Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Namecards are special background alterations that change the appearance of a player's Profile, Paimon Menu, and Friend List, and Co-Op Mode menu.

Players automatically unlock the default namecard "Genshin Impact: A New World" when they first log in to the game. Namecards can be unlocked through the following methods: completing entire Achievement categories, buying the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass, reaching certain Reputation levels in each nation, reaching certain levels in Offering systems, reaching Friendship Level 10 with each Character, and various Events.

Namecards are classified 4-star items — they are shown as an item with a purple 4-star background.

List of Namecards[]

Default Namecards[]

There is 1 Default Namecard:

Image Name Description Obtain
Item Genshin Impact: A New World Genshin Impact: A New World "Welcome to Teyvat!" First Log In Reward

Achievement Namecards[]

There are 58 Achievement Namecards:

Image Name Description Obtain
Item Achievement: Adeptal Valley Achievement: Adeptal Valley ...After that, the fish sank to the bottom of the lake, and the snake was split into several pieces. The remaining beasts waited on mountains, rivers, and moon, awaiting their silent answer. Complete all achievements under Chenyu's Splendor
Item Achievement: All-Seeing Achievement: All-Seeing The gaze of a traveler looks upon all like a light, and your impression of things will someday resurface in your mind in vivid, intense color. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Mortal Travails: Series V"
Item Achievement: Blaze Achievement: Blaze After the flame that once represented light, heat, and wisdom became corroded by the tenebrous dark, the only thing that yet belonged to the imprisoned titan was its inextinguishable will to fight. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Challenger: Series X"
Item Achievement: Bowmaster Achievement: Bowmaster Draw that bowstring taut! Reward for completing all Achievements under "Marksmanship"
Item Achievement: Challenger III Achievement: Challenger III Finally, a worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary! Reward for completing all Achievements under "Challenger: Series III"
Item Achievement: Challenger II Achievement: Challenger II That which awaits at the end of the challenges is... Reward for completing all Achievements under "Challenger: Series II"
Item Achievement: Challenger Achievement: Challenger Even if you're just going out to get a single dandelion, there will be obstacles in your path. But you love a challenge, don't you? Reward for completing all Achievements under "Challenger: Series I"
Item Achievement: Chasm Achievement: Chasm Where once miners industriously delved and tunneled, now all is silent. Only the Glazed Sand Crystal and marrows of stone, both millennia-old, still give off any brilliance. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Chasmlighter"
Item Achievement: Cliffhanger Achievement: Cliffhanger They say that storytellers love their cliffhangers — but you? You've heard it all before. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Stone Harbor's Nostalgia: Series I"
Item Achievement: Colors of the Rainbow Achievement: Colors of the Rainbow Light can refract into countless colors, but people stop at seven because they're too lazy to count. Perhaps the elements are like that, too. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Elemental Specialist: Series I"
Item Achievement: Deep & Dark Achievement: Deep & Dark The deeper you delve, the more secrets you shall uncover. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Domains and Spiral Abyss: Series I"
Item Achievement: Endpoint Achievement: Endpoint The orbits of the true stars are traced in myriad rings across the night sky. A sea of blossom awaits the return of a single flower, anticipating the day when both hearts and petals shall become soft and tender. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Meetings in Outrealm: Series V"
Item Achievement: Explorer Achievement: Explorer After all your wanderings throughout the world, do not forget the reason why you first set out. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Mortal Travails: Series I"
Item Achievement: Fated Encounter Achievement: Fated Encounter One day, our encounter at this moment shall shine like a star of reminiscence in our hearts. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Meetings in Outrealm: Series III"
Item Achievement: Feline Fortune Achievement: Feline Fortune You want to know what the future holds? Then stay here and sit tight. Let this little kitty resist the urge to knock the crystal ball onto the ground, and steal the secrets of fate for you. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Imaginarium Theater: The Second Folio"
Item Achievement: Fighting Spirit Achievement: Fighting Spirit Even if one was to lose their physical form and find themselves trapped in the cold depths of some ghostly spring, the will to fight on shall never fade away. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Duelist: Series II"
Item Achievement: Full Bloom Achievement: Full Bloom Gather ye then soil from all corners of the universe, and from it may countless flowers grow. Reward for completing all Achievements under "A Realm Beyond: Series III"
Item Achievement: Gate Achievement: Gate What encounters lie on the other side of this door? Reward for completing all Achievements under "Meetings in Outrealm: Series II"
Item Achievement: Hero Achievement: Hero Your hero's journey began before you knew it, but it's the experiences that really made it special. Reward for completing all Achievements under "The Hero's Journey"
Item Achievement: Hill Dwellers Achievement: Hill Dwellers The hilichurls were dubbed the "hill devils." But a certain young girl named Musk insists on calling them the "hill dwellers." Reward for completing all Achievements under "Olah!: Series I"
Item Achievement: Infinitum Achievement: Infinitum "Oh, Khvarena in your endless forms, protect this imperiled land. The blights and glories of the earthly realm are naught but the illusion of existing seeds." Reward for completing all Achievements under "Blessed Hamada"
Item Achievement: Invoker Achievement: Invoker "In this village, no one can defeat me!" Reward for completing all Achievements under "Genius Invokation TCG"
Item Achievement: Lord of the Night Achievement: Lord of the Night How can restless thoughts be calmed? In this land, the only way is battle! Reward for completing all Achievements under "Duelist: Series I"
Item Achievement: Mariner Achievement: Mariner The hands of travelers have touched ten thousand streams. They all flow from the same font of the world's waters, and all return to the same sea. Complete all achievements under "Mortal Travails: Series IV".
Item Achievement: Mirrored Dreams Achievement: Mirrored Dreams "A millennium of obsession and tragic yearning has long been lost in the sandstorms of those blazing nights. But the eternal verdant oasis of her dreams is, in all likelihood, as tender as it was at the first..." Reward for completing all Achievements under "Challenger: Series VI"
Item Achievement: Nails Achievement: Nails "Wait, if these fish can't be eaten, then why are we hammering these nails into fishhooks?" "Oh, you wouldn't understand." Reward for completing all Achievements under "Teyvat Fishing Guide: Series I"
Item Achievement: Orbits Achievement: Orbits "O Almighty Sovereign, the Universitas Magistrorum has provided the predictions you requested: The two stars have been captured by the world's gravity... After a lengthy orbital period, today their paths shall intertwine once more.". Complete all achievements under "Meetings in Outrealm: Series IV".
