I couldn't miss the chance to practice my drawing!
Casts Protect and Shell on all allies.
Final Fantasy VI description
Mighty Guard (マイティガード, Maiti Gādo?), also known as Big Guard, MghtyGrd, and Mighty Wall, is a Blue Magic spell in the Final Fantasy series that bestows positive statuses to the party.
Final Fantasy V[]
Mighty Guard is a Blue Magic spell the Blue Mage can learn. It casts protect, shell, and float on the party for the cost of 72 MP. It can be learned from Azulmagia, Shinryu, Neo Shinryu, Ironclad, and Stingray.
Because Mighty Guard targets the caster, the party can cast Reflect on the opponent and have it bounce onto the party. Otherwise the party can control or confuse the enemy, though the Stingray is the only enemy susceptible to these methods. The player may also use the spell by catching and releasing a Crystelle, though a Blue Mage cannot learn it from this.
Final Fantasy VI[]
Mighty Guard (Big Guard on the English SNES) is one of Strago's Lores that casts protect and shell on all party members. It costs 80 MP and can be learned from Guardian, Land Ray, and Mover.
Final Fantasy VII[]
Big Guard is an Enemy Skill, which can be acquired relatively early on. The player must manipulate the Beachplug on the beaches on Corel Area, Gold Saucer Area, or Gongaga Area to learn it. Big Guard casts Haste, Barrier, and MBarrier on the party for an MP cost of 56. The Barrier and MBarrier drain faster than normal due to Haste. The boss Wolfmeister also uses the spell.
Final Fantasy VIII[]
Mighty Guard is one of Quistis's Limit Breaks, learned by using the Barrier item on her, obtained by mugging or defeating a Behemoth, and modified from 10 Behemoth cards. Which statuses it bestows depends on the Crisis Level, but at the higher levels Mighty Guard can give Protect, Shell, Regen, Float, Haste, and Aura. Mighty Guard is notably one of the few sources of Aura status in the game, which allows the party to unleash Limit Breaks without being on critical health.
Final Fantasy IX[]
One of Quina's Blue Magic spells, Mighty Guard grants Protect and Shell statuses to all party members, mitigating both physical and magical damage that enemies dish out. It can be learned by eating either a Serpion, Myconid, Gigan Octopus, Antlion, or Gargoyle. It costs 64 MP to cast. It cannot be reflected and works with Return Magic. The enemy Gigan Octopus rarely uses this spell on itself.
Final Fantasy X[]
Mighty Guard is one of Kimahri's Ronso Rages. The spell casts Protect, Shell, and NulAll on the party, and is learned from Behemoth, Behemoth King, or Biran Ronso after he casts it in battle.
Rikku also has Mighty G among her multitude of mixes, as well as a few variations: Mighty Wall gives Protect and Shell, Mighty G adds Haste, Super Mighty G adds Regen, and Hyper Mighty G has all the rest along with Auto-Life. Rikku's Mighty Guard mixes do not give NulAll.
The following combinations result in Mighty G:
- Ability Distiller + Ability Distiller
- Al Bhed Potion + Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Musk, Shining Thorn, Star Curtain
- Antarctic Wind + Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Star Curtain
- Bomb Fragment + Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Star Curtain
- Electro Marble+ Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Star Curtain
- Fish Scale + Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Star Curtain
- Healing Water + Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Musk, Shining Thorn, Star Curtain
- Mana Distiller + Ability Distiller, Mana Distiller, Speed Distiller
- Power Distiller + Ability Distiller, Mana Distiller, Power Distiller, Speed Distiller
- Remedy + Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Star Curtain
- Speed Distiller + Ability Distiller, Speed Distiller
- Tetra Elemental + Hypello Potion, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Musk, Shining Thorn, Star Curtain
Final Fantasy X-2[]
Mighty Guard can be learned by the Gun Mage. It bestows Protect and Shell. Mighty Guard G and Not-So-Mighty Guard also exist as enemy abilities. Mighty Guard G nullifies all physical and magical damage, while Not-So-Mighty Guard gives the enemy party Haste, Protect, Shell and Regen.
Lady Luck can cast Mighty Guard by lining up three green flasks on the item reels and Mighty Guard+ which casts Shell, Protect, and Regen on party as well as Magic Defense and Defense up by 10 levels by lining up three Bars on the item reels.
Final Fantasy XI[]
Mighty Guard is a special ability used by Shinryu. It recovers HP, adds Regain, and adds a damage shield effect for a time.
Blue Mages can learn Mighty Guard from Shinryu. It grants a 15% haste, 25% Defense Boost, +15 Magic Defense Bonus and a 30 HP/tick Regen, duration lasts for 3 minutes and costs 299 MP to use.
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings[]
Mighty Guard is a skill used by Raz, the Judge of Wings, Tiamat, and enemy Warmages. It gives a Barrier effect to a small circle of allies.
Final Fantasy XIII-2[]
Mighty Guard removes all buffs and casts Protect, Shell, Veil, and Vigilance for 5 ATB. Only Lightning has it while in Conjurer role (as it is exclusive to her in the "Requiem of the Goddess" DLC scenario).
Final Fantasy XIV[]
Protected by only a dainty layer of scales, some Indigo Deep-dwellers' survival has come to depend on aetherial manipulation─this technique included. By reducing the amount of aether used for offense, more becomes available for the creation of a strong─if flashy─barrier.
Blue Mage spell book description
Mighty Guard is a spell available to Blue Mages that reduces damage taken by 40%, while also reducing damage dealt by 40% and increasing enmity generation. It is a stance ability that can be freely turned on and off, and while active can allow Blue Mages to act as tanks. It is learned from a
Whalaqee Mighty Guard Totem, which is acquired from Wayward Gaheel Ja after learning 10 blue magic abilities.
Prior to the introduction of Blue Mages in patch 4.55, Mighty Guard was the name of the level 2 Limit Break used by tanks. The Mighty Guard limit break was renamed to Stronghold in 4.55.
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance[]
Raises weapon def. and magic res. for one battle.
Mighty Guard increases the Defense and Magic Defense of one party member for the battle, and is learned by the Blue Mage from the Icedrake enemy, which requires a Beastmaster to learn. It costs 8 MP to use and can only be used on the caster or an adjacent unit.
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift[]
Blue Mages can learn Mighty Guard from the Thunder Drake enemy. When the spell is used it increases the Defense and Magick Resistance of a target unit within 4 tiles from the caster and it costs 8 MP to use.
Final Fantasy Dimensions[]
Reduces physical and magic damage received by all allies.
Mighty Guard is the level 7 ability of the Paladin class, requiring 190 AP to learn. At the cost of 48 MP, the user will cast Protect and Shell on the entire party.
An upgraded version called Mighty Wall appears as a Fusion Ability, only available to the Warriors of Light. It is a single cast Fusion Ability requiring 96 MP that combines War Cry and Mighty Guard in one spell to increase the entire party's damage, and buffing them with Protect and Shell.
Final Fantasy Dimensions II[]

