Pumpkin Head in Final Fantasy IX.
Damages with the difference between your max HP and current HP.
Pumpkin Head (パンプキンヘッド, Panpukin Heddo?) is a recurring ability in the Final Fantasy series.
Final Fantasy IX[]
Main article: Pumpkin Head (Final Fantasy IX)
Pumpkin Head is a Blue Magic spell for Quina, learned from using Eat or Cook on a Python, Hedgehog Pie, Ladybug, Skeleton, Yeti, Basilisk, or Bandersnatch. It inflicts non-elemental damage to one target equal to the difference in Quina's Max HP and current HP at the cost of 12 MP.
Final Fantasy Dimensions II[]

Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade (SR) [FFIX].
Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade (SR+) [FFIX].
Icon in Final Fantasy Record Keeper.