Item Achievement: Perpetual Achievement: Perpetual "No one hears the dream that shattered between the conches and the gears. Only the tireless mechanical dancer still queries the echoes of the past day and night with its every elegant step." Reward for completing all Achievements under "Challenger: Series VIII"
Item Achievement: Poetic Pages Achievement: Poetic Pages The dreams someone weaves into being are false, but they nonetheless point toward something real. There must be an eternity forged from "memory" at the end of this path. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Imaginarium Theater: The First Folio"
Item Achievement: Repertoire Achievement: Repertoire Perhaps a melody may exist that collects and contains all the wondrous music in the world. Surging heartbeats mark the musical phrase, anxious thoughts form brief rests, and within the notes lie all things — laughter, tears, forgotten dreams, and dancing raindrops... Reward for completing all Achievements under "Repertoire of Myriad Melodies"
Item Achievement: Reunion Achievement: Reunion We shall meet again someday. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Meetings in Outrealm: Series I"
Item Achievement: Roaming Achievement: Roaming Every journey and memory is a unique miracle that only belongs to the traveler. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Mortal Travails: Series III"
Item Achievement: Seven Lights Achievement: Seven Lights Anyone can play a tune that belongs just to them, and like the dew under grass, can reflect the seven lights of heaven. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Elemental Specialist: Series II"
Item Achievement: Snowy Land Achievement: Snowy Land You've heard many stories about Snezhnaya. What does it look like in your mind's eye? Reward for completing all Achievements under "Snezhnaya Does Not Believe in Tears: Series I"
Item Achievement: Snowy Summit Achievement: Snowy Summit A draconian peak must be scaled. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Visitors on the Icy Mountain"
Item Achievement: Stone Dragon Achievement: Stone Dragon Our journey among the precipices. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Challenger: Series IV"
Item Achievement: Tea Time Achievement: Tea Time The days and months pass within the teapot. Reward for completing all Achievements under "A Realm Beyond: Series I"
Item Achievement: Thunderclap Achievement: Thunderclap Listen to the sound that comes from the clouds. That is its resentful rage, and its tiny wish. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Challenger: Series V"
Item Achievement: Transient Twilight Achievement: Transient Twilight "I will forget the flowers of yesteryear, the daylight, the rain. I ask that you remember in my stead, in this nascent world, and hold to that lost dream." Reward for completing all Achievements under "Challenger: Series VII"
Item Achievement: Traversal Achievement: Traversal A traveler shall experience ten thousand tales, and each shall form a part of the traveler's soul. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Mortal Travails: Series II"
Item Achievement: Vacation Home Achievement: Vacation Home The world is wide under the eaves. Reward for completing all Achievements under "A Realm Beyond: Series II"
Item Achievement: Virtuoso Achievement: Virtuoso After mastering these skills, you may just find that you can get by just fine without engaging in battle. If you are without any commission to complete, that is. Reward for completing all Achievements under "The Art of Adventure"
Item Achievement: Whalewrangler Achievement: Whalewrangler This time, Tartaglia fought this entity for a long time, though he remained unable to defeat it. Hunting the same whale thrice is considered unlucky, but he will not give up. That said, it will be a long while before the creature fully recovers. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Challenger: Series IX"
Item Fontaine: Attunement Fontaine: Attunement The symphony known as "Phobos" has gone out of control, and a Harmost must bring it back in harmony. Yet Fortuna's wheels turn on noiselessly, for destiny knows that even the perfect melody must someday end. Complete all achievements under Rhapsodia in the Ancient Sea
Item Fontaine: Completeness Fontaine: Completeness "The evening clouds scatter in the sky and the creek shines gold under the setting sun. My shadow wanders alone, akin to a lonely apparition at the bottom of a waterfall." Complete all achievements under Fontaine: Dance of the Dew-White Springs (III)
Item Fontaine: Judgment Fontaine: Judgment The insignia of the new Hydro Archon. Even without any legal notice, it is understood that none dare use it without permission. Complete all achievements under "Fontaine: Dance of the Dew-White Springs (I)".
Item Fontaine: Redemption Fontaine: Redemption The official logo of the Fortress of Meropide. It is our dearest hope that all who wish to honor order and live out their lives in peace shall not ever be associated with the organization this insignia represents. Complete all achievements under "Fontaine: Dance of the Dew-White Springs (II)".
Item Inazuma: Eagleplume Inazuma: Eagleplume Pirka chikappo! Kapatcir kamuy! Reward for completing all achievements under "The Chronicles of the Sea of Fog " [sic]
Item Inazuma: Kujou Insignia Inazuma: Kujou Insignia This Tri-Commission house-crest represents the Tenryou Commission's Kujou Clan. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Inazuma: The Islands of Thunder and Eternity - Series I"
Item Inazuma: Sangonomiya Crest Inazuma: Sangonomiya Crest This is the emblem of the Sangonomiya Clan, the leaders of Watatsumi's people. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Inazuma: The Islands of Thunder and Eternity - Series II"
Item Inazuma: Tokoyo Inazuma: Tokoyo "O Mighty Sun! What use are your heat and light if you cannot own all that they survey?" Reward for completing all Achievements under "The Light of Day"
Item Liyue: Stillness of Stone Liyue: Stillness of Stone Witness the lonely, cloud-covered peaks of Liyue. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Liyue: The Harbor of Stone and Contracts"
Item Mondstadt: Whistling Wind Mondstadt: Whistling Wind Listen to the singing of Mondstadt's birds and winds. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Mondstadt: The City of Wind and Song"
Item Natlan: Fleeting Dreams Natlan: Fleeting Dreams Before one could become a sage among dragons, or a king among men, the ploys of one's ambition would have long since turned to naught but dreams. Yet to be incomplete is good; superior, in fact, to perfection. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Natlan: The Land of Fire and Competition (II)"
Item Natlan: Return of the Flame Natlan: Return of the Flame Give yourself over to the joy of the contest — for victor and vanquished shall earn honor in equal measure, with both belonging to the flames of the night. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Natlan: The Land of Fire and Competition (I)"
Item Sumeru: Sandstorm Sumeru: Sandstorm The endless sandstorm conceals ancient dreams... Reward for completing all Achievements under "Sumeru: The Gilded Desert - Series II"
Item Sumeru: Sandtreader Sumeru: Sandtreader The sands subsume the tracks of travelers, and they await the day when a gust of wind will reveal gilded memories once more. Reward for completing all Achievements under "Sumeru: The Gilded Desert - Series I"
Item Sumeru: Shimmering Woods Sumeru: Shimmering Woods What dreams lie within the rich slumber of the stories deep in the woods? Reward for completing all Achievements under "Sumeru: The Rainforest of Lore"

