From amongst mountains and wide-open plains, carefree breezes carry the scent of dandelions — a gift from the Anemo God, Barbatos — across Cider Lake to Mondstadt, which sits on an island in the middle of the lake.
Mondstadt is one of the seven regions of Teyvat, and the first in which the Traveler starts to look for their lost sibling. It is the nation that worships Lord Barbatos, the Anemo Archon and God of Freedom.
Archon Quest Prologue takes place in this region.
How to Access[]
Mondstadt is the starting location of Genshin Impact, but only small parts of Starfell Valley, Galesong Hill, and Windwail Highland are accessible before completing the Archon Quest Prologue: Act I - The Outlander Who Caught the Wind.
Brightcrown Mountains[]
Galesong Hill[]
Starfell Valley[]
Windwail Highland[]
Playable Characters[]
19 Characters match the category selection:
Related Playable Characters[]
1 Character matches the category selection:
Icon | Name | Quality | Element | Weapon | Region | Model Type |
![]() |
Thoma | ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Tall Male |
Upcoming Characters[]
No Characters match the category selection.
There are 253 NPCs who appear in Mondstadt:
- "Charcoal"
- Adelinde
- Adler
- Adrian
- Albert
- Alfred
- Alfry
- Alice
- Allan
- Alois
- Anastasia
- Anna
- Annette
- Anthony
- Aramis
- Arthur
- Artur
- Atefeh
- Athos (Mondstadt)
- Atra
- Baobab
- Barbatos
- Beatrice
- Belinda
- Belén
- Bernhard
- Blanche (Mondstadt)
- Boreas
- Boris
- Brook
- Bruce
- Brunn
- Bunny
- Butterfly (Cat)
- Charles
- Chloris
- Clemens
- Connor
- Cyrus (Mondstadt)
- Daler
- Davy
- Deyou
- Diane
- Donna
- Doolan
- Dopey
- Dr. Edith
- Dr. Livingstone
- Draff
- Dustball
- Dvalin
- Edmund
- Edna
- Eichendorff
- Ella Musk
- Ellin
- Elzer
- Ematol
- Ernest
- Esther
- Eury
- Farabi
- Farrah
- Fassben
- Fatui Guard
- Fein
- Finnick
- Fleein' Lin
- Flora
- Freda
- Frida
- Fynn
- Félix Yogue
- Gary
- Georg
- Gerald
- Gesine
- Glory
- Godwin
- Gotelinde
- Goth
- Grace
- Greedy Guard
- Greg
- Guangzhi
- Guy
- Gygax
- Harris
- Harry
- Hartman
- Helen
- Helga
- Henning
- Henry Morton
- Herman
- Hertha
- Hillie
- Hopkins the Marvelous
- Huffman
- Iris (Dragonspine Adventurer Camp)
- Ivan
- Izzard
- Jack
- Jala
- Jill
- Jilliana
- Joel
- Jonas
- Jones
- Joserf
- Jotun
- Joyce
- Jürgen
- Kama
- Katheryne
- Klutzy Bazi
- Knotty
- Lambda
- Lawrence
- Leah
- Leni
- Lennard
- Lenne
- Leno
- Liben
- Lily
- Little Rose
- Little Uwe
- Lively Orlean
- Lizzie
- Lorgar
- Luka
- Luke
- Lynn
- Lyudmila
- Mack
- Makri
- Mamesuke
- Manly Jack
- Marcel (Mondstadt)
- Margaret
- Marjorie
- Marla
- Marvin
- Mats
- Melker
- Michelle
- Mikhail
- Miles
- Moco
- Monroe
- Mtwa
- Myweiss
- Nanaya Yuumi
- Nantuck
- Nelson
- Nelson (Cat)
- Night Pilot
- Nimrod
- Nora
- Norma
- Norman
- Olaf
- Old Finch
- Old-School Qi
- Onnea
- Orban
- Otto
- Oz
- Paisley
- Panicked Myrana
- Parsley
- Patchi the Curious
- Patton
- Pauline
- Pavel
- Payne
- Pepe
- Phonia
- Plauen
- Porthos
- Primordial Albedo
- Prince
- Pyotr
- Quinn
- Randall
- Raptor
- Raymond
- Reckless Pallad
- Recuperated Victim
- Riese
- Roger
- Rolf
- Rosemary
- Ross the Quick
- Royce
- Rudolf
- Sage
- Sansa
- Sara
- Sayid
- Scaramouche
- Scarlett
- Schubert
- Schulz
- Scrooge
- Sergei
- Sharp
- Shibasuke
- Shiliu
- Shuyun
- Siegfria
- Signora
- Sir Pouncelot
- Six-Fingered José
- Slacking Angelo
- Sneku
- Snowball
- Souka
- Stanley
- Stevens
- Sumida
- Susie
- Suspicious Citizen
- Swan
- Terrified Magar
- Terrified Schuster
- Timaeus
- Timid Guard
- Timid Morrow
- Timmie
- Tommy
- Troubled Lianne
- Tsarevich
- Tunner
- Ulfr
- Uwe
- Vadim
- Valerina
- Victoria
- Viktor
- Vile
- Vind
- Vinkel
- Wagner
- Walter
- Will
- Wolfy
- Wood (NPC)
- Wyatt
- Wyratt
- Xi'er
- Ylgr
Related NPCs
There are 41 additional NPCs related to Mondstadt:
- Arnim
- Aurelius
- Batlo
- Behaim
- Bonifaz
- Buies
- Callirhoe
- Claricia
- Clitopho
- Collingwood
- Diether
- Dietmar
- Fischl's Father
- Fischl's Mother
- Freki
- Fryslan
- Geri
- Gregor
- Harrison
- Humboldt
- Jochen
- Julie
- Jutta
- Karpillia
