Final Fantasy Wiki

Ice is an element in Final Fantasy VIII. It is opposed to Fire. One of the player's starter Guardian Forces is of this element. In the beginning of the game, the element is great against many enemies in the Balamb Region: T-Rexaur, Caterchipillar, Grat, Bomb, and Ifrit. Only few enemies resist or absorb it.


Spell Blizzard, Blizzara, Blizzaga (Magic, Slot, Angel Wing)
Summon Shiva
Support ability Elem-Atk-J with Blizzard (0.5%)/Blizzara (0.8%)/Blizzaga (1% per spell) junctioned

Enemy abilities[]

Ability Description Enemy
Blizzaga Inflicts Ice damage to one target. Edea, Glacial Eye, Imp, Jelleye, Sphinxaur, Ultimecia (1st)
Blizzara Inflicts Ice damage to one target. Base Soldier, Esthar Soldier (Terminator), Glacial Eye, Jelleye, NORG, Slapper, Sorceress (A)
Blizzard Inflicts Ice damage to one target. Jelleye
Ice Breath Inflicts Ice damage to the party. Snow Lion


The player can protect against Ice damage with Elem-Def-J by junctioning some of the following spells: Ultima, Full-life, Shell, Life, Protect, and Flare, and Blizzard, Blizzara, and Blizzaga. Out of these, Blizzaga gives the best protection (1.5% per spell) and Shell and Protect give the lowest (0.2%). The maximum protection is 100% absorption (200% of an element in Elem-Def-J).


400% Tri-Point
300% Bomb
250% T-Rexaur
200% Anacondaur, Bite Bug, Blue Dragon, Caterchipillar, Ifrit
150% Malboro, Ochu, Ruby Dragon, Griever
130% Grat
50% Helix
0% Glacial Eye, Krysta, Left Orb, Right Orb
-100% Snow Lion, Omega Weapon
Varies Blobra