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Sphinxara is an optional boss in Final Fantasy VIII, encountered in the Ultimecia Castle's Entry Hall. It is fought directly after Sphinxaur has been defeated. It is likely the first boss the player will fight to unlock one of their sealed abilities, as it appears at the entrance and is the easiest of the eight bosses.



FFVIII Magic Summon

Magic Summon.

Once Sphinxaur is defeated, Sphinxara will take over and begin inflicting status ailments. Eventually it will call three allies to fight in its place: Jelleye, Forbidden, and the Tri-Face. These can be easily dispatched, leaving the monster vulnerable. Once Sphinxara is defeated, the ally disappears.


One way to save time with the Sphinxara's allies is to equip Sleep as a character's ST-Atk-J. As Sphinxara is likely the first boss the player will fight at the castle, the party will not have unlocked any of their abilities yet and thus must use normal attacks.

Triple Triad[]


Sphinxara is a Level 7 Boss Card in Triple Triad used for playing the minigame and for turning into G-Mega-Potion with Quezacotl's Card Mod. It is a rare outcome of successfully using the Card command on an Adamantoise or Creeps.

Other appearances[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

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Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

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Mobius Final Fantasy[]

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The Japanese name for this enemy is "Andro" in reference to androsphinx, a sphinx with a human head.

A sphinx is a mythical creature with the body of a lion and a human head. In Greek tradition it is a female with the haunches of a lion, sometimes with the wings of a great bird, and the face of a human, and is mythicised as treacherous and merciless; those who cannot answer her riddle are killed and eaten. Unlike the Greek sphinx, the Egyptian sphinx is typically shown as a man and viewed as benevolent. Both were thought of as a guardian often flanking entrances to temples.

Related enemies[]
