his great-grandfather, the original Lucifer, his father soon developed an inferiority complex toward his son who he viewed as a monster for holding those two powers. Because of the advice from Rizevim, Razevan started to bully and physically abuse Vali for his powers if he was so scared of him.

Although he received physical abuse from his father, he was loved by his human mother who would tend to his wounds, attempt to protect him, and fed him whatever she could even if it was pasta, which became his favorite despite the bland taste. Vali soon ran away from home before being found by Azazel, who brought him in and raised him in Grigori, teaching him about both his Longinus and demonic powers with the intention of killing both his father and grandfather for being abused during his childhood.

At 13-years-old, he started living with the members of the Slash/Dog Team, which included Tobio and Lavinia, the two members he viewed as older siblings, although he wouldn't admit it. At some point afterwards, the previous Ouryuu Nakiri caused trouble for him and Tobio resulting in him losing his position, which was passed down onto his cousin, Ryuuta Nakiri, who inherited the Sacred Beast and its name.

At some point, Vali ended up meeting both the current Monkey King, Bikou, and Kuroka, a Nekoshou SS-Class Stray Devil, both of who became part of his secret team, where he sought to defeat Rizevim and to challenge stronger opponents.

Powers & Abilities[]

Devil Clan Full Symbol - Maou Lucifer

Vali Lucifer’s Magic Circle.

Immense Demonic Power: As the original Lucifer's great-grandson, he has extraordinary Demonic Power, and talent superior to other Satan descendants which he developed further through dedicated training since childhood in order to surpass his father and grandfather. Azazel stated that if his power was combined with Divine Dividing, Vali could become one of the strongest beings, and the strongest White Dragon Emperor of all time, past, present, and future. His Demonic Power lets him control Juggernaut Drive, using it as an alternative source before gaining its new form. In fact, Vali survived Samael's curse, although both Sun Wukong and Bikou's powers were needed to heal him. In D×D Lucifer, his Demonic Power alone could obliterate a 5,000 meter mountain using one blast and fight Aži Dahāka, who reached the Heavenly Dragons in power. Vali became a Super Devil candidate, and soon became one after fighting Hades following the Hell Disaster.

Immense Durability: Vali is extremely durable with high pain tolerance which he developed from his childhood, when he was brutally abused by his father. He could endure vicious wounds from Fenrir, the monstrous wolf able to kill Gods and later endured Samael's poison. Even after being viciously bitten by Aži Dahaka in a heavily exhausted state, he mustered the strength to use the Satan Lucifer Smasher. He was able to endure punches from Vasco Strada in his prime, then vicious attacks from Crom Cruach. Vali endured an assortment of attacks from Nezha's Divine Weapons and during the Hell Disaster, he withstood divine blasts from Hades and continued fighting despite his injuries.

Vali's speed

Vali overwhelms Kokabiel with his speed.

Immense Speed: Vali has incredible speed, which using his Scale Mail allowed him to tear off Kokabiel's wings before he could react, with Yuuto comparing Vali's movement speed to light speed. He could avoid Loki's attacks in a manner that resembles an acrobat with ease, which even the extremely prideful Evil God was willing to acknowledge. During his battles against prime Vasco Strada using his silver armor, he circled around him at god-like speed to where he vanished and avoided Crom Cruach's attacks. In D×D Lucifer he could move at god-speed beyond normal perception, however, the Strongest Evil Dragon managed to react using his vast combat experience and honed battle intuition.

Immense Stamina: He has tremendous stamina and endurance, being capable of maintaining his Scale Mail for one month, then endured being wounded by Fenrir, then activated his Juggernaut Drive. In Volume 24, Vali could continue fighting against Vasco even after the latter returned to his physical prime, then fought against Crom Cruach, the Strongest Evil Dragon, on even terms. He later competed in an intense match against Nezha, a Buddha rivaling Sun Wukong in power, as well as Hades, then later fought against Gvardora without rest before ultimately succumbing to his fatigue.

