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Magic in Vagrant Story is learned from special items called Grimoires, which are dropped by monsters or found in chests. Once a Grimoire is used, Ashley learns the spell permanently, but the Grimoire disappears. Like in the Final Fantasy series, spells cost MP. There are four major classes of magic.

List of magic spells[]

Warlock spells[]

Warlock spells focus upon dealing damage to the enemy. They are similar to Black Magic.

Spell Description Grimoire MP to cast Affinity
Solid Shock Strikes enemies with an explosive shockwave. Zephyr 25 Physical
Lightning Bolt Shoots out arrows of lightning. Teslae 25 Air
Fireball Pummels enemies with balls of fire. Incendie 25 Fire
Vulcan Lance Showers enemies with volcanic debris. Terre 25 Earth
Aqua Blast Engulf enemies with freezing water blast. Glace 25 Water
Spirit Surge Summons a spirit of light to attack enemies. Lux 28 Light
Dark Chant Afflicts enemies with crippling pain. Patir 28 Dark
Exorcism Exorcise undead foes. Exsorcer 22 Light
Banish Forbidden spell of instant death. Banish 25 Dark
Explosion A highly focused, devastating blast. Demolir 36 / 44 / 52 / 60 Physical
Thunderburst Calls down a great bolt from the heavens. Foudre 36 / 44 / 52 / 60 Air
Flame Sphere Wreaths target in flames. Flamme 36 / 44 / 52 / 60 Fire
Gaea Strike Creates crushing gravity warp around target. Gaea 36 / 44 / 52 / 60 Earth
Avalanche Super-freezes air around target. Avalanche 36 / 44 / 52 / 60 Water
Radial Surge Pierces enemies with focused rays of light. Radius 38 / 46 / 54 / 62 Light
Meteor Rains meteors down on the target. Meteore 38 / 46 / 54 / 62 Dark
Drain Heart Steals HP from enemies. Egout 12 Dark
Drain Mind Steals MP from enemies. Demance 2 Dark

Shaman spells[]

Shaman spells focus on restoring HP and healing negative statuses. They are similar to White Magic in function. All shaman spells have the light affinity.

Spell Description Grimoire MP to cast
Heal Restores target's HP. Guerir 5
Restoration Cures Paralysis. Mollesse 3
Antidote Cures Poison. Antidote 3
Blessing Cures Curse. Benir 17
Clearance Cures all status abnormalities. Purifier 15
Surging Balm Recharges HP over a short period of time. Vie 20

Sorcerer spells[]

Sorcerer spells focus upon raising Ashley's stats while lowering enemy stats. It is most similar to Green Magick. They also perform non-battle functions like opening Chests and revealing traps.

Spell Description Grimoire MP to cast
Herakles Temporarily increases target's strength. Intensite 12
Degenerate Temporarily decreases target's strength. Debile 7
Enlighten Temporarily increases target's intelligence. Eclairer 12
Psychodrain Temporarily decreases target's intelligence. Nuageux 7
Invigorate Temporarily increases target's agility. Agilite 12
Leadbones Temporarily decreases target's agility. Tardif 7
Prostasia Temporarily strengthens target's equipment. Ameliorer 15
Tarnish Temporarily weakens target's equipment. Deteriorer 7
Silence Temporarily prevents target from casting spells. Muet 7
Magic Ward Nullifies the next spell cast on target. Annuler 21
Stun Cloud Casts Paralysis on target. Paralysie 7
Poison Mist Casts Poison on target. Venin 11
Curse Casts Curse on target. Fleau 17
Fixate Freezes the room's Cloudstones in place. Halte 3
Dispel Nullifies any spell currently affecting target. Dissiper 10
Unlock Opens treasure chests locked with magic. Clef 3
Eureka Reveals all traps in the room. Visible 6
Analyze Analyzes enemies' parameters and stats. Analyse 5

Enchanter spells[]

Enchanter spells focus upon boosting weapon and armor affinity against certain elements, similarly to Red Mages or Mystic Knights.

Spell Description Grimoire MP to cast
Luft Fusion Temporarily strengthens weapon's air affinity. Sylphe 10
Spark Fusion Temporarily strengthens weapon's fire affinity. Salamandre 10
Soil Fusion Temporarily strengthens weapon's earth affinity. Gnome 10
Frost Fusion Temporarily strengthens weapon's water affinity. Undine 10
Aero Guard Temporarily strengthens armor's air affinity. Parebrise 9
Pyro Guard Temporarily strengthens armor's fire affinity. Ignifuge 9
Terra Guard Temporarily strengthens armor's earth affinity. Rempart 9
Aqua Guard Temporarily strengthens armor's water affinity. Barrer 9


Teleportation is a special spell that does not fit in any of the four categorizes of Magic. It is learned after defeating Lich in the Undercity. Teleportation is a self-descriptive spell, it will teleport Ashley to a Magic Circle. It can only be used when Ashley is standing on a Magic Circle. For every Magic Circle between Ashley and the location he wants to go, the MP cost will rise 4 points from the starting cost of 15.
