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Remodeling is a means of upgrading weapons in Final Fantasy XV: Comrades. By using collectable treasures, a weapon's base stats, level, and effects can be improved and altered.


Available weapon types are katana, club, dagger, shuriken, polearm, crossbow, and shield. All weapons can be leveled up, but some weapons come with preset abilities and remodeling requirements. If remodeling requirements are met, the weapon can be leveled up into a more powerful weapon. In order to remodel such a weapon, all of the progress bars under its stats must be filled; this must be done before the weapon reaches its maximum level or else the weapon will no longer be upgradeable. Some weapons can be remodeled into more than one weapon depending on the how they are upgraded.


Unlike in the main game, katana has been moved from the two-handed weapon type to its own unique group. The katana boasts excellent range and mobility. Moving in different directions allows the wielder to move about the field while attacking.

Katana Level Attack Stats Effect Slots Location
Katana 1/30 202 +12 Strength — 2 Starting Weapon

Weapons Shop (Lestallum) Devon Elkton's Weapon Trading Post (Meldacio Hunter HQ)

Onikiri 1/30 282 — Offensive Spell: Fire 2 Weapon Trading Post (Cauthess Depot)
Nobukuni 1/20 281 +8 Strength, +8 Spirit Prime Boost II 2 Weapons Shop (Lestallum) from Arms Schematics


Maces are slow but can destroy appendages with ease. Holding the attack button allows the wielder to channel their strength into a devastating charge attack.

Mace Level Attack Stats Effect
Mythril Hammer 1/50 120 +10 Strength Lightbound
Imperial Axe 1/53 180 +10 Strength Soulsiphon
Vesper Mace 1/45 150 +10 Strength Curative Spell: Cura


Daggers come in pairs and allow the wielder to strike swiftly.

Daggers Level Attack Stats Effect
Crimson Flashes 1/48 88 +20% Fire Resist Flamebound, Warp Combo: Fira
Avengers 1/45 72 — Last Stand


Shuriken allow the wielder to strike enemies in the air or from afar.

Shuriken Level Attack Stats Effect
Kagenui 1/35 24 — Petrifier
Fuma Shuriken 1/35 65 — Deathbearer
Raiton Shuriken 1/55 96 +10% Lightning Resist Stormbound, Offensive Spell: Thundara
Fubuki 1/30 38 — Offensive Spell: Blizzard, Frostbound


Polearms allow the wielder to move around the field with ease. Ideal for fast-paced battles.

Polearm Level Attack Stats Effect
Javelin 1/20 223 +200 HP, +10 Strength, +10 Vitality, +20% Shot Resist Crusher II
Halberd 1/30 239 +300 HP, +28 Strength Undaunted X
Mythril Lance 1/53 236 +16 Strength, +16 Magic, +10 Spiri, +30% Dark Resist Lightbound, Critical Boost X


Crossbows allow the wielder to target enemies from afar. Holding B / Circle allows the wielder to channel their strength into a devastating charge attack.

Crossbow Level Attack Stats Effect
Crossbow 1/20 140 +12 Spirit Crusher II
Venom Bow 1/20 84 +5 Spirit Poisontouch II
Osmose Bow 1/30 93 — Soulsiphon


Defense-oriented armaments that boost HP and vitality. Reduce damage taken from enemy attacks. Shields can be upgraded, but most shields cannot be remodeled into new shields.

Shield Level Attack Stats Effect
Flame Shield 1/30 151 — None. Can have one effect upon upgrade.
Ice Shield 1/30 151 — None. Can have one effect upon upgrade.
Storm Shield 1/30 151 — None. Can have one effect upon upgrade.


Treasures are items that can be purchased, collected by mining, or earned through hunts or donations. Each treasure possesses stats and effects that can be conferred to weapons through remodeling.

Treasure EXP HP MP STR VIT MAG SPI Resistance Effect
Accursed Coin 490 — — +2 — — — +2% Dark Critical Boost
Ammonite Fossil 450 — — — — +3 — — —
Anak Antlers 890 — — — — +2 — — Penetrator II


Effects are the properties that weapons can have naturally or that can be gained through remodeling. Unlike player buffs, effects are a permanent feature of a weapon unless the effect is swapped out during the remodeling process. Most weapons can have a maximum of two effects, while some weapons can only have one.

