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The Tchita Uplands ([tsi:tah]) is a location in the land of Ivalice in Final Fantasy XII. The landscape is grassy, and the weather is often rainy. Old ruins are scattered around the Uplands, often inhabited by Malboro Overkings.

Some wealthy Archadians who are afraid of the Mandragoras in the Sochen Cave Palace camp out in the Uplands and give the party a key to access the place.

Sage Knowledge[]

A hilly region reaching to the south of Archadia. Before the widespread adoption of airships as the primary means of conveyance, this region was the highway to the Imperial City, and filled with travelers. Ruins can be spotted here and there amongst the tall grasses, and researchers from Archades often come here to delve into the mysteries left by whatever ancient civilization built them.

Sage Knowledge 59, Tchita Uplands


The Tchita Uplands are located between the Phon Coast and the Cerobi Steppe, and have a passageway to the Sochen Cave Palace. To cross to Cerobi Steppe, the player must ride a chocobo over the Uplands all the way from Phon Coast. There is also an area called Tchita Downs, where apparently the finest chocobos are bred. A family of chocobo breeders live here and have been breeding chocobos for generations.

A couple of these chocobos can be seen before Vayne's speech at Rabanastre; two white pedigree paraders that costs ten of thousands of gil. It is not clear where Tchita Downs is exactly located.

  • Realm of the Elder Dream (to the Phon Coast)
  • The Skytrail
  • The Chosen Path
  • The Highlands
  • Fields of Eternity (to the Sochen Cave Palace)
  • Oliphzak Rise
  • The Nameless Spring
  • Garden of Life's Circle
  • The Lost Way
  • Uazcuff Hills
  • The Shaded Path (to the Cerobi Steppe)
  • Sundered Earth
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Tchita Uplands has three different weather conditions:

  • Sunny
  • Cloudy
  • Rain

However, the weather does not change until after the story events at the Draklor Laboratory and all of Balfonheim is available.

The weather is either sunny or cloudy/rain. When the weather is cloudy/rain, the weather can change when zoning between the areas within the Uplands. The best chance of cloudy/rain weather is when entering the Uplands from the Phon Coast. During rain, Fire attacks deal half damage, and Lightning attacks' power is boosted.

Earth Elemental comes out during cloudy weather in Realm of the Elder Dream and Sundered Earth areas. The Mark Lindwyrm appears only during cloudy weather in Garden of Life's Circle.


In the original version, Tchita Uplands is a unique treasure area with many playing through the game multiple times without ever having come across a treasure on the Uplands. The Uplands does have treasures, but only one treasure spawns per area, and the spawn rates are among the lowest—mere 10% chance per entry. All of the treasures have a chance of containing equipment. When a treasure spawns, it has 50% chance of being gil, and when the treasure is items, it has 50% chance of being an equipment piece. The other treasure is either Hi-Ether or a gambit. With the Diamond Armlet equipped, the item treasures are 90% Hi-Ether and 10% Megalixir, and if the treasure is gil when opened with the Diamond Armlet, the amount is upped to 10,000 from the default 2,000.

In the Realm of the Elder Dream area the treasure spawns straight to north from the southeast exit, right at the edge of the map. It can have the Maduin Gear. In the Oliphzak Rise the treasure is in along the southwest border and may have the Battle Harness. In the Garden of Life's Circle the treasure spawns near the middle of the southern border and may have the Diamond Armlet. In the Lost Way area the treasure spawns on the southern border, near to the exit to Garden of Life's Circle. It may have the Armguard. In Uazcuff Hills the treasure spawns on the southern border and may have a Dark Matter. In Sundered Earth the treasure spawns near the exit to Uazcuff Hills and may have the Perseus Bow. In the Highlands the treasure spawns in the west part of the area, a bit south of some ruins, and may have the Shell Shield. In the Fields of Eternity the treasure spawns to the southeast when entering from south, and it may have the Francisca.

The Zodiac versions have more chests per area and they are more likely to spawn. The spawn chances are still low with the exception of the three chests that contain spells (which only spawn once and will always appear until looted). The chance of the other treasures spawning is 20%–50% and all have a 70% chance to contain a small amount of gil. If any chests do contain items, they often contain motes or equipment that is on a par at the stage of the game at which the player first arrives in Tchita. With the Diamond Armlet the items available are Knots of Rust and Meteorites. The Blindga spell is guaranteed to spawn in the Fields of Eternity, behind the ruins Blindga location from FFXII TZA, and Float is a guaranteed to spawn in Oliphzak Rise lower right corner, next to a large rock Float location from FFXII TZA.