Battle Pass Namecards[]

There are 39 Battle Pass Namecards:

Image Name Description Obtain
Item Travel Notes: Catch the Wind Travel Notes: Catch the Wind The most difficult part of writing a travel journal is coming up with the beginning. Catch the Wind BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Fading Star Travel Notes: Fading Star So long as there is still desire left in your heart, when you hold your head high you will see that which glitters but is not light. Fading Star BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Chalk Travel Notes: Chalk Remember to keep warm when setting foot on the mountain. Mountaineer's Endurance BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Mingxiao Travel Notes: Mingxiao When everyone's wishes are gathered together, they can light up the long night. Lantern-Lit Sky BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Windblume Travel Notes: Windblume Who has seen the wind? Neither you nor I. Nor has anyone ever seen love, till a bouquet comes flying by. Windborne Blossoms BP Reward (Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass)
Item Travel Notes: Sub-Space Recreation Travel Notes: Sub-Space Recreation How many nights have you spent with "a stone for your pillow?" Realm of Diversion BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Midsummer Travel Notes: Midsummer It's adventure time! Marine Hues BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Grand Narukami Shrine Travel Notes: Grand Narukami Shrine The sakura of Mt. Yougou symbolizes the Grand Narukami Shrine. Divine Thunder BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Moonchaser Travel Notes: Moonchaser May the moonlight wash over you, O pursuer! Moonchaser BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Heavenly General Travel Notes: Heavenly General "You were not created to punish evil. But as to what your purpose is... I fear that I, too, do not know." Mystic Repose BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Lyratum Travel Notes: Lyratum Only this flower remains on the heights where all trees have withered. Shadowed Snowfall BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Flowing Hues Travel Notes: Flowing Hues The luxurious colors flow past — all things are renewed. Oceansong BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Awakening Travel Notes: Awakening The three realms quake, heaven and earth awaken. The Sangacorexes, too, rise again from their eternal slumber. Into the Shadows BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Irodori Travel Notes: Irodori Those who share a hobby are known as a group as "fans." Best come up with those stories, everyone, before the kitsune editor-in-chief dreams up copyright law... Or perhaps she has already dreamed it up, but does not altogether mind? Luxuriant Vibrance BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Divine Will Travel Notes: Divine Will "Once upon a time, loyal souls did scatter east and west like swan geese." "Today I light my lantern, that they may not lose their way." Gorge Sunset BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Azure Main Travel Notes: Azure Main Years have gone by, and you wake from an old dream. Inside the keepsake shell, lingers the blue ocean of those summer days. Azure Main BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Woodlands Travel Notes: Woodlands Beneath the tranquil moon and inside the deep valley grows blooming roses. 'Tis a paradise with your presence. Luxuriant Woodlands BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Returning Winds Travel Notes: Returning Winds The years come and go. Only remembrance and the winds that return do not change. Returning Winds BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Fungus Land Travel Notes: Fungus Land "Traveler, there is no need to grieve, for the wind at dawn will blow the fungal spores carrying beautiful dreams to the fields that contain your hopes..." A Previous Life BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Stellar Rivers Travel Notes: Stellar Rivers Forgotten is the name of the ancient feast, scattered are the three rivers amongst a plumage of clouds, and across the curve of twilight does autumn yet linger. Stellar Rivers BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Rhythm and Rhyme Travel Notes: Rhythm and Rhyme With magnificent sunglow sheds light on the night sky, chimes are orchestrated to celebrate the bygone year. The gilded palaces are adorned with beaded curtains, the railings painted silver by bright moonlight, and the feasts brimmed with jolly singing and dances. Is that flowers or fireworks? A wealth of instruments plays in unison, harmonious and pleasant. Rhythm and Rhyme BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Artful Intent Travel Notes: Artful Intent It is said that experiencing true love is like seeing a ghost. Most folks speak of both as hearsay, but true witnesses remain few and far between. That said, since even ghosts can manifest here, perhaps true love is also waiting right around the next corner. Artful Intent BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Crown of Glory Travel Notes: Crown of Glory "Knowledge serves as the crown of time, and reminiscence is bound to the time we shared as one." Crown of Glory BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Secrets Travel Notes: Secrets Never forget the time you once spent with games and good friends. Never forget what it feels like to have no worries about the future. Invoker's Secrets BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Vivid Illumination Travel Notes: Vivid Illumination Who knows? Perhaps the phantasmal light that only exists on the other side of this transparent glass can ever so slightly brighten up the world on this one. Vivid Illumination BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Primordial Waters Travel Notes: Primordial Waters Timepieces accompany the tranquil passing of the years, as fish accompany the swirling of the clear waters of the font. If all that is must one day wither, why is my yearning as clear as ever? Primordial Waters BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Falling Star Travel Notes: Falling Star Make a wish before you toss the arrow. If you manage to get it into the pot, who knows — your wish just might come true. Falling Star BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Whirling Waltz Travel Notes: Whirling Waltz Even if the clockwork stops ticking, even if the puppets stop stepping forward. Though our memories be frozen eternally as coral, do not forget our adventures and the time we spent together. Whirling Waltz BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Time Inscribed Travel Notes: Time Inscribed Namecard style.
Who knows how long it shall take before film in Teyvat will advance to the point of reinventing the art of "carving time"? Still, this scene has indeed frozen the sinful past.
Fontinalia BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Vibrant Harriers Travel Notes: Vibrant Harriers Harriers and cranes come early in spring. Let the wind rise and the kites soar. Vivid Flight BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Arcane Amassing Travel Notes: Arcane Amassing Alchemy is a discipline that studies the conversion from one substance to another, but using alchemy to make potions reduces the quality by a drop. I don't know, perhaps that missing drop is converted into making everyone's mood a bit lighter. Arcane Amassing BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: The Realms Rocked Travel Notes: The Realms Rocked "The world does not love its children. If not, why chase them into the next one?" "What do you know? Maybe that one rocks even harder." The Realms Rocked BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Simulnation Travel Notes: Simulnation "Victory is but a mere trick of the player's imagination. Silence is the chessboard's true endgame. As such, the one virtuous deed is to play, and to forfeit is the sole sin." "Hey, why don't you play a few less wargames?" Simulnation BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Fanciful Fabrication Travel Notes: Fanciful Fabrication Wood is processed into paper, and paper is folded into trees. All who are of folded paper shelter a true self within a falsehood. Fanciful Fabrication BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Primal Fire Travel Notes: Primal Fire But why green, brown, and purple? Shouldn't the first companions we meet be red, green, and blue, or... yellow? Primal Fire BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Sabzeruz Travel Notes: Sabzeruz "Twelve moons and twelve more, new memories will grow." Sabzeruz BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Spiritweaver Travel Notes: Spiritweaver The reason that the Masters of the Night-Wind are able to record stories in their scrolls is very simple — that everything in this world has its warp and weft. All that has been is no less than the very fabric of existence. Spiritweaver BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: The Flame Renewed Travel Notes: The Flame Renewed The spring comes on sure, and old peach wood charms must be burned. Raise your cups of herbal wine in toast, then exchange those old talismans for new ones. Soulblaze BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Item Travel Notes: Wondrous Reverie Travel Notes: Wondrous Reverie As flowers bloom and distant songs fade, faint traces of dreams remain. Wondrous Reverie BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass

