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Final Fantasy X HD Remaster Original Soundtrack is a Blu-ray album featuring all 94 tracks from Final Fantasy X HD Remaster with 10 bonus tracks from Final Fantasy X-2. It cost $59.99 on the North American Square Enix Online Store and is included in the PlayStation 3 Collector's Edition of Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster. Over 60 songs were newly arranged by Masashi Hamauzu, Junya Nakano, Tsutomu Narita, Hirosato Noda, and Ryo Yamazaki. The version of "Via Purifico" on the album originates from the album Piano Collections: Final Fantasy X, while "Beyond the Darkness" comes from Masashi Hamauzu's album Vielen Dank. All other songs are in their original version.
Unlike other original soundtrack albums, this one comes on a Blu-ray disc. The disc is not playable in CD or DVD players—owners must play the disc through a Blu-ray video player. The playback includes the 104 audio tracks, plus a selection of music videos. The Japanese and western releases are the same disc, so song lyrics are displayed in Japanese only.
If inserted into a computer's Blu-ray drive, the disc also contains 320Kb MP3 versions of the audio tracks that can be copied off the disc and played through any standard music application. The track names are listed in both Japanese and English, with Japanese artist names.
Track list[]
Track names are the official English names. Names in brackets are the alternately used ones.
- "Zenbuhanashiteokitainda[sic]" ["I Want To Tell You Everything"] — 0:09
(『全部話しておきたいんだ』, "Zenbu Hanashite Okitai Nda"?)- Tidus's Japanese voice actor, Masakazu Morita, states in Japanese the game's opening line–"Listen to my story. This... may be our last chance."
- Zanarkand [At Zanarkand] [note 1]
(ザナルカンドにて, Zanarukando nite?) — 3:02- Used during the opening sequence and at the "The End" screen. It also plays at Home when the party is searching for Yuna.
The new track largely follows the same instrumentation as the original, but is performed on a real piano, with less bass and with a pianissimo / piano opening. The Square Enix soundtrack sample website, and the soundtrack booklet, differ in the credits and the website doesn't list the vocalists. The booklet credits Nobuo Uematsu as the sole composer and arranger. The website credits Hamauzu for rearranging the theme. "Zanarkand" is the only theme with this discrepancy.
- Used during the opening sequence and at the "The End" screen. It also plays at Home when the party is searching for Yuna.
- Prelude [note 1] — 4:40
(プレリュード, Pureryūdo?)- This techno remix of the traditional theme is used as Tidus greets his fans at the beginning and during the Sphere Grid tutorial.
Originally by Nobuo Uematsu, rearranged by Hirosato Noda. Has an overall more ethereal and electronic sound with new background noises in places and more instrumental "oomph."
- This techno remix of the traditional theme is used as Tidus greets his fans at the beginning and during the Sphere Grid tutorial.
- Tidus's Theme [note 1] — 3:45
(ティーダのテーマ, Tīda no Tēma?)- Used during the sequence in which Tidus travels through Dream Zanarkand to the blitzball stadium and later aboard the S.S. Winno.
Originally by Nobuo Uematsu, rearranged by Masashi Hamauzu; it is a more muted arrangement, eliminating the use of harmonica and adding a steel string guitar.
- Used during the sequence in which Tidus travels through Dream Zanarkand to the blitzball stadium and later aboard the S.S. Winno.
- Otherworld — 3:16
- Used during the blitzball sequence in the opening and during the battle with Braska's Final Aeon. In the HD Remaster version, this track is used for both the blitzball sequence and the battle, whereas the PlayStation 2 release had a different version for the battle with a new percussion section and baseline.
Composed by Nobuo Uematsu, arranged by The Black Mages' rhythm guitarist Michio Okamiya, with lyrics by Takuya Sugimoto and performed by Bill Muir. Like all tracks with vocals on the album, it was not rearranged.
