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Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto is a Weekly Boss challenge found in End of the Oneiric Euthymia.


  • Trounce Domains contain unusually powerful opponents. After successfully completing the challenge, you can obtain abundant rewards.
  • Players can complete this domain as many times as they want, but can only collect rewards once per week by using 30 Original Resin to open the Ley Line Blossom for the first three Weekly Bosses, and 60 Original Resin subsequently. Rewards are refreshed with Weekly World Reset.

Ley Line Disorder[]

  • Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto will continuously absorb Ominous Destiny, and will gain more upon hitting characters. When Ominous Destiny is filled up, she will enter the Baleful Shadowlord form.
  • While she is in this form, active characters will lose Elemental Energy at intervals. Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto will gain great DMG RES and deal more fatal attacks. Use the appropriate elemental attacks to disable this form more quickly and obtain Energy in the process.


Claiming the Trounce Blossom for Original Resin Original Resin ×60 (or 30 for the first 3 Weekly Boss claims of the week) after defeating the boss offers the following possible rewards:

  • Basic Drops
  • Ascension Gems
  • Artifacts
Adventure EXP
Character EXP
Companionship EXP
Dream Solvent
III803008,000378701 + 55%12%33%
IV903008,100400702 + 10%12%33%
Ascension Gems
2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
I604 + 92%2 + 46%82%
II704 + 10%2 + 87%1 + 23%
III804 + 10%2 + 87%1 + 23%
IV904 + 10%2 + 87%1 + 23%

Artifact and material drop ranges are primarily sourced from the Genshin Data Gathering team.


State Physical Pyro Hydro Electro Cryo Dendro Anemo Geo
Normal 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
Baleful Shadowlord 210% 210% 210% 210% 210% 210% 210% 210%
Stunned −50% −50% −50% −50% −50% −50% −50% −50%

Toggle Levels

Level Scaling

Note that HP and ATK values may change in Co-Op Mode, some Quests, and certain Domains (including Spiral Abyss and Imaginarium Theater). For more details, see Enemy/Level Scaling § Other Multipliers.


Most ability names are unofficial.


Upon starting the boss fight, the Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto will be in one of two stances: The Musou Isshin Stance or the Engulfing Lightning Stance. Every time she uses Thunderbolt or Eyes of Stillness, she will switch her stance.


Ominous Destiny
The Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto will accumulate Ominous Destiny. Ominous Destiny has a max value of 900. When Ominous Destiny reaches max, she will enter her Baleful Shadowlord state.
  • Every 2 seconds, the Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto gains 20 Ominous Destiny.
  • When the Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto hits the player, she gains 40 Ominous Destiny. This form of Ominous Destiny accumulation can be triggered once every 2 seconds.
When attacked by the player using melee attacks, raises a shield around her that blocks all incoming melee DMG. After being attacked a certain amount of times in this state, drops her shield and performs a counterattack, dealing 33.3% ATK, 8.3% ATK × 3 as Electro DMG in the Musou Isshin Stance or 16.6% ATK, 33.3% ATK as Electro DMG in the Engulfing Lightning Stance.
  • The counterattack can only be triggered after she has successfully defended from 4 attacks while shielded.
  • After she successfully defending from 4 attacks, any further attacks will have a probability to trigger the counter. This probability increases with every successful defense.
    • The counterattack trigger probability is calculated as:
  • The defense count resets to zero 1.25 seconds after successfully shielding an attack if not followed up by another. Therefore, slow attacks are less likely to trigger the counterattack.

Use ranged attacks to ignore this ability completely; Use high poise damage attacks to stun her more easily; When the counterattack is triggered, dash behind her to evade.

Stun Recovery
When recovering from a stunned state, deals 8.3% ATK Electro DMG around her.
If the player is behind the Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto shortly after she performs Slash Combo 1, Slash Combo 3, Cross-Slash, Lightning Summon, Lightning Blade, or Stun Recovery, swiftly turns around to perform an additional attack.
  • In the Musou Isshin Stance, performs a flurry of slashes, dealing 50% ATK as Electro DMG.
  • In the Engulfing Lightning Stance, performs a slash. Explosions will also occur on the ground along the slash's path. The slash and the explosion each deals 25% ATK as Electro DMG.