Reputation Namecards[]

There are 12 Reputation Namecards:

Image Name Description Obtain
Item Mondstadt: Hero's Fame Mondstadt: Hero's Fame The name of the Honorary Knight has spread far and wide among the citizenry. Reward for reaching Reputation Lv. 4 (Mondstadt)
Item Mondstadt: Blessing Mondstadt: Blessing They who have it in their hearts to bless others shall themselves be blessed. Reward for reaching Reputation Lv. 7 (Mondstadt)
Item Liyue: A Thousand Ships Liyue: A Thousand Ships Many boats have been numbered by day and night. Reward for reaching Reputation Lv. 4 (Liyue)
Item Liyue: In the Clouds Liyue: In the Clouds The peaks adorn the clouded moon. Reward for reaching Reputation Lv. 7 (Liyue)
Item Inazuma: Raiden Emblem Inazuma: Raiden Emblem This is the emblem of the Ogosho Shogun, and is the banner of her troops, the Electro Mitsudomoe. Reward for reaching Reputation Lv. 7 (Inazuma)
Item Inazuma: Kamisato Crest Inazuma: Kamisato Crest This Tri-Commission house-crest represents the Yashiro Commission's Kamisato Clan. Reward for reaching Reputation Lv. 4 (Inazuma)
Item Sumeru: Observance Sumeru: Observance Behold everything the world has to offer: see through all that the sky's light surveys. Reward for reaching Reputation Lv. 4 (Sumeru)
Item Sumeru: Unsullied Sumeru: Unsullied The wise, graced with the thorough knowledge of the truth, will not be sullied by sin. They are like the Nilotpala Lotus, which remains clear and pure even after the rains and winds have passed. Reward for reaching Reputation Lv. 7 (Sumeru)
Item Fontaine: Wondrous Machine Fontaine: Wondrous Machine The symbol of the energy blocks used by all of Fontaine's clockwork meka. There was once a great debate over whether it should be registered as a trademark, but in the end, the public was simply called upon not to use it too freely. Reward for reaching Reputation Lv. 4 (Fontaine)
Item Fontaine: Big News Fontaine: Big News The trademarked logo of The Steambird. If you are discovered using it without first obtaining prior permission, we will uphold our rights and prosecute the offense to the fullest extent of the law! Reward for reaching Reputation Lv. 8 (Fontaine)
Item Natlan: Divine Army Natlan: Divine Army "...Bathed by a hidden sun, Xbalanque's forces advance with unstoppable momentum. He brings all-out war to the world once more, but his goals don't stop there..." Reward for reaching the highest Reputation Level with 1 tribe
Item Natlan: Fiery Dragon Natlan: Fiery Dragon "...Sharer of light, heat, and wisdom, the dragon king awaits the coming visitor in silence beneath returning moonlight. His reawakening is not simply for..." Reward for reaching the highest Reputation Level with 4 tribes

Offering Namecards[]

There are 7 Offering Namecards:

Image Name Description Obtain
Item Frostbearing: Ancient Tree Frostbearing: Ancient Tree We shall rise again — the tree of old has sprouted anew. Reward for reaching Frostbearing Tree's Gratitude Lv. 9
Item Inazuma: Sacred Sakura Inazuma: Sacred Sakura Wherever the sakura petals fall, there the protection of the sacred tree rests. Reward for reaching Sacred Sakura's Favor Lv. 48
Item Lumens: Stone of Light Lumens: Stone of Light What flows within this nameless, voiceless azure crystal? The secrets of the heavens? Or the whispers of the abyss? Reward for enhancing the Lumenstone Adjuvant to Lv. 10
Item Sumeru: The Great Dream Sumeru: The Great Dream "The time to flourish has yet to come. Hide me with care between the blades of grass and beneath the tallness of trees. Let me linger in that place of dreams." Reward for reaching Tree of Dreams's Favor Lv. 48
Item Sumeru: Amrita Sumeru: Amrita The ancient Amrita Pool is suffused with recollections of times past. Perhaps it also contains the power that will create the future. Make 6 offerings to the Amrita Pool
Item Chenyu: Rainjade Rite Chenyu: Rainjade Rite Stars flicker brightly above the tranquil sea and rivers. The mountain folk dance in harmony with birds and beasts. Reach Rainjade's Benediction Level 10
Item Fontaine: Lucine Fontaine: Lucine Don't drink from the Fountain of Lucine. You never know whose tears you're swallowing. Reward for reaching Fountain of Lucine Favor Level 48

Character Namecards[]

There are 94 Character Namecards:

Image Name Description Obtain
Item Albedo: Sun Blossom Albedo: Sun Blossom Allow me to bear witness to this miracle. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Albedo
Item Alhaitham: Enlightenment Alhaitham: Enlightenment "The only things researchers should abide by are debates and dialectics. Only by questioning everything at all times can one avoid falling into prejudice." Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Alhaitham
Item Aloy: Dawn Aloy: Dawn "Everything I do is in the service of life, not death." Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Aloy
Item Amber: Bunny Amber: Bunny "It's Baron Bunny!" Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Amber
Item Arlecchino: Edict Arlecchino: Edict "Father" laid down the harsh strictures of the House of the Hearth, and some of these seem almost unreasonable. Those familiar with her can use these rules to trace the outline of the ideals she so rarely speaks of. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Arlecchino
Item Baizhu: Relief Baizhu: Relief Sincerity begets longevity. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Baizhu
Item Barbara: Flow Barbara: Flow When Barbara sings, her melodic voice flows like the tender healing of a clear spring. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Barbara
Item Beidou: Weighing Anchor Beidou: Weighing Anchor "Weighing anchor out to sea, one is wont to waver. But look to the skies, and the stars shall light the way." Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Beidou
Item Bennett: Recognition Bennett: Recognition A sign of recognition from Benny's Adventure Team. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Bennett
Item Candace: Gray Heron Candace: Gray Heron The burning winds of the past ruffle the heron's feathers, but the bird has eyes only for the morning star at first light. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Candace
Item Charlotte: Exclusive Charlotte: Exclusive "One, I've written an exclusive, and it's going to generate a lot of buzz for sure! Two, the newspaper said the situation is developing too slowly, so they're changing to a press release instead... Three, the person writing the press release will be in the Opera Epiclese as the defendant tomorrow, so they've decided to run my piece after all!" Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Charlotte
Item Chasca: Fully Loaded Chasca: Fully Loaded Fear not, she's here to make peace, not to fight. The only question is whether to save a few bullets... Y'know, the type that get fired into the sky as warning shots. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Chasca
Item Chevreuse: Type II Chevreuse: Type II The standard issue weapon of the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol is known as the "Special Security and Surveillance Patrol Type II Standard Musket." Yet, though there may be countless flowers in this world, the one you treasure is special, even if it should be known to the world as nothing at all special. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Chevreuse
Item Childe: Foul Legacy Childe: Foul Legacy This bears all the marks of that fellow who gallivants as he pleases across the continent with his ever-changing combat styles. Yet, his "Foul Legacy" was not originally his. Rather, it was taught to him by that solitary girl who dwelt in the darkest corners of the universe. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Tartaglia
Item Chiori: Spectacular Sleeves Chiori: Spectacular Sleeves The doll known as "Tamoto-chan" was one of Chiori's earliest works, and is also the model that requires the least fabric and tailoring. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Chiori
Item Chongyun: Spirit Blade Chongyun: Spirit Blade This was originally a peachwood sword made of ice. But a big enough ice block makes a better exorcist's tool than peachwood. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Chongyun
Item Citlali: Opalstar Citlali: Opalstar The black one is akin to obsidian, and is thus called "Itzpapa." The white one is white as a star, and has thus been named "Citlalin." Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Citlali
Item Clorinde: Roleplay Clorinde: Roleplay Dedicated Game Masters at the Tabletop Troupe will sometimes switch hats to indicate their change in role. Hmm, in that case, does Clorinde—
Forget about it! She doesn't even take that hat off when swimming.
Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Clorinde
Item Collei: Good Virtue Collei: Good Virtue "I—It's Cuilein-Anbar! I, uh..." Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Collei
Item Cyno: Silence Cyno: Silence Whenever Cyno falls into a profound silence, he must be considering some weighty judgment... Or perhaps he is simply considering something amusing. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Cyno
Item Dehya: Purifying Flame Dehya: Purifying Flame Those that should be burned will be reduced to fly ash, so that all the precious things that should be preserved can be revealed. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Dehya
Item Diluc: Flames Diluc: Flames Master Crepus painted many eagles during his lifetime, but he never could've foreseen creating an eagle with such fire. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Diluc
Item Diona: Meow! Diona: Meow! All who have Kätzlein blood will have such feline features. An ancient prank played by a certain someone, perhaps? Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Diona
Item Dori: Jinni Dori: Jinni If you wipe the lamp she gave you and then scrub the Mora you gave her, no wish is unattainable... right? Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Dori
Item Emilie: Base Note Emilie: Base Note "The top note is sweet, the middle rich but not distracting, and the base — Ah! Such a faint fragrance! Such an exquisite perfume."
Orders flow in and out in an endless stream, and to prevent any scents from disturbing her work, Emilie very seldom uses perfume herself. Alas. When will she have the chance to delight in those base notes?
Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Emilie
Item Eula: Ice-Sealed Eula: Ice-Sealed A cold heart is but a shell to protect oneself. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Eula
Item Faruzan: Sealed Secret Faruzan: Sealed Secret "A—Anyway! Next time, remember to refer to me as Madam Faruzan before you ask a question! Seriously..." Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Faruzan
Item Fischl: Night Raven Fischl: Night Raven A raven dark as midnight with wings that can block out the sun. "I permit thee to conceive his likeness upon such decoration!" Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Fischl
Item Freminet: Progress Freminet: Progress As the clockwork devices do naught but round and round in circles turn, the dolls march forward. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Freminet
Item Furina: Banquet Furina: Banquet Can one person eat every cake? If they eat one per day, they should be able to enjoy cake for a week or so, right? But will the cakes stay fresh that long? Hmm... Well, don't worry, because there will be friends coming to eat the cakes together. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Furina
Item Gaming: Man Chai Gaming: Man Chai "Don't stop believing, Man Chai. One day, we'll soar high, with nary a patched hole in our trousers." Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Gaming
Item Ganyu: Qilin Ganyu: Qilin Do no harm to plant nor insect. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Ganyu
Item Gorou: Leisurely Hound Gorou: Leisurely Hound As long as you believe in the path you are walking, then everything you encounter on your journey will be a source of happiness. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Gorou
Item Hu Tao: Spirit Soother Hu Tao: Spirit Soother Director Hu Tao isn't scary at all. Probably. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Hu Tao
Item Itto: Oni Face Itto: Oni Face A real man puts sorrow and anger behind him and smiles brightly for the world to see! Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Arataki Itto
Item Jean: The Winds' Course Jean: The Winds' Course The dandelion, also called "lion's fang" by some, is the flower most sensitive to the direction of the wind. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Jean
Item Kachina: Twirly Kachina: Twirly The upper half of the Turbo Twirly is very stable, but if the lower half gets stuck, there's a high chance you'll end up with one very dizzy rider. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Kachina
Item Kaedehara Kazuha: Autumn Maple-Viewing Kaedehara Kazuha: Autumn Maple-Viewing "The pine-song ripples as red leaves billow." Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Kaedehara Kazuha
Item Kaeya: Pavo Ocellus Kaeya: Pavo Ocellus The pattern of peacock feathers resembles eyes that never shut. Can we really say that this Pavo Ocellus is missing an eye...? Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Kaeya
Item Kamisato Ayaka: Folding Fan Kamisato Ayaka: Folding Fan Ayaka does constantly change out the fans she carries with her, of course. If you're buying her some as gifts, remember not to send summer fans or throwing fans. Dancing fans or tea fans are good choices, though. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Kamisato Ayaka
Item Kamisato Ayato: Ripple Kamisato Ayato: Ripple The camellia alights upon the mirrored pond, sending ripples throughout the water. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Kamisato Ayato
Item Kaveh: Domed Court Kaveh: Domed Court "When conceptualizing architecture, there is nothing wrong with imagining that the structure we build will surmount the firmament and outlast the stars." Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Kaveh
Item Keqing: Lightning Stiletto Keqing: Lightning Stiletto It was originally invented to just test out one's surroundings and climb to high places, really... Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Keqing
Item Kinich: Ajaw Kinich: Ajaw At first glance, you might think that the Almighty Dragonlord, K'uhul Ajaw had finally succeeded in turning the puny Kinich into a vessel of his will. Sadly, though, this is just the way namecards are named. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Kinich
Item Kirara: Neko Box Kirara: Neko Box "To Kirara, the smiles on her customers' faces are the best rewards possible." Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Kirara
Item Klee: Explosive Klee: Explosive Klee's lucky explosive — can you tell if it's Jumpy Dumpty or Dodoco? (Hint: Look carefully at the tail...) Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Klee
Item Kujou Sara: Tengu Kujou Sara: Tengu Kujou Sara may have forsaken the arrogant life of the tengu race, but she has never neglected their brilliance with the sword or their supernatural might. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Kujou Sara
Item Kuki Shinobu: Net Kuki Shinobu: Net "You know those Naku Weed rings they have in Inazuma? You know, the kind that can drive out evil? Shinobu got the idea that since wicked things won't cross their boundaries willingly, we could make them into items that could be actively used. Ah, her talent for being a shrine maiden is truly frightening..." Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Kuki Shinobu