- Used during the blitzball sequence in the opening and during the battle with Braska's Final Aeon. In the HD Remaster version, this track is used for both the blitzball sequence and the battle, whereas the PlayStation 2 release had a different version for the battle with a new percussion section and baseline.
- Run!! [Hurry!!] [note 1]
(急げ!!, Isoge!!?) — 2:55- Played throughout the sequence in which Auron and Tidus flee through the streets of Zanarkand and battle Sinspawn. Used during certain critical battles and during the fights with Dark Ifrit and Dark Yojimbo.
Composed by Junya Nakano, new arrangement also by Junya Nakano. It is extended with a new section added. More instrumentation is added, resulting in a more intense feel and a faster pace. The use of pipe organ is eliminated.
- Played throughout the sequence in which Auron and Tidus flee through the streets of Zanarkand and battle Sinspawn. Used during certain critical battles and during the fights with Dark Ifrit and Dark Yojimbo.
- This Is Your Story [note 1]
(これはお前の物語だ, Kore wa Omae no Monogatarida?) — 2:22- Played as Tidus is sucked away from his Zanarkand and Auron tells him "This is your story. It all begins here."
Composed by Junya Nakano, new arrangement also by Junya Nakano. A more peaceful arrangement overall, with a more natural feel to the instrumentation.
- Played as Tidus is sucked away from his Zanarkand and Auron tells him "This is your story. It all begins here."
- Creep [Ominous] [note 1]
(不気味, Bukimi?) — 5:38- Played at the ruins of Baaj Temple.
Composed by Junya Naknao, new arrangement also by Junya Nakano. The length is nearly doubled from that of the original version. The track features additional panning and use of soft drums, as well as a more ominous and louder background sound.
- Played at the ruins of Baaj Temple.
- Battle Theme [Normal Battle] [note 1] — 3:22
(ノーマルバトル, Nōmaru Batoru?)- The game's normal battle theme; it is played during almost all random encounters.
Composed by Nobuo Uematsu, new arrangement by Uematsu and Tsutomu Narita. The new version features increased use of guitar, more bass, and a cleaner feel to the music. It was done using real instruments. Narita stated of the track "I wanted to rearrange the song to have a grander sound while maintaining the mood of the original at the same time. Brass and string instruments were already important elements of the original song, so we decided to expand into a full orchestral piece by adding other instruments as well."[1]
- The game's normal battle theme; it is played during almost all random encounters.
- Victory Fanfare [note 1] — 1:33
(勝利のファンファーレ, Shōri no Fanfāre?)- The game's victory fanfare plays after winning most battles.
Composed by Nobuo Uematsu, new arrangement by Uematsu and Tsutomu Narita. While the general melody and style are the same, the remastered version uses less drums and real instruments, somewhat changing its feel.
- The game's victory fanfare plays after winning most battles.
- Game Over [note 1] — 0:38
(ゲームオーバー, Gēmu Ōbā?)- Played if the party loses a battle. A portion of it is an arrangement of "Suteki da ne."
Originally by Nobuo Uematsu, rearranged by Masashi Hamauzu. Harpsichord is eliminated in favor of a more grand orchestral arrangement.
- Played if the party loses a battle. A portion of it is an arrangement of "Suteki da ne."
- Out Of The Frying Pan [No Hopes or Dreams] [note 1] — 3:06
(夢も希望もありません, Yume mo Kibō mo Arimasen?)- Played when Tidus is inside Baaj Temple; the title refers to his narration "I had made it out of the frying pan and into the freezer." It is also used in Macalania Temple.
Originally by Nobuo Uematsu, new arrangement by Masashi Hamauzu. The track uses real instruments instead of synthetic and feels softer compared to the original. The shaking of the idiophone instrument in the background is de-emphasized.
- Played when Tidus is inside Baaj Temple; the title refers to his narration "I had made it out of the frying pan and into the freezer." It is also used in Macalania Temple.
- Leap In The Dark [Secret Maneuverings] [note 1] — 1:27
(暗躍, An'yaku?)- Played when the Al Bhed capture Tidus and before some boss battles. Also plays when the Fahrenheit is attacked by fiends and when fighting Dark Ixion.