Genius Intellect: Vali is a highly intelligent genius. While under Azazel, he has acquired incredible knowledge on various mythologies, supernatural beings, and Sacred Gears. Having an interest in exploration and archaeology, he also investigates the mysteries of the world while exploring with his team such as Great Red, extinct civilizations like Mu and Atlantis, and ancedotes of legendary people.

Master Combatant: Having received training from Azazel since childhood, Vali became an extremely proficient combatant capable of defeating the Cadre, Kokabiel without using his full strength. In Volume 4, he overwhelmed Issei, who was using an incomplete Scale Mail and even with the latter using Ascalon against him. After receiving training from Sun Wukong, his combat skills has improved to where he could defeat Aži Dahāka on his own, an enemy Vali previously fought against with his entire team and failed to defeat. When combined with his D×D Lucifer, Vali's skills allow him to fight on par with Crom Cruach.

Master Magician: Vali has also shown to be extremely talented in using magic, most frequently Devil Magic enhanced by his demonic power and the power he absorbed through Divine Dividing. He is capable of learning Norse Magic in a very short period of time and was able to immediately and effectively use it during his fight with Loki, a Norse God familiar with the magic style. In Volume 20, he was able to produce a sword made from magic in order to slice off a weakened Rizevim's arm without using his Divine Dividing.

Vali using defense magic circ

Vali using Defensive Magic to shield himself against Nilrem Magicians attacks.

  • Defensive Magic: Vali can use Defensive Magic to protect himself and others from powerful attacks. He used it to repel Issei Hyoudou during their fight and to defend against Shalba Beelzebub's attacks, despite being weakened by Samael's poison. Issei noted Vali's defensive magic is more sturdier than Diodora's whose magic is enhanced by Ophis's snake.
Vali teleporting

Vali teleporting the members of his team.

  • Teleportation Magic: Vali is capable of using Teleportation Magic, as he is capable of teleporting to various locations and even being capable of sneaking into the Underworld without the permission of the Devil government.
  • Summoning Magic: Vali is capable of summoning Gogmagog from the alternative dimension where he is kept.

Flight: Being a half-Devil, Vali can fly using his 8 wings, in addition to the Dragon wings provided to him by Divine Dividing.


Vali flying with Divine Dividing

Vali flying with Divine Dividing.

Divine Dividing (白龍皇の光翼(ディバイン・ディバイディング), Dibain Dibaidingu): His sacred gear and sole weapon, classified as one of the original 13 Longinus, which holds the spirit of the Vanishing Dragon, Albion. It takes form as a pair of light wings, enabling high-speed flight, while working opposite to the Boosted Gear, where it divides his target's power in half every 10-seconds, the halved power it added onto his; reaching his maximum limit, the excess power it released through his wings, keeping him at top performance. Later on, Vali could use Half-Dimension without Balance Breaker, and gained Reflect, letting him redirect incoming attacks.

HS DxD - Scale Mail Divine Divding

Divine Dividing: Scale Mail.

  • Divine Dividing: Scale Mail (白龍皇の鎧(ディバイン・ディバイディング・スケイルメイル), Dibain Dibaidingu: Sukeiru Meiru): Divine Dividing's Balance Breaker that creates a White Dragon Armor similar to Boosted Gear Scale Mail. In this form Vali is able to use Divide without the 10 second limit.
    • Half Dimension (ハーフ ディメンション, Hāfu Dimenshon): The Divine Dividing also has the ability to halve the size of objects and living beings, and the user does not need to make any contact with the target to use this ability.
Vali in his Juggernaut Drive

Vali in his Juggernaut Drive.