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT[]

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]
Mighty Guard was a Command Ability used by Kimahri, serving as his second skill attack when learned at Crystal Strength 20. When activated under the Lancet buff, it could pair with Bad Breath to buff the party and debuff foes while dealing HP+BRV damage.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call[]
Mighty Guard is a reactive ability that costs 40 CP to equip. It is active for the entire length of the stage. It reduces damage taken by the party until the end of the stage and has full strength. It is learned by Cecil (level 95), Faris (level 90), Vincent (level 90), Garnet (level 75), Fran (level 95), Snow (level 85), Agrias (level 70), Orlandeau (level 65), and Noel (level 90). It can be taught to any character by using the Mighty Guard Scroll.
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy All-Star Carnival[]

Theatrhythm Final Bar Line[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy ≒[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]
Multiple abilities share the name Mighty Guard, each bearing different defensive effects:
- Strago (VI): Super Soul Break skill. Learned from Whale Whisker (VI), Strago casts Protectga and Shellga while also raising the party's Resistance a large amount. +10 MAG augment on mastery.
- Quistis (VIII): Super Soul Break skill. Learned from Red Scorpion (VIII), it allows Quistis to bestow the party with Shellga, Hastega, and major Regen statuses. +10 MAG augment on mastery.
- Quina (IX): Unique Soul Break skill. Learned from Needle Fork (IX), it allows Quina to bestow the party with Protectga and Shellga.
- Kimahri (X): Unique Soul Break skill. Learned from Dusk Lance (X), it allows Kimahri to erect a barrier that blocks one magic attack against each unit in the party.
- Biran Ronso (boss): Casts Protect and Shell when near death.

Final Fantasy Explorers[]
Increase the defense of allies within range of you and cause them to float.
Blue Magic description
Mighty Guard is used by Iron Giant. Blue Mages can learn it by killing an enemy who has used Mighty Guard in the presence of the Blue Mage. As a Blue Magic, Mighty Guard costs 240 AP to cast and has a cooldown time of 60 seconds. It has a wide area of effect around the caster, and grants the Protect, Shell, and Float statuses to allies.
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

World of Final Fantasy[]
Mighty Guard is an active ability that grants the user Protect and Shell for 2 AP. It can be used by Iron Giant.
Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin[]

Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales[]

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]

Non-Final Fantasy appearances[]
Heavenstrike Rivals[]
Mighty Guard is White Mage and White Wizard's ability. After Mighty Guard is cast, on every turn, all allied units gain protect for 2 turns. There is also a % chance to also grant them Regen for 2 turns.

- In the Japanese version of Final Fantasy XIII, Might Guard is the name of a paradigm, consisting of a Sentinel and two Synergists.