Composed by Junya Nakano, new arrangement also by Junya Nakano. The percussive instruments in the background are de-emphasized and the track sounds cleaner due to the use of real instruments, but the overall feel is the same.
- Played when the Al Bhed capture Tidus and before some boss battles. Also plays when the Fahrenheit is attacked by fiends and when fighting Dark Ixion.
- Underwater Ruins [note 1] — 4:17
(海底遺跡, Kaitei Iseki?)- Played during Rikku and Tidus's exploration of the Underwater Ruins of the Fahrenheit. Composed by Junya Nakano, new arrangement also by Junya Nakano. New background instrumentals give the track a more ethereal feel and the track feels cleaner due to the use of real instruments.
- Oui Are Al Bhed [note 1] — 3:24
(チイはアルベド族, Chī wa Arubedo-zoku?)- This theme plays when Tidus talks to Rikku about his story.
Originally by Nobuo Uematsu, new arrangement by Junya Nakano. The overall feel is similar to the original.
- This theme plays when Tidus talks to Rikku about his story.
- Enemy Attack [note 1] — 2:50
(敵襲, Tekishū?)- The game's usual boss theme. Composed by Junya Nakano, new arrangement also by Junya Nakano. Real instruments are favored in place of synthesized ones. The background drums are louder, the background chanting is more muted and the tempo is slightly faster.
- The Blitzers [Men Staked on Blitz] [note 1]
(ブリッツに賭けた男達, Burittsu ni Kaketa Otokotachi?) — 3:54- A livelier and more energetic arrangement of "Tidus's Theme." It first plays when Tidus arrives on the beach on Besaid. Also used upon the arrival of the S.S. Winno in Luca and when Wakka is substituted for Tidus in the match against the Luca Goers.
Originally by Nobuo Uematsu, new arrangement by Masashi Hamauzu. The real instruments used have less of a tinny sound than the original, and the song packs more oomph with new background instrumentals.
- A livelier and more energetic arrangement of "Tidus's Theme." It first plays when Tidus arrives on the beach on Besaid. Also used upon the arrival of the S.S. Winno in Luca and when Wakka is substituted for Tidus in the match against the Luca Goers.
- Besaid [Besaid Island] [note 1] — 3:27
(ビサイド島, Bisaido Shima?)- The theme of the sunny island of Besaid, it plays when wandering around most areas other than the village itself.
Composed by Masashi Hamauzu, new arrangement also by Masashi Hamauzu. The theme is one of the most significantly changed from that of the original soundtrack. At 3:27, it is over a minute shorter and the background beat throughout most of the track has a more synthetic sound and begins sooner. The bass line of the original track is removed. In certain areas, there is a choral sound, as well as the sounds of water.
- The theme of the sunny island of Besaid, it plays when wandering around most areas other than the village itself.
- Spira Unplugged [Spiran Scenery] [note 1] — 2:14
(スピラの情景, Supira no Jōkei?)- First plays in Besaid Village and later in Kilika Port.br />Originally composed by Nobuo Uematsu and arranged by Masashi Hamauzu, new arrangement by Hamauzu. The use of original instruments gives the track a cleaner, crisper sound. The song is played at a higher pitch, without the use of reverb. The melody is a variation of "Suteki da ne." It is about 30 seconds shorter than its original version.
- Hymn Of The Fayth [Song of Prayer] — 0:43
(祈りの歌, Inori no Uta?) - Phantoms [Illusion] [note 1] — 3:44
(幻想, Gensō?)- This theme plays at Lake Macalania and also during Tidus's flashback of his mother while resting at Wakka's house. Originally by Junya Nakano, new version also by Nakano. It has a softer feel that adds to the atmosphere of the scene, with stronger chime effects.