  • Juggernaut Drive (覇龍(ジャガーノート・ドライヴ), Jagānōto Doraivu): A form unique to the Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing. The Juggernaut Drive temporarily removes the seal placed on the Heavenly Dragons granting the user immense power. The Juggernaut Drive, however, causes the user to lose sanity while having their lives devoured by the power. However, Vali is able to avoid this using his large amount of demonic powers as an alternative source of power instead of his lifespan; however, if used for extended periods of time, it will eventually cause him to go berserk. Even after deactivation, Vali suffered from immense exhaustion.
  • Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive (白銀の極覇龍(エンピレオ・ジャガーノート・オーバードライブ), Enpireo Jagānōto Ōbādoraibu): A new enhanced form that surpasses Juggernaut Drive. Vali obtained it after he successfully sealed all of the past possessors' consciousness. In this form, the color of his armor changes to silver. Like Issei's Cardinal Crimson Promotion, it does not consume his lifespan. When first introduced, Vali can only sustain this form for a short period of time before he must deactivate. By Volume 24, however, he is able to maintain this form for a much longer time.
    • Compression Divider (コンプレッション ディバイダー, Konpuresshon Dibaidā): In this state, Vali can use an enhanced version of Half Dimension, which halves a specific target constantly until they vanish from existence. This ability is very powerful as it killed Pluto in just a second and was able to compress Aži Dahāka's forbidden magic.
Diabolos Dragon Lucifer

Diabolos Dragon Lucifer.

  • Diabolos Dragon Lucifer (魔王化-『D×D』・L-(ディアボロス・ドラゴン・ルシファー), Diaborosu Doragon Rushifā): Vali's DxD form. This form is the combination of the White Dragon Emperor's power and the Lucifer power that Vali synced through Ophis' blessing. Similarly to the Diabolos Dragon God Issei possesses, the armor is a mix of silvery-white and jet-black and also possesses the same organic characteristic. And unlike Diabolos Dragon God, he manifests the Crest of Lucifer instead of the symbol of Infinity(∞) on all of his Jewels. Vali gains twelve wings of Lucifer in this form, which can be ejected and turned into wyverns, similarly to the Dividing Wyvern Faeries that Issei is able to create. The power that Diabolos Dragon Lucifer possesses is enough to completely destroy a 5,000 meter-tall mountain in one attack and fight on par with Crom Cruach, the strongest Evil Dragon. Vali can only sustain this form for a short time. In this form, Vali's power surpasses that of the original Lucifer.
    • Satan Compression Divider (サタン・コンプレッション・ディバイダー, Satan Konpuresshon Dibaidā): Vali builds up his power and releases an ultimate blast of silvery-white and black demonic radiance that halves anything within its range until it vanishes from existence. Azi Dahaka notes that this is not an ability or a technique, but a simple release of light.
    • Satan Lucifer Smasher (サタン・ルシファー・スマッシャー, Satan Rushifā Sumasshā): Vali's own enhanced version of Longinus Smasher. Similarly to the Longinus Smasher, a cannon muzzle appears from the chest cavity which then fires a bombardment of silvery-white and black aura.
    • Dividing Wyvern Fairy (白龍皇の妖精達(ディバイディング・ワイバーン・フェアリー), Dibaidingu Waibān Fearī): In this form, Vali can detach his wings which then form into small white Wyverns that can also use Divide and Reflect, as well as using Half Dimension. The Wyverns are able to change into cannons that fires out a powerful shot of Lucifer��s aura. The Wyverns are also able to use Albion's hidden technique Reduce (減少, Genshō), an ability that releases a deadly venom which could kill anyone as it cuts down not only their bodies but also their souls, however, this is ineffective towards Ophis, Great Red and Ddraig.
    • White Dragon Emperor Albion Manifestation(白龍皇アルビオン顕現, Hakuryūkou Arubion Kengen): Vali gained the ability to summon Albion into battle by performing a chant.

Crimson Gourd (紅葫蘆(べにひさご), Kōkoro): One of the Five Treasured Tools of Taishang Laojun (The Grand Supreme Elderly Lord). It has the ability to suck in and imprison those who respond when they have their name called out. Vali borrowed it from the Golden Horned King and the Silver Horned King, so he can use it as a punishment for Bikou and Kuroka when they misbehave.


