—Opening Narration
Ghost of a Blade is Paralogue 21 of Fire Emblem Awakening. This chapter takes place in Warriors' Tomb. This Paralogue is only available via SpotPass.
The script for this chapter can be found here.
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
The main objective is to recruit Yen'fay then rout the rest of the enemies. You can summon Yen'fay quickly to Chrom's army via a Rescue staff or have Say'ri rush to Yen'fay with Galeforce. On Hard mode and above, it is better to use the Rescue strategy as Yen'fay can get swarmed easily. As long as Say'ri talks to Yen'fay, he will join your army. All other enemies on the map should not pose too much of a threat as long as your units have reclassed a few times. However the main boss has a treasure worth getting, a Sol Katti. Defeat the boss as quickly as possible to prevent the blade from losing durability. Once that has been sorted out, take down the rest of the enemy and you will have completed your objectives.
The enemies only consist of Swordmasters, Heroes, Tricksters and Assassins, which should not be much of a threat to your army if they are properly leveled.
- In the SpotPass notification in the Nintendo 3DS system, the message says that a new class is awarded in this SpotPass chapter, but this is clearly a mistake; no new class is received.
- This is the only chapter in the vanilla Awakening game where Chrom is only required to appear as a character to be deployed in the chapter; Chrom only plays a role outside the main battle in the chapter's alternate ending where Yen'fay does not survive the chapter's events.
- It is also one of only two chapters where Chrom potentially plays no story role even when factoring in DLC chapters, the other being Apotheosis.