- The Trials [Between the Trials] — 3:34
(試練の間, Shiren no Ma?) - Hymn - Valefor [Song of Prayer ~ Valefor] — 0:42
(祈りの歌~ヴァルファーレ, Inori no Uta ~ Varufāre?) - The Summoning [note 1] — 4:15
(召喚, Shōkan?) - Braska's Daughter [Daughter of the Great Summoner] — 3:45
(大召喚士の娘, Dai Shōkanshi no Musume?) - Good Night [note 1] — 0:13
(おやすみ, Oyasumi?) - Yuna's Theme [note 1] — 3:33
(ユウナのテーマ, Yūna no Tēma?) - Movement In Green [Sprouting] [note 1] — 6:40
(萌動, Hōdō?) - The Sending [Farplane Sending] — 1:35
(異界送り, Ikai Okuri?) - Calm Before The Storm [note 1] — 3:07
(嵐の前の静けさ, Arashi no Mae no Shizukesa?) - Hymn - Ifrit [Song of Prayer ~ Ifrit] — 0:41
(祈りの歌~イフリート, Inori no Uta ~ Ifurīto?) - Luca [note 1] — 3:39
(ルカ, Ruka?) - Grand Maester Mika [Reception for Grand Maester Mika] [note 1] — 2:36
(マイカ総老師歓迎, Maika Sōrōshi Kangei?) - Decision On The Dock [Inflexible Determination] [note 1] — 1:16
(不撓の決意, Futō no Ketsui?) - The Splendid Performance — 3:32
- Face Off [Confrontation] [note 1] — 2:06
(対峙, Taiji?) - Blitz Off! [note 1] — 3:35
- Auron's Theme [note 1] — 2:45
(アーロンのテーマ, Āron no Tēma?) - Mi'ihen Highroad [note 1] — 2:57
(ミヘン街道, Mihen Kaidō?) - Chocobo Jam [Brass de Chocobo] [note 1] — 2:51
(ブラスdeチョコボ, Burasu de Chokobo?) - The Travel Agency [note 1] — 3:04
(旅行公司, Ryokō Kōshi?) - They May Pass [note 1] — 1:11
(通行を許可します, Tsūkō o Kyokashimasu?) - Seymour's Theme [note 1] — 3:03
(シーモアのテーマ, Shīmoa no Tēma?) - Twilight [note 1] — 5:12
(宵闇, Yoiyami?) - Djose Temple — 3:19
(ジョゼ寺院, Joze Jīn?) - Hymn - Ixion [Song of Prayer ~ Ixion] — 0:40
(祈りの歌~イクシオン, Inori no Uta ~ Ikushion?) - Ridess The Shoopuf? — 4:11
(シパーフ乗るぅ?, Shipāfu Norū??) - Rikku's Theme [note 1] — 4:04
(リュックのテーマ, Ryukku no Tēma?) - Guadosalam [note 1] — 3:39
(グアドサラム, Guadosaramu?) - Thunder Plains [note 1] — 4:21
(雷平原, Kaminari Heigen?) - Jecht's Theme [note 1] — 2:31
(ジェクトのテーマ, Jekuto no Tēma?) - Macalania Woods — 3:18
(マカラーニャの森, Makarānya no Mori?) - The Void [Mist Sea] [note 1] — 2:17
(霧海, Bōkai?) - The Temple Players [Temple Band] [note 1] — 2:34
(寺院楽隊, Jīn Gakutai?) - Seymour's Ambition [note 1] — 2:18
(シーモアの野望, Shīmoa no Yabō?) - Hymn - Shiva [Song of Prayer ~ Shiva] — 0:42
(祈りの歌~シヴァ, Inori no Uta ~ Shiva?) - Pursuit [The Pursuers] [note 1] — 2:25
(迫りくる者たち, Semari Kuru Monotachi?) - The Burning Sands [Blazing Desert] [note 1] — 4:05
(灼熱の砂漠, Shakunetsu no Sabaku?) - Peril [Crisis] — 4:03