Stance Switch[]

Deals 16.6% ATK as Electro DMG in front of her and switches to the Musou Isshin Stance. Afterwards, periodically summons thunderbolts that strike the ground, dealing 16.6% ATK as Electro DMG.
Eyes of Stillness
Deals 16.6% ATK as Electro DMG in front of her and switches to the Engulfing Lightning Stance. Afterwards, periodically summons multiple eyes around the arena that unleash a flurry of slashes shortly after appearing, dealing 5.6% ATK × 4 as Electro DMG.

Run in a small circle repeatedly. This will trick the game and make the eyes spawn out of the player's path. Alternatively, react fast and dash as soon as an eye spawns.

Musou Isshin Stance[]

Slash Combo 1
Performs six consecutive strikes, dealing 8.3% ATK, 8.3% ATK, 16.6% ATK, 8.3% ATK, 8.3% ATK, 16.6% ATK as Electro DMG. This may be used at the beginning of the fight if the player approaches close to her.

Run away and beware of the 4th strike which has massive range.

Slash Combo 2
Dashes at the player, performs a circular slash, and quickly dash to the player behind the player to perform another slash. The circular slash deals 8.3% ATK × 2, the dash and the slash deals 16.6% ATK, 33.3% ATK respectively as Electro DMG.

Prepare for this attack when near the boss or when the boss teleports to you. Dash away as soon as she raises her blade, then dash towards her shortly after the first spinning slash.

Dashes towards the player and slashes twice in a cross pattern. The initial dash, the first slash and the second slash deal 16.6% ATK, 8.3% ATK, and 58.3% ATK respectively as Electro DMG. This is usually used at the beginning of the fight in the sword stance if the player is near her.

Dash i-frame towards her.

Unbending Lightning
Launches three discs followed by a horizontal blade at the player. The discs and the horizontal blade each deal 33.3% ATK and 50% ATK respectively as Electro DMG on contact. This is always use at the beginning of the fight in the sword stance if the player is far away from her.

Dash sideways when she launches the first and third discs. The horizontal blade is slow and easily avoided.

Separates herself into four illusions that periodically launch lightning blades at the player, dealing Electro DMG on contact. Hitting an illusion three times will destroy it.
  • One of the illusions will launch two lightning blades in a cross pattern at once, indicating that it is the special illusion. Destroying this illusion will temporarily stun the Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto. When destroyed, an invisible explosion will hit players in close proximity. This explosion deals no DMG and applies no elemental status, but can trigger hit-related effects.
  • The blades launched by the regular illusions and the special illusion deal 8.3% ATK and 16.6% ATK respectively as Electro DMG. Staying near any of the illusion will deal repeated damage.
  • Destroying the illusion opposite of the special illusion will cause it to explode, dealing 33.3% ATK as Electro DMG.
  • This entire attack sequence is repeated 3 times if the real illusion is not destroyed.
Musou no Hitotachi
The Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto pushes nearby players away from her, while Electro seeds descend around the arena, each dealing 66.6% ATK as Electro DMG upon landing creating a field that deals 12.5% ATK as Electro DoT. The Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto then unleashes a flurry of slashes that temporarily freezes players in place within its AoE, dealing 33.3% ATK × 4 and 100% ATK as Electro DMG.

The edge of the arena is completely unaffected by this attack. Stay at the edge of the arena until the attack is over.

Engulfing Lightning Stance[]

Slash Combo 3
Performs three consecutive slashes around her. After the last slash, summons lightning in a large area around her. Each hit deals 16.6% ATK as Electro DMG. This attack is always used when the Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto teleports to the player's left side.

Beware of this attack when the boss teleports to your left. Run away from the AoE. Optionally, dash i-frame the third and fourth hits to close distance.

Slash Combo 4
Spins her polearm before dashing at the player and performing four consecutive strikes, dealing 16.6% ATK, 8.3% ATK, 16.6% ATK, 25% ATK as Electro DMG. The initial slash of this combo cannot be dodged using dash i-frames.

Outdistance this attack or dash towards the right when she performs the initial slash.

Lightning Summon
Spins her polearm and summons lightning in a large area around her, dealing 66.6% ATK as Electro DMG. This attack cannot be dodged using dash i-frames. This attack is always used when the Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto teleports to the player's right side.

Beware of this attack when the boss teleports to your right. Immediately start running out of the AoE when she starts spinning her polearm.

Lightning Blade
Performs an upward slash, dealing 33.3% ATK as Electro DMG and launching a fast vertical blade forward that deals 33.3% ATK as Electro DMG to characters in its path. This attack is often used as a follow-up to Slash Combo 3 but can also be used individually.

