Final Fantasy Wiki

Once selected, these commands are used continuously until the end of battle.

Dance and Rage, Adventuring School

Dance is Mog's special ability in Final Fantasy VI, where he learns different dances by battling on the terrains of different battlefields. When a Dance is selected, Mog will from then on randomly perform one of its four possibile abilities for the duration of the battle.

The Dance command resembles the Final Fantasy V Gaia battle command with characteristics in common with the Dance commands from the same title. Each Dance has a 1 in 16 chance of summoning an animal that resembles the Final Fantasy V Ranger's Animals command.


When Mog selects a Dance, he will randomly perform one of four abilities. The odds that he will perform a certain ability are not equal. When Mog dances, control over him is lost for the remainder of the battle, or until Mog is KO'd or petrified. Each Dance is associated with a terrain, or set of backgrounds. If the Dance performed is of a terrain different from the current terrain the party is fighting on, there is a 50% chance the Dance will succeed and the terrain will change to that of the Dance, or Mog will "stumble" and waste his turn.

Mog learns new Dances by fighting on different backgrounds. If Mog wins a battle that currently has a background he does not know the Dance of, he will learn it. Mog will not learn a Dance if the unknown background changes due to performing a known Dance during the battle. For example, successfully dancing Earth Blues in a desert will change the desert to a mountain, but because the terrain has been changed, Mog will not learn Desert Lullaby at the end of the battle.

Except in the Pixel Remaster, counterattacks with Black Belt do not activate mid-Dance.

Gogo may also use the Dance command, but cannot learn new Dances. Gogo only knows the current Dances that Mog knows.

The chances of using a particular ability from a Dance varies. Below is a chart of the Dances, abilities, and chances of using said ability.


Abilities are listed in their order of frequency.

Name Learn Description Abilities
Wind Rhapsody
(Wind Song)
See here Calls upon the power of the wind to attack enemies and heal allies. Wind Slash - 7 in 16
Sunbath - 6 in 16
Plasma - 2 in 16
Cockatrice - 1 in 16
Forest Nocturne
(Forest Suite)
See here Calls upon the power of the forest to attack enemies and cure allies' status ailments. Leaf Swirl - 7 in 16
Forest Healing - 6 in 16
Will o' the Wisp - 2 in 16
Wombat - 1 in 16
Desert Lullaby
(Desert Aria)
See here Calls upon the power of the desert to attack enemies and cast Hastega on allies. Sandstorm - 7 in 16
Antlion - 6 in 16
Wind Slash - 2 in 16
Meerkat - 1 in 16
Love Serenade
(Love Sonata)
See here Calls upon the power of love to attack enemies and cure allies' status ailments. Will o' the Wisp - 7 in 16
Apparition - 6 in 16
Snare - 2 in 16
Tapir - 1 in 16
Earth Blues See here Calls upon the power of the earth to attack enemies and heal allies. Rock Slide - 7 in 16
Sonic Boom - 6 in 16
Sunbath - 2 in 16
Boar Brigade - 1 in 16
Water Harmony
(Water Rondo)
See here Calls upon the power of the sea to heal allies and cure them of status ailments. El Niño - 7 in 16
Plasma - 6 in 16
Apparition - 2 in 16
Raccoon - 1 in 16
Twilight Requiem
(Dusk Requium)
See here Calls upon the power of darkness to attack enemies. Cave In - 7 in 16
Snare - 6 in 16
Will o' the Wisp - 2 in 16
Poisonous Frog - 1 in 16
Snowman Rondo
(Snowman Jazz)
See here Calls upon the power of winter to attack enmies and heal allies. Snowball - 7 in 16
Avalanche - 6 in 16
Snare - 2 in 16
Arctic Hare - 1 in 16


Each Dance has four effects: three of them are exclusive to that Dance, whereas the fourth one (which has a 2 in 16 chance of appearing) is taken from a different Dance. All Dance abilities are considered magical.

