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Instant Lance

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Instant Lance

Is feh instant lance.png
The Instant Lance as it appears in Heroes.



First game


Instant Lance (Japanese: 瞬撃の槍 Instant Attack Lance) is a weapon skill in the lance category which debuted in Fire Emblem Heroes. When its user initiates combat, Instant Lance boosts their attack and defense and denies the foe's follow-up attacks.


Game Icon Type Might Range SP cost Refine cost Prerequisites Unusable by Inheritable Other effects and notes
(Instant Lance)
Is feh skill weapon.png Lances 10 1 200 -- Steel Lance -- If user initiates combat, grants +4 each to attack and defense during combat and foe cannot make follow-up attacks.
(Instant Lance+; refine: Unrefined)
Is feh skill weapon.png Lances 14 1 300 -- Instant Lance -- If user initiates combat, grants +4 each to attack and defense during combat and foe cannot make follow-up attacks.
(Instant Lance+; refine: +Atk)
Is feh wpn atk refined.png Lances 16 1 350 500 Arena Medal
50 Refining Stone
-- -- If user initiates combat, grants +4 each to attack and defense during combat and foe cannot make follow-up attacks.
Grants +5 HP.
(Instant Lance+; refine: +Spd)
Is feh wpn spd refined.png Lances 14 1 350 500 Arena Medal
50 Refining Stone
-- -- If user initiates combat, grants +4 each to attack and defense during combat and foe cannot make follow-up attacks.
Grants +5 HP and +3 speed.
(Instant Lance+; refine: +Def)
Is feh wpn def refined.png Lances 14 1 350 500 Arena Medal
50 Refining Stone
-- -- If user initiates combat, grants +4 each to attack and defense during combat and foe cannot make follow-up attacks.
Grants +5 HP and +4 defense.
(Instant Lance+; refine: +Res)
Is feh wpn res refined.png Lances 14 1 350 500 Arena Medal
50 Refining Stone
-- -- If user initiates combat, grants +4 each to attack and defense during combat and foe cannot make follow-up attacks.
Grants +5 HP and +4 resistance.



Method Data
Instant Lance Instant Lance+
Unit (★★★) Fernand: Traitorous Knight
Unit (★★★★★) Melady: Crimson Rider Fernand: Traitorous KnightMelady: Crimson Rider

Flavor text

Game Text
If unit initiates combat, grants Atk/Def+4
during combat and foe cannot make a
follow-up attack.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Instant Lance




Instant Attack Lance; references the "impact" series of skills (i.e. Sturdy Impact, Mirror Impact, etc.), both having 瞬撃 ("Instant Attack") in their respective names.


Lanza fugaz

Fleeting lance


Lance vive

Brisk lance



Seconds Lance


Lancia rapida

Quick lance


Lança imediata

Immediate lance

Traditional Chinese


Quick strike lance


See also

Lance skills in Heroes
Basic lance skills Iron LanceSilver LanceSteel Lance
Lance skills with secondary effects Allied LanceArcane LúinArcane QiangBarrier LanceBerkut's LanceBrave LanceCampaign LanceCandy CaneCarrot LanceCarrot-Tip SpearCasa BlancaCourtly CandleDefier's LanceDeft HarpoonDoubler LanceFiresweep LanceFirst BiteFlashing CarrotFlowing LanceGilt ForkGuard LanceHare's LanceHarmonic LanceHeavy SpearInstant LanceIt's Curtains...Jehanna LanceKiller LanceKumo NaginataLofty BlossomsLuncheon LanceNabata LanceNinja NaginataNinja YariNull SpearPiercing TributeProtection PikePursual LanceRein LanceReprisal LanceReversal LanceRidersbaneSapphire LanceShell LanceShellpoint LanceSlaying LanceSlaying SpearSpirited SpearSpringy LanceSteadfast LanceStout LanceTannenboom!TridentUmbra BurstUp-Front LanceUnbound LanceVanguardVulture LanceWagasa
Regalia and personal lance skills Airborne SpearApotheosis SpearAreadbharAzure LanceBereft LanceBinding ReginleifBlack Yule LanceBreaker LanceBreezy SpearBridal SunflowerBright NaginataBull SpearChon'sin SprigCrimson LanceCommand LanceCordelia's LanceCoyote's LanceCursed LanceDark Royal SpearDauntless LanceDaybreak LanceDesert SpearDiva-Pair ParasolDivine Sea SpearDreaming SpearDryblade LanceDvergr WayfinderEffie's LanceEarthly Gáe BolgFensalirFirelight LanceFlame LanceFlingster SpearFlorina's LanceFlower LanceForager NaginataFrelian LanceGáe BolgGeirskögulGeirdrifulGolden NaginataGradivusGuarding LanceHeartbeat LanceHeavenly IcicleHeired GungnirHewn LanceHinoka's SpearHoly GradivusHoly-War SpearHotshot LanceHreiðmarrHrímfaxiHyperion LanceIce-Crystal SpearIcy MaltetIlian Merc LanceInseverable SpearInspirited SpearJolly Jade LanceKnightly LanceKriemhildLance BreidablikLance of FreliaLance of GradoLance of HeroicsLeiptrLordly LanceLoyal GreatlanceLoyalty SpearLúinMaltetMasked LanceMercenary LanceMirage FeatherMoon GradivusNinis's Ice LanceNoble LanceOboro's SpearObsidian LancePanther LancePenitent LancePeri's LancePrince's LancePrized LanceProdigy PolearmPure-Wing SpearQueenslanceReginleifRevenger LanceRhomphaiaRighteous LanceSable LanceScarlet SpearScythe of SarielSea-Sear LanceShanna's LanceSiegmundSilesse FrostSol LanceSpearSpear of AssalSpear of ShadowStarpoint LanceSteady LanceStoutheart LanceSurfer's SpadeSwirling LanceSworn LanceThorn LanceThracia KinglanceTri-Edge LanceUnited BouquetValbar's LanceVengeful LanceVerðandiVeteran LanceVidofnirWeighted LanceWhitedown SpearWhitewing LanceWhitewing SpearWing-Lifted SpearWorldly LanceWyvern Lance