Effect Description Treasures Weapons
Air Supremacy Damage output increases by 10% when attacking in midair. Chrome Bit —
Air Supremacy II Damage output increases by 30% when attacking in midair. Griffon Claw Dragoon Lance
Air Supremacy X Damage output increases by 50% when attacking in midair. Insect Stinger Mutant Star of the Rogue, Wyvern Lance
Anti-Confusion Occasionally prevents confusion. Armor of Discord

Scaled Skin

Anti-Death Occasionally prevents instant death. Catoblepas Eyeball —
Anti-Poison Occasionally prevents poison. Gator Liver —
Anti-Stone Occasionally prevents petrifaction. Malboro Vine —
Anti-Stop Occasionally prevents stop. Treant Branch —
Barrier Saver Reduces MP cost of projecting a barrier by 20%. Rough Scales —
Barrier Saver II Reduces MP cost of projecting a barrier by 30%. Ancient Cloth Elemental Shield
Barrier Saver X Reduces MP cost of projecting a barrier by 50%. Watchman's Building Stone Wizard Shield
Blade Dance Performs a dance that boosts the power of charge attacks. — Dancing Blade
Bonecrusher Standard attacks have a small chance of reducing enemies' attack power by 10%. Garula Tusk Thanatos' Bow
Bonecrusher II Standard attacks have a small chance of reducing enemies' attack power by 20%. Crimson Tongue Devastator Crossbow
Bonecrusher X Standard attacks have a small chance of reducing enemies' attack power by 30%. — Gneisenau
Brink Boost Damage output increases by up to 70% when HP falls below 30%. Dace Scales Cutlasses
Brink Boost II Damage output increases by up to 100% when HP falls below 30%. Reaper Funnybone Stingers
Brink Boost X Damage output increases by up to 150% when HP falls below 30%. Divine Armor Avengers
Charge Boost Charge attacks deal 10% more damage. Giant Crab Pincers Hunter's Bow
Charge Boost II Charge attacks deal 30% more damage. Barbed Poison Needle Great Bow
Charge Boost X Charge attacks deal 50% more damage. Curved Hollowhorn Gastrophetes
Charge Strike: 1,000 Needles Charge attacks change into needle barrages that cost MP. — Cactuar Mace, Gigantuar Mace
Charge Strike: 10,000 Needles Charge attacks change into overwhelming needle barrages that cost MP. — Golden Gigantuar Mace
Charge Strike: Chaosbringer Charge attacks become powerful forward thrusts. — Kain's Lance
Charge Strike: Clearout Charge attacks change into wide-ranged sweeping strikes that cost MP. Dragon Claw Brionac, Koga Shuriken, Koga Shuriken II, Mikazuki, Seismic Shaker
Charge Strike: Flash of Steel Charge attacks become powerful sweeping waves of energy that cost MP. — Honebami
Charge Strike: Lion's Roar Charge attacks become powerful slashing waves of energy that cost MP. — Amenohabakiri
Charge Strike: Savage Swipe Charge attacks change into critical strikes that cost MP. Monster Sharpscale Black Prince, Cassandra's Daggers, Iga Shuriken, Iga Shuriken II, Ogre Hammer, Rokusho, Tadayoshi, Warblade
Combosmosis Replenishes 10 MP after delivering 6 consecutive strikes. Garchimacera Claw Ashura
Combosmosis II Replenishes 20 MP after delivering 6 consecutive strikes. Tattered Rag —
Confuseproof Prevents confusion. — Clarity Shield
Critical Boost Increases critical hit rate by 10%. Accursed Coin —
Critical Boost II Increases critical hit rate by 15%. Catoblepas Fang Rapier Lance
Critical Boost X Increases critical hit rate by 20%. Great Anak Antlers Glauca's Sword, Radiant Lance
Crusher Damage output increases by 10% when targeting enemy appendages. Behemoth Horn Heavy Lance, Twin Bow
Crusher II Damage output increases by 30% when targeting enemy appendages. Catoblepas Molar Arbalest, Knight's Lance
Crusher X Damage output increases by 50% when targeting enemy appendages. Laser Sensor Seismic Shaker
Curative Spell: Cura Caster's default curative spell changes into superior health-restoring magic. Fine Tail Feathers, Treant Sap Panacea Shield, Vesper Mace
Curative Spell: Curaga Caster's default curative spell changes into superlative health-restoring magic. Apple Artemis' Bow, Holy Shield, Vitanova
Curative Spell: Cure Caster's default curative spell changes into stronger health-restoring magic. Thick Hide Hero's Shield