  • "I just want to fight eternally." (Volume 4, Life 5)
  • "I’m a descendant of the previous generation’s Maou Lucifer who died. However, I’m a child of mixed blood born from a father who was the old Maou’s grandson and a human mother. —I obtained the [Vanishing Dragon]’s Sacred Gear because I’m half-human. It was just by chance. However, I, who is a true blood relative of Lucifer and is also the [Vanishing Dragon], was born. If there really is such a thing as fate and miracles, I may be that. —Just joking." (Volume 4, Life 5)
  • "Like I thought, you are truly amusing. –Get stronger, Hyoudou Issei." (Volume 6, Life 5)
  • (To Cao Cao) "So that holy-spear chose Hyoudou Issei and not Cao Cao. That's why I told you remember? That you should take down me and Hyoudou Issei before we become out of control. And this is the result. An end which just seems dull. Like I thought, the person who has the right to defeat the Sekiryuutei who turned into a crimson color is me." (Volume 12, Life 1)
  • You’re wrong, Azazel. This guy — he was just defeated by a very ordinary human family. …The thing that I don’t possess, Hyoudou Issei does. …For this guy, that is where how he lost above.” (Volume 20, Last Life)


  • Vali's birthday is on June 6.[3]
  • Vali means "governor" and is related to him being the leader of his own team, the meaning of governor is the British meaning which is "the person in authority".
    • As Lucifer means "light-bringer" and "morning star", Vali's full name means "governor light-bringer or morning star".
    • Interestingly, this meaning relates to Azazel who was the former Governor General of the Fallen Angels, as Vali was his surrogate son and they both share the word governor albeit having different meanings related to themselves.
    • In the Estonian language, Vali means both a loud sound and to choose.
  • Váli is the name of two characters in Norse mythology: the better known is a son of Odin, and the less known is a son of Loki.
    • Vali is also the name of a son of Indra. According to some sources, he had obtained a boon from the gods that would cause any opponent he met in single combat to lose half of their strength to him, mirroring Divine Dividing's ability.
  • The meaning of "empireo" is "heavenly and celestial".
  • Vali, along with Issei, have made another meaning for the title of the series that refers to themselves: "Diabolos (Devil) Dragon".
  • Vali is the first known descendant of the Four Great Satans who's not a pure-blooded Devil, the second being Ingvild Leviathan.
    • Vali is also one of the two last survivors among the descendants of the Four Great Satans along with Ingvild.
  • It would seem his prideful nature is hereditary, as his father, grandfather and even great-grandfather all had prideful personalities too.
  • It is stated that Vali has a list of opponents that he wants to fight against. Among them are:
  • Vali's favorite food appears to be different types of noodles, as he would eat instant noodles when Le Fay is not around. His obsession with noodles may stem from his childhood, when his mother cooked pasta to comfort him from the abusive life with his father.
  • Vali has three notebooks filled with chuunibyou content that he wrote when he was younger, being preparation for meeting his rival according to Lavinia. The books are titled as [Book of Heart], [Book of Skill] and [Book of Technique].[7] [8]
    • The [Book of Heart] contains words that are influenced by his chuunibyou syndrome. Four of the phrases he said to Issei in their first fight came from it.[7]
    • The [Book of Skill] contains finishing moves that are influenced by his chuunibyou syndrome.[8]
    • The [Book of Technique] contains his insight on techniques related to magic and demonic power. Issei notes that it is composed of a multitude of strange words.[8]
    • Vali as the Butt Dragon Emperor was later added to the Oppai Dragon TV show.[9]
  • Vali is being supported by the Old Satan Lucifer faction due to the his heritage as the descendant of the original Lucifer, as they hope to boost his political influence and bring him into their faction.[10]
  • After the Hell Disaster and the defeat of the Alliance of Hell, Vali is considered as a potential candidate for the new Satans, under the title of Lucifer due to his nature as a descendant of the True Lucifer's lineage.[11]
  • On a color illustration in light novel Volume 4 and the cover of Volume 21, Vali has hazel colored eyes. Though in Volume 4 and Volume 11 of the light novels, Vali is stated to have blue eyes.
  • Vali's name is written as "Vary" in the English translation of the manga.
  • In the "DxD" popularity election, he ranked fourth in the male character category, and eighth in the coupling category as a couple with Lavinia. In the best bout category, his first battle with Issei (Volume 4) was selected for 3rd place, the decisive battle with Rizevim & Diehauser (Volume 20), which he challenged together with Issei, was selected for 4th place, and the battle with Azi Dahaka (Volume 21) was selected for 8th place.[12]