Name Dances Description Image
Wind Slash Wind Rhapsody
Desert Lullaby
Deals Wind Wind-elemental damage to all opponents. Its spell power is 48, it is unblockable and it ignores split damage. Wind Rhapsody version
Desert Lullaby version
(Sun Bath)
Wind Rhapsody
Earth Blues
Restores HP to all allies. Its spell power is 50. Wind Rhapsody version
Earth Blues version
Wind Rhapsody Deals non-elemental magic damage and inflicts petrify on one opponent. Its spell power is 50 and its Hit Rate is 96. It fails on targets immune to death. Cockatrice from FFVI Pixel Remaster
Sandstorm Desert Lullaby Deals Wind Wind-elemental damage to all opponents. Its spell power is 45 and its Hit Rate is 100, ignores split damage. Sandstorm Dance from FFVI Pixel Remaster
Antlion Desert Lullaby Causes Death to one opponent. Its Hit Rate is 100 and will fail on targets immune to death. Antlion from FFVI Pixel Remaster
Desert Lullaby Casts haste on all allies. Meercat from FFVI Pixel Remaster
Leaf Swirl
Forest Nocturne Deals non-elemental magic damage to all opponents. Its spell power is 50, it is unblockable, and it ignores split damage. Leaf Swirl from FFVI Pixel Remaster
Forest Healing
Forest Nocturne Recovers from darkness, poison, petrify, silence, confuse, sap, sleep, slow, and stop. Forest Healing from FFVI Pixel Remaster
Wombat Forest Nocturne Deals non-elemental magic damage to one opponent. Its spell power is 88, it is unblockable and it ignores defense. It will not hit flying targets. Wombat from FFVI Pixel Remaster
Rock Slide
(Land Slide)
Earth Blues Deals non-elemental magic damage to one opponent. Its spell power is 65, it is unblockable and it ignores defense. Rock Slide from FFVI Pixel Remaster
Sonic Boom Earth Blues Reduces one enemy's HP by 5/8 of its max HP, inflicts sap and is unblockable, but fails on targets immune to Death. Sonic Boom from FFVI Pixel Remaster
Boar Brigade
Earth Blues Deals non-elemental magic damage to one opponent. Its spell power is 53, it is unblockable, and it ignores defense. It will not hit flying targets. Boar Brigade from FFVI Pixel Remaster
Will o' the Wisp
(Elf Fire)
Love Serenade
Forest Nocturne
Twilight Requiem
Deals Fire Fire-elemental damage to one opponent. Its spell power is 72 and it is unblockable. Love Serenade version.
Forest Nocturne version.
Twilight Requiem version.
Love Serenade
Water Harmony
Causes confuse on one opponent. Its Hit Rate is 120, and it fails on targets immune to confusion. Love Serenade version.
Water Harmony version.
Tapir Love Serenade Recovers from darkness, zombie, poison, imp, petrify, doom, silence, berserk, confuse, sap, sleep, slow, and stop. Sleeping targets will have their HP and MP fully restored, even if the target is undead. Tapir from FFVI Pixel Remaster
Cave In Twilight Requiem Reduces one target's HP by 3/4 of its current amount and causes sap. It is unblockable, but it will fail on targets immune to Death. Cave In from FFVI Pixel Remaster
Snare Twilight Requiem
Love Serenade
Snowman Rondo
Causes Death to one opponent. Its Hit Rate is 100, and it will fail on targets immune to Death. It works against the undead, and stalls final attacks for one turn. Twilight Requiem version.
Love Serenade version.
Snowman Rondo version.
Poisonous Frog
(Pois. Frog)
Twilight Requiem Deals Poison Poison-elemental damage and inflicts poison on one opponent. Its spell power is 56 and it is unblockable. Poisonous Frog from FFVI Pixel Remaster
El Niño
(El Nino)
Water Harmony Deals Water Water-elemental damage to all opponents. Its spell power is 61, it is unblockable, and it ignores split damage. El Nino from FFVI Pixel Remaster
Plasma Water Harmony
Wind Rhapsody
Deals Lightning Lightning-elemental damage to one opponent. Its spell power is 70 and it is unblockable. Water Harmony version.
Wind Rhapsody version.
(Wild Bear)
Water Harmony Restores HP to all allies and recovers from darkness, zombie, poison, petrify, doom, silence, berserk, confuse, sap, sleep, slow, stop, and frozen. Its spell power is 100. Raccoon from FFVI Pixel Remaster
Snowball Snowman Rondo Reduces a target's HP by 1/2. Its Hit Rate is 100, and it will fail on targets immune to Death. Snowball from FFVI Pixel Remaster
Snowman Rondo Deals Ice Ice-elemental damage to all opponents. Its spell power is 55, it is unblockable, and it ignores split damage. Avalanche from FFVI Pixel Remaster
Arctic Hare
(Ice Rabbit)
Snowman Rondo Restore HP to allies. Its spell power is 45. Arctic Hare from FFVI Pixel Remaster