Prepare for this attack when far from the boss. Dash to avoid.

Magatsu Electroculi
Summons a Magatsu Electroculus at the center of the arena. If not destroyed after a period of time, the Magatsu Electroculus explodes violently, dealing 116.6% ATK as Electro DMG. Destroying the Magatsu Electroculus will temporarily stun the Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto.

Use fast-hitting attacks to destroy the Magatsu Electroculus to stun her.

Magatsu Electroculi (Enhanced)
Summons three Magatsu Electroculi around the arena while pushing nearby players away from her, dealing 16.6% ATK as Electro DMG. Each Electroculus marks a large area around itself and charges. If not destroyed after a period of time, the Magatsu Electroculi explode violently, each dealing 133.3% ATK as Electro DMG across its marked area. Repeated hits have their DMG reduced according to the Damage Sequence.

Use fast-hitting attacks to destroy the closest Magatsu Electroculus and stay in the safe zone.

Baleful Shadowlord[]

Baleful Shadowlord Form
When Ominous Destiny reaches max, the Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto enters the Baleful Shadowlord form, gaining stronger attacks as well as an Electro shield that greatly increases her RES. This shield will be drained by 8 GU (~8.3%) every 10 seconds. This shield is weakest to Cryo, Pyro, and Dendro. Once the shield is depleted, the Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto will exit the Baleful Shadowlord form, completely recharge all party members' Energy and become stunned for a period of time with lowered RES.
Ward Data
GU Required to Break
Electro96192192240 Ticks969696
Energy Drain
While the Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto is in the Baleful Shadowlord form, active characters will lose 20 Energy every 5 seconds.
Energy Generation
While the Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto is in the Baleful Shadowlord form, triggering Elemental Reactions on her will generate 3 Non-Elemental Energy Particles. This generation has a cooldown of 1.5s.
Slash Combo 1
If the player is in front of the Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto, performs two horizontal slashes and shoots a bolt at the ground in front of her, dealing 16.6% ATK, 25% ATK, 16.6% ATK as Electro DMG. The bolt explodes after a short period of time, dealing 33.3% ATK as Electro DMG.

Dash behind her to avoid the entire combo.

Slash Combo 2
If the player is behind the Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto, swiftly turns and performs a slash. Following the slash, lightning strike the ground along the slash's path, and the Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto shoots a bolt at the ground in front of her that explodes after a short period of time. The slash, the lightning strikes, the bolt's landing and the bolt's explosion deal 66.6% ATK, 8.3% ATK x 2, 16.6% ATK, and 33.3% ATK respectively as Electro DMG.

Dash i-frame towards her around half a second after she raises her blade.

Downward Slash
Marks a large area in front of her as she charges her blade, dealing 8.3% ATK as Electro DoT around her, before performing a downward slash, dealing 116.6% ATK as Electro DMG.

Dash i-frame when the attack is about to hit, or run out of the AoE.

Lightning Blade (Enhanced)
Slashes twice, dealing 25% ATK × 2 as Electro DMG and launching forward five vertical lightning blades, and one horizontal blade at a slower speed. Each vertical and horizontal blade deals 25% ATK and 50% ATK respectively as Electro DMG to players who come in contact.

If close, run behind her. If far, dash through or avoid the projectiles.

Single Slash
Readies her blade in a sheathed position, before performing a single slash that deals 50% ATK as Electro DMG around her.

Dash i-frame around half a second after the blade flashes.

Slash Flurry
If the player is far away, readies her blade in a sheathed position, before dashing at the player and performing a flurry of slashes in front of her, dealing 16.6% ATK, 8.3% ATK × 2, 33.3% ATK as Electro DMG.

Try to stay close to the boss throughout the entire fight to avoid this attack entirely. Otherwise, dash away from the boss to avoid getting caught in the flurry.

Summons a pair of hands that follows the player before crushing in, dealing 50% ATK as Electro DMG.

Dash i-frame around half a second after the palms flash.

Puppet's Shadow
Launches a shadow that follows the player, dealing 8.3% ATK repeatedly as Electro DMG on contact. After a period of time, the shadow transforms into a hand that smashes down at the player, dealing 16.6% ATK on appearance and 33.3% ATK on landing as Electro DMG.

When the tracking shadow expands into a dark circle, dash away from it immediately.