  1. Light Novel Volume 15, Episode Azazel 1
  2. Light Novel Volume 7, Life.3 The Joint Army!
  3. Ishibumi's twitter
  4. Light Novel Volume 11, Life.3 The rebellious Heroes
  5. Light Novel DX.1, Life.4 Records of Chichiryuutei's Pleasure Adventure
  6. Light Novel Volume 15, Wolf Emblem
  7. 7.0 7.1 Light Novel Volume 24, Life.2 The God of Death and the Dog of the Blade
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Light Novel DX.5, Life 6
  9. Light Novel Volume 21, Life.2 Team [DxD] Attacks!
  10. True Light Novel Volume 4, Life 0
  11. True Light Novel Volume 4, Bael
  12. Dragon Magazine May Issue 2021


High School DxD
Team D×D
Issei Hyoudou's Peerage Issei HyoudouIngvild LeviathanAsia ArgentoXenovia QuartaRavel PhenexRossweisseBennia Orcus
Rias Gremory's Peerage Rias GremoryAkeno HimejimaIssei HyoudouYuuto KibaKoneko ToujouGasper VladiLoup Garou
Sona Sitri's Peerage Sona SitriTsubaki ShinraGenshirou SajiTsubasa YuraTomoe MeguriMomo HanakaiReya Kusaka
Xenovia Quarta's Peerage Xenovia QuartaRuruko Nimura
Vali Team Vali LuciferBikouKurokaFenrirArthur PendragonLe Fay PendragonGogmagog
Sairaorg Bael's Peerage Sairaorg BaelKuisha AbaddonCoriana AndrealphusMisteeta SabnockLiban CrocellBeluga FurcasGandoma BalamLadora BunéRegulus
Hero Faction Cao CaoGeorgJeanneHeraclesConnlaPerseusMarsilio
Slash/Dog Team Tobio IkuseLavinia ReniNatsume MinagawaKouki SamejimaShigune Nanadaru
Brave Saints Dulio GesualdoGriselda QuartaIrina Shidou
Seekvaira Agares' Peerage Seekvaira AgaresAlivianBafeel Furcas
Journey to the West Team Sun WukongZhu BajieSha Wujing
Dragons DdraigAlbionFafnirVritraYu-Long
Four Great Satans Sirzechs LuciferSerafall LeviathanAjuka BeelzebubFalbium Asmodeus
72 Pillars Riser PhenexLord PhenexZeoticus GremorySairaorg BaelMagdaran BaelMisla BaelSeekvaira AgaresMisteeta SabnockCoriana AndrealphusLiban CrocellLady PhenexDiodora AstarothVenelana GremoryZephyrdor Glasya-LabolasDiehauser BelialLadora BunéMillicas GremoryBeluga FurcasGandoma BalamRuval PhenexZekram BaelNaud GamiginLilitifa VeparGragg ForneusEneely VassagoIolava AmonCleria BelialSectaas BarbatosVeves FurfurBafeel FurcasLatia AstarothIryuka Glasya-LabolasAvi Amon
Extra Demons Grayfia LucifugeEuclid LucifugeKuisha AbaddonBedeze AbaddonMephisto PhelesRoygun Belphegor
Reincarnated Devils EnkuViserRegulusTanninSouji OkitaSurtr SecondMacGregor MathersBeowulfIsabelaIle and NelKarlamineMiraSirisXuelanYubellunaBülentMarionRudiger Rosenkreutz
Satan Clans LuciferLilithBeelzebubLeviathanAsmodeusRizevim Livan LuciferBidleid Bashalun BeelzebubTsufaame Tereaku LeviathanDamaidosu Zereikel AsmodeusRazevan LuciferVali Lucifer �� Ingvild LeviathanShalba BeelzebubKaterea LeviathanCreuserey Asmodeus
New Devils BalberithVerrineGressilSonneillon
Other Devils Lirenkus
Fallen Angels
Grigori AzazelShemhazaiBaraqielKokabielArmarosSaharielTamielBenemune
Raynare's Group RaynareDohnaseekKalawarnaMittelt
Four Great Seraphs MichaelGabrielUrielRaphael
Ten Seraphs Metatron
Brave Saints Dulio GesualdoGriselda QuartaIrina ShidouDiethelm WaldseemüllerKiyotora ShinraNero RaimondiMirana ShatarovaRyuu HeikanJessica LagerkvistCaesar VilliersLint Sellzen
Gods and Buddhas
Christianity God God of the Bible
Norse Gods OdinVidarLokiThorFreyrHelBaldurGnaFullaHlin
Greek Gods ZeusPoseidonHadesApollonArtemisErebusNyxTartarusChronosHypnosOneirosEros
Hindu Gods IndraShivaBrahmaVishnuPrahladaVirochanaMahabaliVarunaGaneshaHanuman
Celtic Gods BalorLugh
Persian Gods Angra MainyuAka Manah
E×E Gods Chimune ChipaotiRegalzeva
True Dragon Great Red
Dragon God OphisLilith
Two Heavenly Dragons DdraigAlbion
Five Great Dragon Kings Yu-LongTiamatVritraMidgardsormrFafnir
Evil Dragons GrendelCrom CruachAži DahākaLadonYamata no OrochiApophisNiðhöggrAnselmusCyrilGregoriosSimeonAži Dahāka IIFake DdraigFake Albion
Other Dragons RasseiSamaelIssei HyoudouTanninBova TanninBlizzard DragonSprite DragonEarth DragonSpectre Dragons
Kuoh Academy Students Zekka MiyamotoLilebette D'Artagnan LunaireAika KiryuuYukihiko HoderiKiyome AbeMatsudaMotohamaMurayamaKataseHaseTadami KamoTadami KamoKyuji EnnoMai KazamatsuriRyuuji TsuchidaMai KazamatsuriMasato Mizuhashi
Five Principal Clans Suzaku HimejimaShuri HimejimaSuou HimejimaAkeno HimejimaTobio IkuseOuryuu NakiriNakagami NakiriMomiji NakiriGenbu DoumonSeiryuu Kushihashi
Cross Times Kiss Mitsuya KanzakiShizuka Kirino
Magicians Shooting StarMeredith OrdintonMil-tanElaine WestcottWalburga
Exorcists Vasco StradaEwald CristaldiTouji ShidouMasaomi YaegakiTeodoro LegrenziSiegfried
Other Humans Gorou HyoudouMiki HyoudouUther PendragonMagnus RoseLeonardoBelzardElshaValper GalileiFreed Sellzen
Other Characters
Youkais YasakaKunouNurarihyonMagariSha WujingZhu BajieFujimaiSalamander Tomita
Vampires Elmenhilde KarnsteinValerie TepesMarius TepesLord VladiMillarca Vordenburg
Grim Reapers PlutoBenniaOrcusPluto IIThanatosZeno
Valkyries GöndulRossweisseBrynhildrSchwertleiteHelmwigeOrtlindeGrimgerdeSchwertleite
Evies RugatimuHaz IlyusBebevu SuGvardora
Other Species Ryuuteimaru666 (Trihexa)TyphonSurtr