- Konrad
- Landa
- Lessig
- Levin
- Liliane
- Lyra
- Nachtigal
- Nathan
- Philby
- Squirrel (Summertime Odyssey)
- Susan
- Taliesin
- The Halberd
- Tyler
- Vermeer
- Verr Goldet
- Werner
Mentioned Characters
There are 43 mentioned characters related to Mondstadt:
- Amber's Grandfather
- Amos
- Arundolyn
- Bloodstained Knight
- Blue-Eyed Spear Witch
- Cardinal Calvin
- Crepus
- Dahlia
- Dawnlight Swordswoman
- Decarabian
- Eberhart
- Frederica Gunnhildr
- Gunnhildr
- Imunlaukr
- Ingbert
- Istaroth
- Jacob Musk
- Kreuzlied
- Landrich
- Leonard
- Luther
- Nameless Bard
- Nick
- Nymph
- Parsifal
- Princess of Sal Vindagnyr
- Priscilla
- Ragnvindr
- Ravenwood
- Razor's Father
- Razor's Mother
- Red-Haired Warrior
- Rostam
- Seamus Pegg
- Sojourner
- Stanley (Historical)
- Ukko
- Unnamed Gladiator
- Ursa the Drake
- Varka
- Varuch
- Venerare
- Vennessa
Upcoming NPCs
There are no upcoming NPCs related to Mondstadt.
Notable Features[]
Mondstadt features some unique mechanics and environmental hazards:
- Collecting three Anemograna generates a temporary Wind Current.
Anemoculi can be offered at Statues of the Seven in Mondstadt for rewards.
- Dragonspine is a snow-covered mountain in southern Mondstadt.
- Frostbearing Tree's Gratitude is an Offering System where you exchange
Crimson Agate ×10 for rewards at the Frostbearing Tree.
- Ice Blocks (unofficial name) can be melted with Pyro, which has a chance of releasing a
Large Cryo Slime,
Cryo Whopperflower,
Cryo Crystalfly ×2, or
Snow Weasel.
- Subzero Climate causes the player to gradually accumulate Sheer Cold and prevents Grass from burning. When the Sheer Cold meter fills, the active character starts losing HP.
- Sheer Cold accumulates faster in certain extremely cold locations or when affected by Cryo or Hydro. Swimming drastically increases Sheer Cold accumulation.
- Sheer Cold accumulation can be mitigated by standing near to a source of warmth, being affected by Pyro, or consuming Goulash when not in a snowstorm. Sheer Cold quickly dissipates upon leaving the area affected by Subzero Climate.
- Collecting Scarlet Quartz reduces Sheer Cold by 5% of the maximum and imbues the player for 25 seconds or until the player performs an attack. While they are imbued, they do not accumulate Sheer Cold. A Scarlet Quartz imbued attack deals Pyro DMG and is the only way to destroy Ancient Rime.
- Wyrmrest Valley contains the The Dragon's Core, an object that can turn
Strange Tooth into
Vitalized Dragontooth.
- Frostbearing Tree's Gratitude is an Offering System where you exchange

Screenshot from Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview: Travail
- In the trailer Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview: Travail, under the title of the quest The Outlander Who Caught the Wind, there is a line written in Teyvat's Latin script. It reads "Mea libertas meus canor" which translates to "My freedom is my song."
- Mondstadt considers the Dandelion, Flight and Wine to be its trademarks, being the very few things that it learned from the Wind Archon.
- Roses in Mondstadt, instead of love, represent the saying "As wine bottles are corked, so too are my lips sealed." It encourages people to keep one another's secrets.
- Citizens and people in Liyue often mock Mondstadt for being a city without rule with their god abandoned, showcasing the contrast between how others view freedom versus constitution. They are also unaware of the reasons as to why the Anemo Archon decided not to rule over Mondstadt, which may hint that every other region shares the same outlook.
- Mondstadt is the only region whose capital lacks background NPCs.
- It is also the only region in which emblem design lacks its own associated elemental icon.
- Mondstadt is German for "Moon City."
- The official English translation of the manga sometimes abbreviates the name as "Mond", which is how it is translated in Chinese, as well as Japanese and Korean.
Cultural References[]
- Mondstadt is primarily inspired by German culture, but also draws from other Germanic cultures.
