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Saga:Dark (magic)

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The Dark magic is a weapon type appearing in TearRing Saga: Yutona Heroes War Chronicles, TearRing Saga Series: Berwick Saga, and Vestaria Saga I: War of the Scions.

Dark magic in the TearRing Saga and Vestaria Saga series

Regular weapons

Weapon Available in: Notes
Evil Worm --
Death --
Janura HP drain.
Tumahann Target cannot counterattack*.
Takes away Exp equal to damage done. Can cause leveling down.*
Bau Crash Inflict spread damage to units in a 2x2 + shape radius. Can only be used on even-numbered turns.*
No effect on flying units.*
Earthquake Targets all enemies. Can only be used on turns divisible by 5.
Land Burst Inflict spread damage to units in a 3x3 shape radius. Can only be used on even-numbered turns.
Black Hole Extended range. Inflicts spread damage to units of any affiliation in a 2x2 + shaped radius. User cannot counter-attack after use before the next turn.
Scylla Adds enemy's level to attack might.
Hellworm 33% chance of inflicting poison.
Black Meteor Cannot counter or be countered. Leaves enemy with a minimum of 1 HP.
Dark Heal Heals one ally within five hexes for (Mind+10)x[1+(Dark Skill/100)] HP.
Berserk Inflicts berserk on an enemy with lower Mind for 1-3 turns.
Dark Sleep Inflicts sleep on an enemy with lower Mind for 2-5 turns.*
Grants Slumber Strike when equipped.*
Yasma --
Quopri Attacks three times in a row.
Nim Brave weapon. Grants High Evasion when equipped.
Tamorgana Halves damage received; Grants Shimmer when equipped.
Extremis Leaves foe with 1 HP upon hit.
Misarme Grants Paralysis Strike when equipped.
Immania Grants Berserk Strike when equipped.
Margul's Gift Inflicts Silence upon hit. Halves damage received when equipped.
Olganim Brave weapon. Halves damage received; Grants +8 Defense when equipped.
Expiatory Breath Halves damage received; Grants Grand Regenesis, +10 Defense and +10 Resistance when equipped.
Nether Breath Halves damage received; Grants Grand Regenesis, +30 Defense and +15 Resistance when equipped.
A means that the weapon is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Personal weapons and regalia

Weapon Available in: Notes
Zahhak Guenchaos only.
Black Rain Gerxel only. Instantly kill every units on the map.
White Hand Nullifies incoming attacks; Grants Shimmer and Lifesieve when equipped.
Syvill only.
A means that the weapon is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.
Weapon types
Physical weapons AxeBow (ArrowGreatbow) • Crossbow (Ballista) • DaggerSpear (ForkLanceThrowing Spear) • Sword (Great swordMaceMaidensword)
Magical weapons Spirit (FireThunderWind) • DarkLight (HolyDivine) • Staff
Other weapons Breath
Dark magic appearing in TearRing Saga
Basic tomes Death
Long-range tomes Bau CrashBlack HoleEarthquakeEvil WormLand BurstTumahann
Tomes with secondary effects Janura
Personal and tomes Zahhak
Monster attacks Black Rain