(危機, Kiki?) - The Truth Revealed [Revealed Truth] [note 1] — 4:14
(明かされた真実, Akasareta Shinjitsu?) - Launch [Takeoff] [note 1] — 3:24
(発進, Hasshin?) - The Wedding [note 1] — 1:15
(結婚式, Kekkonshiki?) - Assault [note 1] — 4:10
(襲撃, Shūgeki?) - Tragedy [note 1] — 4:08
(悲劇, Higeki?) - Believe [I Can Fly] [note 1] — 1:29
(私は飛べる, Watashi wa Toberu?) - Via Purifico [Path of Repentance] [note 2] — 3:15
(浄罪の路, Jōzai no Michi?) - Hymn - Bahamut — 0:42 [Song of Prayer ~ Bahamut]
(祈りの歌~バハムート, Inori no Uta ~ Bahamūto?) - Moment Of Truth [Judgement Time] — 3:39
(審判の時, Shinpan no Toki?) - Patricide [Father Murderer] — 2:42
(父を殺めた男, Chichi o Ayameta Otoko?) - SUTEKI DA NE (Isn't It Wonderful?) — 5:37
(素敵だね, Suteki da ne?)- Performed by RIKKI
- Yuna's Decision [note 1] — 5:04
(ユウナの決意, Yūna no Ketsui?) - Lulu's Theme — 3:54
(ルールーのテーマ, Rūrū no Tēma?) - Bravely Forward [Brave Advancement] — 3:28
(勇ましく進め, Isamashiku Susume?) - Hymn - Yojimbo [Song of Prayer ~ Yojimbo] — 0:43
(祈りの歌~ようじんぼう, Inori no Uta ~ Yōjinbō?) - Servants of the Mountain [People of the Far North] [note 1] — 4:51
(極北の民, Kyokuhoku no Tami?) - Hymn - The Ronso [Song of Prayer ~ Ronso Tribe] — 0:44
(祈りの歌~ロンゾ族, Inori no Uta ~ Ronzo Zoku?) - Wandering [Wandering Flame] [note 1] — 3:09
(彷徨の炎, Hōkō no Honō?) - A Fleeting Dream [note 1] — 4:34
(いつか終わる夢, Itsuka Owaru Yume?) - Hymn - Yunalesca [Song of Prayer ~ Yunalesca] — 0:43
(祈りの歌~ユウナレスカ, Inori no Uta ~ Yūnaresuka?) - Challenge [note 1] — 4:09
(挑戦, Chōsen?) - Beyond The Darkness [At the End of the Abyss] (From Hamauzu album Vielen Dank) — 2:18
(深淵の果てに, Shin'en no Hate ni?) - Gloom [note 1] — 4:29
(暗澹, Antan?) - Hymn - Spira [Song of Prayer ~ Spira] — 0:45
(祈りの歌~スピラ, Inori no Uta ~ Supira?) - The Unsent Laugh [The Deceased Laugh] [note 1] — 3:44
(死人(しびと)が笑う, Shibito (shi bito) ga Warau?) - Fight With Seymour [Seymour Battle] [note 1] — 5:47
(シーモアバトル, Shīmoa Batoru?) - Hymn - Anima [Song of Prayer ~ Anima] — 0:44
(祈りの歌~アニマ, Inori no Uta ~ Anima?) - A Contest of Aeons [Summoned Beast Battle] [note 1]— 5:58
(召喚獣バトル, Shōkanjū Batoru?) - Final Battle [Decisive Battle] [note 1] — 5:49
(決戦, Kessen?)- Used in the battle against Yu Yevon.
Composed by Masashi Hamauzu, new arrangement also by Masashi Hamauzu. The arranged version uses real instruments and replaces the piano with the xylophone.
- Used in the battle against Yu Yevon.