Baleful Vajra's Destructive Waves
Summons three totems at the center of the arena that deal 25% ATK as Electro DMG upon landing. The bolts that landed will periodically release waves of Electro energy that expand outwards. At the end of the bolts' duration, all three bolts will release a wave simultaneously. These waves deal 50% ATK as Electro DMG to players upon contact.

Jump over or dash through the waves. For the final three waves, if far away, dash or jump twice in a row, if close, use a single dash-jump to leap over them. Alternatively, create a Wind Current using Venti's 1st Ascension Passive to avoid this attack entirely.

"The Final Calamity"
Covers herself within her palms and blinks away, completely draining all party members' Energy and leaving Flowers of Remembrance in the form of an orb. Using elemental attacks on the orb will charge it, and Electro is significantly more effective than other elements. Once fully charged, a shield will be created at the orb's location. The Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto marks an unprotected player with the Eye of Stormy Judgement, then performs a massive horizontal slash that temporarily freezes players in place and triggers the death of the active character regardless of shield status or any defensive stats.
  • 1 Electro attack charges the orb fully, and 1 non-Electro elemental attack charges the orb by 26%, regardless of the amount of gauge units applied. The orb can only be charged by non-Electro attacks once every 0.5s. Note that this cooldown is different from the standard elemental application ICD, which is not taken into account for charging the orb.
  • Characters protected by the orb's shield will be dealt 1 True Electro DMG. This DMG can be negated using shields.
  • Switching characters right before the slash may also result in an instant death, as the game may fail to register the switched in character as protected by the shield.
  • In Co-Op Mode, only a single unprotected player will be targeted and be marked with the Eye of Stormy Judgment. If multiple players are unprotected by the orb's shield and a player is marked, only the marked player will die. Other players will take 66.6% ATK as Electro DMG.
  • Although dash i-frames are ineffective against this attack, it can be dodged using Mona's Mirror Reflection of Doom i-frames. It is also possible to use Elemental Burst i-frames if a character manages to recharge Energy to full after the Energy drain at the beginning of this attack.
  • Hu Tao's 6th Constellation and Kuki Shinobu's 6th Constellation will activate and allow them to survive this attack.

Use an Electro character or a character with a window of continuous elemental attacks to activate the shield and stay under its protection.


There are 3 Achievements obtainable from Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto:

Achievement Category Description Requirements Primogem
Impeccable Judgment Wonders of the World Wonders of the World Only shoot down your real opponent... Attack only the real Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto when it creates its own copies. The real one sends X-shaped slashes at the player. 5
Death Proof Challenger: Series V Challenger: Series V Dodge one entire round of the Baleful Vajra's destructive waves during one battle with Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto. 10
Brave the Lightning's Glow... Meetings in Outrealm: Series III Meetings in Outrealm: Series III Defeat the Raiden Shogun in Co-Op Mode. 10



