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Quests, known as Requests in Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE, are a mechanic introduced in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. Quests become available as the story progresses, but are generally independent from the main story. Quests often involve gathering items for the quest giver, but may involve performing other tasks. Completing quests provide rewards for completing them, such as items, money, or Renown.


Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia[]

Quest Giver Location Request Reward
The Sommelier Greedy Old Man Ram Village Ram Wine Blue Cheese
+ 100 Renown
The Grand Duke of Dairy Cheese Lover Zofia Castle (from Act 2) Holey Cheese Honey
Blue Cheese Medicinal Syrup
Pegasus Cheese Exotic Spice
+ 300 Renown
Sweet Treats Tavernkeep Wife Zofia Harbor Flour, Honey (or Pure Honey) and Butter Sweet Cookie
A Dried Delicacy Fish-crazy Man Mountain Village Dried Shieldfish Pegasus Cheese
+ 100 Renown
A Fishy Request Royal Chef Zofia Harbor (from Act 3) Dagon Fillet Exotic Spice
+ 200 Renown
The Dram of the Gods Grand Sorcerer Sage's Hamlet Medicinal Syrup, Gargoyle Ear, Bonewalker Oil and Duma Moss Nectar; can be repeated
A Few Gears Short Anxious Cleric Priory Collect all 9 Cogs Ambrosia + 300 Renown
It's Oil Right Sluice Keeper Sluice Gate Bonewalker Oil (guaranteed drop from certain Bonewalkers in the Sylvan Shrine) 10 Silver Marks (always during the first time), Soup, Ram Wine, Medicinal Syrup, Honey, Sweet Cookie, Fruit of Life (once) or Dragon Scale (once); can be repeated
Corraling Coral Alessio Zofia Harbor (prior to Act 4) 5 Coral Fragments 10 Silver Marks each
200 Renown upon completion
A Bargain Bauble Alessio Desaix's Fortress (after clearing "Corraling Coral") 30 Silver Marks Coral Ring
+ 200 Renown
The Merchant of Death Alessio Grieth's Citadel (after clearing "A Bargain Bauble" and before the Last Bastion) 5 Steel Lances 50 Silver Marks each
300 Renown upon completion
Secret Menu Tavernkeep Novis Greatport 3 Mana Herbs Medicinal Syrup; can be repeated
The Unbreakable Shield Blacksmith Rigel Village 4 Dragon Scales Dracoshield; can be repeated
One Man's Trash... Scholarly Man Zofia Castle Lima Armlet (from powerful Entombed in the Deliverance Hideout) 30 Silver Marks
+ 100 Renown
A Dazzling Delicacy Scholarly Man Rigel Village Yogurt, Duma Moss and Orange Ambrosia; can be repeated
The Clumsy Cleric Flustered Cleric Temple of Mila Silver Platter (found in the Temple of Mila, near where Nomah is waiting) Nectar
+ 100 Renown
A Royal Requiem Eerie Hermit Zofia Castle (after clearing "One Man's Trash...") Defeat the enemy Specters found in the Deliverance Hideout Royal Shield
+ 300 Renown
The Wages of Sin Indignant Woman Ram Village Defeat 20 Brigands Fruit of Life
+ 100 Renown
Peace for the Departed Languid Hermit Priory Defeat 20 Revenants in the Novis Cemetery Holey Cheese
+ 100 Renown
Do You Ear What I Ear? Medicinal Scholar Sage's Hamlet 3 Gargoyle Ears Grimoire Ring
+ 100 Renown
Taken Treasure: Desaix's Vault Lord Rion Zofia Castle (from Act 3) Rion Shield (found in the Desert Stronghold; must send via traveling merchant) Pegasus Cheese
+ 300 Renown
Taken Treasure: Grieth's Vault Lord Fugue Zofia Harbor (from Act 3) Fugue Shield (found in Grieth's Citadel) Golden Apple
+ 300 Renown
Goylenapped Man Forest Village Rescue his daughter from the Sylvan Shrine Blessed Lance
+ 200 Renown
The Prisoner's Whereabouts Merchant's Wife Forest Village Read the writing on the wall in the Sylvan Shrine (Area 1 dungeon cell), then free her husband from Nuibaba's Abode Mila Carving
+ 200 Renown
In Search of a Son Tired Lady Mountain Village A Son's Journal (found in the Dragon Shrine) 50 Silver Marks
+ 100 Renown
Memories of a Father Young Traveler Desert Stronghold Defeat the Revenant holding the Red Tricorn in the Mountain Graveyard None, but you keep the Red Tricorn
Craving Cute Girl Forest Village (after clearing "Goylenapped") Bear Carving, Coral Fragment, Black Pearl, Handmade Doll, Holey Cheese or Sweet Cookie Leftover Bread, Blue Cheese, Yogurt, Fruit of Life (once), Cog (once), Dried Meat or 10 Silver Marks; can be repeated
Mythic Medicine Distraught Lady Temple of Mila Medicinal Syrup 30 Silver Marks
+ 100 Renown
Chopped! Lumberjack Mountain Village Axe, Splitting Axe or Devil Axe Bear Carving
The Stolen Icon Lumberjack Mountain Village (after clearing "Chopped!") Duma Carving (from Revenant in the Mountain Graveyard) None, but you keep the Duma Carving
The Famished Fisherman Feeble Man Seabound Shrine Sausage, Ham, Dried Meat or Raw Meat 10 Silver Marks
+ 100 Renown
Ethereal Fishing Line Skilled Angler Zofia Harbor (after clearing "The Famished Fisherman") Gossamer Hair (guaranteed drop from Duma's Apostle in the Fear Mountain Shrine trial) Dagon Fillet; can return for more
Faraway Frontiers Foreign Trader Zofia Harbor (from Act 6) Escort him to Furia Harbor 3 Gold Marks + 500 Renown