Curative Spell: Esuna Caster's default curative spell also cures the target of various status ailments. Electrolytic Condenser, Treant Trunk Artemis' Bow, Deck Brush, Esuna Bow, Holy Shield, Mukademaru, Panacea Shield
Curative Spell: Poisona Caster's default curative spell also cures the target of poison. Crooked Helixhorn, Slimy Oil Scramasaxes
Curative Spell: Protect Caster's default curative spell also boosts the target's defense. Shield Spike, Tough Hide —
Curative Spell: Protectga Caster's default curative spell also boosts the target's defense. Divine Whiskers —
Curative Spell: Protectra Caster's default curative spell also boosts the target's defense. Fine Slimy Oil —
Curative Spell: Temper Caster's default curative spell also boosts the target's attack. Giant Crab Pincers —
Curative Spell: Tempera Caster's default curative spell also boosts the target's attack. Giant Hairy Horn —
Curative Spell: Temperga Caster's default curative spell also boosts the target's attack. Monstrous Jaw —
Deathproof Prevents instant death. Magic Pot Shard Immortal Aegis
Deathtouch Standard attacks have a small chance of inflicting instant death. Mandrake Root Assassin's Daggers
Deathtouch II Standard attacks have a small chance of inflicting instant death. Malboro Mucilage Fuma Shuriken
Deathtouch X Standard attacks have a small chance of inflicting instant death. Big Scorpion Stinger Conformer
Deathward Increases resilience of barriers projected when in danger. — Ruby Shield
Everspirited Prevents spirit reduction. Occult Charm —
Eversturdy Prevents defense reduction. Crab Carapace —
Everyone's Enmity Damage output increases by 100% when party's average HP falls below 30%. — Kitchen Knives III
Everyone's Grudge Damage output increases by 30% when party's average HP falls below 30%. — Kitchen Knives
Everyone's Rancor Damage output increases by 50% when party's average HP falls below 30%. — Kitchen Knives II
Face-off Boost Damage output increases by 10% when fighting against fewer enemies. Sabertusk Claw —
Face-off Boost II Damage output increases by 20% when fighting against fewer enemies. Monster Claw —
Face-off Boost X Damage output increases by 30% when fighting against fewer enemies. Sinister Sharpscale Iga Shuriken II, Mutant Blade of the Mystic, Samoji
Finisher Final hit of a combo deals 10% more damage. Heavy Scale —
Finisher II Final hit of a combo deals 30% more damage. Antique Coin —
Finisher X Final hit of a combo deals 50% more damage. Scorpion Stinger —
Flamebound Standard attacks inflict fire-type elemental damage. Flame Gemstone Katon Shuriken, Shiranui
Frostbound Standard attacks inflict ice-type elemental damage. Frost Gemstone Fubuki, Suiton Shuriken
Good Fortune Increases experience points received for defeating an enemy by 20%. Rare Coin —
Helmsplitter Standard attacks have a small chance of weakening enemies' defenses by 10%. Sturdy Jawbone Piercing Bow
Helmsplitter II Standard attacks have a small chance of weakening enemies' defenses by 20%. Voretooth Bristles Penetrator Crossbow
Helmsplitter X Standard attacks have a small chance of weakening enemies' defenses by 30%. Dragon Horn —
Immaculate Prevents the wearer from getting dirty. Cactuar Blossom —
Immune Prevents all status ailments. Cactuar Nectar Aegis Shield, Bloody Shield
Intimidator Damage output increases by 10% against smaller enemies. Iron Giant Armor Morning Star
Intimidator II Damage output increases by 30% against smaller enemies. Sabertusk Fang Sabertusk Slayer
Intimidator X Damage output increases by 50% against smaller enemies. Imperial Medal of Honor Gneisenau
Jitterbug Performs a dance when casting a curative spell that boosts attack and defense. — Dancing Daggers
Last Chance Critical hit rate increases by up to 10% when HP falls below 30%. Hard Scale —
Last Chance II Critical hit rate increases by up to 20% when HP falls below 30%. Colorful Griffon Claw —
Last Chance X Critical hit rate increases by up to 30% when HP falls below 30%. Gralean Medal of Distinction —
Lifedrain Standard attacks have a chance of draining HP equivalent to 10% of damage inflicted. Naga Scale Imperial Blades, Rhomphaia
Lifedrain II Standard attacks have a chance of draining HP equivalent to 30% of damage inflicted. Deadly Stinger Imperial X-Blades, Rebel Lance