Realm of the Elder Dream[]

Chest Spawns Holds Gil% Gil Normal Treasure Diamond Armlet Treasure
1 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Balance Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
2 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Warp Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
3 30% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Goggle Mask Fuzzy Miter Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
4 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Balance Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
5 30% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Avenger Empyrean Rod Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
6 20% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Officer's Hat Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
7 35% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Storm Spear Adamant Hat Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
8 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Float Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
9 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Bio Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
10 40% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Silent Shot Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
Chest Spawns Holds Gil% Normal Treasure Diamond Armlet Treasure
1 10% 50% Gil Item 1 Item 2 Gil Common Rare
≤ 2,000 gil Hi-Ether Maduin Gear ≤ 10,000 gil Hi-Ether Megalixir

The Skytrail[]

Chest Spawns Holds Gil% Gil Normal Treasure Diamond Armlet Treasure
11 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Float Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
12 30% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Gokuu Pole Agate Ring Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
13 20% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Penetrator Crossbow Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
14 30% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Chaos Mace Astrakhan Hat Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
15 30% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Giant Stonebow Adamant Vest Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
16 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Balance Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
17 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Bio Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
18 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Balance Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
19 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Bio Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
20 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Gravity Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
Chest Spawns Holds Gil% Normal Treasure Diamond Armlet Treasure
2 10% 50% Gil Item 1 Item 2 Gil Common Rare
≤ 2,000 gil Hi-Ether Gaia Hat ≤ 10,000 gil Hi-Ether Megalixir

Oliphzak Rise[]

Chest Spawns Holds Gil% Gil Normal Treasure Diamond Armlet Treasure
21 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Chronos Tear Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
22 35% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Brigandine Steel Gorget Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
23 35% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Enchanter's Habit Carmagnole Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
24 35% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Platinum Shield Argyle Armlet Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
25 20% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Doom Mace Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
26 20% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Cura Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
27[note 1] 100% 0% N/A Float
28 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Bio Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
29 30% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Black Belt Halberd Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
30 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Remedy Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
31 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Warp Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (C)
  1. Chest does not respawn.
Chest Spawns Holds Gil% Normal Treasure Diamond Armlet Treasure
3 10% 50% Gil Item 1 Item 2 Gil Common Rare
≤ 2,000 gil Hi-Ether Battle Harness ≤ 10,000 gil Hi-Ether Megalixir

Garden of Life's Circle[]

Chest Spawns Holds Gil% Gil Normal Treasure Diamond Armlet Treasure
32 20% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Burning Bow Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
33 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Gravity Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
34 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Remedy Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
35 30% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Kiku-ichimonji Judicer's Staff Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
36 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Cura Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
37 45% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Aqua Shot Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
38 30% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Bastard Sword Diamond Sword Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
39 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Warp Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
Chest Spawns Holds Gil% Normal Treasure Diamond Armlet Treasure
4 10% 50% Gil Item 1 Item 2 Gil Common Rare
≤ 2,000 gil Hi-Ether Diamond Armlet ≤ 10,000 gil Hi-Ether Megalixir

The Highlands[]

Chest Spawns Holds Gil% Gil Normal Treasure Diamond Armlet Treasure
40 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Warp Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
41 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Gravity Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
42 20% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Barrel Coat Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
43 45% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Stun Bombs Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
44 30% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Black Garb Steel Mask Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
45 30% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Diamond Armor Francisca Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
46 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Float Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
47 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Bio Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
48 20% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Orichalcum Dirk Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
49 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Remedy Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
Chest Spawns Holds Gil% Normal Treasure Diamond Armlet Treasure
5 10% 50% Gil Item 1 Item 2 Gil Common Rare
≤ 2,000 gil Hi-Ether Shell Shield ≤ 10,000 gil Hi-Ether Megalixir

Field of Eternity[]

Chest Spawns Holds Gil% Gil Normal Treasure Diamond Armlet Treasure
50 40% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Power Armlet Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
51 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Float Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
52 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Aeroga Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
53 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Cura Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
54 40% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Nishijin Belt Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
55 45% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Poison Bombs Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
56[note 1] 100% 0% N/A Blindga
57 20% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Platinum Armor Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
58 40% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Rose Corsage Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
  1. Chest does not respawn.
Chest Spawns Holds Gil% Normal Treasure Diamond Armlet Treasure
6 10% 50% Gil Item 1 Item 2 Gil Common Rare
≤ 2,000 gil G-Foe: highest HP Francisca ≤ 10,000 gil Knot of Rust Megalixir

Sundered Earth[]

Chest Spawns Holds Gil% Gil Normal Treasure Diamond Armlet Treasure
59 20% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Gaia Hat Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
60 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Remedy Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
61 30% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Leather Gorget Bangle Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
62 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Hi-Potion Knot of Rust Meteorite (C)
63 30% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Diamond Helm Mirror Mail Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
64 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Hi-Potion Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
65 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Cura Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
66 20% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Zephyr Pole Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
67 10% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Hi-Ether Cura Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (D)
68 30% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Dragon Shield Crystal Shield Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
69 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Chronos Tear Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
70 45% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Parallel Arrows Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
Chest Spawns Holds Gil% Normal Treasure Diamond Armlet Treasure
7 10% 50% Gil Item 1 Item 2 Gil Common Rare
≤ 2,000 gil G-Foe: lowest HP Perseus Bow ≤ 10,000 gil Knot of Rust Megalixir

The Lost Way[]