Item Lan Yan: Silver Swallow Lan Yan: Silver Swallow The swallow's arrival shall bring forth cleansing rains, washing the worries of wizened winter away. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Lan Yan
Item Layla: Daydream Layla: Daydream "The starry sky in your dreams will illuminate your way forward, on the premise that the crystal in your heart reflects clear lights." Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Layla
Item Lisa: Tempus Fugit Lisa: Tempus Fugit An hourglass marks the end of the work day for Lisa. Its sand moves fast. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Lisa
Item Lynette: Earnestness Lynette: Earnestness One major type of magic revolves around "appearing suddenly." Lynette is usually conserving her energy, but her serious side can "appear" as abruptly as pigeons from a hat. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Lynette
Item Lyney: Pretense Lyney: Pretense One major type of magic revolves around making things "vanish." Lyney has an arsenal of tricks up his sleeve. As his accomplice, as long as you are willing to turn a blind eye, all your problems may vanish as well. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Lyney
Item Mavuika: Sun-Crowned Mavuika: Sun-Crowned No Pyro Archon has ever intended to contest the sun. But as ordinary people see it, this "solar ring" is the crown of leaders as radiant as the sun. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Mavuika
Item Mika: Index Mika: Index Every time he holds the map he illustrated in his hands, the boy feels like he is holding a small piece of rubbing of this world. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Mika
Item Mona: Starry Sky Mona: Starry Sky A girl gazes down at the stars' reflection on the water, pondering the joys and sorrows of life. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Mona
Item Mualani: Sharky Mualani: Sharky Sharks that live in the sea don't actually like eating people — they prefer marine creatures. So as a shark that lives in freshwater hot springs, it's only natural that Mualani's Sharky Surfboard will only eat hot spring creatures. ...Just kidding, those Capybaras can sleep easy. Firstly, because their meat's too tough. And secondly, because... it's a surfboard? Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Mualani
Item Nahida: Crescent Nahida: Crescent The rising moon admires the sun, because her light can shine all over the earth. On the other hand, the setting sun is envious of the moon, for she can be accompanied by the sweetest of dreams. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Nahida
Item Navia: Rosula Navia: Rosula Roses shall bloom, and thus does Ms. Navia's umbrella flower. Yet beware, for roses have thorns, and Navia's booming brolly packs a powerful punch. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Navia
Item Neuvillette: Surge Neuvillette: Surge The water's surface may seem placid as a pristine gem, but it may yet be lying in wait for an opportune moment to gush forth. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Neuvillette
Item Nilou: Lotus Dance Nilou: Lotus Dance The lotus that blooms amidst the pure water is naught but a flash of light beneath her toes. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Nilou
Item Ningguang: Phoenix Ningguang: Phoenix They say that "more's the pity that phoenixes are few." But seriously, one Ningguang is more than enough... Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Ningguang
Item Noelle: Protector Noelle: Protector Noelle is quite special. Noelle won't let any harm come to you. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Noelle
Item Ororon: Nightshade Ororon: Nightshade Just as starlight cannot overpower the darkness of night, so too do shadows linger beneath the candle's light. Likewise, the heart's emptiness cannot easily be filled. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Ororon
Item Qiqi: Cold Storage Qiqi: Cold Storage What should be kept in the fridge? Dr. Baizhu's herbs, coconut milk... and Hu Tao. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Qiqi
Item Raiden Shogun: Enlightenment Raiden Shogun: Enlightenment Not simply Ei, and not merely the Raiden Shogun. Observe yourself also with one stormy eye, and you will someday reach a breakthrough. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with the Raiden Shogun
Item Razor: Wolvensprint Razor: Wolvensprint It's quite a sight to behold Razor and the wolves prepare their dinner, but they won't let Klee or the Traveler see the slightly gruesome affair. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Razor
Item Rosaria: Indenture Rosaria: Indenture The unselfish warmth and goodwill of the people is, to her, a kindness that she must repay, and so it is an indenture that follows her forever. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Rosaria
Item Sangonomiya Kokomi: The Deep Sangonomiya Kokomi: The Deep All Watatsumi islanders know this tale: that deep beneath the waves lies their former home. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Sangonomiya Kokomi
Item Sayu: Muji-Muji Daruma Sayu: Muji-Muji Daruma It is even smaller than Sayu, sure, but it can help her do the things she doesn't want to do. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Sayu
Item Sethos: Ba Fragment Sethos: Ba Fragment Each Ba Fragment has its unique symbol. While this one resembles an hourglass, it represents King Deshret's rule over both Upper and Lower Setekh. As for the light within, it stands for the wisdom of Hermanubis. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Sethos
Item Shenhe: Comb Shenhe: Comb The early onset of white hair is often correlated to one's sorrows. Since "comb" and "scatter" are similarly read in Liyue's language, they believe that combing one's hair is the same as scattering one's misfortunes. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Shenhe
Item Shikanoin Heizou: Temari Shikanoin Heizou: Temari A Temari of entwining strings in various colors. It must have taken someone's great effort to make such an item, yet Heizou only sees it as a simple game to untangle each string. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Shikanoin Heizou
Item Sigewinne: Treatment Sigewinne: Treatment Sigewinne will take good care of her patients. Don't worry, her injections aren't that painful — and while the medicines aren't very tasty, you'd take them over the barren wasteland that special blend milkshakes represent. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Sigewinne
Item Sucrose: Bio-Alchemy Sucrose: Bio-Alchemy If you closely examine an Anemo Hypostasis before it disappears, you will discover that they are actually quite square. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Sucrose
Item Thoma: Blazing Guard Thoma: Blazing Guard Blazing armor, flaming guards. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Thoma
Item Tighnari: Dew-Kissed Tighnari: Dew-Kissed Tighnari takes good care of his big, fluffy tail. The essential oil he uses was extracted from flowers and mixed together meticulously. It gives off a faint, calming scent. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Tighnari
Item Venti: Azure Sky Venti: Azure Sky The bright blue of a cloudless sky and the melodious tone of Der Frühling complement each other perfectly. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Venti
Item Wanderer: Drifter's Ballad Wanderer: Drifter's Ballad In a world most transient does the past hide, and in the whims of floating flowers does thin snow abide. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Wanderer
Item Wriothesley: Detention Wriothesley: Detention Maintaining order at the Fortress of Meropide is no simple affair. As such, a deft and sometimes firm hand is needed — along with a small pinch of truly regrettable cruelty. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Wriothesley
Item Xiangling: Fresh from the Pan Xiangling: Fresh from the Pan Try saying this three times fast: "Guoba sears sea snails by Liyue's sea shore." Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Xiangling
Item Xianyun: White Clouds Xianyun: White Clouds Those who the truth tell, commuted shall their sentence be. Be honest. When Cloud Retainer asked you, "Do you perceive one as merely some larger bird?", did you also append the thoughts, "Yes, and you talk, and fiddle with funny machines"? Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Xianyun
Item Xiao: Mask Xiao: Mask He longs for a day to come when he will wear the mask and dance — not to conquer demons, but to the tune of that flute amid a sea of flowers. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Xiao
Item Xilonen: Cue Point Xilonen: Cue Point Right on cue, the mountains echo with the rhythm of Xilonen's forge-hammer. When the final echo fades, she has already long ceased her toil and found a sunlit spot for her afternoon nap. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Xilonen
Item Xingqiu: Rainbow Xingqiu: Rainbow Come watch the night rain that brings no rainbow. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Xingqiu
Item Xinyan: Song's End Xinyan: Song's End Xinyan only has time to examine her instrument carefully after the performance is over. Even in silence, it is a beauty. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Xinyan
Item Yae Miko: Kitsune Dreaming Yae Miko: Kitsune Dreaming Where can Yae Miko's fox form be found? In your dreams, that's where. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Yae Miko
Item Yanfei: Impartial Yanfei: Impartial Justice, signed in scarlet. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Yanfei
Item Yaoyao: Yuegui Yaoyao: Yuegui "Can you guess which one here is Yuegui? That's right, all of them are!" Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Yaoyao
Item Yelan: Throw Yelan: Throw "Dice are always quite hard to make 'fair.' That goes double for dice with shoddier workmanship. The weighting on each numbered side will almost certainly be unbalanced." Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Yelan
Item Yoimiya: Auratus Spark Yoimiya: Auratus Spark Even momentarily sparks can leave beautiful, unquenchable flames in the hearts of those who watch the night sky. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Yoimiya
Item Yumemizuki Mizuki: Nightmare Devourer Yumemizuki Mizuki: Nightmare Devourer The yumekui-baku consume nightmares and leave only pleasant dreams. But what if dreams are to be understood in reverse? Faced with such conjecture, her warm-natured response: A truly beautiful dream, even if turned upside down through reality's lens, would still remain beautiful. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Yumemizuki Mizuki
Item Yun Jin: Rhyme Yun Jin: Rhyme Ms. Yun has two sorts of teachers. The critics of her onstage performances are one, and the books on rhyme she references while writing are the other. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Yun Jin
Item Zhongli: Planet Befall Zhongli: Planet Befall Stars fall, light dims. Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Zhongli