Lifedrain X Standard attacks have a chance of draining HP equivalent to 50% of damage inflicted. — Cornflower, Hotarumaru
Lightbound Standard attacks inflict light-type elemental damage. Behemoth Incisor Deck Brush, Gastrophetes, Mukademaru, Nehushtan, Osafune, Radiant Lance, Rising Sun
Manastrike Increases damage output by 30% at a cost of 5 MP. Dynamo Jarkh
Manastrike II Increases damage output by 80% at a cost of 10 MP. Curved Fang Mythril Bow
Manastrike X Increases damage output by 200% at a cost of 15 MP. — Elder's Bow
Master Thief Increases item drop rate after defeating an enemy. — Bandit's Blades
Offensive Spell: Blizzaga Caster's default offensive spell changes into superlative ice-type elemental magic. Wicked Claws —
Offensive Spell: Blizzara Caster's default offensive spell changes into superior ice-type elemental magic. Sharp Head Fin Suiton Shuriken
Offensive Spell: Blizzard Caster's default offensive spell changes into ice-type elemental magic. Cryonade Fragment, Prawn Antennae Fubuki
Offensive Spell: Dia Caster's default offensive spell changes into light-type elemental magic. Drooping Whiskers —
Offensive Spell: Diaga Caster's default offensive spell changes into superlative light-type elemental magic. — Lohengrins
Offensive Spell: Diara Caster's default offensive spell changes into superior light-type elemental magic. Sky Gemstone Orichalcums
Offensive Spell: Electropulse Caster's default offensive spell changes into devastating attack that uses 10,000 kW of electricity. — Pulse Bow
Offensive Spell: Fira Caster's default offensive spell changes into superior fire-type elemental magic. Gem of Disorder Ashura, Katon Shuriken
Offensive Spell: Firaga Caster's default offensive spell changes into superlative fire-type elemental magic. Jormungand Spiralthorns —
Offensive Spell: Fire Caster's default offensive spell changes into fire-type elemental magic. Grenade Fragment Onikiri, Shiranui
Offensive Spell: Spare Change Caster's default offensive spell changes into attack that uses 5,000 gil. — Zenigiri
Offensive Spell: Thundaga Caster's default offensive spell changes into superlative lightning-type elemental magic. Blue Skyserpent Scale Thor's Hammer
Offensive Spell: Thundara Caster's default offensive spell changes into superior lightning-type elemental magic. Skyserpent Talon Raikiri, Raiton Shuriken
Offensive Spell: Thunder Caster's default offensive spell changes into lightning-type elemental magic. Galvanade Fragment Chizuru, Obelisk, Pinwheel
Parry Boost Damage output increases by 10% when countering a parried attack. Wyvern Wing —
Parry Boost II Damage output increases by 30% when countering a parried attack. Hardened Hoof —
Parry Boost X Damage output increases by 50% when countering a parried attack. Scorpion Barb —
Penetrator Reduces target's defense by 30% when attacking. Cactuar Needle —
Penetrator II Reduces target's defense by 40% when attacking. Anak Antlers, Jumbo Needle Harpoon
Penetrator X Reduces target's defense by 50% when attacking. Behemoth Tears Dragon Whisker
Poisonproof Prevents poison. Ariadne Webbing Antivenom Shield
Poisontouch Standard attacks have a small chance of poisoning enemies for 20 seconds. Arachne Sickleclaw —
Poisontouch II Standard attacks have a small chance of poisoning enemies for 45 seconds. Mandrake Flower Venom Bow
Poisontouch X Standard attacks have a small chance of poisoning enemies for 90 seconds. Naga Necklace —
Prime Boost Damage output increases by 10% while at full health. Worn Incisor —
Prime Boost II Damage output increases by 30% while at full health. Beautiful Hide Nobukuni
Prime Boost X Damage output increases by 50% while at full health. Large Dreadvern Scale —
Punisher Damage output increases by 10% against vulnerable enemies. Arba Spur Delta Daggers
Punisher II Damage output increases by 30% against vulnerable enemies. Small Beak Imperial Axe, Parrying Daggers
Punisher X Damage output increases by 50% against vulnerable enemies. Sharp Bristles Golden Axe
Resilient Occasionally prevents all status ailments. Magnificent Tail Feathers —
Rush Boost Damage output increases by 1% with each consecutive strike, maxing out at 100%. Lucian Carp Rowscales Nameless Blade, Wing Edge