  • English
  • Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Korean
Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Cross SlashThunder.
Slash Combo 2This world, a fleeting shadow.
Slash Combo 4 (Initiation)Media:VO Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto - Approaching Lightning 01.ogg Media:VO Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto - Approaching Lightning 02.ogg Media:VO Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto - Approaching Lightning 03.ogg
Slash Combo 4 (Light)Media:VO Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto - Origin Attack Light 01.ogg Media:VO Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto - Origin Attack Light 02.ogg Media:VO Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto - Origin Attack Light 03.ogg Media:VO Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto - Origin Attack Light 04.ogg Media:VO Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto - Origin Attack Light 05.ogg
Slash Combo 4 (Heavy)Media:VO Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto - Origin Attack Heavy 01.ogg Media:VO Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto - Origin Attack Heavy 02.ogg Media:VO Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto - Origin Attack Heavy 03.ogg
Magatsu ElectroculiThe eye sweeps the lands!
Magatsu Electroculi (Enhanced)Lightning falls on the land of eternity!
ThunderboltLightning, obey me!
Eyes of StillnessStillness, transcending!
Lightning SummonStrike dead!
IllusionsIllusions are but distractions!
Unbending LightningLightning does not bend to the will of mortals.
Shield CounterattackBegone!
Stun RecoveryAbsurd!
Follow-Up (Musou Isshin Stance)Your verdict is decided!
Follow-Up (Engulfing Lightning Stance)This Ends Now!
Evasion is futile!
Musou no HitotachiWithout yearning, all returns to silence.
All desire can be broken!
Staggered (Light)Media:VO Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto - Staggered Light 01.ogg Media:VO Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto - Staggered Light 02.ogg
Staggered (Heavy)Media:VO Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto - Staggered Heavy 01.ogg Media:VO Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto - Staggered Heavy 02.ogg
DefeatOnly emptiness awaits...
Euthymia... crumbles... before me. Ugh.
Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Cross Slash雷鸣!
Slash Combo 2尘世如影。
Chénshì rú yǐng.
Magatsu Electroculi此眼遍观浮世。
Cǐyǎn biànguān fúshì.
Magatsu Electroculi (Enhanced)雷光所照,永恒之土。
Léiguāng suǒ zhào, yǒnghéng zhī tǔ.
Dàoguāng, suí wǒ hàolìng!
Eyes of Stillness无想之阵!
Wúxiǎng zhī zhèn!
Lightning Summon万雷归葬!
Wàn léi guīzàng!
Xūyú pàoyǐng.
Unbending Lightning雷电,不会随凡人的意志改变!
Léidiàn, bùhuì suí fánrén de yìzhì gǎibiàn!
Shield Counterattack退下!
Stun Recovery荒谬!
Follow-Up (Musou Isshin Stance)裁决既定!
Cáijué jìdìng!
Follow-Up (Engulfing Lightning Stance)该结束了!
Gāi jiéshùle!
Wú suǒ dùncáng!
Musou no Hitotachi无念无想,四海归寂!
Wúniàn wúxiǎng, sìhǎi guī jì!
Wúniàn wúxiǎng, yīdāo duànjué!
Wú wù... Yǒnghéng...
Jìngtǔ... Huànmiè...
Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Cross Slash雷鳴!
Slash Combo 2この世はまるで影のよう……
Kono yo wa maru de kage no you......
Magatsu Electroculiこの目で俗世を見届けましょう。
Kono me de zokusei wo mitodokemashou.
Magatsu Electroculi (Enhanced)雷光よ、永遠の土を照らさん。
Raikou yo, eien no tsuchi wo terasan.
Inabikari, waga mei no moto ni.
Eyes of Stillness無想の陣。
Musou no jin.
Lightning Summon万雷を以って、葬り去りましょう!
Banrai wo motte, houmuri-sarimashou!
Shuyu no houei.
Unbending Lightning雷電がただの人間などに、意思を変えられることはありません。
Raiden ga tada no ningen nado ni, ishi wo kaerareru koto wa arimasen.
Kokkei desu.
Muryoku nari.
Shield Counterattack下がりなさい!
Stun Recovery愚かな。
Follow-Up (Musou Isshin Stance)裁きは既に下りました。
Sabaki wa sude ni kudarimashita.
Follow-Up (Engulfing Lightning Stance)終わりです。
Owari desu.
Kakureru sube wa arimasen.
Musou no Hitotachi無念無想、全てを無へ!
Munen musou, subete wo mu he!
Munen musou, ittou-danzetsu!
Eien wa, nakatta no desu ne...
浄土… 幻滅…
Joudo... Genmetsu...
Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Teleport너무 느리군
Cross Slash뇌명!
Slash Combo 2속세는 그림자와 같지
Magatsu Electroculi 눈으로 속세를 꿰뚫어 보리!
Magatsu Electroculi (Enhanced)뇌광이 영원의 땅을 비추는구나
Thunderbolt번개여, 나의 호령을 따르라!
Eyes of Stillness무상의 !
Lightning Summon번개와 함께 흙으로 돌아가라
Illusions찰나의 포영!
Unbending Lightning뇌전은 인간의 의지따위로 변하지 않아
Shield Counterattack물러나!
Stun Recovery터무니 없군
Follow-Up (Musou Isshin Stance)판결이 내려졌다
Follow-Up (Engulfing Lightning Stance)슬슬, 끝내지
숨을 곳은 없다
Musou no Hitotachi무념무상, 천하가 고요하리!
무념무상, 일도단절!
Defeat 무엇도 영원한 것은 없다

Baleful Shadowlord[]

