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All Sounds of SaGa is a compilation soundtrack, containing all the tracks from the Final Fantasy Legend Game Boy trilogy (known as SaGa in Japan) as well as an exclusive arranged track.

The booklet contains an introduction to each game, bios and artwork of the main cast and monsters, and liner notes from the four composers.

The album is distributed on digital platforms in three separate albums for each game. The track names are given English translations and these serve the basis for the tracklist below. The first two were released on February 28, 2005, while the third was released on June 28, 2006. The bonus arrangement is sold with The Final Fantasy Legend soundtrack, and released as a bonus track which cannot be bought individually.

Track list[]

Disc One (50:41)[]

The Final Fantasy Legend
  1. Prologue — 2:11
    (プロローグ, Purorōgu?)
  2. Main Theme — 1:38
    (メインテーマ, Mein Tēma?)
  3. Town Theme — 1:46
    (街のテーマ, Machi no Tēma?)
  4. Battle — 0:35
    (戦闘, Sentō?)
  5. Eat the Meat — 0:40
    (Eat the meat, Īto za mīto?)
  6. The Bandit Cave — 1:47
    (魔窟, Makutsu?)
  7. Hurry Up!
    — 1:20(Hurry up!, Harī appu!?)
  8. Fierce Battle — 1:25
    (激闘, Gekitō?)
  9. Requiem — 1:03
    (レクイエム, Rekuiemu?)
  10. The Forbidden Tower — 1:22
    (禁断の塔, Kindan no Tō?)
  11. Wipe Your Tears Away — 2:27
    (涙を拭いて, Namida o Fuite?)
  12. Warriors Ascendant — 1:18
    (魔界塔士, Makai Tōshi?)
  13. The Top Floor — 0:58
    (最上階, Saijōkai?)
  14. Enraged Battle — 1:48
    (怒闘, Dotō?)
  15. Epilogue — 2:32
    (エピローグ, Epirōgu?)
Final Fantasy Legend II
  1. The Legend Begins — 1:53
    (伝説は始まる, Densetsu wa Hajimaru?)
  2. In Search of Hidden Treasures
    (秘宝を求めて, Hihō o Motomete?, lit. In Search of Magi) — 1:08
  3. Lethal Strike — 1:33
    (必殺の一撃, Hissatsu no Ichigeki?)
  4. Eat the Meat — 0:41
    (Eat the meat, Īto za mīto?)
  5. The Tranquil Earth — 2:27
    (安らぎの大地, Yasuragi no Daichi?)
  6. Theme of the Hero — 1:04
    (勇者のテーマ, Yūsha no Tēma?)
  7. Pillar of Heaven — 1:12
    (天の柱, Ten no Hashira?)
  8. Ravine of Darkness — 1:14
    (闇の狭間で, Yami no Hazama de?)
  9. Lost Soul — 0:58
    (さまよえる魂, Samayoeru Tamashii?)
  10. Theme of a New God — 1:24
    (新しき神のテーマ, Atarashiki Kami no Tēma?)
  11. Yikes! — 0:18
    (あっ!!, A—!!?)
  12. Struggle to the Death — 1:16
    (死闘の果てに, Shitō no Hate ni?)
  13. Secret of Treasure — 2:10
    (秘宝の謎, Hihō no Nazo?, lit. Secret of the Magi)
  14. Never Give Up — 1:32
    (Never give up, Nebā gibu appu?)
  15. Wipe Your Tears Away — 2:24
    (涙を拭いて, Namida o Fuite?)
  16. Boiling Blood — 1:46
    (燃える血潮, Moeru Chishio?)
  17. Save the World — 1:42
    (Save the world, Sēbu za wārudo?)
  18. Ending Theme 1 — 2:31
    (エンディングテーマ1, Endingu Tēma Ichi?)
  19. Ending Theme 2 — 0:38
    (エンディングテーマ2, Endingu Tēma Ni?)

Disc Two (37:01)[]

Final Fantasy Legend III
  1. Opening — 1:25
    (オープニング, Ōpuningu?)
  2. Journey to the Future — 0:58
    (未来への旅立��, Mirai e no Tabidachi?)
  3. Deep — 1:23
    (ディープ, Dīpu?)
  4. Oasis — 1:02
    (オアシス, Oashisu?)
  5. Battle! — 1:01
    (戦!, Sen!?)
  6. Holy Ruins — 2:03
    (聖なる遺跡, Seinaru Iseki?)
  7. Stronghold — 1:30
    (要塞, Yōsai?)
  8. Extradimensional Gods — 1:21
    (異次元の神々, Ijigen no Kamigami?, lit. Masters of Pureland)
  9. Eat the Meat — 0:49
    (Eat the meat, Īto za mīto?)
  10. Warrior's Respite — 1:31
    (戦士の休息, Senshi no Kyūsoku?)
  11. Another Dimension — 1:01
    (異次元のテーマ, Ijigen no Tēma?, lit. Theme of Pureland)
  12. Exotic Town — 1:47
    (異郷の町, Ikyō no Machi?)
  13. Dungeon — 0:59
    (ダンジョン, Danjon?)
  14. The Talon — 1:08
    (ステスロス, Sutesurosu?)
  15. Lunacy — 0:46
    (狂気, Kyōki?)
  16. Holding Back Tears — 1:18
    (涙をこらえて, Namida o Koraete?)
  17. Dark Zone — 1:06
    (ダークゾーン, Dāku Zōn?)
  18. Xagor's Lair — 1:10
    (ラグナの宮殿, Raguna no Kyūden?)
  19. Divine Battle — 1:05
    (神戦, Kamisen?)
  20. Champions of Time and Space — 1:24
    (時空の覇者, Jikū no Hasha?)
Final Fantasy Legend Arrange Version (Sa・Gaアレンジバージョン, Sa Ga Arenji Bājon?)
  1. Journey's End (Arrangement of Prologue, Town Theme, Wipe Your Tears Away & Epilogue) — 12:14
    ([Journey's End] プロローグ~街のテーマ~メインテーマ~涙を拭いて~エピローグ, Sa Ga Arenji Bājon [Jānīzu Endo] Purorōgu ~ Machi no Tēma ~ Mein Tēma ~ Namida o Fuite ~ Epirōgu?)


  • Composition/Arrangement: Nobuo Uematsu - CD1 1~17, 19, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30~32 / CD2 21
  • Composition/Arrangement: Kenji Ito - CD1 18, 20, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 33, 34
  • Composition/Arrangement: Ryuji Sasai - CD2 2, 4~8, 11~14, 16~19
  • Composition/Arrangement: Chihiro Fujioka - CD2 3, 10, 15, 20
  • Composition: Nobuo Uematsu / Arrangement: Ryuji Sasai - CD2 1, 9

Production credits[]

Nobuo Uematsu
Kensuke Matsushita
Nobuo Uematsu
Kenji Ito
Ryuji Sasai
Chihiro Fujioka
Tadashi Nomura
Mitsumasa Ikeda
Takamitsu Okumura at Sunrise Studio
Katsutoshi Fujioka
Cover art work
Caramel Mama
Shusuke Kajino
Executive producer
Yoshitomo Ogata
Special thanks to
Akitoshi "Game Master" Kawazu
Keitaro Adachi
Tomoki Anazawa
Takashi Tokita
Naoki Okabe

External links[]