Battle backgrounds[]

Each set of backgrounds is assigned to a specific Dance. Mog learns a new Dance when he fights on a background from a particular set for the first time.

Name Terrain Location
Wind Rhapsody
(Wind Song)
Battleback plains aBattleback wastelandBattleback veldt aBattleback skyBattleback phantom train bBattleback coliseumBattleback town dBattleback airship aBattleback airship bBattleback airship cFFVI PC Battle Background Thamasa RedFFVI Kefka boss background iOS World of Balance
World of Ruin
Air Force
Phantom Train
Dragon's Neck Coliseum
Forest Nocturne
(Forest Suite)
Battleback forestBattleback forest bBattleback phantom train c Forest
Phantom Forest
Phantom Train
Bomb forest
Dinosaur forest
Desert Lullaby
(Desert Aria)
FFVI PC Battle Background Desert WobBattleback imperial campFFVI PC Battle Background Desert Wor Desert
Imperial Camp
Love Serenade
(Love Sonata)
Battleback inner aBattleback town cBattleback phantom train aBattleback town bBattleback magitek factory aBattleback stageFFVI PC Battle Background Above StageFFVI PC Battle Background FireBattleback castle aBattleback magitek factory bBattleback vectorFFVI PC Battle Background Inner BBattleback owzers mansionFFVI PC Battle Background Chadarnook TransformationBattleback towerFFVI PC Battle Background DreamscapeFFVI PC Battle Background Terras FlasbackFFVI PC Battle Background TentaclesBattleback town a South Figaro
Phantom Train
Opera House
Imperial Observation Post
Magitek Research Facility
Burning Home
Figaro Castle
Ancient Castle
Imperial Palace
Owzer's Mansion
Cultists' Tower
Kefka's Tower
Soul Shrine
Earth Blues Battleback mountain aBattleback floating continentBattleback kefkas tower a Mt. Kolts
Esper Caves
Mt. Zozo
Floating Continent
Kefka's Tower
Water Harmony
(Water Rondo)
FFVI PC Battle Background Lethe RiverBattleback barren fallsFFVI PC Battle Background Serpent Trench Lethe River
Baren Falls
Serpent Trench
Leviathan (GBA/2014 version)
Twilight Requiem
(Dusk Requium)
Battleback cave dBattleback cave cBattleback cave bBattleback cave eBattleback cave aBattleback sealed gateBattleback darills tombBattleback castle bBattleback kefkas tower bBattleback minecartFFVI IOS Final Boss First TierFFVI IOS Final Boss Second TierFFVI IOS Final Boss Third Tier Narshe Mines
South Figaro Cave
Mt. Kolts
Cave to the Sealed Gate
Esper Caves
Mt. Zozo
Cave on the Veldt
Phoenix Cave
Yeti's Cave
Ancient Castle
Darill's Tomb
Doma Castle
Kefka's Tower
Magitek Research Facility
Statue of the Gods
Snowman Rondo
(Snowman Jazz)
Battleback snow Narshe Cliffs (WoR)

Other appearances[]

Mog uses his Dance skills from Final Fantasy VI whenever he appears in spin-off appearances: Pictlogica Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade, Final Fantasy Record Keeper, and Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.


Defunct mobile/Steam
