Things a Father Can Do is a Daily Commission that occurs in Mondstadt.
- Talk to Tunner
- Gather 3 Sweet Flowers
- Give the medicine to Jilliana
- Receive Tunner's Cough Syrup
- Report back to Tunner
This commission grants the following AR-dependent rewards upon completion:
Note: These rewards are lower than for most commissions.
- (Talk to Tunner)
- Tunner: Hello there, honored guest! Do you happen to know my son, Guy? *coughing*
What's the matter?
- Tunner: Nothing, nothing... Just a stubborn cold that won't go away.
- Tunner: I saw the sisters at the Church about it but they weren't able to cure it, so they just prescribed some medicine to alleviate the symptoms.
- Tunner: *sigh* I'm getting old though, so I can't walk very far. I've always had Moco and Hillie help collect my medicine in the past.
- Tunner: They're busy today— *coughing* Jilliana knows what to do though...
- Tunner: All I need is someone to take the ingredients to her, and she'll prepare it. Three Sweet Flowers is all she needs.
- Tunner: *coughing* ...Th—Thank you.
Someone like your son, Guy?
- Tunner: *sigh* If the kid wants to go out battling monsters, who are we to get in his way.
- Tunner: Get three sweet flowers and take them to Sister Jilliana at the Church, who will prepare the medicine. Don't say anything to Guy.
- Tunner: I heard the Church has some connection with the Knights of Favonius. So now that the young'un has joined the Knights, he needs to watch the way he talks and acts...
- Tunner: God forbid he ends up doing something foolish on account of his old man. That would be terrible.
- Tunner: Sorry — you've listened to me drone on long enough. I'll let you go. Have a safe journey.
- (Talk to Tunner again)
- Tunner: She might be a sister, but that Jilliana is a very capable lady indeed. She took one look at me and figured out what my condition was straight away. Her medicine's also cheap, and best of all, it works.
- Tunner: Hahaha, the way I look at it she doesn't seem much like a sister. Far more like a seasoned hunter who's spent years out in the wild...[Note 1]
- Tunner: Goodness, just listen to me! Rabbiting on and making no sense whatsoever, as always. Right, time for you to see her about my medicine — and please don't repeat any of that nonsense you just heard.
- (Talk to Guy before bringing medicine back to Tunner)
- Guy: Oh, hey! Are those sweet flowers you're holding? This may be a little presumptuous, but can I buy one off you?
- Guy: My dad has had this awful cough for ages; I asked Jilliana for some cough medicine, but she was out of ingredients.
I'm on my way to get medicine too.
- Guy: Oh... I see. Never mind then.
- Guy: Sorry for delaying you. You'd better get to the Cathedral quickly then, Jilliana should still be there.
Sweet flowers are easy to find.
- Guy: Huh? Oh, I get it... Unfortunately though, I have to guard the gate. I can't leave my post.
- Guy: I even had to take time out of my lunch just to go and see Jilliana.
- Guy: Alright, looking at you it seems you're fit to deliver medicine too. I won't take up any more of your time. If you get to the Cathedral quickly, Jilliana should still be there.
- (Talk to Jilliana)
- Jilliana: That Tunner, honestly...
I'm here to have some medicine prepared.
- Jilliana: Oh? You're new. Where are Moco and Hillie?
- Jilliana: I see you've brought the ingredients. Let me check...
- (Opens material submission menu)
- (While item submit menu is open, idle quote)
- Jilliana: I see you've brought the ingredients. Let me check...
- (Submit 3 Sweet Flowers)
- Jilliana: The medicine is ready. But this medicine gives relief only, it won't treat the underlying condition. If he really wants to get better, he needs to keep taking his medicine and also get plenty of rest.
- Jilliana: I must have told him a thousand times, but it just goes in one ear and out the other. No matter who speaks to him, he just says he'll be fine, he'll get by.
- Jilliana: Well then. You'd better take Tunner his medicine as quick as you can.
Thank you.
- Jilliana: You're welcome. I'm just doing my duty.
Thanks, I hope this didn't put you out.
- Jilliana: Oh it's nothing. *sigh* If only someone was there to care for Mr. Tunner, he wouldn't have to keep taking this medicine.
- (Obtain
Tunner's Cough Syrup)
- (Talk to Jilliana again)
- Jilliana: It might only be a cold, but if it persists it could turn into something more serious...
- (Return to Tunner)
- Tunner: *sigh* Will this blasted thing ever clear up...
Here's your meds.
- Tunner: Ah, thank you.
Jilliana says you should rest...
- Tunner: If I was going to confine myself to bed for any length of time, I'd have to get my little rascal to come home and look after me.
- Tunner: I'll be alright, these old bones haven't given up on me just yet...
- Tunner: I feel so ashamed that my son's out there fighting the good fight and there's absolutely nothing I can do to support him.
- Tunner: The only thing I can do is to avoid bothering him...
- Tunner: Please take these as a token of an old man's gratitude.
- ↑ Jilliana is a former Treasure Hoarder
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Things a Father Can Do | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 父亲能做的事 Fùqīn Néng Zuò de Shì | Things a Father Can Do |
Chinese (Traditional) | 父親能做的事 Fùqīn Néng Zuò de Shì | |
Japanese | 父にできること Chichi ni Dekiru Koto | What a Father Can Do |
Korean | 아버지가 할 수 있는 일 Abeojiga Hal Su Inneun Il | Things a Father Can Do |
Spanish | Lo que un padre puede hacer | What a Father Can Do |
French | Tout ce qu'un père peut faire | Everything a Father Can Do |
Russian | Папа может, папа может... Papa mozhet, papa mozhet... | Daddy Can, Daddy Can... |
Thai | สิ่งที่พ่อทำได้ Sing thi Pho Thamdai | Things a Father Can Do |
Vietnamese | Những việc phụ thân có thể làm | Things Father Can Do |
German | Was Väter draufhaben | Things Fathers Have Down Pat |
Indonesian | Perilaku Seorang Ayah | A Father's Behaviour |
Portuguese | As Coisas que Um Pai Pode Fazer | The Things That a Father Can Do |
Turkish | Bir Babanın Yapabilecekleri | Things a Father Can Do |
Italian | Ciò che un padre può fare |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.0