Fire Emblem: Three Houses[]

Pre-Time Skip[]

Post Time Skip[]

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE[]

Standalone Requests[]

  • Coloring Book Hero
  • Good Luck Charm
  • Voice of the People
  • Monstrous Roar
  • A Torn Pocket
  • Moe Medical Kit
  • What Makes a Masterpiece

Moeka Katao's Requests[]

  • Conveying My Feelings
  • Closing the Distance

Cafe Seiren Requests[]

  • Shibuya Remedy
  • Shibuya Elixir

Itta Arima's Requests[]

  • A Chic Job Hunt
  • A Chic Menu

Date Requests[]

  • Dating Difficulties
  • Dating Disaster

Taneaki Tezuma's Requests[]

  • Attention Misdirection
  • Concentration Misdirection

Iori Souji's Requests[]

  • Iori in Love
  • Iori's in Love Again
  • Iori Can't Stop Falling in Love
  • Iori's Dream Girl

Ayaha Oribe's Requests[]

  • The Voiceless Voice Actress
  • Writer's Block
  • The Tongue-Tied Gourmet
  • Funny Business
  • The Glare of the Spotlight
  • Stained Steel
  • The Stunted Stuntman
  • Mopey Model

Lucky Spot Requests[]

  • Lucky Spot 1
  • Lucky Spot 2
  • Lucky Spot 3
  • Lucky Spot 4
  • Lucky Spot 5
  • Lucky Spot 6

Masked Hee Ho Mart Salesclerk's Requests[]

  • Slick Skull Delivery
  • Coarse Mane Delivery
  • Everburn Cloth Delivery
  • Femme's Horn Delivery
  • Scarlet Armor Delivery
  • Looming Pillar Delivery

Red Cleric's Requests[]

  • Repel the Rejects
  • Pummel the Pests
  • Ditch the Deadbeats
  • Grapple the Groupies
  • Flummox the Flirts

Illusory Urahara Requests[]

  • Path of the Strong
  • Arena Staff on Hire
  • Versus Grandmaster Mirage! (New Game+ only)
  • The Dragon Descends (New Game+ only)