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YHWC Sasha 01.png
Official artwork of Sasha from TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles





  • Young Princess
Starting class



Sasha (Japanese: サーシャ Sasha) is a playable character appearing in TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles. She is the princess of Wellt.

TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles


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Sasha is one of the first playable characters available in TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles, being recruited by Runan during Map 1.

Sasha is being escorted by her knight Kate to Verje to meet with Marlon. Codha sends forces after her to stop her, as he is trying to overthrow Liza, Sasha's mother, and take over Wellt as the country's leader in Loffaru's, the king's, absence. Runan is able to rescue Sasha from her pursuers, and she immediately recognizes him as someone that she met in her childhood. Runan does not recognize her until Eugen refreshes his memory.[2] She tells Runan of her plight, that Codha and other greedy nobles are taking advantage of the king's disappearance,[3] and he agrees to escort her to Verje.

Starting stats and growth rates

Portrait sasha trs01.png
Level 1
Recruitment: Map 1; NPC, talk with Runan.
Returns in Map 3.

Stats Growth Rates

Inventory Skills
Shortsword Charisma
Gale (Lv 8, Princess only)
Elite (Lv 10, Princess only)
Continuation (Lv 15)
Move Again (Class Change)
Swords Spears Axes Bows Staves
Fire magic Thunder magic Wind magic Light magic Dark magic

Promotion stat gains

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Mov Weapon level
Pegasus Knight +2 +3 +6 +2 +4 +0 +1 +3 +0
Dragon Knight +5 +3 −6 +1 −1 +0 +4 +0 +2


This character analysis section may not be accurate to every player's experience.

Sasha is a unit who joins in Map 1 with very low base stats aside from speed. From the very beginning, she will have to gain experience mostly by finishing off already weakened units, which can be very difficult with her low movement, bad strength, and poor starting weapon level. Additionally, she is initially only capable of using swords. In her initial state, she is mostly only helpful for her Charm skill, improving accuracy and evasion of her allies.

This all changes in Map 6, when Sasha gains access to the Pegasus Flute. Upon using it, she changes to the Pegasus Knight class, giving her much better movement and combat capabilities, in addition to being able to use lances such as the Slim Lance which are a direct upgrade from the Iron Swords she'd be stuck with until this point. Pegasus Knight also gives Sasha a massive +6 bonus to her magic, which allows her to reliably one-round enemies with the Thunder Sword, which is especially useful against enemies with high defense or shields. For this reason, Sasha is a great candidate for a Weapon Level Plus as she has insufficient Weapon Level at base and will need an average of 13 levels to use it naturally

To train Sasha, use more potent units such as Raffin who can double enemies but not kill them outright by using weaker weapons. She can also kill the Entombed in Map 8 which are very weak and will give her full levels upon being killed. Once she reaches level 10 (ONLY if she is still in the Princess class at this point) she gets the extremely lucrative skill Elite, doubling all future experience gain.

As a Pegasus Knight she can further promote to a Dragon Knight. However, doing so comes at the high cost of -6 magic, which will cripple her otherwise great Thunder Sword combat and force her to rely on her unimpressive power, and unlike Raffin she can not use spears when dismounted. For a similar reason, Sasha will struggle indoors as she also loses 6 magic when she is forced to dismount.

In terms of routes, sending her on Runan Split 1 will allow her to speak with Raphael to gain 3 points of luck, and will give her open outdoor maps to rack up experience. On Holmes Split 1, she can gain a support with Holmes himself alongside additional story scenes, albeit while participating in many indoor maps. Of note is that she should go a separate route from Mahter for the first split as they are both useful for their flight.


Sasha has always wanted to be a Pegasus Knight like her mother Liza. During the game Mahter and Sasha discuss this, Mahter then decides that she will ask her mother for a Pegasus Flute,[4] though before she gets the chance Liza has Mel deliver one to Sasha to help fight Codha.



Battle quotes

I didn't want to have to fight the princess herself...
— Russ to Sasha if she fights him.

Death quotes

Aaah... Mother...
— Sasha if in Runan's army.
Aaah... Father...
— Sasha if in Holmes's army.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


Used in the Yutona Heroes War Chronicles fan translations.[which?]



Officially romanized as Sasha in the game and as Sasya in the manual.


Sprite Gallery
Portrait sasha trs01.pngPortrait sasha 03 trs01.pngPortrait sasha 02 trs01.pngPortrait sasha 04 trs01.png Princess Pegasus Knight Dragon Knight
Bs trs01 sasha princess iron sword.png
(Iron Sword)
File:Bs trs01 sasha pegasus knight iron sword.png
(Iron Sword)
Bs trs01 sasha dragon knight iron sword.png
(Iron Sword)