- Culture-wise and landscape-wise Mondstadt closely resembles Germany's Rhineland-Palatinate state. Wine culture has dominated this region for 2000 years. Annual Weinlesefests are held there just as they are in Mondstadt. Historic villages and towns are built like Mondstadt in a half-timbered architecture style with gothic churches and cathedrals. The Rhineland's landscape is lush and green, rolling hills take turns with high and steep cliffs. The steepest vineyards in the world are to be found there. Like Mondstadt, the Rhineland's landscape is dotted with the ruins of an ancient civilization, that of the Romans.
- Many of Mondstadt's characters have German names or titles: Klee means "clover" in German. Fischl, the Prinzessin der Verurteilung means "Princess of Condemnation." Albedo, Kreideprinz means "Prince of Chalk." Diona of Kätzlein bloodline means of "Kitten" bloodline. Mika Schmidt's family name is the German version of "Smith."
- Mondstadt's annual spring festival is called Windblume, which is German for "Wind Flower."
- Mondstadt's annual autumn festival is called Weinlesefest, which is German for "Wine Harvesting Festival."
- The font of Mondstadt's written language is a broken up and mirrored version of Fraktur, a font most typical in German-speaking countries from the Middle Ages until the early 21st century. You can still see it on many signs or old houses in Germany. However, the language itself is English, likely for easier international understanding.
- The most important statue of Barbatos stands at Windrise under a massive oak tree. The oak is the national tree of Germany, thus oak leaves are a prominent symbol on most German military orders and currency.
- The de facto ruling body of Mondstadt are the Knights of Favonius which mirrors the State of the Teutonic Order, in which the Grand Master of the Order is the head of state.
- Mondstadt is also called the Free City; this title was given to sovereignly ruled city-states of the Holy Roman Empire, the medieval predecessor of what today is Germany. Today the official name of German cities, especially those of the Hanseatic League like Hamburg or Bremen, still carry the Free City prefix.
- While the national bird of Mondstadt yīng (Chinese: 鹰) is translated as a falcon in the English version, in reality it more commonly means an eagle/hawk in Mandarin (see Vennessa#Trivia for details). The eagle is one of the most significant symbols of Germany, and the Federal Republic of Germany adopts the Bundesadler ("Federal Eagle" in German) as its coat of arms. It is a successor of the Reichsadler ("Imperial Eagle") of the Holy Roman Empire, which in turn originates from the Aquila of ancient Rome, the symbol of the Roman legions.
- "Die Luft der Freiheit weht," meaning "The wind of freedom blows," is a notable German motto originated from a Latin phrase written by the German poet laureate and humanist Ulrich von Hutten (1488–1523). See Venti's Etymology section for details.
- Since the Romantic era Germans call their country "Das Land der Dichter und Denker" ("The Land of Poets and Thinkers"). Mondstadt is famous for being a nation of poetry too. Fittingly, the original Chinese version as well as the Japanese version of the game call Mondstadt's biggest hotel the "Goethe Grand Hotel." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was Germany's most prominent poet of the Romantic era. In the English version of the game, probably due to a translation mistake, the aforementioned hotel is called the Goth Grand Hotel.
- Goethe was also a major contributor to the philosophy of freedom and the most famous quotes from his magnum opus Faust include "The last result of wisdom stamps it true: he only earns his freedom and existence who daily conquers them anew" (German: "Das ist der Weisheit letzter Schluß: der verdient sich Freiheit wie das Leben, der täglich sie erobern muß") (translated by Bayard Taylor), of which the first clause is cited as the English name of Mona's special food.
- The Black-Back Hound dog race, that the game archive says originates in Mondstadt, is of the distinctive tan and black fur color and pattern of the German Shepherd.
- The Anemo icon goes around the windmill and is reminiscent of a large predatory bird.
- Besides, the English names for areas in Mondstadt are composed of Anglo-Saxon (native English) words.
- The icon for Mondstadt consists of a six-spoked post mill, something commonly found throughout Medieval Europe, especially in the Netherlands.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Mondstadt | German: Moon City |
Chinese (Simplified) | 蒙德 Méngdé | Mond |
Chinese (Traditional) | 蒙德 Méngdé | |
Japanese | モンド Mondo | Mond |
Korean | 몬드 Mondeu | Mond |
Spanish | Mondstadt | — |
French | Mondstadt | — |
Russian | Мондштадт Mondshtadt | — |
Thai | Mondstadt | — |
Vietnamese | Mondstadt | — |
German | Mondstadt | — |
Indonesian | Mondstadt | — |
Portuguese | Mondstadt | — |
Turkish | Mondstadt | — |
Italian | Mondstadt | — |
Change History[]
- After completing Lupus Minor Chapter: Act I, Rifthound Whelps will appear in Mondstadt's Wolvendom and its vicinity.
- Added Cryo Hypostasis to Dragonspine.
- Added Dragonspine area.
- The soundtracks Mondstadt and Another Day in Mondstadt were removed from the pool of possible dawn soundtracks for the general Mondstadt region, rendering the former unused in the game and the latter exclusive to dawn in Mondstadt City.[verification needed]
- Mondstadt was released.
- ↑ Event Lantern Rite Tales World Quest: Mondstadters in Liyue
- ↑ Food: Mondstadt Grilled Fish
- ↑ Archon Quest, Prologue, Act II - For a Tomorrow Without Tears, Part 9: Chasing Shadows