- Ending Theme — 5:31
- "Omoidashitekudasai[sic]" ["Please Remember"] — 0:18
(『思い出してください』, Omoidashite Kudasai?) - SUTEKI DA NE (Isn't It Wonderful?) Orchestra Version — 6:24
(素敵だね-オーケストラ・ヴァージョン-, Suteki da ne -Ōkesutora Vājon-?)- Performed by RIKKI
- OMAKE.1 ("Illusion") — 3:47
(おまけ1, Omake 1?) - OMAKE.2 ("Nostalgia") — 2:35
(おまけ2, Omake 2?) - OMAKE.3 ("Wakka's Theme") — 3:38
(おまけ3, Omake 3?)- Final Fantasy X-2
- Kuon -Memories Of Waves And Light- [Eternity ~Memories of Light and Waves~] — 2:37
(久遠 ~光と波の記憶~, Kuon ~Hikari to Nami no Kioku~?) - YuRiPa, Fight! No.1 — 1:31
(ユリパファイト No.1, YuRiPa Faito No.1?) - YuRiPa, Fight! No.3 — 1:47
(ユリパファイト No.3, YuRiPa Faito No.3?) - Let me blow you a kiss [I'll Give You Something Hot] — 2:10
(お熱いのをくれてやるよ, O Atsui no o Kurete Yaru Yo?) - Besaid — 2:50
(ビサイド, Bisaido?) - The Youth League — 2:40
(青年同盟, Seinen Doumei?) - Yuna's Ballad — 3:03
(ユウナのバラード, Yūna no Barādo?) - The Farplane Abyss — 2:24
(異界の深淵, Ikai no Shinen?) - Vegnagun Awakens [Vegnagun Activating] — 2:34
(ヴェグナガン起動, Vegunagan Kidou?) - Epilogue -A Reunion- — 3:23
(エピローグ ~再会~, Epirōgu ~Saikai~?)
Original Composition:
- Nobuo Uematsu: 2~5, 9~12, 15, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25~31, 38~40, 42, 43, 45~48, 51, 55, 56, 60, 66, 67, 69~74, 76, 78, 79, 83~86, 89, 91, 93, 94
- Masashi Hamauzu: 18, 35~37, 41, 50, 52, 58,59, 61~65, 68, 75, 77, 80, 81, 88
- Junya Nakano: 6~8, 13, 14, 16, 21, 24, 32~34, 44, 49, 53, 54, 57, 82, 87, 92
- Noriko Matsueda, Takahito Eguchi: 95~104
- Nobuo Uematsu: 2, 5, 9, 10, 22, 25, 40, 45, 47, 69, 72, 73, 85, 93,94
- Masashi Hamauzu: 4, 11, 12, 17~20, 23, 26, 29, 31, 35, 37, 39, 41, 46, 50~52, 56, 58~68, 74~81, 83, 84, 86, 88
- Junya Nakano: 6~8, 13~16, 21, 24, 27, 28, 30, 32~34, 36, 38, 42~44, 48, 49, 53~55, 57, 71, 82, 87, 92
- Tsutomu Narita: 9, 10, 40, 85
- Hirosato Noda: 3
- Ryo Yamazaki: 37, 78, 80
- Shiro Hamaguchi: 70, 89, 91
- Noriko Matsueda, Takahito Eguchi: 95~104
Original 2001 Versions: 1, 5, 20, 22, 23, 25, 29, 31, 35, 45~47, 52, 56, 59, 67~70, 72~74, 76, 79, 83, 86, 89~94
2013 Arrangements: 2~4, 6~19, 21, 24, 26~28, 30, 32~34, 36~44, 48~51, 53~55, 57, 58, 60~66, 71, 75, 77, 78, 80~82, 84, 85, 87, 88
Original 2003 Versions: 95~104
See also[]
- Final Fantasy X: Original Soundtrack
- Music from Final Fantasy X Promo CD
- Suteki da ne
- Final Fantasy X Vocal Collection
- Feel/Go Dream: Yuna & Tidus
- Piano Collections: Final Fantasy X
- ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.48 1.49 1.50 1.51 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.55 1.56 1.57 1.58 1.59 New Arrangement
- ↑ From Piano Collections: Final Fantasy X