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Cid Pollendina: Oh, shut up and help me remodel the Final Fantasy XV: Ultimate Collector's Edition Special Soundtrack page!
Please expand this article into a full one. The following tasks need to be completed:
  • Descriptions of when tracks play.

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Final Fantasy XV: Ultimate Collector's Edition Special Soundtrack was a soundtrack album of select tracks from Final Fantasy XV, Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV and Brotherhood Final Fantasy XV. It was included in the Ultimate Collector's edition of the game.

Track list[]

  1. Somnus (Instrumental Version) — 2:29
    Plays on the title screen prior to completing the story.
  2. Broken Down — 0:36
    Plays when the group's car breaks down after they leave Insomnia.
  3. Hammerhead — 4:16
    The eponymous theme of Hammerhead.
  4. Encroaching Fear — 1:10
    Plays when the player is about to engage in battle and during fishing when fish are close to the bait.
  5. The Fight Is On! — 2:47
    Plays in battles against standard enemies in the Duscae region.
  6. A Quick Pit Stop — 3:48
    Plays at most outposts.
  7. Relax and Reflect — 3:14
    Plays when the party sets up camp or rests at an inn.
  8. Veiled in Black — 3:21
    Plays in battles against imperial enemies.
  9. Galdin Quay — 3:49
    The eponymous theme of Galdin Quay.
  10. Blues de Chocobo — 4:14
    The theme of Wiz Chocobo Post.
  11. Safe Haven — 4:29
    Plays at camps.
  12. End of the Road — 1:58
    The Game Over theme.
  13. The Aggressors — 3:40
    Plays when the party goes to Insomnia after learning that it has fallen.
  14. NOX AETERNA — 1:33
    Plays when the party learns of the fall of Insomnia.
  15. In Dreams — 3:43
  16. Careening Into Danger — 3:39
    Plays in the tutorial battle when starting a new game.
  17. Starlit Waltz — 2:58
    Plays at Totomostro.
  18. Valse di Fantastica — 3:40
    Plays when riding in the car after beating Loqi Tummelt, when Iris rides with the group to Cape Caem, and when the party first arrives at Altissia.
  19. Love Lost — 4:19
    Plays at Noctis' first flashback and when Noctis sees Umbra at Cape Caem.
  20. Song of the Stars — 3:37
    Plays in Episode Ignis when Pryna gives Ignis a future vision of Noctis sacrificing himself. An acapella version plays when Luna is summoning Leviathan, and an instrumental version plays when Titan arrives to subdue Leviathan.
  21. Dawn — 1:52
    Plays when Noctis sacrifices himself.
  22. Imperial Infiltration — 4:00
    Plays when the party infiltrates Fort Vaullerey.
  23. Veiled in Black (Arrangement) — 1:51
    Plays in battles set in Niflheim territory.
  24. Prelude (for World of Wonder) — 2:56
  25. NOX AETERNA (E3 2013 Trailer) - Bonus Track — 3:41
  26. Fight Fantastica (TGS 2014 Trailer) - Bonus Track — 2:28
  27. Veiled Aggression (Jump Fiesta 2015 Trailer) - Bonus Track — 2:22
  28. Song of the Stars - Dawn (Gamescom 2015 Trailer) - Bonus Track — 2:55
  29. APOCALYPSIS NOCTIS (Uncovered Trailer) - Bonus Track — 2:13
  30. Under Siege — 2:19
  31. Diamond Weapon — 2:19
  32. Sombre Return — 1:03
  33. Glaive Infiltration — 1:47
  34. Treaty Signing — 4:49
  35. The General and the King — 3:26
  36. Battle for the Crown City — 6:11
  37. NYX — 2:47
  38. Into Oblivion — 0:47
  39. Optimism — 1:18
  40. Solidarity — 2:56
  41. Indomitable — 1:17
  42. Unforgettable — 1:20
  43. On the Road — 1:45
  44. Suspense — 1:06
  45. Serenity — 1:59
  46. Foreboding — 0:50
  47. Whirlwind — 1:37
  48. The Daemon Cometh — 0:55
  49. Gotta Run — 2:13
  50. Benevolence — 1:44
  51. Winds of Change — 1:14
  52. Take Flight — 1:24
  53. Beneath the Trees — 1:23
  54. First Light — 1:52
  55. Phantomwind — 1:32
  56. Carnage — 2:08
  57. In Memoriam — 1:02
  58. Awakening — 1:58
  59. Riding the Wind — 1:11


Final Fantasy XV


  • Yoko Shimomura: 1, 4~8, 12~23, 25~29
  • Tetsuya Shibata: 2, 3, 9, 11
  • Nobuo Uematsu: 10, 24


  • Mitsuhiro Ohta: 6, 10
  • Yoshitaka Suzuki: 24
  • Tetsuya Shibata: 2, 3, 9, 11
  • Yoko Shimomura: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12~23, 25~29
Kingsglaive Final Fantasy XV
  • John Graham: 30~36
  • Yoko Shimomura: 37
Brotherhood Final Fantasy XV
  • Susumu Akizuki: 38, 42, 46~48, 51~54, 56, 58
  • Yasuhisa Inoue: 39~41, 43~45, 49, 50, 55, 57, 59

External links[]
