Final Fantasy Wiki

Sleep is a status in Final Fantasy VI. The affected character(s) cannot take any action or evade, and the character's ATB bar stops. Sleep can be removed with any physical damage that hits the afflicted. Additionally, if Sleep lasts long enough, a tapir will automatically appear and remove the status. The status is also removed at the end of battle. Sleeping characters are crouched over, with Z's above their head.

If Terra falls asleep while tranced, and the trance bar runs out during her sleep, she will be permanently tranced for the duration of the battle.


Spell Bad Breath (Lore), Sleep (Magic)
Weapon Zwill Crossblade

Enemy abilities[]

Ability Description Enemy
Dreamland Inflicts Sleep to one target. Deepeye
Dreamstinger Inflicts Sleep to one target. Antares
Forty Winks Inflicts Sleep to one target. Foper
Lullaby Inflicts Sleep to one target. Still Life, Goddess, Flan Princess, Kaiser Dragon, Chadarnook (Goddess), Alluring Rider
Mind Blast Inflicts Darkness, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Doom, Silence, Berserk, Confuse, Sap, Sleep, Slow, or Stop on four random targets. Ultima Weapon, Kaiser Dragon, Omega Weapon
Mysterious Dance Inflicts Sleep to one target. Veil Dancer
Repose Inflicts Sleep to one target. Lady
Sleep Inflicts Sleep to one target. Level 40 Magic, Level 70 Magic, Magic, Wizard, Abaddon
Sleeping Gas Inflicts Sleep to one target. Behemoth King (Undead), Pandora
Sleepsting Inflicts Sleep to one target. Rock Wasp
Spinning Umbrella Inflicts Sleep to one target. Al Jabr
Yawn Inflicts Sleep to one target. Suriander, Wartpuck


Relic Ribbon


Ability Forest Healing (Dance), Mysidian Rabbit (Slot), Raccoon (Dance), Soul Spiral (Blitz), Tapir (Dance; see Tapir bug), Transfusion (Lore)
Spell Esuna
Summon Unicorn


The following are immune to Sleep:

All bosses are immune to Sleep except the following:
