The Jabberwock is an enemy from Final Fantasy IX found on the non-forested overworld areas on the Forgotten Continent. The Jabberwock also has a friendly counterpart encountered on the Forgotten Continent in Seaways Canyon (the eastern side of the continent) as part of the friendly monsters sidequest. It requests the party give it an Emerald, for which it will reward 40 AP and a Moonstone, which should be given to the Feather Circle friendly monster next. It can be tricky to find; it should appear in the areas bathed in dusk on the grassland terrain, or on the chocobo tracks on the dirt, or in the forest.

Everyone Light.
If anyone has Float, it will remove it with Heavy to ensure that its Earthquake finds its mark. It will also cast Float on its prey with Light and Everyone Light, although this does not actually make its Aera spell do more damage. It tends to cast Earthquake right after "Everyone Light", making it an easy enemy even with its high amount of HP (they appear in pairs and have almost the same amount of HP than harder monsters of the same area, like Adamantoise and Catoblepas). It is susceptible to Quina's LV3 Def-less.
If left on 1 HP, the Jabberwock will use Limit Glove to kill off a party member. The player would need to be either very unlucky, or use Matra Magic on the Jabberwock, to see it.
AI script[]
Using global variable firstjabberwockelement
Function Jabberwock_Init
if ( !firstjabberwockelement )
set earthwindswitch = GetRandom & 1
if ( !earthwindswitch )
set firstjabberwockelement = 1
set firstjabberwockelement = 2
set earthwindswitch = firstjabberwockelement & 1
Function Jabberwock_Loop
if ( !initflag )
set initflag++
if ( earthwindswitch == 0 )
set SV_FunctionEnemy[ATB] = SV_FunctionEnemy[MAX_ATB]
if ( earthquakequeued )
if ( GetAttacker == SV_FunctionEnemy )
set earthquakequeued = 0
set tmptarget = RandomInTeam( NotMatching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_CURRENT], PETRIFY | DEATH | JUMP | FLOAT) & NotMatching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_AUTO], FLOAT) )
if ( !( #tmptarget ) )
set SV_FunctionEnemy[PREVENT_ATTACK] = 1
set earthquakequeued = 0
if ( aeraqueued )
if ( GetAttacker == SV_FunctionEnemy )
set aeraqueued = 0
set tmptarget = RandomInTeam( NotMatching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_CURRENT], PETRIFY | DEATH | JUMP) & ( Matching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_CURRENT], FLOAT) | Matching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_AUTO], FLOAT) ) )
if ( !( #( aeratarget & tmptarget ) ) )
set SV_FunctionEnemy[PREVENT_ATTACK] = 1
set aeraqueued = 0
Wait( 1 )
Function Jabberwock_ATB
if ( ( SV_FunctionEnemy[HP] == 1 ) && ( SV_FunctionEnemy[MP] > 10 ) )
set SV_Target = RandomInTeam(SV_PlayerTeam)
Attack( Limit Glove )
if ( earthwindswitch == 1 )
set SV_Target = RandomInTeam( NotMatching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_CURRENT], PETRIFY | DEATH | JUMP | FLOAT) & NotMatching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_AUTO], FLOAT) )
if ( #SV_Target && ( GetRandom % 3 ) )
set SV_Target = SV_PlayerTeam
Attack( Earthquake )
set earthquakequeued = 1
set SV_Target = RandomInTeam( NotMatching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_CURRENT], PETRIFY | DEATH | JUMP) & ( Matching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_CURRENT], FLOAT) | Matching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_AUTO], FLOAT) ) )
Attack( Heavy )
elseif ( earthwindswitch == 0 )
set SV_Target = RandomInTeam( NotMatching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_CURRENT], PETRIFY | DEATH | JUMP) & ( Matching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_CURRENT], FLOAT) | Matching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_AUTO], FLOAT) ) )
if ( #SV_Target && ( GetRandom % 3 ) )
Attack( Aera )
set aeratarget = SV_Target
set aeraqueued = 1
if ( !( #SV_Target ) && ( GetRandom % 3 ) )
set SV_Target = SV_PlayerTeam
Attack( Everyone Light )
set SV_Target = RandomInTeam( NotMatching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_CURRENT], PETRIFY | DEATH | JUMP | FLOAT) & NotMatching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_AUTO], FLOAT) )
Attack( Light )
Function Jabberwock_Counter
if ( ( GetAttackCommandId == Skill ) && ( GetAttackId == What's That?! ) )
set SV_Target = GetAttacker
if ( #SV_Target )
set tmptarget = NotMatching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_CURRENT], PETRIFY | DEATH | JUMP) & NotMatching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_AUTO], FLOAT)
if ( !( #tmptarget ) )
Attack( Aera )
if ( earthwindswitch == 1 )
if ( #NotMatching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_CURRENT], PETRIFY | VENOM | DEATH | STOP) == 1 )
set SV_Target = SV_PlayerTeam
Attack( Earthquake )
if ( #Matching(SV_Target[STATUS_CURRENT], FLOAT) )
Attack( Heavy )
elseif ( earthwindswitch == 0 )
if ( #NotMatching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_CURRENT], PETRIFY | VENOM | DEATH | STOP) == 1 )
Attack( Aera )
if ( !( #Matching(SV_Target[STATUS_CURRENT], FLOAT) ) && !( #Matching(SV_Target[STATUS_AUTO], FLOAT) ) )
Attack( Light )
Jabberwocky is a nonsense poem written by Lewis Carroll in his 1871 novel Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There, a sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. In an early scene in which she first encounters the chess piece characters White King and White Queen, Alice finds a book written in a seemingly unintelligible language. Realising she is travelling through an inverted world, she recognises the verse are written in mirror-writing and holds a mirror to one of the poems, and reads the reflected verse of "Jabberwocky." She finds the nonsense verse as puzzling as the odd land she has passed into, later revealed as a dreamscape. The creature called Jabberwock is never fully described but is accepted to be an unworldly and vicious entity.