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Loffaru: It's someone you might remember from an old fling of yours...
    Liza: No... Don't tell me Vals is here...!
    Loffaru: Ha ha ha! No, it isn't him. Go with Lord Runan to the courtyard. Trust me, you'll be glad you met him.
    Holmes: Just... don't expect me to call you Mother.
    " — Loffaru introducing Liza to her grown son Holmes, TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles
  2. "Eugen: Lord Runan, I thought you recognized her! This is Princess Sasha of Wellt!
    Runan: Princess Sasha?!
    Sasha: I am pleased to see you again, Lord Runan.
    Runan: And I you... I'm sorry I didn't recognize you.
    " — Eugen, Sasha, and Runan, TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles
  3. "Runan: Princess Sasha, would you mind telling us what's happening here in Wellt? Why is a member of royalty being pursued by her own soldiers?
    Sasha: Are you familiar with the Battle of Balt, Lord Runan?
    Runan: Naturally. About half a year back, the Western Alliance united to rescue Reeve from the Empire's clutches, starting with Fort Balt, but they were decimated. We heard from the townspeople here that King Loffaru has been missing ever since.
    Sasha: Unfortunately, it's true... We haven't heard a word from my father. Most of the brave nobles and knights who accompanied my father were killed. Only a handful managed to return to us. With so much of the nobility gone, those who remain have been greedily abusing their power. Without my father to keep them in line, they're running the country into the ground.
    " — Sasha and Runan, TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles
  4. "Sasha:I wish I could ride a pegasus like you, Martel It must be wonderful.
    Mahter: You want to be a pegasus knight, too?<wait><clear>
    Sasha: Of course! I've always dreamed of soaring through the skies on a pegasus like my mother used to. I'm a little envious.
    Mahter:The next time I visit my mother in Salia, I'll ask if she has a spare pegasus flute. Then we can soar through the skies together!
    " — Sasha and Mahter, TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles
TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles
Playable characters AlfredAliciaAttromArkisBartsBillfordBudEnteh (Muse) • EstherEzekielFrauGaroHagarHolmesJuliaKateKatri (Neuron) • KreissKrishnaLeeLeteenaLionelLionheartLoffaruLyriaMaerhenMahterMarujuMelMeriahMintzNarsusNarronNortonPlumRaffinRaquelRebeccaReneeRennieRinaRishelRogerRukaRunanSamsonSashaSennetSharonShigenShirouSierraSunThomasTiaVegaVernaXenoYodaYuniZachariaZeek
Non-playable characters ArlessAnnaBahanukBarkerCarluonClarisCodhaDagnellElletEstofarneEugenEzenbahGuenchaosKatrinaLawLizaMariaMarlonMarthaMimaeMiradonaMorseNeyfaRessheaRichardRonaldSilvaSylphisTatusTemzinTheodoraValsYutona
Bosses AhabAndrewAzraelBaalBarbarossaBeromBismarkCharlentColonelDagonDolkDolmDommesEritzErnstGerxelGolgothaJuliusKarlaKeimosKnudLentzenheimerMahobaMarcoMarshallNeyfa (Rakis) • NevkaPavlovPerishtePhilipPikePoemPraevaRogerRussSeppShionSimonTeeta (Kranion) • TomasYazamZeek
Personal and weapons Aura RainBlack RainBreak Evil StaffBreath LBreath SBrenthunderCanaan SpearDakruonDark BreathDefense StaffDevil ClawDevil HandDolharkenDragon ScaleDullahanElixirFire ShieldGoddess ShieldGuild KeyHarpy RodHoly Sword CanaanHoly Sword LedaHoly Sword ReeveHoly Sword SaliaLeda SpearMagic StaffMainstarMemory StaffOpsPegasus FlutePower StaffPreludeRapierRepair StaffRukuudSalia SpearShrammSilence StaffStarlightSunflameSylpheedThunder ShieldTome of ReeveWarp StaffWind ShieldWundergustZahhak
Maps 1: Arrival at Wellt • 2: Subduing the Bandits • 3: The Encounter • 4: Tragic Soldiers • 5: Beyond the Legend • 6: Across the River • 7: Liberation of Wellt • 8: Holy Dragon Neuron • 9: Two Paths • 10: Freedom and JusticeSkirmish 1 • 11: Mage of Leda • 12: A Youth of Blood • 13: Sea Serpent • 14: Holmes the Hero • 15: Oasis MarketSkirmish 2 • 16: Dark Beasts • 17: Hero of the Plains • 18: The Dark Forest • 19: A Chance EncounterSkirmish 3 • 20: Frontier Battle • 21: The Demon Dragon Kranion • 22: General Zacharia • 23: The Maiden's TearsSkirmish 4 • 24: The Great River of Reeve • 25: Desert Storm • 26N: Ghost Operation • 26S: Dark Prince • 27: The Sea Lion • 28: Battle for Granada • 29: Sea Lion's Flag • 30: The Legendary SwordsmanSkirmish 5Skirmish 6 • 31: Traitor... • 32: Temple of Salia • 33: Holy Sword of Salia • 34: Total War • 35: Julius... • 36: City of Love and Sorrow • 37: Holy Sword of Reeve • 38: Fading Life • 39: In the Darkness... • 40: The Evil God and the Goddess
Locations Lieberia (CanaanLedaReeveSaliaZoa) • Jugud
Groups, objects and concepts DakruonEmiyuRing of CanaanRing of LedaRing of ReeveRing of Salia
Related topics Name chartPre-release information (Demo buildUnused content)