Chest Spawns Holds Gil% Gil Normal Treasure Diamond Armlet Treasure
71 45% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Long Bolts Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
72 30% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Metal Jerkin Aldebaran Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
73 20% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Maduin Gear Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
74 45% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Stone Bolts Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
75[note 1] 100% 0% N/A Regen
76 30% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Blazer Gloves Bowline Sash Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
77 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Cura Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
78 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Hastega Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
79 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Remedy Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
80 20% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Yakei Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
  1. Chest does not respawn. Opening this chest causes Chest #50 in the Giza Plains to disappear. Both contain the same treasure. Inversely, if Giza Plains Chest #50 has been opened, this chest will disappear.
Chest Spawns Holds Gil% Normal Treasure Diamond Armlet Treasure
8 10% 50% Gil Item 1 Item 2 Gil Common Rare
≤ 2,000 gil G-Foe: lowest HP Armguard ≤ 10,000 gil Knot of Rust Megalixir

Uazcuff Hills[]

Chest Spawns Holds Gil% Gil Normal Treasure Diamond Armlet Treasure
81 35% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Betelgeuse Blazer Gloves Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
82 35% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Float Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
83 35% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Aeroga Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
84 20% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Runeblade Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
85 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Cura Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
86 20% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Platinum Helm Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
87 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Cura Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
88 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Reverse Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (C)
88 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Reverse Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (C)
89 45% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Fiery Arrows Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
90 50% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Potion Shock Mote Knot of Rust Meteorite (B)
91 35% 70% ≤ 100 gil Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
Flametongue Magick Gloves Knot of Rust Meteorite (A)
Chest Spawns Holds Gil% Normal Treasure Diamond Armlet Treasure
9 10% 50% Gil Item 1 Item 2 Gil Common Rare
≤ 2,000 gil Hi-Ether Dark Matter ≤ 10,000 gil Hi-Ether Megalixir


??? Hunt[]


Hunt begins.

To the east of The Skytrail, there is an area called Chosen Path with a Gate Crystal and an Archadian Wayfarer next to a fallen bangaa who will petition the party to dispose some mandragoras in the Sochen Cave Palace. This is an unofficial hunt not listed in the Clan Primer, but must be accepted to advance in the main story, as the Wayfarer gives the player the Soulward Key to access the cave palace.

The hunt can also be accepted from the boy's father in The Nameless Spring area to the south. Talking to the petitioner after completing the hunt earns the player 1000 gil and three Remedies. Defeating the mandragoras also impresses the hunt club in Phon Coast who will let Vaan hunt Rare Game enemies after talking to them after the events in Draklor Laboratory.

The mandragoras hunted are Onion Queen, Alraune King, Pumpkin Star, Topstalk and Mandragora Prince.


The Lindwyrm is a Rank V Mark whose hunt can be undertaken after the events in Draklor Laboratory are complete. The Lindwyrm is located in the Garden of Life's Circle area when the weather is cloudy (no blue sky showing), but not when it is raining. The hunt is petitioned by Fermon in Old Archades.

Rare Game[]

The Tarasque appears in the Garden of Life's Circle area, but for it to appear, the player must chain at least 22 Serpents or Malboro Overkings while in the Uplands.

The easiest way to do this is to circle around the Garden of Life, killing all the Serpents (leaving the Lizard alone), then move two areas away (through Nameless Spring without saving the game, then north to Oliphzak Rise, then back again) to respawn the Serpents. After chaining the kills, the player can walk near the pond at the northern end of the area, next to the Lizard, and the Tarasque should jump out.

The Grimalkin is a Trophy Rare Game enemy that carries a rare item, Coeurl Whisker, needed for Orochi, the second strongest ninja sword. If the player wants to farm the Whiskers, they must not kill the Grimalkin, only steal and then exit, as once killed, Grimalkin, as all trophy monsters, will never spawn again. To find the Grimalkin the player must have spoken to the "Huntmaster" in Phon Coast and defeated Thalassinon, which will trigger the start of the Rare Game quest. Grimalkin then has a 10% chance of replacing one of the Coeurls in the Uazcuff Hills area of the Tchita Uplands. Zoning out two areas (most easily done by going east to the Cerobi Steppe) and checking each Coeurl for the spawn is necessary every trip.

The trophy enemy Kris has a 40% chance of spawning in one of two locations in the Highlands area, east of the Gate Crystal. Both locations are near the two large circular stone buildings.



Serpent is a common monster on Tchita Uplands.

Musical themes[]

In the original and International releases, the "Giza Plains" plays as the background theme for the Tchita Uplands. It was one of the few areas to not have an unique area theme.

In The Zodiac Age remaster, the Tchita Uplands has a new original track composed for its area theme, fittingly called "Tchita Uplands".

Both tracks were composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto.


The map can be bought in the Technick shop in Molberry in Archades for 3,300 gil.

FF12 Map - Tchita Uplands

Map from the original Final Fantasy XII that includes treasure information



The word "cheetah" is derived from the Sanskrit word citrakāyaḥ, meaning "variegated", via the Hindi 'चीता' (cītā). A common trait of the Final Fantasy's enemy Coeurl (present in the Tchita Uplands) is the resemblance of cheetahs.
