A Spellblade from Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift.
Mystic Knight (魔法剣士, Mahōkenshi?, lit. Magic Fencer), also known as Rune Fencer, Sorcerer, Spellblade, or Spell Fencer is a recurring job in the Final Fantasy series. Skilled in both magic and swordsmanship, they fuse both arts into Spellblade and are resistant to magic as a whole.
Final Fantasy V[]
The Mystic Knight fuses magic spells which includes damaging spells or status inducing spells into their equipped sword. The wielder will smite enemies with their Spellblade.
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift[]
Spellblade is a job exclusive to viera. They can use swords to strike enemies and their abilities consist on inflicting status effects while damaging.
Final Fantasy Tactics S[]

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light[]

Spell Fencers enchant their weapons with magic spells to deal more damage to their foes, and can also shield themselves from magic. Krinjh joins the player's party as a Spell Fencer.
Final Fantasy Dimensions II[]

Dissidia Final Fantasy[]
The Mystic Knight appears in the form of a Job Card in the Duel Colosseum. Its effects make card luck easier to rise while it is selected.
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy[]
The Mystic Knight card appears in the Labyrinth mode, but this time increases the chances of party cards appearing.
The Mystic Knight is also an advanced job that can be selected for a character in the player's party for Quick Battle, Friend Cards, or wireless matches. It is unlocked with the powers of the Black Mage and Dark Knight, and grants 50% damage reduction and 100% damage increase when the character is in critical health.
Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]
Mystic Knight is unlocked by defeating the boss at Snowbound Mining Town 7, Kolts Region.

Final Fantasy Artniks[]
The Mystic Knight appears as a character card.

Final Fantasy All the Bravest[]
A cape, turban, and spell-imbued blade are the telltale signs of this swordmage.
The Mystic Knight is a character available to the party, he uses the Firaga Sword ability during battle. He unlocks at level 20.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

A unique swordmaster who fights with a magic-imbued blade. The Spellblade is an impressive frontline warrior who uses his sword to unleash elemental magic and debuffs that exploit the weaknesses of his enemies.
Official description.
Spellblade is a playable character who can be recruited as the First Time Reward for completing Calm Lands on Classic difficulty in FF X track of the game's Core Dungeons.
Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]
Mystic Knight from Final Fantasy V appears as Ice- and Lightning-elemental Backup and Forward cards. Rune Fencer from Final Fantasy XI appears as Earth- and Water-elemental Forward cards. Spellblade from Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift appear as Ice-elemental Forward cards.
Allusions to the job in the series[]
Final Fantasy IX[]
The Mystic Knight is strongly alluded to in Final Fantasy IX. Provided Vivi is in the party and not incapacitated, Steiner can use Sword Magic with Vivi's aid. Only the damaging Black Magic spells (e.g. Fire) can be used as Sword Magic, not status effect-inducing spells (e.g. Slow), and Vivi must know the spell in question. The attack uses Steiner's turn and MP, and does not affect Vivi's MP or ATB gauge.
Final Fantasy Type-0[]
Kurasame Susaya functions as a Mystic Knight.
Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin[]
Tyrant is an Expert Job available after unlocking the corresponding nodes in the Red Mage and Monk Job Trees. In addition, it is available to Ash after clearing the "Ebon Memories: The Yearner" side mission.
Tyrant is an offensive hybrid job that combines elemental magic with physical prowess to create an offense that specializes in exploiting enemies' elemental weaknesses while using quick combos to end them. This job borrows from both the Red Mage and the Monk with the shared traits of primarily using status ailment accumulation as a means of debilitation and MP Restoration and the use of agile weapons, like the knuckles to apply debuffs and clear enemy break gauges more easily. The passives given from the Tyrant help to boost its effectiveness by increasing damage dealt to afflicted enemies, improving break recovery, and improving MP recovery from normal attacks.
Non-Final Fantasy guest appearances[]
Bravely Default[]
The Spell Fencer is an optional job obtained by defeating Ciggma Khint alongside Eloch Quentis Khamer VIII during Chapter 1's Sub-Scenarios.
Related jobs[]
Rune Fencer[]
The Rune Fencer (魔導剣士, Madō Kenshi?, lit. Sorcery Fencer) is an unlockable job. The job functions as the Final Fantasy XI equivalent of the recurring Mystic Knight job, infusing their blades with magical runes.
Rune Fencers are intended to use their damage-dealing capabilities to help draw the foe's attention and use their spells and special job abilities to mitigate magic damage. Their magical attacks and defenses have a strong elemental aspect, determined by which runes they are harboring at the time. Built-up harbored runes provide elemental attack and defense, and furthermore can be expended for various effects.
The player can only unlock Rune Fencer by purchasing the Seekers of Adoulin expansion and completing the unlocking quest line located in the expansion zones.
Tyrant is a similar job in Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin.
spell, charm or hex is a set of words, spoken or unspoken, which are considered by its user to invoke some magical effect. Historical attestations exist for the use of some variety of incantations in many cultures around the world.