  • English
  • Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Korean
Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Cǐ shēn, jí yǒnghéng!
Lightning Blade分断溃灭!
Fēnduàn kuìmiè!
Slash Combo 1诸碍,当斩!
Zhū'ài, dāng zhǎn!
Slash Combo 2愚钝!
Downward Slash断绝!
The Final Calamity终归…万劫!
Zhōng guī... wàn jié!
Clap/The Puppet's Shadow以此为牢。
Yǐ cǐ wéi láo.
Baleful Vajra's Destructive Waves千手,缚尽!
Qiān shǒu, fù jìn!
Slash Flurry破!
Return to Normal State呼…呼…呼…呼…
Hu... hu... hu... hu...
Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Kono mi koso, eien nari!
Lightning Bladeあなたを切り裂きましょう!
Anata wo kirisakimashou!
Slash Combo 1邪魔者を、断ち切りましょう。
Jamamono wo, tachikirimashou.
Slash Combo 2愚鈍ですね。
Gudon desu ne.
Downward Slash断絶!
The Final Calamity永劫に帰せ!
Eigou ni kise!
Clap/The Puppet's Shadow雷の檻。
Ikazuchi no ori.
Baleful Vajra's Destructive Waves千手の縛め!
Senju no imashime!
Slash Flurry滅!
Return to Normal Stateはぁっ…


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
56Thunderings of the MercilessIslands of the Lost and ForgottenThe Omnipresent God (Domain): Ei (Quest Boss) Ei (Quest Boss) (phase 2), End of the Oneiric Euthymia: Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto (base stance), End of the Oneiric Euthymia (Quest Domain): Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto (base stance)
57The Almighty Violet ThunderIslands of the Lost and ForgottenEnd of the Oneiric Euthymia: Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto (Baleful Shadowlord stance), End of the Oneiric Euthymia (Quest Domain): Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto (Baleful Shadowlord stance)

Boss Description[]

This is the form of the puppet that inherited the Raiden Shogun's authority takes when she is opposing those who threaten Eternity.
As the Raiden Shogun's assistant in pursuing eternity, she has never doubted, never felt fear, never given anything less than her best, never been disturbed by idle thoughts.
She once heard about how Ei had shouldered a similar duty when Makoto was also present, suffering much agonizing loss in the process. When the two shadows overlapped once more, however, she could only see the countless fine fractures in what should have been "her" eternal will. Since fate is destined for cyclicality, she must fulfill her promise and declare war on "her."

Mine is the most supreme and noble form. Power over the realm has been vested within me, and I am the essence of all that is the "Raiden Shogun."
"Naturally, I have also inherited the pain of Ei's countless losses and her will to attain eternity.
"Resolve, valor, love, hate... They will all twist in the river of time.
"But the 'rules' will never change"


  • This domain introduced dynamic music to the game, where two versions of the same soundtrack flow seamlessly into each other when the Baleful Shadowlord phase starts or ends.
  • The Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto's design is likely inspired by the Herrscher of Thunder.
  • Defeating the Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto while in her Baleful Shadowlord form will not trigger any defeat dialogue.
  • The Japanese version of Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto's Interrupted voiceline uses the same recording from the Japanese Raiden Shogun's Transcendence: Baleful Omen voiceline.


Video Guides[]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishMagatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto
Huòjīn Yùjiàn Míngshén Mìng
The Almighty Warlord Thunder God, Calamity Bringer‍[※][※]
Huòjīn Yùjiàn Míngshén Mìng
Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto
The Almighty Warlord Thunder God, Calamity Bringer
Korean마가츠 미타케 나루카미 미코토
Magacheu Mitake Narukami No Mikoto
SpanishTodopoderosa Narukami de la catástrofeAlmighty Narukami of the Catastrophe
FrenchNarukami no Mikoto la destructriceNarukami no Mikoto the Destroyer
RussianМагацу митакэ Наруками но микото
Magatsu mitake Narukami no mikoto
ThaiMagatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto
VietnameseMagatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto/
Magatsutakemi Narukami no Mikoto[5]
GermanMagatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto
IndonesianMagatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto
PortugueseNarukami, Comandante da CatástrofeNarukami, Commander of the Catastrophe
TurkishMagatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto
ItalianMagatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto

Change History[]

Version 5.2
  • During Magatsu Electroculi (Enhanced), the DMG dealt by each individual Electroculus is now fixed at 133.3% ATK.
    • Previously, the DMG dealt would abnormally decrease in overlapping areas of effect:
      • In a single area: 133.3% ATK
      • In 2 overlapping areas: 33.3% ATK x 2
      • In 3 overlapping areas: 13.3% ATK x 3

Version 3.1

  • ATK increased by 200%.
  • DMG multipliers decreased by 2/3.

Version 2.5

  • End of the Oneiric Euthymia was released.


  1. Twitter: EN VA Announcement
  2. Official Genshin Impact Chinese Website: Raiden Shogun
  3. Twitter: JP VA Announcement
  4. Twitter: KR VA Announcement
  5. Achievement Description: Death Proof