Rush Boost II Damage output increases by 2% with each consecutive strike, maxing out at 100%. Barbed Scythe Sennin-giri, Yagyu Darkrood
Rush Boost X Damage output increases by 3% with each consecutive strike, maxing out at 100%. — Gilgamesh Daggers, Infinity Blade
Sapient Occasionally prevents magic reduction. Cockatrice Tail Feathers —
Sentinel Grants a 10% chance of negating all damage from enemy attacks. Greatsnake Crest —
Sentinel II Grants a 20% chance of negating all damage from enemy attacks. Ghastly Left Arm —
Sentinel X Grants a 30% chance of negating all damage from enemy attacks. Rotten Splinterbone Aegis Shield, Mutant Mace of the Fierce
Sidestep Enables the user to evade attacks mid-combo with the left analog stick and the attack button. Octolegs Precision Lance, Scharnhorst
Soulsiphon Standard attacks have a chance of draining MP equivalent to 5% of damage inflicted. Black Flan Ooze Osmose Bow
Soulsiphon X Standard attacks have a chance of draining MP equivalent to 25% of damage inflicted. — Cornflower
Spirited Occasionally prevents spirit reduction. Hardened Hide —
Stoneproof Prevents petrifaction. — Antistone Shield
Stopproof Prevents stop. — Inertia Shield
Stoptouch Standard attacks have a small chance of stopping enemies in their tracks for 1 second. Spider Silk Freeze Bow, Kagenui, Vigilantes
Stoptouch II Standard attacks have a small chance of stopping enemies in their tracks for 2 seconds. Malboro Hair Kagenui II
Stoptouch X Standard attacks have a small chance of stopping enemies in their tracks for 3 seconds. Magnetron Blurry Moon, Squeaky Hammer
Stormbound Standard attacks inflict lightning-type elemental damage. Storm Gemstone, Thunderoc Feather Obelisk, Pinwheel, Raikiri, Raiton Shuriken, Thor's Hammer
Strong Occasionally prevents attack reduction. Strong Pincers —
Sturdy Occasionally prevents defense reduction. Tough Shell —
Supercharge Strike Charge attacks build more power to deal greater damage. — Dreadnought, Ironskull Hammer
Tempting Tango Performs a dance that boosts the power of charge attacks. — Dancing Cross
Threat Strike First hit of a combo draws enemies' attention. Beautiful Plumage —
Trachyon Boost Damage output increases by 10% when warp-striking an enemy. Reflex Enhancer —
Trachyon Boost II Damage output increases by 20% when warp-striking an enemy. Hecteyes Eye, Scarlet Splinterbone Organyxes
Trachyon Boost X Damage output increases by 30% when warp-striking an enemy. Hydraulic Cylinder Cassandra's Daggers
Turnabout Boost Damage output increases by 10% for each enemy on the field, maxing out at 100%. Forbidden Draught —
Turnabout Boost II Damage output increases by 20% for each enemy on the field, maxing out at 100%. Centipede Jaw Mikazuki
Turnabout Boost X Damage output increases by 30% for each enemy on the field, maxing out at 100%. Strong Whiskers Koga Shuriken II
Undaunted Damage output increases by 10% against larger enemies. Great Garula Tusk Battle Mace
Undaunted II Damage output increases by 30% against larger enemies. Cockatrice Crest Behemoth Masher, Halberd
Undaunted X Damage output increases by 50% against larger enemies. Behemoth Hexhorn Chariot, Scharnhorst
Warp Combo: Blizzaga Casts a superlative ice-type elemental spell after a successful warp-strike. — Brionac
Warp Combo: Blizzara Casts a superior ice-type elemental spell after a successful warp-strike. — Ice Spear
Warp Combo: Blizzard Casts an ice-type elemental spell after a successful warp-strike. Serpent Fang —
Warp Combo: Fira Casts a superior fire-type elemental spell after a successful warp-strike. — Scarlet Blades
Warp Combo: Firaga Casts a superlative fire-type elemental spell after a successful warp-strike. — Crimson Flashes
Warp Combo: Thundaga Casts a superlative lightning-type elemental spell after a successful warp-strike. — Kain's Lance
Warp Combo: Thundara Casts a superior lightning-type elemental spell after a successful warp-strike. Coeurl Whiskers —
Warp Saver Reduces MP cost of warping by 10%. Magitek Booster —
Warp Saver II Reduces MP cost of warping by 20%. Anak Fetlock —
Warp Saver X Reduces MP cost of warping by 30%. Squirming Bone —