Event Namecards[]

There are 19 Event Namecards:

Image Name Description Obtain
Item Celebration: Hypostasis Celebration: Hypostasis My opponent for today seems to have an artistic temperament. Obtained from the Hypostatic Symphony event
Item Celebration: Lantern-Light Celebration: Lantern-Light Every year on this day, the lanterns light up the night. May the fire never die, and may humanity endure. Obtained from the Lantern Rite event
Item Celebration: Mechanicus Celebration: Mechanicus You claim to have seen all mechanisms, but have you ever considered playing yourself as a pawn? Obtained from the Lantern Rite event
Item Celebration: Feast Celebration: Feast Excellent! Obtained from the "Gifts of an Outworld Encounter" event (CN only)
Item Celebration: Shining Scale Celebration: Shining Scale The universe does play host to just such a snake, whose scales glitter with precisely these colors. Obtained from the Genshin Impact X Razer Collaboration event
Item Celebration: Fruit of Wisdom Celebration: Fruit of Wisdom What knowledge might the fruit of wisdom bring, were it to descend upon the land? Either way, it'll taste good as a drink if left in Diona's hands. Obtained from the Energy Amplifier Initiation event
Item Celebration: Peekaboo! Celebration: Peekaboo! You can't see me. You can't see me. Obtained from the Windtrace event
Item Celebration: Vastness Celebration: Vastness Imagine the vast expanse of a sea of stars. Imagine a one followed by a hundred zeros. Obtained from the Google Play Gift Card Collab-Event
Item Celebration: Kaboomball Celebration: Kaboomball "In a land far, far away, there was a kingdom known as the Grand Alliance, and the people living there could throw ever-changing, quick, and powerful Kaboomballs." Obtained from the Kaboomball Kombat event
Item Celebration: Battlesong Celebration: Battlesong Good omens must appear thrice for good fortune to come. One bows thrice at curtain call. The opponents to defeat number three. Obtained from the Legend of the Vagabond Sword event
Item Celebration: Wondrous Calculation Celebration: Wondrous Calculation A true grandmaster can see the board a thousand steps ahead. Obtained from the Theater Mechanicus: Stage of Wonders event
Item Celebration: Ikki Celebration: Ikki "I will ask you a question, and you shall answer me with your sword." Obtained from the Hyakunin Ikki event
Item Celebration: Binge Vessel Celebration: Binge Vessel There's a great many stories here, but no alcohol, so it's safe for Paimon to drink. Obtained from the Of Drink A-Dreaming event
Item Celebration: Lenticular Clouds Celebration: Lenticular Clouds The floating clouds dispersed to the thousand peaks at dawn. Obtained from the Genshin Impact × Cadillac event (CN Only)
Item Celebration: Euphonia Celebration: Euphonia The trees sing on the slopes of a thousand mountain valleys, accompanied by the music of the passing rain. Obtained from the Genshin Concert event
Item Album: The Stellar Moments Album: The Stellar Moments We parted in one melody and reunited in another. "Album: The Stellar Moments" Namecard Style Reward
Item Celebration: Feast (II) Celebration: Feast (II) What makes a feast? Tomatoes, onions, and all other delicious things. Obtained from the Genshin Impact × KFC event
Item Celebration: Crispy and Sweet Celebration: Crispy and Sweet This golden array of food is the perfect balance of salty and sweet. Obtained from the "Genshin Impact × McDonald's" event (US only)
Item Celebration: Scorch Celebration: Scorch The secret to unleashing a powerful attack is to pull back your fist and then strike out with unwavering conviction. Obtained from the Realm of Tempered Valor event

Change History[]

Version 5.4

Version 5.3

Version 5.2

Version 5.1

Version 5.0

Version 4.8

Version 4.7

Version 4.6

Version 4.5

Version 4.4

Version 4.3

Version 4.2

Version 4.1

Version 4.0

Version 3.8

Version 3.7

Version 3.6

Version 3.5

Version 3.4

Version 3.3

Version 3.2

Version 3.1

Version 3.0

Version 2.8

Version 2.7

Version 2.6

Version 2.5

Version 2.4

Version 2.3

Version 2.2

Version 2.1

Version 2.0

Version 1.6

Version 1.5

Version 1.4

  • Added 3 new Namecards.
  • Slight adjustments were made to the user interface of Paimon Menu → Change Namecard.
    • Namecard descriptions can now be seen from the menu.
    • Some color and theming changes were made to the user interface.
      • The full expanded item card is now shown on the right side.
      • The title bar of the card is now white.
      • These changes carry over to the expanded item card when the player clicks on a namecard displayed as an item (e.g., from the Achievements menu or from obtaining a Friendship namecard from the Characters menu). This means Namecards now have unique expanded item cards when clicked on for item information versus other four-star items.

Version 1.3

Version 1.2

Version 1.1

Version 1.0

