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Fe13 the dead king's lament sea king's throne location

The Sea-King's Throne as it appears on the map.

The Sea-King's Throne is a location in Fire Emblem Awakening. Found on an island in the far west of Plegia, it is the home base of the pirate Zanth, from which he terrorizes the southern seas of Ylisse. Paralogue 18 takes place here.


The fortress known as the Sea-King's Throne lies to the east of a central mountain range on the island and immediately west of a headland between it and the sea. Perhaps its posistion apart from the coast can be attributed to the fact that the pirates did not build it and are merely occupying an old Grustian castle from the time of Archanea. On the seaward side of the rock formation, there is a coastal village which Zanth's men terrorize alongside many others in the south of the continent Ylisse. Their reign of terror stretches all the way to the country of Ylisse, where even Frederick from Ylisstol is familiar with Zanth's title of Southron Sea King. The pirates are also known to attack the mainland of Plegia, even capturing its former king as their slave. With numbers on their side and a base isolated on an island, the pirates can stand up to entire armies.

The Sea King's Throne is found on the same island as the Mercenary Fortress which Nelson operates out of during Paralogue 10, though it is unknown whether there is any relationship between the two groups.


When Chrom and Frederick stumble upon the Sea-King's Throne, they are surprised not only to find the home base of the Southron Sea King Zanth, but the former Mad King Gangrel of Plegia as well. As the Shepherds battle Zanth's pirates, Chrom attempts to talk to Gangrel, but he walks away. This will happen twice, and after Chrom talks to Gangrel for the third time, he will plead for Chrom to kill him and end his miserable existence. Chrom refuses, instead inviting him to join the Shepherds, which Gangrel finally agrees to, telling Chrom to throw him at whatever enemy he wants if he won't kill him himself.

If the army visits the coastal village to the east of the Sea-King's Throne, the villagers will be so grateful that someone is standing up to Zanth that they will gift the Shepherds a Seraph Robe. Once Zanth is defeated, Frederick remarks that the sea will be safe again, and with peace restored to the area, Chrom is eager to leave the Sea-King's Throne behind.


  • The location of the Sea-King's Throne and the nearby village are references to Chapter One of Book Two of Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem and its remake.
    • Having to talk to an enemy mage three times to recruit them on this map is a reference to Katarina from New Mystery of the Emblem.
  • Despite the world map location of the Sea-King's Throne, the battle map implies that the fighting takes place further east.

